Use of Song

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(A Study at SMP Negeri 16 Banda Aceh)


Submitted by:

NIM. 170203141

Student of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Department of English Language Education


2022 M/1443 H
NIM. 170203141

Alhamdulillahi rabbil „alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT almighty the most

loving and merciful who has given me health and ability to complete this thesis,

entitled " Improving Vocabulary Acquisition through Popular Songs". Shalawat and

greeting we present to our prophet Muhammad saw peace be upon him who has

spread Islam in this world.

First, I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to my supervisors,

Prof. Dr. T. Zulfikar, M.Ed and Syarifah Dahliana, Ph.D who have provided support

and guidance in the making of this thesis to the end. Furthermore, I dedicate my

gratitude to my parents and friends who always support me and encourage me in the

process of completing this thesis. I also extend my most profound appreciation to all

lecturers and staff of English Education who have inspired, guided, and assisted me

during my studies in this department.

My special thanks go to my beloved parents, Azhar and Meri Hartuti, who

always believed in me, prayed for me and convinced me not to be afraid of the

challenges in life. I also give special thanks to my family; Om Khairil, Bunda

Fakhriah, kak Meulisa, Kak Meilinda, Kak Icha and many more . Their presence

motivates me to grow as a good person. May Allah reward my family with paradise

for their great and sincere kindness.

Millions of thanks to Ulfha Wahyuni CH, Ratu Soraya Nazila, Sarah Al-lail,

Ratasya, Mutiara Safitri and Mutia Nurul Makhfirah who always give back when I

need it, and precious time and fondest memories we have spent together as an English

Department Student.

Finally, I sincerely thank all the participants in this study who helped me

collect the research data so that I can complete the research. In any case, for everyone

involved in this article, without your support and encouragement, I will not be

motivated to complete my final project.

Banda Aceh, 8 July 2022

The Writer,

Auliana Thahura


Name : Auliana Thahura

Students‟ Number : 170203141

Faculty : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Major : Department of English Language Education

Thesis working title : Improving Vocabulary Acquisition Through Popular Songs

Main supervisor : Prof. Dr. T. Zulfikar, M.Ed

Co-supervisor : Syarifah Dahliana, Ph.D
Keywords : Vocabulary Acquisition; Popular Song

This study was conducted based on the phenomena that students have problems in
language learning process due lack to vocabulary. For this reason, the writer
conducted a research of vocabulary acquisition process by using the popular songs in
order to give the students a new insight in learning vocabulary.The aims of the
research are to find out whether using popular song in teaching learning process
effective to develop students‟ vocabulary and to discover students perception‟ on
learning vocabulary by using popular song. In collecting the data, the writer did
experimental teaching, gave pre-test and post-test, and conducted interview. The
participants were 30 students of English subject in class X at SMPN 16 Banda Aceh.
The results of this research indicate that there was a progress on the student while
learning vocabulary through the popular song. It is proved the mean score of pre-test
(53.93) and post-test (84). The finding also showed that most of students have
positive responses towards learning vocabulary through popular song. Learning by
using popular song helps the students easy to memorize words and song also provide
the comfortable environment for them. However, some of students have better ways
to learn English such as by writing down the word and memorizing them.


Table 1 Students‟ Pre-Test Score

Table 2 Students‟ Pre-Test Score Percentage

Table 3 Students‟ Post-Test Score

Table 4 Students‟ Post-Test Score Percentage

Table 5 Students‟ Improvement Score


Figure 1 Students‟ Improvement Score


Appendix A Appointment Letter of Supervisor

Appendix B Recommendation Letter from The Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan to

conduct field research

Appendix C Confirmation Letter of Conducted Research from Department of

English Language Education

Appendix F Lesson Plan

Appendix G Autobiography


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ....................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ ii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES and FIGURES .............................................................. v
LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................. vi
CONTENTS ................................................................................................... vii

A. Background of Study ........................................................ 1
B. Research Questions ........................................................... 4
C. Research Objectives ......................................................... 4
D. Significance of the Study ................................................. 5
E. Terminology ...................................................................... 5


A. Vocabulary Acquisition .................................................... 7
B. Teaching Vocabulary ........................................................ 11
C. Vocabulary Learning Strategies ........................................ 15
D. Learning Vocabulary by Using Song ................................ 18
E. Recent Study in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary
Acquisition ........................................................................ 21


A. Research Design ................................................................ 24
B. Participants ........................................................................ 24
C. Data Collection Method .................................................... 25
D. Data Analysis Method ....................................................... 27


A. Using Popular Song to Develop Students‟ Vocabulary
Acquisition ........................................................................ 29
B. Discussion ........................................................................ 35

A. Conclusions ....................................................................... 38
B. Suggestions ....................................................................... 39
REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 41



A. Background of Study

One of the most central aspects in English language is vocabulary. Viera

(2017) believes that vocabulary is essential in second language since without the

proper knowledge of it, users of the second language are not able to express their

feelings. This indicates that vocabulary should be prioritized as the most important

aspect to be taught at school in order to be able to use English effectively especially

in oral communication. We will never speak a language without vocabulary because

the language is composed by some vocabulary words- sentences.

Williams (2013) stated that little can be taught without grammar, but nothing

can be taught without vocabulary (Lin Wang & Du, 2013). In addition, better

communication of EFL learners depends on how much vocabulary they have (Sarani

& Shirzaei, 2016; Bin-Tahir, 2012; Ostovar-namaghi & Malekpur, 2015). This

shows that vocabulary acquisition is essential to bridge the use of English to form

either sentences or conversations (Ivone, 2005). Of course, the way you

communicate in English reflects whether someone can actually speak English or just

a little English. Therefore, EFL learners need to make more efforts to master English

vocabulary in order to improve communication in English.

Vocabulary has a very important role in the process of learning a language,

because with vocabulary a student will very well already develop his language skills.

