Session #27 SAS - AnaPhy (Lab)

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Anatomy & Physiology - Laboratory


Session # 27

LESSON TITLE: BLOOD (Part 1) Materials:

Pen and notebook

Upon completion of this lesson, you can:

1. Name the components of human blood tissue;
2. Identify the function of human blood tissue;
3. Describe the concepts of blood typing; Reference:
4. List down terminologies used for blood typing;
5. Define the differential white blood cell and its significance VanPutte, C., Regan, J., & Russo, A. (2019).
to the laboratory testing; and, Seeley’s essentials of anatomy & physiology
6. Familiarize the normal differential counts of the white (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
blood cells.


Write 5 important things you have learned from the last session. Make sure to not miss any detail!
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________________

You will study and read their book, if available, about this lesson.

Key Concepts:
● Blood types are determined by the antigens that are present on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs, also known
as erythrocytes).
● Red blood cell membranes contain glycoproteins and glycolipids that determine your ABO blood type and proteins
that determine your Rh (+/-) blood type.
● ABO blood type is determined by the presence of A, B, both (AB), or neither (O) of the A or B antigens.
● Rh blood type is determined by the presence of (+) or lack of (-) the D antigen.
● The blood plasma may also contain antibodies, depending on the ABO and Rh blood types.
● If you have blood type A, you will have anti-B antibodies.
● If you have blood type B, you will have anti-A antibodies.
● If you have blood type O, you will have both anti-A antibodies and anti-B antibodies.
● If you have blood type AB, you will NOT have any anti-A nor anti-B antibodies.
● No one has anti-D (Rh) antibodies unless they are Rh- AND have been previously exposed to Rh+ blood.
● Blood can only be donated from a person with a specific ABO antigen to a person without antibodies for that
antigen. Otherwise, agglutination (clumping) will occur.
● Type A cannot donate to Type B or Type O because they both have anti-A antibodies.
● Type B cannot donate to Type A or Type O because they both have anti-B antibodies.
● Type AB cannot donate to Type A because they have anti-B antibodies or Type B because they have
anti-A antibodies.

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● Type O can potentially donate to everyone because their blood has no antigen to attack. However, Type
O should first have its own anti-A and anti-B antibodies removed.
● Rh+ blood should not be transfused to an Rh- person; however, Rh- blood can be donated to an Rh+

The terminology used for blood typing:

⮚ Antigen- any substance that is capable of causing an immune reaction. There are usually proteins, glycoproteins,
or glycolipids.
⮚ Antibody- an immune system protein that is found in most body fluids, especially blood plasma. Antibodies bind
to antigens to aid the immune response.
⮚ Agglutination- the clumping of cell bound antigens, as occurs when antibodies attach to ABO and D(Rh)
⮚ Agglutinogen- The substance being clumped in an agglutination reaction. Antigens in blood typing are
⮚ Agglutinin- The substance causing clumping in an agglutination process. Antibodies in blood typing are
⮚ Positive- Does NOT mean “good.” In testing, positive means what you are testing for is present.
⮚ Negative- Does NOT mean “bad.” In testing, negative means what you are testing for is absent.
⮚ Serum/Sera- Fluid containing antibodies.


Key Concepts:
● Leukocytes, or white blood cells (WBCs), can be divided into two subgroups depending on whether or not their
cytoplasm contains granules that are visible using a bright field microscope.
● Agranulocytes do not have visible granules.
o  Lymphocytes
o  Monocytes
● Granulocytes contain granules that stain characteristic colors.
o  Basophils
o  Eosinophils
o  Neutrophils
● A differential white blood cell count (DIFF) determines the percentage of the various types of white blood cells
(WBCs), also known as leukocytes, in a blood sample.
● A complete blood count (CBC) with DIFF is often run in the lab on a machine that counts with an algorithm to
match cells. However, many clinicians request a manual count from a trained lab tech's perspective when highly
accurate counts are necessary or if cells are expected to be irregular, such as in leukemia.

It is important to learn this technique, as the values that come back from this test are important to clinical diagnosis and
evaluation of how/what the immune system is doing in the patient.

Normal DIFF counts are approximately as follows*:

● Neutrophils 40-70%
● Lymphocytes 20-40%
● Monocytes 2-8%
● Eosinophils 1-4%
● Basophils 0-1%
* Reference ranges can vary by age, sex, methods of testing, and other factors. There are no nationally established
reference ranges for different values; instead, each laboratory tests a population and establishes its own reference
ranges. Therefore, the reference ranges quoted are only approximate.


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to the
correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in your answer/ratio is not

1. Which of the following statements is true concerning human blood?

a. The blood of all normal humans contains red and white cells, platelets, and plasma.
b. Some human populations normally lack the ability to produce plasma.
c. Proteins are not normal components of human blood.
d. Blood in humans contains only red and white blood cells.

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ANSWER: ________

2. Erythrocyte is another name for a:

a. red cell c. white cell
b. platelet d. plasma
ANSWER: ________

3. Which of the following blood components provide the major defense for our bodies against invading bacteria and
a. red cell c. white cell
b. platelet d. plasma
ANSWER: ________

4. The relatively clear liquid medium which carries the other cells of blood is called:
a. lipid c. antibody
b. plasma d. protein
ANSWER: ________

5. Which of the following are likely to increase in quantities when the body is under attack from bacteria?
a. Erythrocytes c. Leukocytes
b. Thrombocytes d. None of the above
ANSWER: ________

The instructor will now provide you the rationalization to these questions. You can now ask questions and debate among
yourselves. Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.

1. ANSWER: ________
2. ANSWER: ________
3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________
5. ANSWER: ________

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You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.


You will write 3 or more statements (“I can" statements) based on the learning targets stated above. This will assess your
ability to familiarize and master this session’s topic.

1. I can_________________________________________________________________________________

2. I can_________________________________________________________________________________

3. I can_________________________________________________________________________________

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