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Sri Anggi Pradita (2019) speaking problems in English presentation faced by
English Department Students of Unismuh Makassar. The thesis of English Education
Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University
of Makassar. Supervised by Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa and Ratu Yulianti Natsir.
The objective of this research was to find out the speaking problems in
English presentation faced by the third semester of English department students at
Unismuh Makassar. This research used a descriptive quantitative method. The subject
of this research was third semester students of English education department of
Unismuh Makassar. Total sample of this research were 45 students. The researcher
used questionnaire to collect the data. The finding showed that third semester
students faced six psychological problems in speaking namely anxiety as the highest
problem that faced by the students in English presentation (67.99%), followed by lack
of confident (63.70%), shyness (63,55%), fear of making mistake (69.14%), lack of
motivation (58,07%), and the last is worry for getting criticism (57.18%).
Keywords: Speaking problems, psychological problems, English Presentation
Sri Anggi Pradita (2019). Masalah Berbicara Dalam Presentasi Bahasa Inggris
oleh Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Unismuh Makassar. Tesis Jurusan Bahasa
Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah
Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Andi Tenri Ampa dan Ratu Yulianti Natsir.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui masalah berbicara mahasiswa
semester tiga jurusan bahasa Inggris Unismuh Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan
metode deskriptif quantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester tiga
jurusan bahasa Inggris Unismuh Makassar. Total sampel 45 mahasiswa. Peneliti
menggunakan quesioner untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa semester tiga menghadapi enam masalah psikologis
dalam berbicara yaitu kegelisahan sebagai masalah tertinggi yang dihadapi
mahasiswa ketika presentasi (67.99%), kurang percaya diri (63.70), perasaan malu
(63,55%), takut membuat kesalahan (69.14%), kurangnya motivasi (58,07%), dan
terakhir adalah khawatir akan dapat kritikan (57.18%).
Kunci: Masalah berbicara, masalah psikologis, presentasi
Most Merciful and the Almighty who never stop blessing me so that I could finish
this thesis. Shalawat is also delivered to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has
brought us from the darkness to the brightness and read the truth to the human being.
In accomplishing the study, I realised that I never finish this thesis without help
from the other people around me. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude and
appreciation to:
University of Makassar.
2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd, Ph.D., The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and
3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., The Head of English Education Department
of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and also to the all lecturers who
4. My highest appreciation and much thankful to my first consultant, Dr. Hj. Andi
Tenri Ampa, M.Hum and my second consultant, Ratu Yulianti Natsir, S.Pd., M.Pd.
for their valuable time, knowledge, and guidance with all their patience and
5. My beloved parents who always pray for me every single time, never stop to
6. All of my best teachers and lecturers that have taught me patiently and sincerely
since the first years of elementary school till the end of my study in the university.
8. All of my family and my friends in my life that I cannot mention one by one.
May Allah the Almighty bless them all. Moreover, the researcher also realised
that this paper is far from perfection. It is a pleasure to get critiques and suggestion to
The Researcher
COVER .............................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL SHEET ......................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………….………………..xi
A. Background ................................................................................................ 1
B. Research Statement .................................................................................... 3
C. Objective of the Research .......................................................................... 3
D. Significance of the Research ...................................................................... 4
E. Scope and limitation of the Research ......................................................... 4
A. Definition of Speaking ................................................................................ 6
B. The Importance of Speaking Skill .............................................................. 8
C. The Component of Speaking ...................................................................... 9
D. Types of Speaking…………………………………………………………15
E. The Elements of Speaking…………………………………………………18
F. The Function of Speaking…………………………………………………20
G. The Problems in Speaking………………………………………………....21
H. Classroom Presentation………………………………………………….....26
I. Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………….29
A. Research Method ........................................................................................ 31
B. The Variable of the Research ...................................................................... 31
C. Research Setting and Research Subject ...................................................... 31
D. Research Instrument .................................................................................... 33
E. Procedure of Data Collection ...................................................................... 34
F. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................ 34
A. Conclussion………………………………………………………………...45
B. Suggestions………………………………………………………………...46
BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………47
A. Background
ideas, feeling, thoughts, and opinion to give information to others. Nunan (1991)
states that for most people, mastering speaking skill is the single most important
foreign language, speaking is one of the skill that need to be mastered by students
because, if students’ speaking still lower students can’t have a good communication
or good presentation. But if students have mastered in speaking they are able to have
skill. It means that speaking is the basic skill in learning language. Therefore
speaking skills is very important that need to learn and need to be mastered by
students. Speaking skill is according to how students present their ideas during
Presentation is one technique in speaking class with the aim of developing the
ability to clearly express ideas or thoughts in front of other people in the class.
