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STUDENT ID: 2101050002




1446 H/2024 M





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

In English Education Department


Amalia Khusnul Khotima

Student Id: 2101050002

Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training Faculty

English Education Department

Sponsor : Dr. Umi Yawisah, M.Hum


1446 H/2024 M


Alhamdulillahirabilalamin and prises belong to Allah SWT the almighty,

because of his blessing and mercy, the writer is able to accomplish this thesis



MA’ARIF 05 BUMI NABUNG. Sholawat and salam always be bestowed to the

last prophet Muhammad SAW, having shown us the role of life to make our life


The researcher would like to express deepest gratitude especially to :

1. Prof.Dr. Hj. Siti Nurjanah, M. Ag, PIA as the Rector of IAIN Metro


2. Dr. Zuhairi, M.Pd as Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

3. Dr. Much Deiniatur, M.Pd. as the Head of English Education Departement

of IAIN Metro Lampung.

4. Dr. Umi Yawisah,M.Hum. as the advisor that has given valueable the

researcher, advice and suggestion for this undergraduate thesis.

The researcher apologises for any shortcomings that may occur in the

writing and presentation of this thesis. The researcher really hopes for

constructive suggestions and criticism for the sake of perfection of this thesis.

Hopefully this thesis can provide significant benefits for researchers in particular,

as well as for the campus and readers in general.


COVER PAGE.............................................................................................. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS......................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................. iii


A. Background of Study.......................................................................... 1

B. Problem Identification........................................................................ 5

C. Problem Limitation............................................................................. 6

D. Problem Formulation.......................................................................... 6

E. Objective of the Study........................................................................ 6

F. Benefit of the Study............................................................................ 6

G. Prior Research.................................................................................... 7


A. The Concept of Vocabulary................................................................ 9

1. The Definition of Vocabulary....................................................... 9

2. Kind of Vocabulary....................................................................... 10

B. The concept of Game......................................................................... 13

1. The Definition of Hyponymy Game............................................ 13

2. The Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through Hyponymy

Game............................................................................................ 13

3. Advantages and Disadvantage of Using Hyponymy Game......... 15

C. Theoretical Framework and paradigm............................................... 16

1. Theoritical Framework................................................................. 16

2. Paradigm....................................................................................... 16

3. Hypothesis.................................................................................... 17


A. Research Design................................................................................. 18

B. The Operational Definition Of Variable............................................. 18

C. Population, Sample, And Sampling Technique.................................. 20

D. Data Collecting Technique................................................................. 21

E. Research Instrument........................................................................... 22

F. Data Analysis...................................................................................... 23




A. Background of Study

English is an international language spoken by most people in the world,

including in our country Indonesia. There are so many aspects to learning English

such as grammar, semantics, vocabulary and so on. Mastering as much vocabulary

as we can is one of the things that students should learn. Mastering vocabulary is

very important, because mastering vocabulary will help students in mastering


Vocabulary is the set of words in a language that is understood and used

by a particular individual. 1To communicate effectively, one needs to have an

extensive vocabulary. Vocabulary acquisition is a key aspect of language and is

involved in all aspects of the language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. The four basic skills will be easier to learn if basic elements such as

vocabulary have been mastered. The more vocabulary students master, the broader

their ability to express themselves in speaking and writing about various topics in


However, students often face difficulties in remembering so many

vocabulary words in English. This makes it difficult for students to master English

well. Students' low motivation is also one of the things that hinder students in

learning English. Therefore, creative and fun learning is needed so that learning

runs effectively and students do not feel pressured in learning.

Plachouras V, Ounis I. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 2007;6:56-59


Based on preliminary research, the researcher identified that many

students at Mts Ma’arif 05 Bumi Nabung face difficulties in vocabulary and their

level of vocabulary acquisition is still low. Pre-research data will be conducted by

interviewing English teachers and pre-testing eighth grade students of Mts Ma'arif

05 Bumi Nabung.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that an

English Teacher must have a good technique to make students interested and make

the teaching and learning process fun. Teaching vocabulary acquisition with the

right technique is very important to make vocabulary classes more effective,

interesting and fun for students. Teachers should apply appropriate techniques in

vocabulary teaching to make the process more enjoyable and easily understood by

students. One of the techniques is to teach vocabulary acquisition in an

appropriate way. Hyponymy game can be one of the techniques that can be a

solution to the problem.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that an

English Teacher must have a good technique to make students interested and make

the teaching and learning process fun. Teaching vocabulary acquisition with the

right technique is very important to make vocabulary classes more effective,

interesting and fun for students. Teachers should apply appropriate techniques in

vocabulary teaching to make the process more enjoyable and easily understood by

students. One of the techniques is to teach vocabulary acquisition in an

appropriate way. Hyponymy game can be one of the techniques that can be a

solution to the problem.


