Biology Project: C XIB

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| Prnajal Sharma
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The following project is presented in accordance with
‘investigatory project’ of Biology to be made by
student of class XI as prescribed by CBSE

I would like to Extend my thanks to my Biology

Teacher,’Mrs. Monika Gupta’ without whose
guidance and support the project would not have been
successful And a special Gratitude to our Vice Principal
and Academic coordinator for giving a great chance
like this.

In this project I am going to discuss the about the Blood Group which
mainly contains ABO blood Grouping. About how Blood Groups are
different from one Another and an important factor called Rh factor. I am
also going to discuss about the percentage distribution of blood group
worldwide and a Experiment in which we can check our blood group. I am
also going to check if blood group can be used for parenting test along
with survey with 3 different families.

List Of Contents

3 Title Page
1 Aim 3
2 Blood
3 History of Discovery
4 ABO blood grouping
5 ABO antigens
6 RH factor
7 Population data
8 Can blood group be used as parental testing
9 Case Study: paternity test and Survey
10 Bibliography


To Study about Blood and Blood Group and to check if

they can be used for legal Paternity Test

Blood is a specialized Biological fluid of Red blood cell, white blood cell
ad platelets suspended in a fluid medium known as blood plasma. Blood
plasma is the liquid component of blood in which the blood cells are
suspended it makes 55% of total Blood Volume

Blood is circulated around the body through blood vessel by the pumping
action of heart. Blood is pumped from the strong Left ventricle of heart
through Arteries and Enter the Right atrium of heart through Veins and is
Pumped through Pulmonary arteries to lungs.

Most abundant Blood cell in the blood are RBC (Red Blood Cell). These
contain Hb (which give blood its red color). The iron containing haem
portion of the Hb helps in transportation of O2 and CO2 and also increases
their solubility in blood.

It was not until the year 1900, when Karl Landsteiner at university of
Vienna, Discovered ‘Why some blood transfusing were successful while
others could be deadly’.

He discovered the ABO blood group system by mixing the Red cells and
serum of each of his staff. He demonstrated that serum of some people
dumped the red blood cell of others.From these experiments, he identified
3 types , called A,B,C (‘C’ was later renamed ‘O’ for German ‘ohne’
meaning without)

He defined that group A agglutinates with group B, But never with its own
blood type similarly group B agglutinates with Group A. Group O blood is
different in that it agglutinate with both A and B

This was the Discovery in which Karl received the Noble Price in
Physiology and Medicine in 1930.

The ABO blood group system is the Most important blood group system
in human blood transfusion The associated Anti A and Anti B antibodies
are usually IGM antibodies

The IA allele gives type A

The IB allele gives type B

The i allele gives type O
IA and IB are dominant over i.
IA and IB allele together show dominance resulting in AB Blood group.

The ABO Antigens are Located on the surface of the Red blood cells
These antigens are either Sugars or Proteins that are attached to various
components in RBC membrane

The difference between A and B blood Antigens is a single sugar at the

end of Antigen
 Type O lacks this Terminal Sugar
 Type A has a terminal N-acetylgalactosamine
 Type B has a terminal Galactose

Type A: have A antigens o the surface of RBC and B antibodies on your
Type B: have B antigens on the surface of RBC and A antibodies in your
Type AB : have Both A ad B antigens on surface and no antibodies in
Type O : have Neither A nor B antigen on surface but have Both A and B
antibodies in Plasma
Hence individual with type AB blood group may receive blood from
Individuals (Donors) of type A, AB or O
Type AB blood is referred to as Universal recipient.

Individuals of type O may receive Blood only from donors of type O
Since blood O lacks antigens it is called the universal Donor group

RH blood group system is the second most important blood group system.
Rhesus (RH) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red
blood cells if the blood has the protein its called Rh+ve. If your blood
lacks the protein the Rh –ve

Similarly to the masking effect of O gene in ABO blood types the Rh-ve
gene is also masked by the Rh+ve genotype. Therefore a person may have
Rh+ blood type and can still have a Rh- gene furthermore 2 parents with
Rh+ blood type can have a child with Rh- blood type

The Rh antigen poses a danger for the Rh- person, who lacks the antigens
If Rh+ blood is given in transfusion. If Rh+ blood is given to Rh-
person ,antibodies will form which will attack foreign red blood
cell.causing them to slump together. This is followed by Hemolysis
destruction of RBC. Causing serious illness and sometimes death.
It can also affect during pregnancy. If Mother is RH- and father is RH+
the child will always have a Rh+ blood type because Rh+ is dominant
therefore during pregnancy for the first child only some amount of blood
of child is mixed with mother and creating antibodies but the child will be
fine for first time. But for the next time since the anti bodies are already
formed it will start destroying the fetus and second child would die if no
medical help is taken.