language. Presentation is a part of speaking skill have very good prospects, the habit
of students for presentations in front of the class can be an activity that trains their
speaking skills. So that in the future students will no longer hesitate or be ashamed to
problems that teachers can come across in getting students to talk in the classroom.
These are: inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation and mother-tongue
In inhibition the students are worried about making mistakes, worry for
getting criticism, and feeling shy when they speak English. Nothing to say; the
students often feel nothing to say when they get the topic that not familiar for them
and they have not a motivation to express themselves. Low or uneven participation;
only one participant can talk at a time because of large classes and the tendency of
some learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not at all. And the last is
mother tongue use; the students often use their mother tongue to express themselves
when they get one topic, because they feel that mother tongue is easier than the target
Speaking seems to be the most important skills of all the four skills because
people who know a language are usually referred to as speakers of that language. In
reality, speaking is the most difficult skill. The students faced many problems at the
speaking skill. Inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven, participation, and mother
students faced when they do presentation, even though they are English department
students do not know their problems in speaking they can not improve their speaking
skill and also they can not speak English when they presentate. Therefore the
researcher want to know what are the students’ speaking problems in English
presentation, of course each students has their own answer according to their
Based on the background above, the researcher choose the title about
Unismuh Makassar”.
B. Research Statement
statement as follow:
“What are the speaking problems in English presentation faced by the third
Based on the research statement above, the objective of the research as follow:
“To find out the speaking problems in English presentation faced by the third
The benefit for the students, the students can know what are their
2. For teacher
The benefit for teacher, the teacher can know what are the students
solutions for students’ problem. And also teacher can change their method in
The benefit for the future researcher, this research can help the future
faced or felt by students. The researcher limited on the problems (lack of confident,
shyness, fear of making misatake, anxiety, lack of motivation and worry for getting
citicism) in speaking. It have been evaluated based on the third semester of English
A. Definition of Speaking
According to (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997) Speaking is an interactive process
information. Speaking requires that learners not only know how to produce specific
competence), but also that they understand when, why, and in what ways to produce
language (sociolinguistic competence). Finally, speech has its own skills, structures,
speaking skill, those are: language features in which contains 4 points. They are a
connected speech is the sounds modifying in producing utterance when people speak.
Speaking is the ability to speak fluently and presupposes not only knowledge of
language features, but also the ability to process information. Chaney as cited in
Kayi (2006) gives the definitions of speaking as the process of building and sharing
meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts.
Speaking is making use of words in an ordinary voice, offering words, knowing and
being able to use a language expressing one-self in words and making speech
(Hornby 1995:826).
ability to express oneself in the situation, or the activity to report acts, or situation in
the other hand, speaking can be called as oral communication and speaking is one of
skills in English learning. This become one important subject that teacher should
given. That is why the teachers have big challenge to enable their students to master
English well, especially speaking English in class or out of the class. Speaking refers
expertise concerns with language structure and language content. Teaching speaking
not like listening, reading, and writing. It needs habit formation because its real
Clark (1997) state that in speaking a speaker expresses thought and feeling in
words, phrases, and sentences following a certain structure which regulates the
meaningful units and meaning of sentences. The frequency of using the language will
determine the success in speaking skill, in other word without practicing it will be
difficult to speak English fluently. Burkart (1998:11) said that speaking is an activity
which involves the areas of knowledge, they are the mechanics ( pronounciation,
grammar, and vocabulary) it is the use of the right words in the right order with the
right pronounciation.