The researcher believes that hyponymy is a good method to use in the

hyponymy game. By conducting quantitative research that implements the

hyponymy game, it is hoped that teachers can improve students' vocabulary skills.

One of the important aspects in language acquisition is vocabulary acquisition.

Without good vocabulary mastery, students cannot master the language well. A

good vocabulary helps students in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Students who have sufficient vocabulary will have no difficulty understanding the

meaning of words. However, in reality, many students do not have the motivation

to learn English, so they have difficulty in understanding and remembering the

meaning of vocabulary, and consider English as a difficult subject.

The researcher conducted a pre-survey on 5 August 2024 at Mts Ma'arif

05 Bumi Nabung. This pre-survey focused on students' vocabulary mastery in

understanding and remembering the meaning of vocabulary, and the survey was

conducted on eighth grade students of Mts Ma'arif 05 Bumi Nabung. The

following are the results of the vocabulary mastery ability of eighth grade students

at Mts Ma'arif 05 Bumi Nabung.

Table 1.1

The Data of Pra-survey at the eighth grade of Mts Ma’arif 05 Bumi Nabung

No Nama Score Catagory

1 STUDENT 1 60 Low
2 STUDENT 2 50 Low
3 STUDENT 3 80 High
4 STUDENT 4 60 Low
5 STUDENT 5 60 Low
6 STUDENT 6 50 Low

7 STUDENT 7 60 Low
8 STUDENT 8 70 Fair
9 STUDENT 9 60 Low
10 STUDENT 10 50 Low
11 STUDENT 11 50 Low
12 STUDENT 12 80 High
13 STUDENT 13 80 High
14 STUDENT 14 60 Low
15 STUDENT 15 60 Low
16 STUDENT 16 60 Low
17 STUDENT 17 70 Fair
18 STUDENT 18 50 Low
19 STUDENT 19 80 High
20 STUDENT 20 50 Low
21 STUDENT 21 60 Low
22 STUDENT 22 60 Low
23 STUDENT 23 80 High
24 STUDENT 24 50 Low
25 STUDENT 25 50 Low
26 STUDENT 26 60 Low
27 STUDENT 27 60 Low
28 STUDENT 28 80 High
29 STUDENT 29 60 Low
30 STUDENT 30 50 Low
31 STUDENT 31 70 Fair
32 STUDENT 32 50 Low

Table 1.2

Based on the table, it can be concluded as follows:

No Value Total students Percentage

<70 23 70%

>70 9 30%

Total 32 100%

The data above shows that 23 out of 35 students scored below 70,

indicating that many students still have low scores in English. only a few of them

scored above 70 and reached the minimum standard set. So, the author assumes

that the lack of students' vocabulary mastery is caused by the learning media used

by teachers that are less interesting. In addition, the uninteresting learning process

makes students feel bored in participating in learning activities. Therefore, the

author will apply the hyponymy game as a medium in the English learning

process, especially on vocabulary material.

B. Problem Identification

Referring to the explanation above, the problems can be identified, as


1. The students have lack of vocabulary and pronunciation.

2. The students have difficulties to understand the meaning of words.

3. The students have low ability in remembering the new vocabulary.

C. Problem Limitation

From the problems of identification above, the researcher limits the

problem focus on the students have lack of vocabulary and pronunciation at the

eight graders of Mts 05 Bumi Nabung in Academic Year 2024/2025.

D. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study and problem identification above

the researcher formulates the problem in this research is “Is there influence of

using hyponymy games in teaching vocabulary mastery at the eight graders of Mts

Ma’arif 05 Bumi Nabung?”