Population Data
The Distribution of the blood A,B,O abd AB versus across the world
according to population.

The O+ and A+ are most common blood group followed by B+ and O-

this Implies that Rh-ve factor are recessive and RH+ve factor are

The Most rare blood Group is AB blood group system and specifically
AB-ve is the rarest blood group.

Serological tests are blood test that looks for antibodies in your blood.
It is the Most commonly used technique during blood transfusion which
helps in detection of ABO antigens. And also in diagnosing various
disease condition
It helps in:
 Determination of blood type with a Crossmatch
 Knowing of ABO group and Rh type.
 Screeing for antibodies that may produce adverse effect if transfused
 Screening for possible infections agent that could be transmitted with
Serological test are done for
 ABO blood Grouping
 Predicting human retroviruses like HIV
 Viral hepatitis like Hepatitis B

 Take a clean glass slide and draw three circles on it.

 Unpack the Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) kit. In the first circle add Anti-A, to the
second circle add Anti-B and to the third circle add Anti-D with the help of a dropper.
 Keep the slide aside safely without disturbing.
 Now wipe the ring finger with the alcohol swabs and rub gently near the fingertip, where
the blood sample will be collected.
 Prick the ring fingertip with the lancet and wipe off the first drop of the blood.
 As blood starts oozing out, allow it to fall on the three circles of the glass slide by gently
pressing the fingertip.
 Apply pressure on the site where it was pricked and to stop blood flow. Use the cotton
ball if required.
 Mix the blood sample gently with the help of a toothpick and wait for a minute to
observe the result.

Here is the chart which predicts the different types of blood groups along with its Rh factor.

Blood Type    A    B    O    AB

Rh-positive    A+    B+    O+    AB+

Rh-negative    A-    B-    O-    AB-

Discard the alcohol swabs, lancet, cotton balls and toothpick after their use. Drop all the
materials, including the glass slide into the biohazard disposal container after observing the
As mentioned above, there are four major blood groups and eight different blood types,
collectively called the ABO Blood Group System. The groups are based on the presence or
absence of  two specific antigens and antibodies– A and B:

1. Group A- Antigen A and Antibody B.

2. Group B- Antigen B and Antibody A.
3. Group AB- Antigen A and B both and no Antibodies
4. Group O- No Antigens and both A and B Antibodies.

Other than this, there is a third kind of antigen called the Rh factor. Based on the presence or
absence of this antigen (Rh factor), the four blood groups are classified into eight different
blood types:

1. A positive – Presence of Rh+

2. A negative- Presence of Rh-

3. B positive- Presence of Rh+
4. B negative- Presence of Rh-
5. AB positive- Presence of Rh+
6. AB negative- Presence of Rh-
7. O positive- Presence of Rh+
8. O negative- Presence of Rh-

Paternity Test
Kumar Family Gupta family
1)Father: Mr. Atul kumar 1)Father: Saurav Gupta

Blood Group:A Blood Group: B
Rh Type:+ve Rh Type: -ve
2)Mother: mrs. Priya Kumar 2)Mother: Kamla Gupta
Blood Group: O Blood Group: B
Rh type: +(positive) Rh type: -(negetive)
Therefore, Blood Group possible for Therefore, Blood Group possible for
their child is A+ or O+ their child is B- or O-
It is Clinically diagnosed that their It is Clinically diagnosed that their
child child
Blood Group: A Blood Group B
Rh type : +ve Rh type -ve

Hence ABO blood grouping can be used as a legal paternity test.

Aim: To verify of blood group inheritance
Experiment: Blood group reports of various families collected
Family No.1

Name Relation Blood Group
B.N sharma Grandfather A+
Kamla sharma Grandmother B+
Pruja Ranja Father AB+
Poonam rajan Mother A+
Saurav Rajan Son B+
Neelam rajan Daughter A+

Family No.2
Name Relation Blood Group
T.C Jain Grandfather A+
Beena Jain Grandmother B-
Namla Jain Father AB-
Rakesh Jai Mother B+
R.E jain Son AB+
Ruchi Jain Daughter B-

Family No.3
Name Relation Blood Group
B.L Gupta Grandfather O+
Usha Gupta Grandmother A+
Atul Gupta Father A+
Meena Gupta Mother B+
Priya Gupta Son O+
Preeti Gupta Daughter B+

2. Biology Ncert class XI and XII
4.Biology Today
5.Encorta Encylopedia
6.Biological Practical Manual


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