Speaking is one of the language skills, which are reality important in direct
communication. Speaking skill is one of the most important trait that a human being
needs to learn during theirlife time. Speaking skill is important for career success
because speaking skill can enhance one’s personal life and thereby bring about the
learning a second or foreign language, and success ia measured in terms of the ability
language spend time developing speaking skills. It means to help the students in
acquiring English as foreign language and the most effective way to communicate is
the four language skills called listening, speaking, reading, and writing, speaking is
the most important one that is necessary for the effective communication (Ur 2002).
Based on the statement above researcher conclude that speaking is the most
students can speech in public, can give information and can have a good
Speaking is one of the four language skills that should be mastered by the
students, Therefore in the following there are some aspects of speaking performance.
According to Harris (1974:84) there are five components they are, pronunciation,
1. Pronounciation
when they are speaking. It means that the student can communicate
effectively when they have good pronounciation and intonation even though
students to produce the utterance words clearly when they are speaking
(Gilbert, 2008:1).
intonation and phrasing, and more peripherally even gesture, body language
2. Grammar
knowledge of the language. This is done by a set of rules or principles that can
Greenbaum and Nelson (2002:1) argue that Grammar refers to the set of rules
words can change their forms and can be combined into sentences in that
is the study of how words combine to form sentences. Thus from statement
above can be concluded that grammar is a rule that is needed for the students
including clear and correct sentence construction and the proper forms of
3. Vocabulary
said that one key the success in communicative, which is the power of words.
knowing a word and using a word. In other words, the purpose of vocabulary
learning should include both remembering words and the ability to use them
vocabularies we will be easier to express our ideas, feeling and thoughts both
speaking, the vocabulary used must be very familiar and it is used in everyday
basic building block of language learning, students need to know words, their
meanings, how they are spelt and how they are pronounced. Moreover,
Thornbury (2005:22) suggest three usual things used by speakers in what they
a). When people speaking, they are involving high proportion of words and
b). Speakers usually employ words and expression that express positive and
and by identifying what people like and dislike, thy are able to express
c). A speech also usually employs deitic language, i.e words and expressions
that poin to the place, time, and participants in the intermediate or a more
distant context.
can not express our ideas , we must have much words or vocabulary to speak
4. Fluency
and learning process, if the teacher wants to check students’ fluency, the
aim is to help students speak fluently and with ease. The teacher does not
correct immediately whereas the idea being that too much correction
that a person is said to be fluent speaker of a language when he can use its
a). Fill time with talk without awkward pauses for a relatively long time
5. Comprehension
directly observable and must be inferred from overt verbal and nonverbal
the nature of the research project, even when procedures are complicated and
to the speakers’ understanding about what are they saying to the listeners in
the listeners easily to catch the information from the speaker. And
D. Types of Speaking
Brown (2001: 266-268) identifies six types that apply to the kinds of
oral production that students are expected to carry out in classroom. They are:
1. Imitative
to pinpoint a certain vowel sound. It is carried out not for the purpose of
2. Intensive
3. Responsive
slightly more complex than intensive but the difference is blurry, to includes a
to respond to a spoken prompt (for authenticity), and briefly converse with the
prompter at the limited level using standard greetings and small talk, simple
4. Transactional
and can have a measurable result. In this case transactional is mere done in the
5. Interpersonal
trickier for learners because they can involve some factors such as (slang,
ellipsis, sarcasm, a casual register, etc. This often makes the learners find it
6. Extensive
Each categories above can be implemented based on the students’ level and
students’ ability. Here are the summary purpose of each element: imitative for
learn how such features as the relationship in the conversation, and extensive is to
Harmer (2003:269) states that the ability to speak English presupposes the
1. Language features
parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and
to– face interaction). The use of these devices contributes to the ability to
convey meanings.
seek clarification and show the structure of what we are saying. We often
need to ask for clarification when we are listening to someone else talks
processing refers to the way humans use words to communicate ideas and
mental/social processing except the language skill for the speaker, but the
effective speaker to convey their intention to someone else and they process
with people.
able to process the information they tell us the moment we get it. It is a
Brown and Yule’s frame work state three-part version of the function of
described as follows:
1. Talk as Interaction
very difficult for the teacher to teach the students in this case. The teacher
should be able o invite the students give feedback even in small conversation.