These language skills include speaking, listening, reading and writing. This was


expressed by Lin et al. (2013), Hassan and Abubakar (2015), Bin-Tahir (2015), and

Bin-Tahir and Hanapi (2017) where based on their opinion it is stated that vocabulary

is a very close part of a language. Based on their research, it was found that everyone

who has and mastered a lot of vocabulary will also increase their ability to speak and

write. Then it can be concluded that a student who wants to learn a language and

improve their speaking and writing skills, they must master a lot of vocabulary in this

case it is English.

As the main thing in the process of learning to teach languages, vocabulary

will provide skills and abilities for each student to master the language. So with the

lack of mastering vocabulary, it will be very difficult for someone to master a

language. In addition to studying in the classroom, they can also learn languages

through listening to the radio, listening to the speech of the native speaker, using

language in different contexts, reading, and watching television (Alpino, 2017).

Similarly, several studies in recent years have revealed that the close relationship

between the ability to master vocabulary goes straight with students' ability to process

various kinds of oral and written texts, and various other strategies used by students

to understand, use, and remember these words (Suswati, 2020).

Nowdays, there are many types of material for teaching vocabulary to the

student, one of the material is English song. English song materials in this teaching

learning process can improve the quality of vocabulary of the students (Ainul,

2020). Using songs in the classroom offers a pedagogical implication towards the

English teachers. It could provide insights to the English teachers to use songs in

facilitating the students in acquiring English as a second language (Ainul, 2020).

That's because singing can inspire students to learn new words they've already heard.

The use of songs to teach English has received a lot of attention because of its great

advantages as a genuine teaching material, and because of its great advantages

(Romero, 2017), the first, seconds, and even recommended for all foreign languages

(Forster, 2006)), because it can improve the motivation of students and the

achievement of students in learning a foreign language (Chen & Chen, 2009).

In several studies that have been carried out in the world, it has been proven

that learning languages through songs provides a lot of advantages for students in

improving their language skills. One of the reasons is research conducted in Turkey

on the views of teachers in listening lessons using songs (Suswati, 2020). In this

study, it was concluded that songs improve the learners’ listening skills (Sevik,

2011). In the study, the effects of three variables including songs were measured and

proved to increase learners’ motivation. Other studies related to the use of songs

were also conducted and a suggestion also proposed to teach grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation through songs (Roslim et al., 2011; Abdul Razak & Yunus, 2016;

Akbary et al., 2016).

Another previous study related to the implementation of English songs as a

teaching material for vocabulary education is from Setia (2012). In her study, she

sought to find the effectiveness of using songs in English lessons for elementary

school students. She found that using songs not only helps students improve their

language skills, but also stimulates and enhances their interest in learning, fun and

involvement in the learning process.

Based on the background above, in this class, the researcher uses the popular

songs as the material for teaching vocabulary. By using the song as material for

teaching vocabulary may lead the students build their enjoyable, interesting,

motivation and confidence in teaching learning process. By using English song as the

material in the class, it is hoped that the students will improve their vocabulary words

in English, and they will be able to communicate each other in better ways. In

addition, the researcher likewise believes that the students can communicate in

English easily, mastermind a few words into a decent sentence, and to be courageous

to communicate in English with a decent word's course of action.

To solve the problem on improving students’ vocabulary acquisition, the

researcher conducted a research on vocabulary acquisition by using songs in teaching

learning process. It aims at making them keen on communicating in English

effectively, then, the students can improve the fluency of their speaking skill.

Moreover, the popular song also is one of easy and cheap ways to arrange in teaching

learning process for student in Aceh. Based on the above consideration, the

researcher has chosen to discuss teaching learning process that deal with English

vocabulary acquisition by using popular songs.


B. Research Questions

Based on background of the study, the researcher would like to answer the

following question; to what extent does popular song develop students’ vocabulary


C. Research Objectives

The present study addressed a research objective as follows: to find

out whether using popular song develop students’ vocabulary acquisition.

D. Significance of the Study

The result of the research can be used as the description and information

about how far the students understood what the teacher teaches from the process of

the study and also can be used as a reference when the teacher wants to improve

students’ vocabularies. In addition, the result may provide an insight of alternative

method in teaching the young student to improve their skill in English. The result of

this research also gave the information for the students in term of memorizing the

vocabulary. The student may use this information to their English learning process.

The finding of this study also can be used for the researcher as the references for the

next research. Moreover, the research also gave the new insight to the school to

provide the new environment in teaching learning English.

E. Terminology

1. Vocabulary Acquisition

Alizadeh (2016) defines vocabulary as knowledge of words and their

meanings. Bin Tahir (2017) is also defined by the same definition that vocabulary is

an integral part of the language. Learner vocabulary is believed to influence better

speaking and writing. Based on linguistic analysis, Schmitt (2000) states that a word

is a set of properties such as meaning, registration, association, collocation,

grammatical behavior, spelling, pronunciation, and frequency.

Therefore, it can be concluded that vocabulary acquisition is the process of

acquiring words along with all their properties to use them for effective


2. Popular Songs

Allen Robert (2004) states that popular song is a generic term for a wide

variety of genres of music appeal to the tastes of a large segment of the population.

The song structure of popular music commonly involves repetition of sections, with

the verse and chorus or refrain repeating throughout the song and the bridge

providing a contrasting and transitional section within a piece (Lorinczi, 2019).

Popular song in this research is the songs that are famous and are sang by

almost all people in society. The researcher uses the song to teach the students

through listening to an audio. The researcher chooses some songs that are famous and

familiar among the society in 2020 till 2022. The song is easy to understand and have

good meaning for life. The popular songs were chosen by the researcher are you’re

my sunshine, to the bone and perfect. The researcher chose these songs because the

songs were very popular among the society.



This chapter is allocated to review the literature related to two main topics. It

deals with vocabulary acquisition definition, teaching vocabulary, vocabulary

learning strategies, learning vocabulary by using song and recent study in teaching

and learning vocabulary acquisition by using song. It is important to discuss those

topics in order to help the researcher to conduct the research comprehensively.

A. Vocabulary Acquisition

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Learning a new language cannot be separated from vocabulary. Everyone who

wants learn a new language, they still need to master as much vocabulary as possible.

