Compiled Spanish
Compiled Spanish
Compiled Spanish
annoying fastidioso fast rapido
athletic atletico fat gordo
bad malo free (no charge) gratis
beautiful hermoso, guapa free (unrestrained) libre
big grande free (available) libre, disponible
blond, fair-haired rubio full lleno
bored, boring aburrido funny comico,humoroso
brunette, dark-haired moreno gentle tierno
busy ocupado good bueno
chatty,talkative hablador handsome guapo
cheap barato hard, difficult dificil,duro
clean limpio heavy pesado
closed cerrado high alto
clumsy torpe hot caliente
cool (not warm) fresco intelligent inteligente
crazy loco interesting interesante
cute mono kind,nice amable
dangerous peligroso last ultimo
dear querido lazy perezoso
different diferente, distinto left (not right) izquierdo
dirty sucio light (not heavy) ligero
dry seco light (not dark) claro
easy facil long largo
empty vacio loud,noisy ruidoso
expensive caro mean mezquino
famous famoso narrow estrecho
new nuevo old viejo
open abierto pleasant, agreeable simpatico, agradable
poor pobre pretty bonito
proud orgulloso quiet, peaceful tranquilo
red-haired pelirrojo rich rico
right (not left) derecho sad triste
right (not wrong) justo, correcto safe seguro
short (not long) corto, breve shy timido
short (not tall) bajo similar similar, semejante
silent silencioso skinny flaco
slow lento small pequeῇo
smooth suave soft blando
strong fuerte stupid estupido
tall alto thin delgado
true verdadero ugly feo
weak debil wet mojado
wide,broad ancho wrong, false falso, incorrecto
young joven
Common -AR verbs
acabar to finish empujar to push
acompañar to accompany enseñar to show,teach
aconsejar to advise entrar to enter
adivinar to guess entregar to turn in
agarrar to grab escuchar to listen
ahorrar to save estacionar to park
alquilar to rent estudiar to study
amar to love evitar to avoid
andar to go, to walk explicar to explain
apagar to turn off felicitar to congratulate
apreciar to appreciate firmar to sign
arreglar to arrange, to fix fumar to smoke
aumentar to increase ganar to earn,win
averiguar to find out gastar to spend, waste
ayudar to help gritar to shout
bailar to dance hablar to speak
bajar to lower invitar to invite
besar to kiss jalar to pull
borrar to erase lavar to wash
brincar to bounce limpiar to clean
bromear to tease llamar to call
buscar to look for llegar to arrive
cambiar to change llenar to fill
caminar to walk llevar to carry
cantar to sing llorar to cry
cargar to charge mandar to send
charlar to chat manejar to drive
chocar to crash marcar to dial, mark
cocinar to cook mirar to look
colocar to place nadar to swim
comprar to buy necesitar to need
contestar to answer ordenar to order
contratar to hire pagar to pay
cortar to cut parar to stop
cruzar to cross pasar to happen, pass
dejar to allow, leave pegar to hit
descansar to rest pelear to fight
descar to desire pescar to fish
dibujar to draw pintar to paint
disfrutar to enjoy practicar to practice
doblar to turn,bend preguntar to ask
durar to last preparar to prepare
pronunciar to pronounce terminar to end
quitar to remove tirar to throw
regresar to return tocar to play a musical
instrument, touch
repasar to review tomar to take,drink
echar to push presentar to present
respirar to breathe trabajar to work
rezar to pray tratar to try
sacar to take out usar to use
saludar to greet viajar to travel
secar to dry visitar to visit
Ser and estar are the equivalents of “to be.” In Spanish, ser and estar are different in meaning
and usage.
YO soy estoy
TU eres estas
NOSOTROS somos estamos
VOSOTROS sois estais