Blood Typing Lab Handout

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Blood Typing Lab Handout

There are two virtual labs.

1. Visit this website to review the blood types and how they are determined.
2. Review the Genetics PowerPoint to help you understand agglutination and tips on what to look for
during agglutination.
3. Determining Blood Type In The Lab:
Complete the blood typing virtual lab. (It is the last one on the list that appears when you open the
link). Note that you have to click on each item indicated in order to be able to proceed, and you
must close the lab notebook after each observation you record. (You may have to type your answers
twice to proceed to the next step in the procedure.)

A. After completing the activity, take a screenshot of the OBSERVATIONS tab in your lab
notebook. Save it to your computer. You must upload your screenshot with this handout.
B. Answer the following questions based off of the virtual lab: (Be very specific when giving
the blood type.)
a. Which, if any, of the blood samples tested can the patient with type B+ blood receive?
Explain why.
Those with type B+ can only receive red blood cells from B or O blood types.

b. Explain how you were able to use your knowledge of how different types of blood
react with Anti-A, Anti-B, and Anti Rh antibodies to determine the blood types of the
four samples.
Because every Blood type can only take a specific type of antibodies
 Blood type A: antigen A only.

 Blood type B: B only.

 Blood type AB: both A and B antigens.

 Blood type O: you have neither A nor B antigens.

c. If a person has Type A blood, he or she would have antibodies for what blood type?
Blood type A: antigen A only.

d. Why is type O Negative blood known as the universal donor? Why is O Positive not a
universal donor?
 because their red blood cells can be transfused to people of all types.
 O+ can’t given to an individual who is Rh-negative because anti-
D antibodies with in the recipient will react with the transfused
O+ blood.

4. Saving Lives:
In this virtual lab, your challenge is to save three patients who have been in a car accident and
need blood transfusions. It is your job to blood type each patient and give them the correct blood.
If you make a mistake, it can cost the lives of your patients. Complete “The Quick Game – Same
Patients” exercise in the blood typing game virtual lab.
Answer the following questions based off of the virtual lab: (Be very specific when giving the
blood type.)
a. What was the blood type of the first male patient (ex. B-)?

What bags of blood did you give him?
O Rh-

b. What was the blood type of the second male patient with a turtle neck on?
AB Rh-
What bags of blood did you give him?
AB-Rh-, O Rh-, B Rh- & A Rh-

c. What was the blood type of the female patient?

B Rh-
What bags of blood did you give her?
B Rh- & O Rh-

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