I Corps Trailblazer Battalion: Weekly News

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SEPT 16, 2011 In this issue:

You can now click on the links below to take you to each section
Intro Section- Trailblazer News Section 1- For Your Information Section 2- Sports/Fitness/Wellness Section 3- Employment/Scholarship Opportunities Section 4- JBLM Community Events Section 5- Kids and Parenting Events Section 6- Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) Section 7- Special Needs/EFMP Section 8- Deployment Section 9- Trainings, Briefings, Certifications Section 10- Religious Activities SECTION 11- Safety Section 12- AAFES- Movies and more Section 13- Madigan Healthcare System Section 14- Financial Matters Section 15- Helpful Websites

**The Trailblazer Battalion News is an authorized unofficial unit information source published for the Soldiers and Families of the HHB, I CORPS. There is no U.S. Government endorsement of any commercial sponsor. Although the information in the issue is current at the time of publication, activities and events are subject to change. Please contact the activity listing for confirmation.**

Trailblazer Battalion Weekly News 9-16-11

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Trailblazer Battalion News


TRAILBLAZER BATTALION FRG MEETINGS- HERE IS THE UPCOMING MEETING SCHEDULE FOR ALL THE COMPANY LEVEL FRG MEETINGS FOR THE TRAILBLAZER BATTALION. DONT KNOW WHICH FRG MEETING YOU SHOULD ATTEND? EMAIL [email protected] AND FIND OUT. ATTENDING FRG MEETINGS IS A GREAT WAY TO MEET NEW PEOPLE, AND GET UP TO DATE INFORMATION ABOUT THE UNIT. EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. HSC- Next FRG Meeting is 5 October at the Family Resource Center on JBLM Lewis Main. A CO- Next FRG meeting date is 10 October. B CO- Next FRG meeting date is 27 September. C CO-. There will be a movie night on September 21 at the Carey Theater on JBLM. Next FRG meeting will be 3 October at 6PM at the Family Resource Center.


16 OCTOBER FAMILY PARTY- On 16 October all Trailblazer Battalion Families are invited to attend a Kids Festival in Lacey from 11am-5pm at Saint Martins University. The event will be geared for kids of all ages. There will be bounce houses, mobile games station, and much more. Please RSVP for this event on their website at http://www.rsvpbook.com/event.php?458531. More information on this event can be found at http://www.northwestmilitary.com/installations/kids/2011/09/Honoring-Your-Military-KidsEvent/.

We are pleased to announce that the HHB I CORPS, Trailblazer Battalion , has an FRG facebook page. Look for us on facebook listed as Trailblazer Battalion FRG or go to https://www.facebook.com/TrailblazerbattalionFRG and click LIKE. Some of our companies also have their own facebook pages as well. HSC- Listed as HSC I Corps FRG http://www.facebook.com/pages/HSC-I-CorpsFRG/152735064786106

C CO- Listed as I Corps Charlie Company Titans http://www.facebook.com/CCOTITANSFRG

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LEAVE YOUR DECALS ON YOUR CAR!! DO NOT remove DOD vehicle decals at JBLM: There is an Army message stating that Dept. of the Army no longer requires DoD Decals to be displayed on vehicles, However, the message leaves the final decision at each installation to the Base Commander. The message was only released this week and the JBLM Commander has not yet made a decision. Until further notice, there is no change at JBLM. DoD Decals are still required. PUYALLUP FAIR MILITARY DISCOUNTS- Sept. 19 is Military Monday. Free admission for Active/Reserve/National Guard/Retirees & military family members when presenting military ID at the gate! This year's fair runs SEPT 9-25 - more info, deals & discounts at: http://www.thefair.com/puyallup-fair/deals_discounts/



MILITARY AND FAMILY LIFE CONSULTANTS- Licensed professionals who provide situational, problemsolving consultations anonymously and confidentially. No written records are kept, and it is free to military and family members. They also work hand-in-hand with existing services to provide consulting, education and training support on topics such as: Combat stress and coping strategies; emotional cycle of deployment and reintegration; communication; relationship issues and reestablishing intimacy; anger management/conflict resolution; parenting skills; children's reaction to deployment and reunion. Five consultants are available on-post at(253)495-8425/2621 and off-post and at (253) 320-1707. Offices are in Building 2166. In addition, two consultants work with Child, Youth and School Services and can be reached at (253) 677-3883. McChord personnel should call (253) 304-8401 FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER (FRC) HOLIDAY PARTY RESERVATIONS- The calendar opens for holiday party reservations on 3 Oct 11. The doors open at 0700 and numbers will be given out. Each person will be given only one number and may make only one reservation. Each individual will only be allowed to make one reservation. Reservations begin at 0900. Holiday parties will be available daily during December. The times available are as follows: 1000-1400; 1400-1800; or 1800-2200. Please have a couple of days/times in mind in case your first choice is not available. The maximum occupancy for the FRC is 125 persons. The FRC is located in Building 4274, on the corner of Idaho Street and 9th Division. No reservations will be made over the phone. For further information call (253) 967-9496. (IMWE-LEW-MWA/967-9496) LEGAL ASSISTANCE HOURS- Effective Tuesday, Sept. 6, the hours of operation on Tuesdays and Thursdays will change for the JBLM Lewis-Main Legal Assistance Office. Hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will remain the same. The new hours are as follows: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for attorney services and 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for notary and powerof-attorney services. Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for attorney services, notary and power-of-attorney services. For questions, call 477-1875



