539 13168 1 PB
539 13168 1 PB
539 13168 1 PB
Diabetic Rats
Novita Sari* and Arifah Sri Wahyuni
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jl. A. Yani Tromol Pos I, Pabelan Kartasura Surakarta 57102
*e-mail: [email protected]
Black rice bran is one of processed foods derived from plants and has a decreasing effect of blood glucose
levels. Major component of anthocyanin in black rice bran that functions in lowering blood glucose
concentration is cyanidin 3-glucoside. Fifteen male rats Sprague-Dawley strain were selected randomly and
divided into 5 groups with the same number in each groups. These groups were consisted of normal control,
negative control, and black rice bran extract treatment with dose of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg of bodyweight
(b.w.). Each of them were induced to experience diabetes by alloxan 150 mg/kg of b.w. Measurement of
blood glucose levels was done by using visible spectrophotometer at 546 nm. The samples were collected
before and after alloxan injection, and after 4, 7, and 10 days later to observe the changes of blood glucose
levels. The results showed that black rice bran at 200 mg/kg of b.w. was able to lower the glucose levels,
which amounted for 131,33 ± 8,08 mg/dL after 10 days of injection.
Table 1. Glucose level (mg/dL) before and after treatment extract on 0, 4, and 7 days.
Glucose level (mg/dL)
Baseline Days 0 Days 4 Days 7 Days 10
83 83 90 161 126
Normal group 92 116 112 122 149
155 152 88 136 152
X ± SD 110 ± 39,23 117 ± 34,51 96,67± 13,31 139,67 ± 19,75 142,3 ± 14,22
II 190 230 545 469 447
Negative group 120 206 137 147 133
132 519 457 418 306
X ± SD 147,33 ± 37,43 318,33 ± 174,19 397,67 ± 214,71 344,67 ± 173,07 295,33 ± 157,27
III 134 414 475 193 345
compounds that has activity in lowering glucose uptake into peripheral tissues and
blood glucose levels is cyanidine 3-glucoside regulating the level of enzymatic activity that
(Kaneda et al., 2006). In a study conducted by responsible in coordinating the metabolic
Suryaningrum (2015), cyanidine 3-glucoside pathways (Brahmachari, 2011).
obtained from ethanol extract of black rice In addition, Kaneda et al., (2006)
bran as much as 0.012% w/w. Moreover, Hadi explained that flavonoid anthocyanin also act
(2015) concluded that black rice bran has a as an antioxidant which is important in the
total anthocyanin content of 3.284 mg/100 g. inhibition of the formation of Reactive Oxygen
The presence of these compounds can improve Species (ROS) by protecting pancreatic beta
the situation of hyperglycemia by increasing cells while simultaneously reducing oxidative
glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) protein stress in diabetes melitus (Park et al., 2008;
to facilitate the entry of glucose into the cells Modak et al., 2007). Thus, antioxidants in
(Sasaki et al., 2007). Hence, flavonoids have black rice bran can prevent complications of
similar ability with insulin in mode of action diabetes mellitus (Rahimi et al., 2005).
and repairing pancreatic beta cells. According Conclusion
to Brahmachari (2011), this resemblance of Based on the results, it can be concluded
action is happened through a biochemical that black rice bran extract with dose of 200
process by facilitating the transport of glucose mg/kg of b.w. was able to lower blood glucose
into the tissues and promotes the synthesis of levels up to 131.33 ± 8.08 mg/dL after 10 days
glycogen as an energy reserve. Mechanisms of of treatment.
flavonoids as a diabetes drug is by stimulating
Brahmachari, G., 2011, Bio-flavonoids with promising anti- diabetic potentials : A critical
survey, Anti-diabetic bio-flavonoids, 661 (2), 187–212.
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Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Tikus Nefropati Diabetes, Skripsi, Fakultas Farmasi,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Etuk & Muhammed, 2010, Evidence Based Analysis of Chemical Method of Induction of
Diabetes Mellitus in Experimental Animals, Society of Applied Sciences, 1 (2), 331–336.
Hadi, A., 2015, Aktivitas Antioksidan Etanol Ekstrak Bekatul Beras Hitam (Oryzae sativa L.