With a lot of vocabulary mastered, it will be easier for someone to master a language.

So, many experts make definitions about the vocabulary itself. As defined by

Richards and Renandya (2002, p. 255), that vocabulary is the most important thing in

learning a language and by mastering many vocabulary, the ability to speak, listen,

read and write will also be greatly improved. Every student who needs a new

vocabulary, they must have a certain strategy to learn the language. one of them is by

watching media that speaks the target language and also reading books that use the

target language such as English.

Another definition of vocabulary comes from Hatch and Brown (1995, p. 1),

where vocabulary refers to a list or set of words in a particular language, or a list or

set of words that can be used by individual speakers of a language. Hatch and Brown


(1995, p. 1) also states that vocabulary is the only system related to alphabetical

order. Ur (1994, p. 60) define vocabulary as a word we teach in a foreign language. In

addition, Brown (2001, p. 377) sees vocabulary as a boring list of words that students

define and remember, and vocabulary form is seen as the central role of contextual

and meaningful language. Richard in Schmidt (1997, p. 241) found that knowing a

word means how often the word occurs, the society in which it is adopted, its

suitability in various situations, its syntactic behavior, and its basis. It states that it

means knowing the form and derivation of the word, the relevance of the word, and

its semantic characteristics.

The vocabulary is of central importance to the acquisition of a second

language (L2). As McCarthy (1990, p. 140) points out, communication in L2 is

meaningless without words that have a broader meaning. Nation in Schmitt (2000, p.

5) proposes a list of different types of knowledge that one must acquire in order to

know a word. Word meaning, word writing, spoken language, word grammatical

behavior, word collocation, word register, word relevance, and word frequency.

Hebert and Kamil (2005, p.3) define vocabulary as knowledge of the meaning

of a word. The term vocabulary has several meanings. For example, some teachers

use this term to describe the vocabulary of a sight word. Finally it can be concluded

that vocabulary is the most basic thing in the components to improve language

proficiency. This vocabulary includes expressions in terms of meaning, the way

words are used and the forms of pronunciation and spelling.


2. The Importance of Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is very important for people who learn English as both a

foreign language and a second language. Tozcu and Coady (2004, p. 473) point out

that vocabulary learning is an important aspect of foreign language and foreign

language acquisition and academic performance, essential to reading comprehension

and literacy, and closely related. In addition, Heubener (1965, p. 88) states that

vocabulary learning is based on the formation of specific habits. It is clear that

enriching the meaning of a word is just as important as being repeated frequently, as

it concerns the relationship between the sign and its meaning.

Furthermore, according to Grauberg (1997, p. 15), the process of vocabulary

learning consists of four phases, as follow;

a. Understanding meaning

This means understanding the concepts of foreign languages and phrases. In

many cases this is easy. This is because the word is associated with the

reference point by direct association, or because the corresponding word

exists in English.

b. Discrimination

This is the basic step. It includes the ability to hear and read sounds, letters to

distinguish them from their neighbors, and from the sounds and letters of

similar words. To keep them separate while talking and writing. As we will

see later, lack of differentiation often causes errors.


c. Remembering

The next step after introducing and explaining new material is to ensure its

retention. Once learners have found out the meaning of a word, they have no

reason to attend to it anymore, and it will be forgotten.

d. Consolidation and extension of meaning

Learning a new word is not a momentary process, and if the presentation is

the only important variable, the word will not be forgotten and will need to be

relearned. However, as it stands, words are slowly absorbed over time and

gradually become fully integrated into the contactee's vocabulary as

contactees become available with the same fluency as the words used in their

native language (Meara as cited in Grauberg, 1997, p. 22).

Reaching the lexical command is a slow process. When trying to analyze this

process in relation to the linguistic description of vocabulary learning, pronunciation

and spelling are first learned, meaning is understood, next, morphological and

syntactic connections are controlled, and finally complete semantic knowledge. It can

be obtained.

3. Type of Vocabulary

Hiebert and Kamil (2005, p.3) propose word has two forms, first oral

vocabulary is the set of words for which we know the meanings when we speak or

read orally. Second, print vocabulary consists of those words for which the meaning

is known when we write or read silently. They also define knowledge of words in at

least two forms as follows:


a. Productive vocabulary

A productive vocabulary is a set of words that a person can use when writing

or speaking. They are well-known, and frequently used words.

b. Receptive or recognition vocabulary

A receptive or cognitive vocabulary is a set of words to which a person can

assign meaning when listening or reading. These are words that are not well

known to students and are rarely used. Individuals may be able to assign

meaning to themselves without knowing the full complexity of the distinction.

Usually, these are also words that individuals do not voluntarily use. But

when people come across these words, they recognize them, albeit


B. Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary is an important aspect of learning a language because the

language is word-based (Alqahtani, 2015). As well as we already know, without a

word it is almost impossible to learn a language. Another reason is while we

communicate between people is also language-based. Previous studies shows that

learning and teaching vocabulary is problematic because many teachers are uncertain

about best practices in vocabulary education and do not know where to start in order

to prioritize classrooms that focus on learning words. There is a possibility (Berne &

Blachowicz, 2008). Teachers and students are agreed that vocabulary acquisition is

one of the most important factors in teaching and learning a language (Walters,


There are usually some techniques related to vocabulary instruction. The

techniques used by teachers depend on several factors, including: Content, time

availability, and its value to learners (Takač & Singleton, 2008). When presenting a

planned vocabulary, teachers usually combined multiple techniques rather than using

a single technique. Teachers are also encouraged to use the planned vocabulary

presentation as widely as possible (Pinter, 2006). The followings are some techniques

of teaching vocabulary as proposed by some experts:

1. Teaching by using some objects.

Teaching by using objects helps learners learn better vocabulary, as memory

of objects and images is very reliable and visual techniques serve as clues to

memorize words. Use of this technique includes the use of visual aids and

demonstrations. (Takač & Singleton, 2008). In addition, Gearns & Redman (1986)

states that real object techniques are used appropriately for beginners or young

learners, and for presenting concrete vocabulary. If your vocabulary is made up of

concrete nouns, you can use objects to make sense. Displaying real objects and

introducing new words helps learners learn words through visualization. You can use

the things in the classroom or the things you brought.