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OPERATION THANKSGIVING EAGLE- AUSA Family Programs is pleased to announce that we will again partner with Harmony Hearth and sponsors BAE Systems and Raytheon to continue our Operation Thanksgiving Eagle (OTE) project. Operation Thanksgiving Eagle is author, Debbie Finks, effort to recognize and thank military children for the daily sacrifices they make by having parents who serve to protect Americas freedom. Copies of Debbie Finks childrens activity book entitled Its a Family Thanksgiving! A Celebration of an American Tradition for Children and Their Families, will be provided upon request. This holiday workbook reminds us why we hold strong to our history, our heritage and our family traditions and how we draw strength and inspiration from our heroes and our heroines. Operation Thanksgiving Eagle books will also be again distributed at the Family Programs exhibit booth during the AUSA Annual Meeting. To request a book for your children please complete the form at: http://www.ausa.org/resources/familyprograms/OpThanksgivingEagle/Pages/2010TGEagleRegisterFo rm.aspx?Source=http://www.ausa.org/resources/familyprograms/OpThanksgivingEagle/Pages/Thank s.aspx USO SURVEY- The USO is asking military members and their families to participate in a survey to determine what programs and services they find most valuable. From September 7th through October 5th the USO will be asking service members and their families to participate in an online survey. The survey, conducted annually, will provide important data to the USO to help determine what areas of USO support are most valuable to our nations military and their families. The survey is conducted by a third party and is available online at http://www.TellUSO.org. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and participants who complete the survey are entered in a drawing to receive a $500 Visa gift card. ARMY DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST- Show off your best digital photography and possibly win a cash award. The annual Army Digital Photography contest is accepting entries from September 5 through October 16 from eligible active duty, family members, retirees, and civilian personnel. Please visit https://apps.imcom.army.mil/Apptrac for information. ICE COMMENTS- Do you have a complaint, or complement about services received on JBLM? Please voice your concerns through the Interactive Customer Evaluation comment system. Let your voice be heard! Visit http://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=site&site_id=957




10. NEW RED CROSS EMERGENCY NUMBER- Beginning June 13, the American Red Cross is moving to a single telephone number for its emergency communication services. Servicemembers and their families will be able to use one toll-free number, 877-272-7337, to send an urgent message to a servicemember following the death or serious illness of an immediate family member, the birth of a servicemember's child or grandchild, or when a family faces other emergencies. Additional Red Cross services will also be available. For those people stationed overseas, the three options for calling will remain the same: calling 877-272-7337 direct, accessing the number through a military operator or calling their local Red Cross station.

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11. STRESS HELP- We all feel day-to-day stress. The TRICARE Assistance Program is confidential, easy to use and there when you need it. Visit their website or call to get started www.triwest.com/OnlineCare 1-888-874-9378.

1. PIANO LESSONS- Sat, September 24, 2:30pm 6:00pm Wednesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays from 2:30 to 6 p.m. for ages 5 18 yrs. Cost: $48 (four classes per month) Individual practice/lessons provided by qualified piano instructor. Classes are 30-minute sessions offered four times per month. For more information, call Mr. Reid at 253-535-1597. Register on Webtrac at JBLMmwr.com. You can also register at Parent Central Services Bldg. 2295 at Lewis Main or Parent Central Services Annex at McChord Field. For specific class information please contact the class instructor. PLEASE REGISTER BY THE FOURTH FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH FOR THE NEXT MONTHS CLASSES. For more information or directions visit JBLMmwr.com. TRACK AND FIELD CLASS- Improve your athletic potential! Tired of being the slowest person on your team? Learn how to jump higher, sprint faster and become more agile through speed ladders, hurdles and polymeric boxes. If you are up to the challenge join us, and be prepared to sweat. This class is Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. at Cowan Stadium. Rain or shine. TEEN FITNESS- Teens ages 1315 are invited to get fit for free at a JBLM sports and fitness center. Available at Wilson Sports and Fitness Center at Lewis North, teens will work out under the supervision of a CYS Services youth trainer. An initial evaluation is required, and a parent/guardian must be present. Teens must be registered with CYS Services to participate. Work out Monday through Friday 37 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.2 p.m.




ROLLERSKATING ON JBLM- Did you know that JBLM has its very own, state of the art Roller Rink? The AFC Arena is located adjacent to the Bowling alley and splash park, on Liggett Ave. They offer skating sessions every day of the week at reasonable prices. There is a coffee shop, FREE Wi-Fi, snack bar. They offer a variety of sessions for all ages. They also allow birthday parties, FRG meetings, and unit functions. Visit their site for prices and hours at http://www.jblmmwr.com/skating.html Friday nights are Teen Night Skates at AFC Arena! The cost is only $2.50 for ages 13-15 & $3.50 for ages 16-18 (IDs required for age confirmation). Tot skate Wednesday- Parents and their tots can watch a family movie, meet other families and bring strollers out on the skate floor during AFC Arenas Wednesday stroller and tot skate 9 to 11 a.m. Skates are $1 per person; rollerblades are $2 per person. Call 967-4458 for information.