E. Objective of the Study

In appropriate with the problem formulation the objective of this

research to find out whether there is influence of using hyponymy games in

teaching vocabulary mastery at he eighth graders of Mts Ma’arif 05 Bumi


F. Benefit of the Study

Generally, it is expected that the out came of this study will be helpful in

making students more interested in improving vocabulary mastery and providing

other ways to learn vocabulary more fun than before, the following benefits:

1. For the students


Theoretically, this research can support the theories that hyponymy

games can be applied to develop students' vocabulary mastery.

2. For the researcher

This study can be used as a reference for those who want to conduct

research in the process of teaching and learning English.

3. For the teacher

Practically, English teachers can develop students' vocabulary mastery

by using hyponymy games in their classroom effectively.

G. Prior Research

As a guide in conducting research, researchers traced relevant previous

studies. The first was conducted by Muhamad Sofian Hadi, Zaitun, and Monica

Lucy Widiyaningsih in 2021. There are similarities and differences between this

research, in a journal entitled “The Effectiveness of Hyponym Games in

Improving Vocabulary Mastery of 7th Grade Students at SMP Muhammadiyah 01

Sukajaya." the similarities with the researcher are that they use Hyponymy games

as teaching learning vocabulary. The difference between this study and other

studies lies in the focus and methods used. This study specifically investigates the

effectiveness of Hyponym game in improving vocabulary acquisition of grade 7

students at SMP Muhammadiyah 01 Sukajaya.

The second researcher was conducted by Ignasia Kristiani Uni in 2020.

There are similarities and differences between this research in a journal entitled

"Using Hyponymy Game To Improve Student’s English Vocabulary Mastery At


The Seventh Grade Of Smpk Yapenthom 1 Maumere In The Academic Year Of

2020/2021”, The similarity with researchers is in the independent variable,

namely the hyponymy game. The difference with other researchers is in the object

of research, this research was conducted on seventh grade students of SMPN 1


The last research was conducted by Patahuddin Patahuddin, Syawal

Syawal, and Zulwahyuni Namrullah in 2020. There are similarities and

differences between this research and research in a journal entitled "IMPROVING


GAMES", the similarity with researchers is the learning technique using

hyponymy games. The difference with other researchers lies in the object of

research, namely tenth grade students at SMK Negeri 3 Parepare.



A. The Concept of Vocabulary

1. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important part of a language. Vocabulary is the

collection of words in a language that an individual knows and uses . 2

Hatch & Brown state that vocabulary refers to a list or collection of words

in a particular language, or words that may be used by every speaker of a

language. 3 Based on this statement, vocabulary can be defined as all the

words known or used by a person, and includes all the words in a

particular language.

Vocabulary is the important thing in learning language, without

vocabulary we cannot communicate both spoken and written. Thornburry

states that with a little grammar, very little can be conveyed, but without

vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. 4This shows that vocabulary has a

very important role in supporting the success of learning English. Without

vocabulary, students cannot develop their language skills, such as

listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

vocabulary includes all the words heard, spoken, read and written that a

person knows. Vocabulary has an important role in supporting the mastery

Hughes, Geoffrey. "Longman dictionary of contemporary english." Lexikos 6 (1996).
Hatch, Evelyn, and Cheryl Brown. Vocabulary, semantics, and language education.
Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211 (hardback: ISBN-0-
521-47409-4; paperback: ISBN-0-521-47942-8)., 1995.
Scott Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary, London: Pearson Education Limited, 2002,


of language skills, such as listening, reading, speaking and writing, known

as the four language skills. Therefore, it is important to teach vocabulary

first to students in order to communicate well in the language, besides that

students must master a sufficient number of words and understand how to

use them appropriately.

2. Kind of Vocabulary

According to Field, vocabulary was classified into two categories,

they are receptive and productive vocabulary:

a. Productive Vocabulary

Productive vocabulary refers to words and phrases that are actively

used by a person, in contrast to vocabulary that is only understood when

used by others. In general, productive vocabulary is a collection of

words that can be actively used in communication.

b. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary includes a set of words that a person can

recognise and understand when they hear or read them, but not

necessarily use in their own speech or writing. This type of vocabulary

is essential for understanding and processing language, as it allows one

to understand the meaning of words encountered in various contexts,

such as when reading or listening. Understanding receptive vocabulary

helps in interpreting and responding effectively to verbal and written

communication. Receptive vocabulary is often larger than productive

vocabulary because individuals can recognise and understand more


words than they actively use in their own language production. This

distinction highlights the importance of developing both types of

vocabulary to achieve full language proficiency and understanding.

c. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery plays a crucial role in the language learning

process. According to Alqahtani, mastery can be interpreted as deep

knowledge that allows a person to become an expert in a particular

field. Vocabulary mastery is important in language. 5 By having a wide

and varied vocabulary, we can improve our communication skills and

overall understanding. Thus, vocabulary mastery not only enriches

communication, but also strengthens language fluency.