2. Talk as transaction
done. The message and making oneself understood clearly and accurately is
the central focus, rather that the participants and how they interact socially
with each other, such; offering something, asking for directions, classroom
discussion, etc.
3. Talk as performance
function. The teachers have to analyze first what the focus of the speaking class, then
the teachers identify the appropriate strategy to teach each kind of the function of
Harmer (2007) states that students will not always use correct English.The
students will face problems and make mistakes when writing or speaking more freely.
In learning English speaking, some students will make slips or errors when they try to
uttered words, phrases or sentences. Slips are mistakes which students can correct
themselves, once the mistake has been pointed out to them. Errors are mistakes which
mistakes and worry for getting criticism are the factors commonly that hinder
students from speaking. Moreover Juhana (2012) also said that psychological factors
such as fear of making mistake, shyness, anxiety, lack of confidence and lack of
Ur (1991) also said that getting learners to talk in English is one of the most
difficult challenges the teacher. Shyness and lack of confidence are just two of the
factors that can cause learners to be reluctant to speak in English and make them rely
on their mother tongue instead. Shyness mean a feeling about oneself in a presence
of other, there are some aspects of students’ shyness are worry about their think of
them, become shy to deal with people from different social class or to work with
more skilled people, and avoid social gathering and usually speak in low voice. Ur in
Heriansyah (2012) also said that there are four factors that make speaking difficult for
1. Inhibition
2. Nothing to say
learners are often complain that they can not think of anything to say, they
have no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they
should be speaking.
The third is mother tongue use. In classes where all or a number of the
learners share the same mother tongue, they may tend to use it; because it is
because they feel less exposed if they are speaking their mother tongue. If
learners are talking in small group it can be quite difficult to get some classes
communication with other persons. This feeling vary greatly from person to person,
and situation to situation. Horwitz explained six factors that contribute to speaking
problems, they are classified into two linguistic and nonlinguistic problems.
1. Linguistic problems
Linguistic problems are devided into three categories, they are (lack of
2. Nonlinguistic problems
Nonlinguistic problems also classified into three categories, they are (fear of
students in speaking can be divided into two kinds of problems namely linguistic
linguistic problems (they were lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar knowledge, and
poor pronunciation). While, the 9 difficulties dealt with non-linguistic problems were
(not being brave to speak, not being confident to speak, being afraid of speaking,
being afraid of making errors, being afraid of being mocked by friends, fearful of
criticism, being nervous to speak, not used to talking in class, difficult to express
Iswarini (2010) found that the students faced two major linguistic difficulties
constructing the right English sentences, most of students Indonessian expression first
who are lack of vocabulary that will make them hard to say word during class and
also makes them not confident to speak English. Related to pronunciation problem,
students are afraid because of their pronunciation is not as good as native speaker and
the students speak more with their first language or their mother tongue. While in
1. Lack of Confident
discussion. They tend to speak the easiest word when speaking. The
certain situation.
avoid, and even fear communicating orally. The existence of this feeling is
foreign language learning. People who are apprehensive speaking are likely
Related to the findings above, the researcher conclude that the students’
speaking problems are divided into two aspects (linguistics and nonlinguistics
aspect). In linguistics field that students’ problem in speaking there are two problems
namely (pronounciation and vocabulary), and in nonlinguistics field there are two
problems namely (lack of confident, worry for getting criticism and fear of making
H. Classroom Presentation
movement and interaction during a lesson are organized and controlled by the
practise all language systems areas (vocabulary, grammar, discourse and phonology)
and skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening). They also build confidence, and
presenting is a skill that most people will need in the world of work. Students who are
good presenters are better communicators all round, since they are able to structure
and express their ideas clearly. Effective presenstation skills is important because can
help keep a presentation interesting, help the presenter communicate with confidence,
In classroom presentation can also form a natural part of task based learning.
practical way to revise and extend book, pair and group work. The audience can also
be set a task, for example, a set of questions to answer on the presentation, which is a
information in a clear, structured way. The Students are sometimes afraid to speaking
in public, but if students follow a few simple rules, giving a presentation is actually
very easy.
students are often to speak in front of people automaticly students are able to
have a confident to speak in public and also their speaking skill can advance.