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MY CAA EDUCATION FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE- Need education financial assistance to acquire a portal career license or credential? Visit the MyCAA web portal here to see if you are eligible, or call a Spouse Career Center consultant from Military OneSource at (800) 342-9647 for assistance. YELLOW RIBBON PROGRAM- The Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program (Yellow Ribbon Program) is a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. This program allows institutions of higher learning (degree granting institutions) in the United States to voluntarily enter into an agreement with VA to fund tuition expenses that exceed the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition rate. The institution can contribute up to 50% of those expenses and VA will match the same amount as the institution. There are many details to the program, please visit the VA website at http://www.gibill.va.gov/gi_bill_info/ch33/yellow_ribbon.htm JOB FAIR- ACAP JBLM will host a Job Fair on Thursday, September 29th, 2011 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at the American Lake Community Center, 8085 NCO Drive, JBLM-North. There will be employers recruiting for a variety of positions nation-wide. For more information and a list of employers that will be present, stop by the ACAP Center or call 253-967-6317. JBLM EDUCATION FAIR- Ever thought about going back to school, but werent sure where to start? Dont know which school to attend? Not sure how you will pay for it? Come to the Joint Base LewisMcChord Edication Fair Sept. 22, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Stone Education Center. Open to all JBLM Lewis Main and McChord Field military community members, including military, DOD civilians and Family members. For information, call the Education Center at 967-7295/7174. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE JBLM AFAP CONFERENCE- The JBLM AFAP committee needs your help this year. We have many positions that need to be filled for the annual conference 12-13 October. AFAP is open to both Army and Air Force. Contact Michelle at 253-967-9496 if you are interested in this fun, rewarding volunteer experience.





6. NEW EMPLOYMENT PARTNERSHIP FOR MILITARY SPOUSES- The Defense Department launched a new partnership recently thats intended to expand job opportunities for military spouses by connecting them with employers actively seeking to hire them. Microsoft, Home Depot, Starbucks and the Navy Federal Credit Union are just a few of the nearly 60 corporations and companies that have signed on with the DOD partnership. The design of this program is to bring together those spouses who want to work with a web portal where companies that would like to employ our military spouses can find them. That web portal is Military OneSource located at http://www.militaryonesource.com which also offers job-seeking resources such as resume building. People can call OneSource consultants at 1-800-342-9647.

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7. HEROES AT HOME II- JBLM has an exciting new program for all active duty military spouses assigned to JBLM after 2005. To be eligible the spouse must be dislocated from a job or underemployed. They provide tuition assistance, funding for books or childcare, career counseling, educational planning, resume building, interview preparation. To take advantage of this wonderful opportunity call 253-9667366 or 360-570-4271 or visit the Stone Education Center on Lewis Main. For information visit www.heroesathome2.com. Dont delay they need you enrolled by October!


1. PARENTS NIGHT OUT- Parents, do you need a night out without the kids? Register for Parents' Night Out Sept. 30, 5-11:30 p.m. at Clarkmoor Hourly Care Center for $4/hr. If you have a spouse deployed, you may use your discounted hourly care or respite hours for this event. Call 253-966-2977 to make your reservation. Children must be preregistered with CYSS. You can also make your reservation online through webtrac at www.jblmmwr.com. . 2. OPERATION HOMEFRONT BABY SHOWER- Join us for our 3rd Baby Shower Event September 24, 12pm to 3pm, Real Life Family Center 17708 28th Ave East, Tacoma, WA 98445. This shower is supporting all moms to be with due dates by March 31, 2012, and new moms with infants aged 0-6 months old. Moms must be stationed at JBLM or Bremerton. You will receive gifts, meet new mommys, play games, prizes, cake, food, and more! Registration is required as this will fill up quick. Register at http://www.operationhomefront.net/washington. 3. PERSONAL SHRED DAY- All Soldiers, Family Members, and Civilians come out the last Friday of each month and shred your personal papers. Limit of 3 paper size boxes each visit. The shred facility is located on Lewis Main in building 3152 on the corner of 3 rd Division and Collier. This event is NOT for unit items, only personal documents. 4. OKTOBERFEST ON JBLM- Come out and enjoy JBLMs 2011 Oktoberfest Saturday October 1 at the MWR Fest tent located behind the Bowling Center on Lewis Main. The event will be held from 11am to 10 pm, and will include German Themed Music & Entertainment, Traditional German Brew & Food. For more information please call 253-477-4299. 5. USO EVENT- Join the USOPSA for a night to remember at the Museum of Flight, Thursday, November 17. They will be honoring service members, their families and celebrating the USOPSAs 45 years in providing support to the worlds bravest. Visit usopsa.org to view invitation and sponsorship details. 6. SPOUSES CLUB GIFT WRAP FUNDRAISER 2011- ATTENTION FRGs: are you looking for fundraising opportunities? The Spouses club is now taking FRG names who wish to participate in their annual fundraiser this holiday season. To participate send a letter with two POCs phone #s and email