2. Teaching by drilling, spelling, and active involvement.

Drills are used by learners to get used to the shape of words, especially how

they sound. The drill must be clear and natural for the learner to better understand the

word (Thorbury, 2002). A drill is very necessary because the learner has to say the

word to their own while learning the word to get the word from memory (Ellis &

Beaton, 1993, Read, 2000; 2004). The main means of spelling is actually word

memorization (Reed, 2012). The spelling of English words is not always derived

from pronunciation, so you need to take into account the spelling of words. Using this

technique, teachers encourage students to find the meaning of a word through a

survey (Takač & Singleton, 2008). The survey serves as a way to maximize the

learner's speaking opportunities and check the learner's comprehension (Thorbury,

2002). This technique also includes personalization where learners use words in

contexts and phrases that are relevant to their lives. Regarding the above techniques,

Pinter (2006) claims that teachers are advised to plan presentations with as diverse a

vocabulary as possible, so teachers combine multiple techniques into word meanings

and forms. It is better to present. In addition, Takačand Singleton (2008) points out

that teachers consider time, content, or availability of materials when choosing

techniques to use in the classroom.

3. Teaching by drawing and picture

Objects can be drawn on either the board or the index card. The latter can be

used many times in a variety of situations if it is made of card and covered with

plastic. They can help young learners easily understand and apply the key points they

have learned in the classroom. Alpino (2017) points out that teaching vocabulary

using photographs helps to connect students' prior knowledge to new stories and

learn new words. There are many vocabularies that can be introduced with

illustrations and photographs. It's a great tool for clarifying the meaning of unfamiliar

words. They should be used as often as possible. The list of images includes posters,

index cards, blackboards, magazine images, blackboard drawings, stick figures, and

photographs. Images of vocabulary lessons come from many sources (Alqahtani,

2015). Apart from the ones drawn by teachers and students, these are a set of colorful

pictures for the school. Images cut out from newspapers and magazines are also very

useful. Today, many readers, vocabulary books, and course books contain a variety of

fascinating images that represent the meaning of simple words. Teachers can use the

learning materials provided by the school. You can also create your own visuals or

use images from magazines. Visual support helps learners understand meaning and

make words more memorable (Alqahtani, 2015).

4. Guessing the context of the vocabulary.

Another method in teaching learning vocabulary is guessing the vocabulary

from the context. It can be taught as a way to deal with unfamiliar vocabulary in raw

choices has been widely proposed by leading L1 and L2 specialists (Dubin, 1993).

Alqahtani (2015) argues that there are two types of context. The first type is context

within the text, where the particular text contains morphological, semantic, and

syntactic information. The second type is general or non-textual context, that is, the

background knowledge that the reader has about the subject being read. Alqahtani

(2015) regarded a particular context as "another word or phrase surrounding the

word." Therefore, other words related to unknown words often "illuminate" their

meaning. These other words can be found in sentences that contain unknown words,

or in other sentences that go beyond unknown element sentences (Alqahtani, 2015).


Learning from context includes not only learning through extensive reading,

but also through participating in conversations and listening to stories, movies,

television and radio (Nation, 2001). To activate guessing in written or spoken text,

four elements must be available: readers, texts, unfamiliar words, and textual clues

that include knowledge of guessing. Without any of these factors, the learner's ability

to guess can be compromised. In addition, this technique encourages learners to take

risks and guess the meaning of words they do not know as much as possible. This

helps build confidence in understanding the meaning of the words when they are

alone. There are many clues that learners can use to identify their own meaning, such

as illustrations, native language spelling and sound similarity, and general knowledge

(Walters, 2004).

C. Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Strategy is the communication process that learners use to learn and use a

language. Strategies also include spiritual learning processes (Nunan, 1999). Learning

strategies are the thoughts and actions that individuals use to achieve their learning

goals (Chamot, 2004). Subekti and Lawson (2007) stated that the effectiveness of

using a particular vocabulary learning strategy provides empirical evidence of a

contribution to language learners in learning new words.

Vocabulary has been long major problem for language learners, as language

learners can learn how to learn new words in different ways in the classroom through

the teacher's language, the language of other learners, or teaching materials. In

addition to explaining new words to learners, Hedge (2000) emphasizes that the

ultimate role of teachers is to make them more self-reliant. There are several options

that you may need to learn a word by teaching a good vocabulary learning strategy

and building independence to learn new words and other creativity.

A comprehensive inventory of vocabulary learning strategies is developed by

Schmitt (2000). He groups vocabulary learning strategies into five categories, as


a. Determination strategies

Decision strategies are individual learning strategies that help students

discover the meaning of a word for themselves without the help of peers and

guess the word from the context (Schmitt, 2000).

b. Social strategies

Social strategies encourage students to interact with their peers. This helps

students learn from each other, for example by observing their classmates and

asking the teacher what the words mean (Schmitt, 2000).

c. Memory strategies

Memorization strategies are strategies in which learners learn new words

through mental processing and link existing or background knowledge to new

words (Schmitt, 2000).

d. Cognitive strategies

Cognitive strategies do not engage students in mental processing but is more

mechanical. An example is repeating the pronunciation of new words

(Schmitt, 2000).

e. Metacognitive strategies

Metacognitive strategies are processes related to processes including

monitoring, decision making, and evaluation of one's progress. Metacognitive

strategies help students determine the appropriate lexical language strategy for

learning new words (Schmitt, 2000).

According to Cohen (1987), three major categories of vocabulary learning

strategies are categorized. These include strategies for memorizing words, semantic

strategies, and strategies for learning and practicing vocabulary. Word recall

strategies include trying to remember the words that students are learning one at a

time. Semantic strategy refers to a way for students to analyze the vocabulary they

have acquired through learning and understand the relationships of the vocabulary


Vocabulary strategy practice includes how students understand the vocabulary

and practice each vocabulary to create new words. With reference to Cook (2001),

she grasped the meaning and categorized two major categories to acquire the word.