Vocabulary mastery refers to a learner's full mastery or

understanding of a set of words or vocabulary. It signifies the expertise

and skill one has in using and understanding certain words or terms.

Essentially, it reflects how well one has internalised and can effectively

use various vocabulary items. In the context of education, vocabulary

mastery is essential for various language skills, including reading,

writing, speaking and listening.

d. Indicator of Vocabulary mastery

According to Ur, vocabulary indicators in language learning include

the following aspects:

1) Pronunciation
MOFAREH ALQAHTANI, “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and
How to Be Taught,” International Journal of Teaching and Education III, no. 3 (2015): 21–34, p. 25

Pronunciation encompasses the manner in which words or a

language are spoken. It involves accurately producing sounds,

emphasizing syllables, and using appropriate intonation.

Pronunciation can differ based on regional variations, accents, and

individual speech patterns. Clear communication relies on precise

pronunciation, often conforming to the accepted norms for word

articulation in a specific language.

2) Spelling

Spelling refers to the choice and arrangement of letters that form

words in written language. It involves ensuring that words are

written using accepted conventions for their formation.

3) Grammer

Grammatical information is inherent in words, and as students

learn new vocabulary, they naturally progress in their

understanding of grammar. Therefore, emphasizing vocabulary

learning does not mean neglecting grammar.

4) Meaning

Meaning refers to the definition or understanding of a word or

phrase. When someone asks, "what does that word mean?", they

are looking to find out the specific meaning or definition of the


B. The Concept of Game


1. The Definition of Hyponymy Game

There are various language games that can be applied in the

learning process. Games are an effective tool to improve students'

speaking, writing, listening and reading skills. Through games, students

are more motivated to participate in class. Games are an effective method

to make students more active in the teaching and learning process. In

addition, games can motivate students due to their fun and challenging

nature. Therefore, recommending games in vocabulary learning aims to

create conditions that encourage vocabulary improvement, and

appropriately selected games can help students learn English words.

Hyponymy game is a game that aims to find special meanings of

words that have more general meanings. Hyponyms are closely related to

synonyms and antonyms. Synonyms are words that have the same

meaning, while antonyms are words with opposite meanings, and

hyponyms refer to words with more specific meanings. This game is very

educational, simple, and easy to understand for junior high school

students. Besides being easy for students, this game is also practical for

teachers because the media used is not complicated.

2. The Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through Hyponymy game

There are several steps that teachers can apply in teaching new

vocabulary to junior high school students suggested by Murcia

a. First of all, examples are given or one word is connected to another word

that has a relationship. One method that teachers often use to explain the

meaning of a target word is to link it to other words that students already

understand. A useful set of words is referred to as a lexical set. The

identification of an object can be made easier by pointing to the

superordinate category class of the object. In this study, the researcher

will use commonly used words such as in the context of describing


b. Another relationship that describes the meanings of words to each other

is hyponymy, where words such as head, hand, nose, foot, etc. are all

hyponyms of the superordinate word "my body." My body itself is also a

hyponym of other objects that belong to the category of the describing


c. This exercise primarily serves to review words that the class is already

familiar with, but it also allows for the introduction of new words, either

by the teacher or by the students. Even though it doesn’t involve

sentences or paragraphs, the group of related items provides a

meaningful context for learning new vocabulary.

d. Students should focus on writing words they already know, rather than

searching for unfamiliar ones.

e. After the allotted time, each student hands their paper to another student,

who then attempts to add words that haven't been listed yet.

f. The paper is then passed around until each student receives their original

sheet back.

g. The student will verify the spelling using a dictionary, and these sheets

will then form a class dictionary that will be updated as new words are


3. Advantages and Disadvantage of Using Hyponymy Game

Quoted from Haryani, there are some disadvantages and

advantages. The first advantage of applying the hyponymy game in the

teaching and learning process is that students will be more motivated to

learn the material. 6Another advantage is that the teacher does not need to

give too long explanations. The teacher only needs to explain the

necessary material because students can understand the material that day

through the game. On the other hand, the first disadvantage of using the

hyponymy game in the teaching and learning process is the noisy

classroom atmosphere, which makes it difficult for the teacher to organise

the students. The second disadvantage is that, due to the limited time

caused by the game, the teacher can only give brief explanations and new

vocabulary, so there is not enough time to give more in-depth explanations

or help students memorise all the new vocabulary.