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addresses to PO Box 33314, JBLM, WA 98433 by 1 Nov. All dates will be selected by random drawing after 1 November. 7. LIBRARY EVENTS- The JBLM library system has a large variety of fun events and services for all ages. For information on their entire services visit www.jblmmwr.com/libraries for more information. Library Card Drive- The JBLM library system would like to make sure that all students have a library card so they can take advantage of all the services the library has to offer. During the month of September all preteen and teens can get their own card and will be invited to a Teen Read Week October 16-22. To get a card, they simply need to bring their ID card to the library and sign up. Story times- Head to the book patch library, located in the Grandstaff Library on Lewis Main, every Wednesday at 10:30 for story time. McChord Library also offers story time on Thursdays at 11am and 3 pm. Celebrate Teen Read Week at your Libraries -- Teens can submit photos for our Aw, Snap! Photo Contest Oct. 1-16 at McChord Library (851 Lincoln Blvd. ground floor). Categories: Haunted; Nature; Animals. Library patrons will judge, winner announced Oct. 21. Call 253-982-3454 for details

8. BELLA DONNA CHOCOLATE INDULGENCE TOUR- Bella Donna Adventures is a program that was started by women for women on JBLM. Join them on Sunday Sept. 25 for a girls only trip to Seattle. They will tour the town and learn the history of chocolate, where it comes from, and all about how its made. The minimum age is 12 and the cost is $75 dollars. Visit www.jblmmwr.com or call 253-9676263 for information on how to sign up. 9. LEWIS COMMUNITY SPOUSES CLUB- Their annual super sign up will be 20 September from 10 am 2pm and 6pm- 8pm at the LCSC Cottage (located on the corner of Pendleton Ave, West Way, and Lewis DR.). All spouses of every rank are eligible to join. 10. JBLM ANNUAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS CONFERENCE- This years conference will be held on October 20 at the Four Chaplains Chapel on Lewis Main. The conference is open to Soldiers, Family Members, Civilians, and is free. Register now by calling 253-967-5901. The first 150 to respond will receive free lunch. MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY 2011- Celebrate Make a Difference Day 2011 and make a positive impact in the community on October 22. Get your co-workers, friends, family, or unit involved in an activity that will directly benefit the local community. Adopt or register a project with the Installation Volunteer Corps Office by calling 253-967-2324. They have a list of available projects for the JBLM community. FREE! FIRE SAFETY FAIR- Join us for the 2011 Fire Safety Fair, Saturday, Oct. 15, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. MWR Fest tent. Free food, games & fire safety information.



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1. LEWIS NORTH GAME NIGHT- October 14 from 6-8 pm and October 15 from 9am-10 pm at the Lewis North Chapel. Come dressed as your favorite character from the series Pokemon (child appropriate costumes only!). Must provide own meals or snacks. There will be live performances and skits, pokemon battle with your trading cards, movies, Nintendo DS battles, and much more. For information contact SPC Mehtala at 508-648-2684. SCHOOL AGE SERVICES OPEN HOUSE- See learning and exploring in action during the SAS open house on Thursday September 22 from 3-6 pm. Each SAS in the JBLM community will be open during this time for you to view, the McChord SAS at BLDG 3032 on McChord Field, North Fort SAS, and the Cascade SAS. Representatives from ACS Outreach and CYS Services Outreach will be at all three locations. YOUTH BOWLING- Sign up your kids (ages 6-10) for youth bowling with the EDGE program. Click on our webpage link for more info: http://www.jblmmwr.com/cyss_youth_act.html#services CYSS FALL SPORTS- Its time for fall sports. The link below contains the Fall Sports Calendar for the JBLM CYSS Sports Program. http://www.jblmmwr.com/pdf/cyss/sports/CYSS%20Sports%20Calendar%20FALL%20FY11%20flyer.p df TEEN AFAP CONFERENCE- Teens needed for the annual teen AFAP conference October 8 from 9 am4pm at the Family Resource Center. If your teen would like to participate please call 253-967-3689 or email [email protected].






PLAYMORNINGS- Bring your child (6 years and younger) out to play and meet other JBLM moms and dads. The dates and locations are listed below. Call New Parent Support at 253-967-7409 for more details. Raindrops and Rainbows (located on Lewis North)- Every Friday from 10-11:30 am Escape Zone (located on Mc Chord Field)- Every Thursday at 10 am.


CROSSROADS OF PARENTING AND DIVORCE- Impact on Children Class is offered by Family Advocacy Program at the Family Resource Center, Bldg. 4274. To register please call 253-968-6819. This is a state approved course for parenting plans required by divorce courts. Next class date is 23 September from 5pm-9:30 pm at the ACS classroom in Waller Hall.

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HOMESCHOOL WORKSHOP- Come out to an Introduction to Homeschooling workshop on September 20 at 3:30 pm at the Mc Chord Library. They will have representatives from the Washington State Home School Organization present. PARENT INSTITUTE- The Clover Park School District is hosting a Parent Institute for Military Parents at Evergreen Elementary on 1 October. The event will include free workshops for parents, free lunch, and childcare. The event will be held from 10am-3pm at Evergreen Elementary on JBLM Lewis Main. For information call 253-583-5043. Learn about helping with homework, math and reading strategies, life after high school, and more!