According to Girard and Trapp (2011) the potential benefits of students’ oral
communication and presentation skills. Students can gain knowledge not only
from the research and other students perform, but also by observing the other
presentation skills.
oral presentation are students’ centered. When students are asked to give an
oral presentation it is one of the few times in the language classroom that the
students themselves have direct control of both the content and the flow of the
use all four language skills in a naturally integrated way and the presentation
There are five benefits if teachers ask the students to using oral
As a students centered
work” or “Group work” appropriately. In make pair and groupwork can help
one technique in classroom to train and give a chance to students for speak in front of
many people and also students can express or explore their speaking skill in front of
I. Conceptual Framework
English Presentation
Speaking Problems
Nonlinguistic Problems
or psychological
1. Lack of Confidence
2. Shyness
3. Fear of Making Mistake
4. Anxiety
5. Lack of Motivation
6. Worry for Getting
problems to speak English, therefore there are speaking problems that faced by
students especially in psychological factors there are (lack of confident, shyness, fear
of making misatake, anxiety, lack of motivation and worry for getting citicism) it is
important in speaking. .
A. Research Design
This research used a descriptive research method, the data of this research is
quantitave because the data obtained from questionnaire. The descriptive method
1. Population
semester there are eight classes, the classification of population can be seen in
Number of Population
1. A 24
2. B 23
3. C 22
4. D 25
5. E 24
6. F 25
7. G 21
8. H 18
2. Sample
of the population carry out randomly regardless of the srata that exist in that
population, so the total sample of this research were 45 students and the
D. Research Instrument
The instrument that used in this research was questionnaire. The purpose of
questionnaire in this research was to know what are the speaking problems in
statement to the respondent to be answered, it means that to collect the data with
give the question or statement for respondent to be answered. In this research, the
The data were collected in classroom. The researcher collected the data by
faced by third semester students, the researcher entered into class and explain to
After all questionnaire distributed to all students, then the researcher collected
the data that obtained from questionnaire was analyzed by likert scale procedure
indicated: strongly agree (SA), agree (A), neutral (N), disagree (D), and strongly
disegree (SD).
1 Strongly agree 5
2 Agree 4
3 Neutral 3
4 Disagree 2
5 Strongly disagree 1
(Sugiyono, 2012)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
Percentage = × 100
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
(Sugiyono, 2012)
A. Findings
This chapter presented the research finding that obtained from questionnaire
that distributed to all respondens in the third semester of English department students
at Unismuh Makassar. The researcher got the data from questionnaire that distributed
students and how many percent students speaking problems of each factor. Then the
In this part, the researcher describes the result of data analysis about speaking
problem or each factor based on the result of questionnaire can be seen in the
No Variables %
2 Shyness 63.55%
4 Anxiety 67.99%
The table 4.1 above shows the percentage of each problems in speaking. The
table shows that anxiety is the highest problem that faced by students with the
second highest problem that faced by students, shyness (63.55%) as the third
highest problem that faced by students, fear of making mistake (60.14%) as the
fourth highest problem that faced by students, lack of motivation (58.07%) as the
fifth highest problem that faced by students, and the lowest percentage is worry for
Anxiety Lack of Shyness Fear of Lack of Worry for
Confidence Making Motivation getting
Mistake Criticism
The chart above based on the result of table 4.1 about the percentage of each
problem in speaking. The chart also shows that anxiety is the highest percentage,
B. Discussion
Based on the finding above, the researcher found that third semester of
English when they do presentation. There were six psychological problems that faced
by students in speaking English, they were (anxiety, lack of confidence, shyness, fear
The researcher finding above is suitable with the theory from Burns and Joyce
cited in Juhana (2012) argue that psychological factors such as anxiety or shyness,
lack of confidence, lack of motivation, fear of mistakes and worry for getting
criticism are the factors commonly that hinder students from speaking.