C. Theoretical Framework and paradigm

1. Theoritical Framework

Herdayani, M.2019.“The Use Of Hyponymy Game To Improve Students English
Vocabulary Mastery”. The State Institute for Islamic Study Bengkulu. Unpublished Thesis.

The theoretical framework involves conceptualizing how to link

theory with the factors identified as key issues. In this research, there are

two variables: the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable

(Y). The independent variable is the hyponymy game, while the dependent

variable is vocabulary mastery.

2. Paradigm

A paradigm is a straightforward framework that includes the key

elements of the research, highlighting the research indicators and the

relationships between them. Based on the theoretical framework

mentioned above, the research outlines the paradigm as follows.

Hyponymy Student Vocabulary P
Game mastery O
Low T
Figure 1 S
The scheme of paradigm S

Based on the paradigm scheme described above, the author

assumes that if the hyponymy game is effective and students' vocabulary

acquisition is good, then there will be a positive and significant effect of

the game. Conversely, if the hyponymy game is ineffective and students'

vocabulary acquisition is poor, then the game will not have a positive and

significant effect. Therefore, the author argues that the use of hyponymy

game will affect students' vocabulary mastery.

3. Hypothesis

Hypothesis Formulation

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Ha : There is a positive and significant of influence of hyponymy

game on students vocabulary at eighth grade in Mts Ma’arif

05 Bumi Nabung.

Null hypothesis (Ho)

Ho : There is not any a positive and significant of influence of

hyponymy game Student vocabulary at eighth grade in Mts Ma’arif

05 Bumi Nabung.

Statistical Hypothesis

a.If, Fo > Ftable= Ha is accepted, Ho is rejected.

b. If, Fo < Ftable= Ha is rejected, Ho is accepted



A. Research Design

In this study, researchers used quantitative research. Based on Creswell,

qantitative research is a type of research that has systematic, planned, and

clearly structured specifications from the beginning to the preparation of the

research design 7. Such as Nana Sudjana and Ibrahim said that quantitative

research involves starting with assumptions, identifying variables, and then

analyzing these variables using valid research methods, particularly those

specific to quantitative research.

This research was intended to investigate whether there is a positive and

significant influence of hymonymy game toward students vocabulary. This

Research contain two variables, the independent variable that is hyponymy

game (X) and the dependent variable that is students vocabulary (Y).

B. The Operational Definition of Variable

1. The Independent Variable (Vocabulary mastery)

The dependent variable in this study is students' vocabulary mastery.

Vocabulary mastery refers to the total number of words mastered and

understood by students. It is important to support the English learning

process in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The researcher

measured students' vocabulary mastery through a test. The test consisted of

John W. Creswell, Educational research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, fourth edition, (New York: Pearson, 2012), P. 112


20 multiple choice questions, with each question worth 5 points, so the

lowest possible score was 0 and the highest score was 100. The indicators

of this variable include:

a. Students are able to recognise and understand vocabulary.

b. Students are able to recall vocabulary.

2. Dependent Variable (Hyponymy game)

The researcher measured the independent variable through a written

test. Students were tested by being given some questions, and the

researcher gave a score based on their accuracy in composing words as

well as their ability. In addition, the indicators of this variable are as


Independent variables are attributes or characteristics that influence

or are influenced by the outcome or dependent variable. In this study, the

independent variable is the hyponymy game. This game is very

educational, easy, and simple for students in junior high school to


Indicators of this variable include:

a. Students are able to compose words correctly.

b. Students understand words more easily.

c. Students show greater interest in learning English.


C. Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique

1. Population

Population is it all that would be used for research, such as goods

or people used for research. It means, the population in question is the

overall target of this study which was observed by the researcher. The

population this research included students in the eighth grade at Mts

Ma’arif 05 Bumi Nabung.