10. TUTOR.COM FREE MILITARY MEMBERSHIP- Now that school is starting take advantage of a free membership to tutor.com, and online service for students in kindergarten through 12 th grade. Visit www.tutor.com/army for this free service. 11. PARENTING CLASS Classes for expecting parents are available the second Monday of every month, from 9 to 10 a.m., in the Sakakini Conference room at Madigan Army Medical Center, near the Labor and Delivery Ward. This class is for all parents in need of extra help and education on resources and information. For information, call Medical Social Work at 968-2303. 12. LEWIS TEEN ZONE EVENTS- Building 2295 on Lewis Main (located in the CYSS Parent Central 253-9674441. Open to youth grades 6-12. Most programs are free of charge. CYSS registration required. BEFORE SCHOOL-The before-school program is open to youth who attend Woodbrook Middle School, Harrison Prep or Mann Middle School. Breakfast is served and buses pick up from the program. Starts at 5:30 am. Call for fee information. MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE- Sept. 23 7-9 pm HIGH SCHOOL DANCE- Sept. 30 8-11 pm

13. MCCHORD YOUTH CENTER EVENTS- Open to all dependants (not just air force) ages 12-18. Free programs for youth. CYSS registration required, for information on registration call 253-967-2494. All programs are located in Mc Chord Field at Building 3032 on Lincoln Blvd. For more information on events call 253-982-2203. 14. CHILD CARE REFERRAL- Pierce County Resource & Referral Child Care Services Families interested in obtaining information about childcare services in their off-base area visit Parent Central Services (Building 2295 at Lewis Main - 253-966CYSS (2977) or Building 100 at Mc Chord Field - 253-982 1001) to fill out a waitlist form, or email. The staff will fax a referral form to Pierce or Thurston counties, and the agency will be in contact with families within 24-48 hours with a list of childcare options in their area.

BOSS INFORMATION Trailblazer Battalion Weekly News 9-16-2011 Page 10

WHAT IS BOSS? Almost all of you know that BOSS (Better Opportunity for Single Soldiers) is a program that is set up for Single Soldiers to have activities that you can enjoy and volunteer for to get out into your community. The thing you may not know is that BOSS is YOUR program. SOLDIERS AND SOLDIERS IDEAS ARE THE PROGRAM! You can improve the program by just bringing your thoughts to the table. BOSS is not another program that is trying to come up with ideas on its own. They want to know what you think would be fun and exciting. BOSS wants to help set up those ideas and make it possible. You can now follow the events that BOSS is holding by texting. Put in FOLLOW JBLMBOSS to 40404. You will receive messages about what events are going on. You could also have the chance to receive free tickets or other cool stuff.

1. DESIGNATED DRIVER (DD) PROGRAM: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! This is an easy way to get hours for volunteering. It starts from 2100 0300 every Friday and Saturday. If this program isnt used, then it will disappear. If you want to volunteer, then sign up at your BOSS board or at the Nelson Recreation Center. Plus, you get free bowling all night. To contact the DD van, call 253-208-9169. It will soon be able to accommodate off post as well.


1. DOWN SYNDROME MOMS (AND DADS) NIGHT OUT- Join other parents who have children with Down Syndrome for their monthly Moms night Out will kick off their meetings on October 14 at the Olive Garden in Puyallup at the South Hill Mall. The November meeting will be held on 18 November at the Azteca Mexican Restaurant located near the Tacoma Mall. For more information please call Carolyn Jones at 253-970-7264.


1. DEPLOYMENT KIDS- This website is dedicated to kids dealing with the deployment of one or more of their parents. You can play fun word games in the "In Touch" area or learn interesting things about the world in the "Where in the World" section. The "Playtime" page provides links to other fun sites dedicated to military kids. You can also learn how to create a Journal to record all the thoughts and ideas that you have while your parent is away. Click here to go to the site!

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2. FREE AND REDUCED CHILD CARE/SPORTS/AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN OF DEPLOYED PERSONNEL- The JBLM Child and Youth Services offers a substantial benefit for all families with a deployed Soldier. Beginning 30 days before deployment until 90 days afterward You are entitled to 16 hrs. of FREE hourly per child per month, reduced hourly fees after 16 hours, discounts on full day care, FREE sports and classes (up to a certain dollar amount for the duration of the deployment). To take advantage of this offer visit www.jblmmwr.com/cys for information on childcare registration.


1. EDUCATIONAL ADVOCACY WORKSHOP- As the new school year commences, we are hosting

another Educational Advocacy Workshop for those who were unable to attend or for those who did attend and would like to hear the information again. The workshop will be held on Sept 23 rd from 0830-1200 in ACS Classroom in Waller Hall. For more information and to register, please contact Cheryl Hoyson at 253-967-5795 or [email protected]. 2. RELATIONSHIP WORKSHOPS- The Child and Family Assistance Center (CAFAC) presents weekly Relationship Workshops. Sessions are held in the Madigan Annex, Tupa Conference Room, ramp 3 between preventive medicine and the Shopette (look for signs). The sessions are every Tuesday from 2-3:30pm. No registration required to attend, simply show up. If you have questions concerning these sessions, you may contact the facilitators: Kathy Howell, LMFT 253-968-4550 [email protected] or Patsy Randahl, LMFT 253-968-4518 [email protected].
September 20- Emotional Competency. Understand your emotions and their effect on your relationship. September 27- What Does My Family Have to Do With Us? A look at family history and gender roles. Does your past effect your current life?