Strategies for finding meaning includes guessing meaning from situations and

contexts, using dictionaries, guessing from word shapes, and linking vocabulary

items to cognate words. Word strategies include repetition and memorization,

organizing words in the learner's mind, and linking vocabulary items to existing


Finally, Nation (2001) classified vocabulary learning strategies in three main

categories which are planning, sources, and processes. Planning includes the

choosing of words, choosing aspects of word knowledge, and choosing strategies as

well as planning repetition. Source includes the getting of information about the

word. This information may include all the aspects involved in knowing a word. The

processes include the establishment of word knowledge through noticing, retrieving

and generating strategies.

D. Learning Vocabulary by Using Songs

Paul (2003, p. 57) states that there are several ways to use English songs in

the classroom such as sing, action, background song, and between lessons. English

songs can be used for educational and learning activities in a vocal language manner.

There are many ways to use songs and English songs to teach learning activities such

as use songs as a background while students learn lessons. There are two types of

songs that can be used to teach the learning process. Use new songs or adopt popular

songs. In addition, Paul (2003, p. 59) states that one way to introduce a new song is to

have the students play it at the beginning of a calm lesson. We continue to do what

we are doing and do not draw the attention of our students to the song. But of course,

it hopes they are interested in the song and are attracted to it.

Bastian (2017) states there are many formats that can be used to present

edutainment, ranging from books to such guided tours as zoological parks, museum,

mall, etc. This particular branch of the education world is also extremely profitable

way because they incorporate all the language skills as follows:

a. Speaking by singing the song.

b. Listening by determining the word of song.


c. Reading by determining the word of lyric song.

d. Writing by filling the lyrics

Songs can be used as an effective teaching material for vocabulary education.

By using the words of the song, dictate the song, fill the gap with the song, correct it,

integrate it the song into the project work, practice pronunciation, intonation, and

intonation. Singing can provide students with lessons in a fun atmosphere and can

have a very positive impact on language learning. Murphey (1992) and Prescott

(2005) point out that music is an important subject of education. It not only helps

student to study and gain knowledge, but also helps students improve their scores.

There are many studies showing that music has a positive effect in the classroom

(Bastian, 2017).

Music plays an important role in every stage of human life. It happened

because the music reflected to the culture, history, and language of the country itself.

Singing is an important tool for increasing student self-confidence (Kittiya & Metas,

2016). It gives students some fluency before they can speak successfully. Words are

usually displayed in the context of text. The sound of new words is easily recalled by

the melody of the song. Teachers can teach their students materials in a spoken

language. This method is suitable for song-focused teaching methods. When the

student listens to the song, they will hear some new vocabulary many times. Music

influences speech accents, grammar, memory, and motivation (Kittiya & Panich,

2016). Proper composition of words and rhythms can help you organize your songs

and improve your mental memory. The combination of music and speech can

support the process of learning vocabulary and phrases. When a song is used to teach

vocabulary through popular songs, the song begins with listening and ends with

communication (Kittiya & Panich, 2016).

Even students who are not familiar with the culture of the target language and

have difficulty expressing it can learn the language well with music in a relaxed

atmosphere. It happens to be an educational / learning process using popular songs,

so we will focus on practical pronunciation (Alpino, 2017). Lyrics provide students

with targeted vocabulary, grammar, and patterns, making the teaching process the

easiest. By listening to English songs, students can hear native pronunciation and

improve their listening skills. We also do a structural drill in the learning process.

The melody and rhyme help students use good pronunciation as if they were native

speakers (Stansell was quoted in Šišková, 2008).

If the student does not understand the definition of every word in the song,

the student can look up the meaning from the lyrics. There are many popular songs

along with their music videos to help students understand the content of the lyrics.

Music videos also provide a song story. Understanding words in context, as the goal

of popular songs is to teach students vocabulary and grammatical patterns through

dialogue so that students can express themselves quickly and accurately in response.

Helps to speak in spoken language. Students also listen to words many times through

songs and find their meaning through the content of the video (Šišková, 2008). All

of this helps students learn new vocabulary.


Students learn a language naturally while singing and listening to songs. By

listening to your favorite songs, students can be interested in and motivated to learn

vocabulary. Teachers are also encouraged to participate in the drill routine of

listening during the learning process. Music videos keep students interested. Video is

a tool for letting students know what is happening around them (Murphey, 1992).

E. Recent Studies in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary Acquisition by

Using Song

Using songs in English lessons is not a new idea, but it is popular among

teachers and students because it is always interesting to people. Nihada and Alisa

(2016) point out that song is a kind of listening activity with a wide range of

possibilities. Music and songs are an important part of growth and learning. Children

love to sing, and teachers naturally use songs to teach concepts and languages in a fun

way. Some important singing qualities are that singing is fun and can attract students

(Ningsih,2019). However, the most important feature of the song is repetition. Not

only do they include speech patterns, they also develop hearing, pronunciation and

rhythm, ensuring a pleasant atmosphere. There are numerous aspects to a language

that can be conveyed and recycled using songs. They can be used at any stage of the

lesson and there are many ways to incorporate them into the lesson.

Shen and Gongshang (2009) found that using English songs in ELT can be

justified on the grounds that it will emancipate full mental and affective power in

language learning and promote language awareness. Listening to songs can knock

down the learner’s psychological barriers, such as anxiety, lack of self-confidence


and apprehension as well as fire the learner’s desire to grasp the target language.

Pedagogically, effective learning consists in active engagement with language.

English songs are wonderful materials in this respect. EFL learners are easily moved

and motivated by the singers, the music, the variety of rhythm, and the popular


In addition, Shen and Gongshang (2009) point out that music and songs can

be the first to be promoted as a means of stimulating emotional learning through

songs. Using English songs in EFL classrooms can lead to successful emotional

learning by creating a harmonious classroom atmosphere, reducing student anxiety,

fostering interest, and motivating students to learn their target language. There is sex.

