Chrysophyllum cainito L. generally known by the people of East Java with the term kenitu.
Kenitu leaf have contain some compounds, there are alkaloid, sterol and triterpenoids. There
are known usefull for lowering blood sugar levels. This purpose research to determine the
activity of extrac choloform leaf kenitu and optimal dose in mice againts the decrease in
blood sugar levels that heve increased blood sugar levels due to alloxan.
This treatment was performed on mice experiments with 5 groups. The treatments
were negative control (induction of alloxan without therapy), positive control (therapy with
metaformine), therapy of kenitu leaf extract with 3 dose variations, that 25, 50, and 75
mg/KgBB. Blood sugar level measurements were performed using the Easy Touch tool.
Keywords: Kenitu Leaf (Chrysophyllum cainito L), Blood Sugar Level, Alloxan.
Diabetes Mellitus is a collection of symptoms that arise in a person caused by an
increase in blood glucose levels due to a decrease in progressive insulin secretion from
the background of insulin resistance ( Soegondo dkk., 2009). Disorders of the hormone
insulin is the basis of symptoms in diabetes mellitus. Insulin is produced by pancreatic
organs located near the liver and plays a role in releasing and storing body fuel
(Herqutanto. 2009). Diabetes mellitus type 2, in contrast to type 1 diabetes mellitus, is
not problematic with insulin, but with insulin receptors (BP PERKENI, 2011).
Chrysophyllum cainito L. is commonly known by the people of East Java with the
term kenitu, while in its home region (Central America) is called star apple. This plant is
included in the family Sapotaceae and grow in the area with high rainfall and humid that is at
an altitude of 5-1000 meters above sea level. It is a type of tree plant whose height ranges
from 10-30 meters, chronically (perenial). Includes hermaphrodite plants (USDA, 2003).
The plant is nutritious as a medicine such as bark, sap, fruit and seeds. Fresh
fruit is consumed to reduce inflammation in the throat and lungs While infusion of
the skin of the fruit is rich in tannin substances that can be used for tonics, stimulants,
diarrhea drugs, dysentery, stop bleeding, inflammation and gonorhoe drugs. Seeds
that taste bitter are used as a febrifuge, tonic and diuretic by pounding. The sap of a
tree in brazil is used to treat an abscess, while elsewhere it is used as a diuretic, a
febrifuge and a drug for dysentery (Morton, 1987). Fruit has high antioxidant activity,
among which are: kenitu produces antioxidant anthocyanins, and cyanidin-3-O-ß-
glucopyranoside (Einbond et al., 2004). Leaves are used as traditional antidiabetic
herbs by the Aboude-Mandeke tribe. It contains alkaloids, sterols or triterpene which
play a role in lowering glucose levels by antioxidant mechanisms (Koffi et al., 2009).
So far, there has been no publication of the leaf antidiabetic activity of kenitu
using chloroform leaf extract of kenitu which can decrease blood sugar level of male
white rod induced wistar strain with alloxan. Based on the above uraiaan conducted a
study of white blood glucose levels of male rats indirectly wistar strains induced with
Materials and Methods
The materials used in this research are leaf-simplisia powders obtained from
Materia Medika Stone, alloxan, 0.9% NaCl, chloroform, 70% alcohol, CMC-na, and
white rats wistar strains obtained from the Laboratory of the Faculty of Biology
Islamic University Negeri Malang.
The instruments used in this study are digital scales (Shimadzu Uni Bloc),
Sonica® Ultrasonic Cleaner, moisture analyzer, rotary evaporator (IKA RV 10
Basic), hotplate (IKA RW 20 Digital), oven (Memmert UN 55), funnel, erlenmeyer ,
injection tools, cotton, intubation tools, surgical scissors, amputation tools, easy touch
tools, mouse cages and places to eat and drink.
Preparation of Diabetes Mellitus Mice (DM) and Control
Before alloxan-induced rats, the test animals were empowered first but still
fed. This was performed in accordance with the experimental protocols that stated
that the tested animals for an 8-12 hour period were more likely to have diabetes than
non-empowered test animals (Fitriani, 2011). During the removal of the husks are
removed from the cage so as not to be eaten by the animal try. First, the measurement
of fasting levels to determine blood sugar levels of animal testing before alloxan.
Second, alloxan monohydrate solution induced in group K (-), K (+), P1, P2, and P3
mice at 32 mg / 200 gBB doses intraperitoneally by positioning the supine mice to the
visible abdomen. In the abdomennya mice smeared 70% alcohol in order to avoid
infection, then pinched to feel the muscle (Shofia, 2013). After the injection of rats
were fed and drunk as usual.
Blood glucose measurements in mice were repeated on day 7 after alloxan
induction to ensure that mice had permanent diabetes.
Prosedur Penelitian
The data collection procedure in the research that will be done consists of
material preparation, material extraction, and antidiabetic activity test with
chloroform leaf extract kenitu.
Data analysis
Blood glucose measurement data in rats tested for normality with Shapiso
Wilk test showed blood glucose levels in normal distributed mice with significant
values (p> 0.05). Normality test results are considered normal if the value of p-value>
0.05. P-value test result of normality of measurement of blood glucose level found in
table 2.
Based on Table 5.4, the p-value of all four formulas> 0,05, then the value of
blood glucose level in normal mice. After being declared normal, it is followed by
homogeneity test using Levene's test. Given the results of blood glucose
measurements in mice there is data that is not homogeneous with the value (p - value
<0.05) that is found on the 7th day measurements of p = 0.03. Homogeneity test
results can be seen in table 3.
Due to the non-homogeneous data, it is followed by Kruskal-Wallis
nonparametric test, to know the significant difference in each treatment group.
The result of measurement test of Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test data can
be seen in table 4. Result of data analysis of blood glucose measurement with
Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test obtained sigification value (p <0,05) that there is
significant difference in negative control group with treatment group has a value
<0.000 on day 7. There was a significant difference in the negative control group with
the treatment group having a value <0.02 on day 3, and no significant difference in
the negative control group with the treatment group had a value <0.384 on day 0. It
was followed by Mann-Whitenay nonparametric test to observe significant
differences in each treatment group with negative control group.
The result of measurement test of Mann-Whitenay nonparametric test data can
be seen in table 5. Result of data analysis of blood glucose measurement with Mann-
Whitenay nonparametric test obtained sigifikasi value (p <0,05) that there is
significant difference in control group with control group positive, dose group 25
mg / KgBB, group of dose 50 mg / KgBB, and group dose 75 mg / KgBB with
significant value equal to p = 0,04 at day 7. Table 6.
The purpose of Mann-Whitenay nonparametric test is to know the existence of
significant differences in each treatment group, so that from the analysis result can be
concluded that there is a significant difference between the control group and the
treatment group shown by significant value p = 0.04 on the 7th day.
Based on the results and the discussion obtained by the researcher, it can be
concluded that the leaf chloroform extract has activity on the decrease of blood sugar
level shown in dose group 50 mg / KgBB> 75 mg / KgBB> 25 mg / KgBB and>
positive control group on day 7th. And the optimal dose of leaf kenitu on chloroform
leaf extract therapy that gives effect to decrease blood sugar levels in rats induced
with alloxan is at dose 50 mg / KgBB.
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500 Negatif
400 Positif
25 mg/kgBB
50 mg/kgBB
75 mg/kgBB
KGD0 mg/dl KGD3 mg/dl KGD7 mg/dl KGD14 mg/dl