3. PTSD SUPPORT GROUP- Meets the first Tuesday of every month 1700-1830 at the Soldier and Family Assistance Center 253-966-3979. 4. FAMILY WELCOME BRIEF/WHAT TO DO THE FIRST WEEK OF ARRIVAL- Join us in the Waller Hall conference room, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. and learn more about Fort Lewis. Attendance is highly recommended for newly arrived spouses. For more information call 253-967-3628. Every Tuesday 1100 1130

5. FOOD HANDLER COURSEFirst Tuesday/Month 1900-2000 Trailblazer Battalion Weekly News 9-16-2011 Page 12

Third Tuesday/Month 1600-1700 POC: Carol Elliot 253-968-4331. 1 Hour Classes given by Environmental Health. Installation certificate good for one year. Must have for all FRG fund raising involving food sales, even if you are not directly handling the food. Held at Old Madigan, Ramp 2, RM 9911C 6. FRG TRAINING ON JBLM- Register by calling 253-967-9496. All classes are held at the Family Resource Center on Lewis Main. 7. ARMY FAMILY TEAM BUILDING- Call 967-2382 to sign up. Classes are held at ACS Annex, Bldg 2166, Corner of 12th St. & Liggett. Soldiers (E5 and below) can earn 4 promotion points by completing AFTB classes. SEP 26-30 1730-2100 Level III

8. SPOUSE RESILIENCY TRAINING- teaches you skills to grow and thrive in the face of challenges, bounce back from adversity and be at your best when it matters most. Free childcare vouchers will be offered for during this training. Check availability for your pre-registered CYSS youth at Clarkmoor Hourly Care Center by calling 253-966-2977. To pre-register for the training, or for additional information, call Jo Dempsey at 253-967-9977 or email: [email protected]. Future opportunities for this training will be on September 28th to 30th.


NEW CHAPEL SCHEDULES FOR JBLM- These changes are due to the Lewis Main Post Chapel closing. This service schedule begins Sunday, 25 September 2011. POC for this information is Pat Owings, JBLM Garrison Chaplains Office, 253-967-3718 CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS SERVICES
Reconciliation SAT, 1600 Reconciliation SUN, 0930 & 1630 Mass Mass Mass Mass SAT, 1700 SUN, 0800 SUN, 1145 Lewis Evergreen Chapel, 253-967-7187 McChord Field Chapel #2, 253-982-5556

Lewis Evergreen Chapel 253-967-7187 Lewis North Chapel, 253-966-5959 Lewis Evergreen Chapel, 253-967-7187 McChord Field Chapel #2, 253-982-5556 Lewis North Chapel , 253-966-5959

SUN, 1000 & 1700 Mass Daily, 1200


Vespers SAT, 1700 Lewis North ROTC Chapel, 253-967-4014

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Orthodox Divine Liturgy SUN, 0900

Lewis North ROTC Chapel, 253-967-4014

Feast Days Call 253-651-2484 for information on Festal Services Lewis North ROTC Chapel, 253-967-4014 DIVERSE WORSHIP SERVICES FRI, 1230 Madigan Chapel Conference Room JBLM-Lewis Main, 253-968-1125

Islamic Prayer Service

Buddhist Service, THU, 1800, Lewis North Chapel,253-967-4046/253-365-8753 Jewish Worship FRI, 1800, Lewis Chapel #5, JBLM-Lewis Main, 253-968-2469 Vesak Day (1st, 3rd & 5th FRI) Wiccan SUN, 1500 Bldg T6195, JBLM-Lewis Main Wiccan Study Group TUE, 1900 Bldg T6195, JBLM-Lewis Main


Liturgical, SUN, 0800, Lewis Evergreen Chapel, 253-967-7187 Traditional , SUN, 0830 McChord Field Chapel #1, 253-982-5556 Chapel Next, Contemporary SUN, 1000, Lewis Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel, 253-967-1721 General Protestant SUN, 0945 Lewis Evergreen Chapel, 253-967-7187

Contemporary SUN, 1100 McChord Field Chapel Support Center, 253-982-5556 Gospel SUN, 1200 Lewis North Chapel, 253-966-5959

Soldiers Contemporary Service SUN, 1030 Lewis Soldiers MemorialChapel, 253-967-7151/7152 MISSION 2.9 Sun, 1730 Lewis Evergreen Chapel, 253-967-7187

1. PWOC- Protestant Women of the Chapel is a relaxing atmosphere where women can be themselves. We gather together each week for (non-denominational) worship, Bible study, food, and fellowship. Newcomers are always welcome. They are moving to a new location at the North Fort Chapel, and meetings will now be held on Tuesdays from 9-11:30. Follow PWOC on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ft-Lewis-PWOC/135297726511941 for all the latest information regarding their program. They also have a night bible study that will meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at the North Fort Chapel. FREE onsite childcare available to children registered with CYSS.
2. JBLM BIBLE STUDIES- Are you looking for a bible study? You are in luck. Joint Base Lewis Mc Chord offers a variety of studies for men and women, on both Lewis Main and Mc Chord Field. For a complete list of studies offered please visit http://www.lewis.army.mil/chapel/Bible_Studies.htm