Learning English through songs is fun and relaxing, as students see English songs as

part of their entertainment, not their work.

Millington (2011) states that songs can be used as a valuable educational and

learning tool. With songs, learners can help improve their listening and

pronunciation. It is also useful for teaching vocabulary and sentence patterns. Perhaps

the biggest advantage of using songs in class is that they are fun. Unfortunately,

despite these advantages, simply singing a song does not teach learners how to

communicate in another language. Using a song as an assignment could be a way to

use words from the song and maximize the potential of the song as an educational

and learning tool. Existing children's song adaptation is one method teachers can use

to expand their song repertoire and increase their opportunities to use songs in the

classroom context.

The different between the previous study and this study is located in the song

used by the researcher. The researcher uses the songs that are popular and famous in

Indonesia. The location of research is also different. Then the context of the student,

the students who participated in this research was Junior High School students and

they use English as their foreign language. Based on the reasons above, the researcher

feels confident this research will enrich the knowledge on the vocabulary acquisition

in the future.


A. Research Design

This research is a pre-experimental research in order to find out the effect of

the popular song in improving students’ vocabulary acquisition. The quality of

practicing the method should be prioritized to attain multiple validities legitimation

(Johnson & Christensen, 2017; Onwuegbuzie & Johnson, 2006). It provides

stronger evidence for a conclusion through convergence. It uses strengths of one

method to overcome the limitations in another method. It provides stronger

evidence for corroboration of findings through triangulation (Johnson, et al. (2007).

Pre-experimental designs are research schemes in which a subject or a group

is observed after treatment has been applied, in order to test whether the treatment

has potential to cause change. Then the researcher uses one class as the

experimental research class; this class receives the treatment of using English Song

as material in English language teaching. Pre-test and post-test are provided to

measure the progress of their vocabulary acquisition by using this language

teaching. The whole class received the pre-test, treatment and post-test and there is

no control group.

Before applying the experimental class, the researcher observed the class

and made several criteria for the class. It is important to know the class situation

before conducting the research. The researcher made an appointment with the


school and observed them in the class. After observing the whole class, the

researcher considered to conduct the research in SMP 16 Banda Aceh.

B. Participants

The participants of this study were the ten grade student of regular class at

SMPN 16 Banda Aceh. This class was chosen as the participants of this research

based on the pre research-observation, that the students have very limited English

vocabulary. The researcher chose them as the participant of this research to examine

the effectiveness of song in learning vocabulary.

The participants were chosen through non probability sampling which

deliberately avoids representing the wider population and only seeks particular group

of participants from the research target (Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2005). In this

research, random sampling technique is used to find participants for this study. The

researcher selected one group as the pre - experimental class. The group consisted 30

students then become the sample of this study.

C. Data Collection Method

The data was collected through two ways, pre-test and post-test and

interview with the participants. Firstly, the all of the participants received pre-

test comprising of some vocabulary tasks. Secondly, the treatment was given to

the participants by teaching them the topic related to the tasks assigned in the

pre-test. After giving the treatment, the participants took post-test comprising of

some vocabulary tasks related to those in the pre-test. The steps of collecting

data are explained more clearly as follows:


1. Pre-Test

The researcher gave the test in order to find out the students’ ability

before the researcher conduct the treatment by using song through Audio-

Lingual Method. The time allocation was 10-15 minutes. The result of the pre-

test was compared with the post-test result to find out their achievement. The

pre-test consisted of talking and writing some vocabulary based on the song

played. The researcher recorded every moment in pretest session. In this

research, pre-test was given in order to predict the student’s competence before

they were given the treatment.

2. Teaching Experiment

Treatment was given in three times to see difference effects of the students’

vocabulary achievement. The treatments’ activities were given in the class by using

English songs, story and speech, as follows:

Figure 1
The treatment cycle made

The researcher Come The selected song The researcher brief

to the Class played by the the participant about
researcher the treatment

After listening to the The participant The researcher played

song, the participant listened to the song the selected song
answer the question

The song the researcher played was “you’re my sunshine”, “to the bone” and

“Perfect”. These songs chose by the researcher because the song was the popular

song in latest year. The length of treatment was 2 x 45 minute each treatment

meeting. Later, the researcher gave the paper for each student to write the

vocabulary from the song. Then the researcher verified the answer of students and

teach them about the lyrics of song and sing a song together.

3. Post Test

The aim of this post-test is to determine the effect of the treatments towards

the students’ vocabulary comprehension. This test consists of 5 questions items that

consists 25 answers, the time allocation is 45 minutes. It is done in order to find out

the students’ vocabulary achievement after having the treatment. The questions or

the items in the post-test are the same as the pre-test which is about life and the song

lyrics. Post-test was given after teaching the students by using English song to

measure how far the student’s improvement after they got the treatment.

D. Data Analysis Procedure

1. Score Test Analysis

In analyzing score of test, the researcher calculated the mean of students score

by using statistical formula;

X = xi


X = Mean
fi = Frequency xi = middle score of frequency

Before calculating the mean of students score, the data should be distributed in

frequency distribution list. The following steps are used in creating frequency


a. The range of data

Range of data is the lowest score is subtracted by the highest score. The formula




R : range
H : the highest score
L : the lowest score

b. Number of interval class

In determining the number of interval, the following formula is used:

I = 1 + 3.3 log n


I : the amount of interval class

n : the amount of sample

c. The length of interval

In determining the length of interval class, I used the formula:



P : length of interval R : the range of score I : interval



This chapter elaborates the research findings and discussion based on the data

gained from students’ participants. The researcher constructed this chapter to fulfill

the aim of the study. The participants contained 30 students of English subject in

class X of SMPN 16 Banda Aceh. The research was conducted on January 2022. The

selected participants for interview are in initial of S1, S2, S3… and S30.