Based on the finding above, the researcher found that the highest problem
#13. The students feel nervous if using English language when do presentation
#14. If students got nervous they can not speak English well
second item that if they got nervous they can not speak English well. In anxiety the
students got nervousness or felt anxious when they speak English in front of many
people, they can not speak English well if they got nervous. It is similar to what had
been found by Juhana (2012) that one of psychological factor that faced by students
feeling of nerveousness or anxious and it is similar to fear, and anxiety also known as
#2. The students feel unsure of theirself if they are asked to speak English
when do presentation
#3. The students feel reluctant to use English language because they are not
fluent in English
second item that the students feel unsure of theirself if they are asked to speak
confidence because students feel unsure with theirself and feel reluctant to speak
English in front of other people in classroom. Moreover susilawati (2017) also found
that lack of confidence is a kind of feeling where the students attribute their
speak the easiest word when speaking and the interference of this feeling could
Ur (1991) lack of confidence is the factor that can cause learners to be reluctant to
speak in English and make them rely on their mother tongue instead.
The third problem that faced by students is shyness, related to each item in
#4. The students feel shy to speak English when presentation in front of
#6. The students feel shy if they are wrong in using English language
Based on the questionnaire above most of students answered agree in the third
item that the students feel shy if they are wrong in using English language. According
to Ur (1991) shyness mean a feeling about onself in a presence of other, there are
some aspects of students’ shyness are worry about their think of them, become shy to
deal with people from different social class or to work with more skilled people, and
avoid social gathering and usually speak in low voice. Moreover Bowen (2005) argue
that some shy learners are caused by their nature that they are very quiet and prefer to
listen, read and take notes for a considerable length of time before they are ready to
The fourth problem is fear of making mistake, related to each item in this
#7. The students are afraid to make mistake in using English language when
do presentation
#8. The students are afraid to make mistake in speaking English and laughed
at by their lecturer
#9. Their friends often laugh at them if they are wrong in using English
Based on the questionnaire above most of students answered agree in the first
item that the students are afraid to make mistake in using English language when do
presentation. This problem related with the students’ fear of making mistake in
speaking English. Most of students felt worry to make mistake and think that their
lecturer and their friends will laugh at them if they are wrong in speaking English,
they do not want to speak English because they do not want to speak wrong English.
The fifth problem that faced by students is lack of motivation, related to each
#18. The students are not motivated to speak English lack of advice and
Based on the questionnaire above most of students answered agree in the first
item that the students need motivation to be brave in using English language when do
presentation. In this problem the students need motivation, need encouragement and
need support from their teacher to speak English, therefore the teachers need to have
proper time to preper their teaching material to fully motivate students. Nunan (1999)
stresses that motivation is important to notice in that it can affect students’ reluctance
to speak in English.
The last problem that faced by students is worry for getting criticism, related
#10. The students feel worry that they will be criticized by their lecturer if
#11. The students are often criticized by their friends if using English
#12. The students are often think that they will be criticized by their lecturer
Based on the questionnaire above most of students answered agree in the third
item that the students are often think that they wil be criticized by their lecturer and
their friends if using English language when do presentation. Worry for getting
criticism related with students’ worries about getting criticism from other people in
the classroom, they think if their lecturer and their friends in classroom will criticize
(2017) that students feel worried about mistakes and worried for getting criticism
The research finding above is suitable with the theory from Juhana (2012)
about the kinds of psychological factors in speaking such as fear of making mistake,
shyness, anxiety, lack of confidence and lack of motivation hinder students from
A. Conclussion
Based on the research finding and discussion in the previous chapter the
researcher conlude that third semester students of Unismuh Makassar faced six
(anxiety, lack of confidence, shyness, fear of making mistake, lack of motivation and
The researcher found that the highest problem that faced by third semester
students was anxiety. The students got nervousness and felt anxious when they speak
English in front of many people, they can not speak English well if they got nervous,
althought they are fluent in English but if they got anxious they can not speak English
The other problem faced by third semester students were lack of confidence,
shynees, fear of mistake, lack of motivation and worry for getting criticism. Lack of
confidence as the second highest problem that faced by third semester students,
shyness as the third highest problem that faced by third semester students, fear of
mistake as the fourth highest problem that faced by third semester students, lack of
motivation as the fifth highest problem that faced by student, and least problem that
B. Suggestions
classroom use English language as their habit to develop their ability in using
2. The third semester students should join in English meeting club as a place that
3. The third semester students should do more speaking practice and try to speak
4. For the lecturers, they should often to ask the students to speak English when
Bowen, tim (2005) Methodology: shy students: An article offering suggestions and
advice on teaching shy students.