2. Sample

A sample is a fraction of the population that would be research. A

small subgroup from larger population namely sample. The researcher

choose of thr eighth grade Mts Ma’arif 05 Bumi Nabung as a sample. So

the sample I this research consist of class.

3. Sampling technique

The way to determine the sample is called sampling technique.

According to Garaika, Sampling technique is the sampling technique used

to determine the sample to be used in the study.

In this study, researchers used closter random sampling. Cluster

sampling is a regional sampling strategy used to select a sample when the

object of study or data source is large. For instance, consider the

population of a country, province, or district. Cluster sampling can be used

in situations where it is impractical or even impossible to obtain a

complete list of all the components of the population. The researcher

selected class eighth grade at Mts Ma’arif 05 Bumi Nabung as the sample

for this study because the majority of students have limited vocabulary

knowledge and low motivation to learn English.

D. Data Collecting Technique

In this study, the researcher employed an objective test to assess

students' vocabulary mastery. To gather the data, the researcher utilized

various methods, including:

1. Test

The valid data can be obtained using various data collection

techniques, one of which is test. Nasrudin said that a test is a data

collection technique carried out by giving a series of questions or tasks and

other tools to the subject whose data is needed. The researcher used tests

as a data collection technique to measure both variables.

a. Pre-test

The pre-test will be given to students at the first meeting to find

out their initial ability before the influence of the hyponymy game.

b. Post-test

A post-test will be administered in the final meeting after the

treatment. The researcher will use the post-test to assess the students'

vocabulary after the influence of the hyponymy game.

In this research, the researcher will use a written test to collect the

data. The written test will be the primary technique to gather data about

the students' vocabulary. This method will be used to measure the students'


2. Observation

Observation is the process of gathering information directly and

openly by observing people and places at the research site. This method

used to got detail information and the process of events while the research

at Mts 5 Bumi Nabung.

3. Documentation

Documentation consists of public and private data obtained from

study sites or participants, including newspapers, meeting minutes,

personal journals, and letters.

E. Research instrument

1. Instrument Blueprint

The instruments in this study were designed and adapted to the

indications to be selected. Furthermore, researchers used pretest and post-

test instruments for this study. The pretest and post-test instruments used

in this study were in the form of fill-in questions. The questions are in the

form of multiple choice questions. multiple choice questions. Students can

choose the correct answer. Therefore, this analysis uses assessment as an

evaluation method. This study involved pre-test and post-test tests. The

experimental group and the control group got pre-test and post-test written


2. Instrument Calibration

In this study, tests were used as instruments to collect information

from students. The tests included pre-test and post-test. According to


Nunan, the group that receives the new treatment is referred to as the

experimental group, while the group that receives different treatment or is

treated as usual is called the control group. Tests were given to both the

control group and the experimental group.

The test was designed based on the material taught in class and in

accordance with the curriculum syllabus, with items related to students'

vocabulary skills.

F. Data analysis

technique To answer the question "The Influence Of Using Hyponymy

Game Toward Students Vocabulary Mastery At The Eight Graders of Mts

Ma'arif 05 Bumi Nabung", the researcher used inferential statistics to evaluate

the difference between the post-test in the experimental group and the control

group. Data analysis was carried out using an independent sample t-test to test

the effect of one variable on another, using SPSS 25 for Windows.



The Role of Vocabulary in Reading: Unlocking the World. (n.d.). Retrieved

August 10Wero, Y. T. (2021). The Study on Students' Vocabulary Size.

eJurnal UNG

MOFAREH ALQAHTANI, “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning

and How to Be Taught,” International Journal of Teaching and Education

III, no. 3 (2015): 21–34, p. 25

Hughes, Geoffrey. "Longman dictionary of contemporary english." Lexikos 6


Hatch, Evelyn, and Cheryl Brown. Vocabulary, semantics, and language

education. Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York,

NY 10011-4211 (hardback: ISBN-0-521-47409-4; paperback: ISBN-0-

521-47942-8)., 1995.

Scott Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary, (London: Pearson Education

Limited, 2002, P3)

John W. Creswell, Educational research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

Quantitative and Qualitative Research, fourth edition, (New York:

Pearson, 2012), P. 112

Plachouras V, Ounis I. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 2007;6:56-


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