A. Using popular song to develop students’ vocabulary acquisition.

After carrying out the pre-test, the obtained data were statistically calculated

in order to find out the mean of scores and to analyze whether there is a significant

difference between pre-test and post-test score after treatment. The mean of pre-test

score was 53.93 while the mean of post-test score was 84 (see Appendix IV).

First step of calculating data is ranging score from pre-test. The score of test

could be seen in the following table;

Table 1

Students’ pre-test score

No. Name of students Score

1. S1 50
2. S2 50
3. S3 30
4. S4 30
5 S5 30
6 S6 60
7 S7 60
8 S8 35
9 S9 55


10 S10 40
11 S11 75
12 S12 55
13 S13 30
14 S14 15
15 S15 80
16 S16 85
17 S17 85
18 S18 85
19 S19 75
20 S20 75
21 S21 60
22 S22 65
23 S23 65
23 S24 45
25 S25 45
26 S26 45
27 S27 50
28 S28 35
29 S29 65
30 S30 70

Based on the above table, the lowest score of pre-test is 15 which indicates

that the student’s score is failed, while the highest score is 85. The student who had

lowest score in the pre-test was only one student. This student did not even answer

the question that the researcher provided to them. While the student who had the

highest scores in pre-test were three students. The following table showed the

percentage of students’ pre-test score and its standards.


Table 2

Students’ pre-test score percentage

Number of Students

Standard Range of Score Pretest Percentage

Excellent 86 – 100 0 0%

Very Good 72 – 85 7 23,3%

Good 61 – 71 3 10%

Enough 50 – 60 7 23,3%

Failure 0 – 49 13 43,3%

Based on the table above, 43,3% of students got the failure standard score,

23.3% got enough score, 10% got good as standards score. Then 23,3% student got

the very good score as the standard. Moreover, the student who got excellent score is

0 %. The student who got failure score because he/she didn’t adapted yet with the

environment of learning English by song. Another reason is he/she did not familiarize

with English song. Following this percentage, it inferred that most students had failed

to answer the pre-test questions.

The second step of calculating data is ranging score from post-test. The score

of tests could be seen in the following table:


Table 3

Students’ post-test score

No. Name of students Score

1. S1 79
2. S2 81
3. S3 65
4. S4 65
5 S5 69
6 S6 79
7 S7 75
8 S8 55
9 S9 82
10 S10 74
11 S11 86
12 S12 77
13 S13 62
14 S14 45
15 S15 90
16 S16 92
17 S17 95
18 S18 95
19 S19 86
20 S20 88
21 S21 82
22 S22 79
23 S23 79
23 S24 65
25 S25 68
26 S26 59
27 S27 73
28 S28 63
29 S29 78
30 S30 86

Based on the table above, the result of post-test showed that the lowest score

was 45 and the highest score was 95. Then, the researcher transformed the score into

percentage score as following the table below:


Table 4

The percentage of students post-test score

Number of Students

Standard Range of Score Posttest Percentage

Excellent 86 – 100 8 26.6%

Very Good 72 – 85 12 40%

Good 61 – 71 7 23.3%

Enough 50 – 60 2 6.6%

Failure 0 – 49 1 3.3%

The percentage of student post-test score showed that 26,6% students got

“excellent” for their score, 40 % was for “very good” score and 23,3% got “good” for

their score, then 6,6% student got the “enough” score. Moreover, the student who had

“failure” score is 3.3 %. The reason only one student got failure because this student

did not engage enough with English environment. Following this percentage, it

inferred that most students obtained “very good” score in the post-test.

Based on the tables above, the highest score for pre-test was 85 and the lowest

was 15. The student who had the highest score in pre-test was S16, S17 and S18

while the lowest one was S14. Whereas, the highest score for post-test was 95 and the

lowest score was 45. The student who had the highest score in post-test was S17 and

S18 while the lowest one was S14. The student who got the lowest score in pre-test

and post-test was the same student. This student has tried his/her best to answer the

question but he/she did not get the enough score to past the target. Although this

student had a low grades, the student’s learning progress was still visible, his score

had improved from 15 to 45. The detail of improvement score can be seen in the

following table:

Table 5

Students’ Improvement score

No. Name of students Pre-Score Post-Score Improvement

1. S1 50 79 29
2. S2 50 81 31
3. S3 30 65 35
4. S4 30 65 35
5 S5 30 69 39
6 S6 60 79 19
7 S7 60 75 15
8 S8 35 55 20
9 S9 55 82 27
10 S10 40 74 34
11 S11 75 86 11
12 S12 55 77 22
13 S13 30 62 32
14 S14 15 45 20
15 S15 80 90 10
16 S16 85 92 7
17 S17 85 95 10
18 S18 85 95 10
19 S19 75 86 11
20 S20 75 88 13
21 S21 60 82 22
22 S22 65 79 19
23 S23 65 79 19
23 S24 45 65 20
25 S25 45 68 23
26 S26 45 59 14

27 S27 50 73 23
28 S28 35 63 28
29 S29 65 78 13
30 S30 50 86 36

The improvement happened to all students; their scores increased after the

researcher taught them some vocabulary techniques to memorize the vocabulary and

how to apply them in their vocabulary acquisition activity. It can be seen from the

table above, the highest one was S5 with 39 points. The reason the students improved

their score in post-test, because the researcher used to force them to study hard in fun

way in teaching learning process. The researcher also give them the tips and trick

while they learn English by song such as understanding the meaning of song by

seeking the mean of the vocabulary itself. The improvement of the student displayed

as follows

Figure 1

Students’ Improvement score Diagram


Students Improvement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930

Pre Test Post Test

B. Discussion

The aims of this study are to find out whether using popular song develop

students’ vocabulary acquisition by using popular song. In particular, this research

reported that songs were effective in students’ vocabulary acquisition with regard to

amount of words, retention, increased attention, friendly environment, practice

opportunities, and meaningful contexts. These positive aspects suggest that songs

serve as a useful tool for promoting students’ vocabulary.