SAFETY/ROAD CLOSURES/INSTALLATION ACCESS Trailblazer Battalion Weekly News 9-16-2011 Page 14

1. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF GATE SURVEY- The JBLM commander is considering a plan to build a new gate for access to and egress from JBLM-Lewis North in the vicinity of South Drive and DuPontSteilacoom Road. This location has been proposed because there is enough space available to build a gate that would handle a large traffic volume, because traffic entering or exiting the gate will not travel through troop billet areas or Family housing, and because of its proximity to I-5.The contractor studying the traffic congestion has developed a six-question survey that will be available from Aug. 31 to Sept. 23 at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KV5B3KY. We need your input to get the best possible solution to the traffic congestion issues on Lewis North. The better we understand your driving habits the more likely it is that we will get the added capacity you need. Log in and participate. (Note: you may need to depress the Ctrl button on your keyboard to use your mouse to access this link). 2. BACK TO SCHOOL SAFETY- Fall is a busy time for many military families. This week's NW Guardian has back-to-school safety tips: http://www.nwguardian.com/2011/09/01/10945/school-districts-welcomemilitary.html

3. HOUSING CHECKS- Do you live on post.? The JBLM military police office can keep an eye on your home while you are away. You can simply walk into the MP Station and fill out a quick form. When you return home, just give them a quick call to let them know. This is separate from the form that Equity Residential asks you to give them when you go away.

4. ROAD CONSTRUCTION ON POST- Please keep in mind there is a lot of construction on post right now. Please be sure to plan extra time and look for alternate routes during this time. The construction is necessary to make improvements to the installation to minimize future traffic and congestion. Thank you for your patience.

More information about traffic revision updates and construction changes will come as the contractor announces them. For road conditions, call 967-1733.

AAFES JB Lewis-McChord Movie Schedule PH (253) 967-4329 *recording PH (253) 967-5976

FRI Sep Aug 16 1900 Cowboys and Aliens (PG-13)

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SAT Sep 17 1400 Cowboys and Aliens (PG-13) 1900 The Change-Up (R) SUN Sep 18 1400 Cowboys and Aliens (PG-13) 1900 The Change-Up (R) FRI Sep 23 1900 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) SAT Sep 24 1400 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG13); 1900 Final Destination 5 (R) SUN Sep 25 1400 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13); 1900 Final Destination 5 (R) THU Sep 29 1900 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) FRI Sep 30 - 1900 30 Minutes or Less (R ) SAT Oct 1 - 1400 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (PG); 1900 30 Minutes or Less (R) SUN Oct 2 - 1400 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (PG); 1900 30 Minutes or Less (R)

FREE MOVIES- The theater at McChord Field has reopened and offers free weekend movies. Call 253982-5836 for schedule.



1. TRICARE MOBILE APP- You can now manage your health care on the gostraight from your phone! Available in both the I Phone and Android markets. Click here for more information http://www.triwest.com/en/beneficiary/registration/Mobile-Support-Delivered/ 2. FLU VACCINES- Flu Vaccines will be available from Oct 3-21 M-F 0800-1500 at the Ground Floor Madigan Medical Mall. Call 968-4744 for further information. Trailblazer Battalion Weekly News 9-16-2011 Page 16

3. TOBACCO CESSATION: Join the growing number of ex-tobacco users on Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Call TRICARE at 1-800-404-4506 for a cessation appointment. Also, check out the free cessation counseling, quit tools and promotional materials at "Make Everyone Proud. Quit Tobacco" www.ucanquit2.org YOU CAN DO THIS - You can be tobacco-free! POC: Cynthia Hawthorne, RN-BC, APHN, Madigan Army Public Health Nursing (253-968-4382). 4. NEW TRICARE Q&A FEATURE- TriWest Healthcare Alliance, the West Region contractor for the TRICARE program, has launched a new monthly Q&A to help answer general TRICARE questions on Military.com. This month's topic: TRICARE Young Adult and this month's question: My son is 24 years old and without health insurance. How can he enroll into the TRICARE Young Adult program? To learn more or enquire about the answer to this question, please go to: http://militaryadvantage.military.com/2011/08/tricare-qa-tricare-young-adult/


Financial Readiness Location: Waller Hall, Room 400, 2140 Liggett Avenue Hours of Operation: 0700 1630, Monday - Friday OPEN all DONSA days, closed Federal Holidays Services Available: One-on-one counseling for Soldiers and their spouses (budgeting, debt management, credit counseling, investment education, general financial planning), Personal financial management classes, Army Emergency Relief (AER) Appointment Line: 253/967-7166 Program Manager: Curtis Littlegreen, CFA, CFP 253/967-3525, [email protected] Please call 253/967-7166 to make an appointment to begin monitoring your credit.
Classes at Lewis Main, please call 253/967-7166 to register
9/ 29 Youth Class (High School) 1730 1900 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/4 Consumer Rights, Obligs & Scams* 1330 1430 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/4 Ready to PCS* 1430 1530 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/14 Credit Repair 0930 1130 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/11 Principles of Personal Finance* 1330 1430 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/11 Planning & Budgeting* 1430 1530 Waller Hall, Room 400 9/20, 10/18 Banking & Checking* 1330 1430 Waller Hall, Room 400 9/20, 10/18 Using Credit Wisely* 1430 1530 Waller Hall, Room 400 9/21 Investing for Retirement 1300 1430 Waller Hall, Room 400 9/21 Planning & Budgeting 1830 1930 Grandstaff Library 9/22 Home Buying Workshop 1300 1430 Waller Hall, Room 400 9/27, 10/25 Getting Insurance* 1330 1430 Waller Hall, Room 400 9/27, 10/25 Saving & Investing* 1430 1530 Waller Hall, Room 400