Burns & Joyce. (1997). Definition of Speaking Skills. Jurnal. Unhum jember.
Burkart, A.J. (1998). Speaking skills what do the experts say. https://www.
cambridge. Org / elt / blog2017 / 05 / 17 / speaking – skills – what – do – the –
experts - say
Brown and Yule. (1983). The Function of Speaking. Cambridge University Press.
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1. 2 3 4 3 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 2
2. 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 3 2 3 5 5 5 4 3 2
3. 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 3 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 5 3 3
4. 3 4 3 5 4 5 5 5 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 5
5. 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 2 5 2 4 3 4 3 5 3 2
6. 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 5 2 3
7. 3 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 2 2
8. 4 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 4 3 4 3 2
9. 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 5 3 2
10. 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 4 5 5 5 2 2
11. 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 5 3 3
12. 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 4 5 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
13. 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 4 4 4 3 1 1 3 4 2 2
14. 4 4 5 3 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 3 3 1
15. 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 4 1 1 4 1 4 4 2 1
16. 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 5 2 2
17. 3 3 3 5 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 5 4 3 4 4 4 3
18. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 2 4 2 4 2 2
19. 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 4 4 4 2 4 2 1
12. 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 2
21. 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 5 2 2
22. 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 2 4
23. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 4 4 4 2 2 2
24. 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2
25. 3 4 3 3 4 2 4 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 5 2 2
26. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 2 4 3 4 2 2
27. 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 2 4 4 5 5 5 2 1
28. 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 2
29. 2 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2
30. 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 5 2
31. 4 4 2 3 2 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 2
32. 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 2 1 4 4 4 4 2 2
33. 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 5 5 5 5 3 2
34. 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 2
35. 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 1 2 2
36. 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2
37. 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2
38. 2 2 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 3 2 4 2 4 3 4 2 2
39. 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 4 4 2 2
40. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 1 4 4 4 2 5 1 1
41. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 4 4 3 3 5 2 2
42. 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3
43. 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 4 1 4 2 3
44. 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 4
45. 2 2 2 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 5 4 4
Tot 141 149 140 137 141 151 148 133 125 127 119 140 151 159 149 179 113 100
1. Students’ Answer Percentage of Lack of Confidence Items
Data Analysis
1 141 62.66%
2 149 66.22%
3 140 62.22%
Total 63.70%
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
2. Students’ Answer Percentage of Shyness Items
Data Analysis
4 137 60.88%
5 141 62.66%
6 151 62711%
Total 63.55%
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Data Analysis
8 133 59.11%
9 125 55.55%
Total 60.14%
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Data Analysis
10 127 56.44%
11 119 52.88%
3 140 62.22%
Total 57.18%
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Data Analysis
13 151 67.11%
14 159 70.66%
15 149 66.22%
Total 67.99%
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Data Analysis
16 179 79.55%
17 113 50.22%
18 100 44.44%
Total 58.07%
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Name :
Class :
Note :
Strongly Agree = Sangat Setuju (SS)
Agree = Setuju (S)
Neutral = Netral (N)
Disagree = Tidak Setuju (TS)
Saya merasa kurang percaya diri untuk menggunakan bahasa
Inggris ketika presentasi
Saya merasa tidak yakin kepada diri sendiri jika saya disuruh
untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris ketika presentasi
The Pictures Of Research Process in classroom