The material of teaching and learning process, in the case of song, not only

helps the teacher to teach English but also provide an interesting way for the students

to achieve the learning goals. The material has contributed a lot in making the

students understand well the delivered lesson. The content of the songs may become

one of influential factors which may determine the improvement of the students’

ability in vocabulary acquisition. The use of songs also should consider students’

need so that it will help students to learn and achieve the learning objective. The

teacher ability in selecting teaching material will also influence the use of songs in

improving the students’ English vocabulary ability.

Based on the aim of the research above, the researcher inferred that the

students’ increased their ability in vocabulary acquisition progressively. In the first

meeting, the students tried their best to understand the vocabulary and tried to follow

the workflow teaching learning process. While the researcher played the song to

them, they really enjoyed the process. In the pre-test some students did not familiarize

with the method that researcher presented to them. After calculating the result of pre-

test, the mean of student score was 53.93 point. Finally, the result of pre-test was

quite low than the post-test but it was not a big problem because they tried to adapt

and tried to practice the materials.

In next two meeting the researcher gave them treatment by using the song.

The students got new environment for learning vocabulary through the popular song.

After carrying the treatment, the researcher conducted the post-test. Post-tests’

question also about the learning vocabulary through the popular songs. In the process

of the post-test, the students more comfortable to answer the questions because they

adapted and adopted the way to learn vocabulary through the song. After calculating

the result of post-test, the mean of student score was 84 point. Based on the mean of

student score, it can be inferred that the student improved their ability in learning

vocabulary progressively. They adapted with the environment and material fast.

Tien and Huan (2020) claimed that songs are a valuable resource for teachers

to promote lexical knowledge and improvements of young learners through their

exposure and repeated occurrences or practices. The study also provides insights into

how teachers’ perceptions can influence their decision-making in selecting songs and

appropriate strategies in order to involve young learners in interactive, entertaining,

and motivating learning process of vocabulary gains.

Furthermore, Ma’rifat (2017) found that there are four stages of using song in

teaching vocabulary to students as follow; covering opening, main, follow up and

closing stages. The opening includes singing good morning song and the introducing

new vocabulary. While in the main stage the activity was mainly choral singing. Next

follow up stages covers a guessing game and vocabulary worksheet activity. The last

activity was closing in which the lesson ended with goodbye song. Those stages were

similar with Millington (2011) stages in using song as task in learning English.

Students’ response towards the use of song was positive. This happened because the

use of song make the students feel more relaxed and enjoyed the teaching and

learning process better. Song also helps the student to learn English vocabulary better

than conventional method.

In addition, there is a study conducted by Andi (2021) where his research

aims to determine the influence of the song used as an instrument for English learning

and its influence on improving the English language skills of these students. Research

conducted on students in Makassar showed the results that songs as an instrument to


improve the skills of young English learners are effective when English students want

to improve their abilities in pronunciation, grammar, listening acuity, and vocabulary.

The other research conducted by Hadi (2019) also found that student can

increase their vocabulary by learning through the song. Based on his investigation in

Darma Karya Junior High School, the student feel comfortable to understand the

vocabulary and the researcher recommended the method to implement in the school.

Based on the result, student can develop their vocabulary and develop the language


As language learners, many students get the experience of learning a language

in various ways. Some of them learn languages only in the classroom, some through

social media and others. From this, it was found that vocabulary is a difficult thing

for them to learn languages. Hedge (2000) says that there are several things that

influence this such as the main role of a language teacher. He argues that in addition

to explaining the latest vocabulary for the students, a teacher also needs to make these

learners independent in learning the language. He continued that a student needs to be

given certain strategies so that they can practice learning a language.

As the conclusion, this strategic has developed the student vocabulary

acquisition in this research. The student also got new strategy to learn English by

memorizing and imitating the song. By imitating the vocabulary from the song, the

students will be easy to pronounce each vocabulary from the song. At the end, based

on the result, the researcher suggested the teacher to use this strategy to improve their

student vocabulary acquisition in the class.



A. Conclusion

This study was aimed to find out whether using popular song in teaching

learning process effective to develop students’ vocabulary, and to discover students

perception’ on learning vocabulary by using popular song. The participants consist of

30 students of English subject in class X of SMPN 16 Banda Aceh. The research was

conducted on January 2022. The data were collected by using tests and interview.

The result showed that student enjoyed learning vocabulary acquisition

through the popular song. The songs help them to understand some familiar

vocabulary and later on they can use in their daily life. In the pre-test, the student do

not familiar with the technique in learning English through the song but after the

researcher gave the treatment, the student started to understand the technique then

they answered the post-test question easily. In the pre-test examination, the mean of

their score was only 53.93 point but they had very good progress in the post-test

examination, the students’ mean score was 84 point. It can be concluded that teaching

students’ with popular song can develop students’ vocabulary acquisition.

The students also have positive response towards learning vocabulary through

popular song. For some students, the songs are very closed to their daily life. They

often practice their English vocabulary through the song. They believe the song was

one of the easier ways to learn and practice English vocabulary. The other fact was

the student experienced the new environment in learning vocabulary through the

song. Based on their confession, the song made them easy to pronounce the word,

easy to understand the meaning of vocabulary itself and they can enjoy its learning

environment. However, some of students do not really like practicing English with

the song, but in some way, song is one popular technique to get closer and increase

the ability in vocabulary acquisition.

B. Suggestion

After conducting this study, the researcher proposed some suggestions for

students, or other researchers who are interested in teaching vocabulary through

popular song:

1. For the teachers it is important to introduce various materials to the

students. One of the good materials in teaching learning vocabulary is

by using song. By using the song, the student can learn pronunciation,

grammar, also increase their listening skill.

2. For school, the researcher suggested the school to provide the facilities

that can develop the ability of teacher in teaching learning English,

such as the instructional multimedia so that the teacher can maximize

all their competency to apply various method in teaching. By

developing teachers’ ability, it also helps to develop the student


3. For the researchers, the researcher believed that this study was still

incomplete and imperfect and it is still needed further discussion

because the research about vocabulary is very wide to search more and

more. However, this study can be used for further references of next



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