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9/29, 10/27 Money & Divorce 1330 1530 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/6 Understanding Money & Credit 1330 1500 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/6, 13, 20 Youth Class (High School) 1730 1900 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/19 Identity Theft 1830 1930 Grandstaff Library 10/20 The TSP & Other Retirement Accts 1000 1130 Waller Hall, Room 400 10/21 Understanding Debt Mgmt Strategies 1000 1130 Waller Hall, Room 400 Money University: A special set of classes will be held on 26 & 27 OCT in the Bldg 2166 Classroom, Lewis Main. Please call 253/967-7166 for more information!

Classes at McChord Field, please call 253/982-2695 to register

9/19 First Term Airman Classes* 0730 1400 Bldg 551 Classroom 9/22 Ready to Rent 1000 1130 Bldg 552 Conf Room 9/20 Understanding Money & Credit 0900 1030 Bldg 552 Conf Room 9/27 Lifecycle Financial Planning 1330 1500 Bldg 552 Conf Room 9/30 The TSP & Other Ret Svgs Accts 1330 1500 Bldg 552 Conf Room 9/23 Car Buying 1300 1430 Bldg 552 Conf Room 9/26 Getting Insurance 0900 1030 Bldg 552 Conf Room Money University: A special set of classes will be held on 28 & 29 SEP in the Bldg 851, McChord Field. Please call 253/982-2695 for more information!
*First Term Soldier/Airman classes

Helpful Websites
Facebook pages JBLM GARRISON PAGE http://www.facebook.com/#!/JBLMGarrison JBLM AFAP http://www.facebook.com/#!/jblmafap JBLM MWR http://www.facebook.com/JBLMFamilyMWR I CORPS News http://www.army.mil/institution/organization/unitsandcommands/corps/icorps FORT LEWIS MWR CALENDAR AND ACTIVITESwww.jblmmwr.com FOCUS MAGAZINE http://www.jblmmwr.com/focus.html ON-LINE FT LEWIS COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE http://www.lewis.army.mil/resourceguide/ Trailblazer Battalion Weekly News 9-16-2011 Page 18

JBLM MWR mobile app: The JBLM MWR Mobile App has just been updated. An Android version is coming soon! Visit www.itunes.apple.com/us/app/jblm-mwr to download your free app. MILITARY ONE SOURCE www.MilitaryOneSource.com Every resource you need, free confidential counseling service, PCS information. ARMY ONE SOURCE www.MyArmyOneSource.com information for Spouses and Soldiers, FRG eLearning, Mandatory First Term Soldier Financial eLearning Classes. After Deployment- www.afterdeployment.org Suicide Prevention- www.suicideoutreach.org

Plan at
on the

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corner of 12th St. and Liggett


Valuable Resources: These websites contain all you need to know about traveling Military Space A http://www.baseops.net/spaceatravel/ http://www.amc.af.mil/amctravel/index.asp http://www.62aw.af.mil/library/space-a/index.asp http://www.pepperd.com/vb/forum.php http://www.spacea.net/ TIPS: -Get Deployed Sponsor Memo- Email the Battalion Family Readiness Support Assistant at [email protected] and request one. It will be good for the entire deployment. She will need the Sponsors full name and all dependents names and last four of SSNs. -Register with the terminals you wish to fly to/from This can be done via email ---there is a sample on the websites above. You may cc all of the terminals and register all at once. Print a copy of the email to present in case there are any issues. Registration is valid for 60days and you can renew. You may fly as often as you like during the 60 days May register up to ten days prior to sponsors date of deployment, or anytime thereafter. -Dependent children must have valid ID card and be at least 18yrs old to travel without parent Dependent children under 18 must travel with parent. -Show/time roll call is the time that the AMC staff call the people on the list in order of priority to give them a seat. You must have all passengers and baggage at this time. You must be at the terminal ahead of this time to mark yourself present. -Space Available travel is a great benefit, but you must allow yourself flexibility and time when using this travel method. Flights are never guaranteed, and may often change. Always make sure to travel with enough funds for food, shelter, and alternate transportation costs if need be. -The key to successful travel is to PLAN AHEAD. Research your terminals to find out their hours in case you get in somewhere in the middle of the night. You will need a plan of where to go if the terminal is not open. If you are curious about flight schedules, call the terminals you wish to fly to and from to see some destinations they go regularly. They may not be able to give you many details over the phone, but can give general answers. Trailblazer Battalion Weekly News 9-16-2011 Page 20

-Whenever you travel, please let your FRG Leader or Rear Detachment know your plans. This is helpful in case of an emergency when we may need to reach you.

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