Lesson Plan A5a

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Lesson Plan

Teacher’s name:
Class: 5th
Level of study: Beginners
Textbook: Limba moderna 1 - Limba engleza Clasa a V a
Lesson: Family ties
Vocabulary: family members, pets, appearance, hobbies
Grammar: have got, regular and irregular plurals
Type of lesson: mixed lesson-using the existing knowledge on new material
Skills: speaking, reading, writing
Method of teaching: communicative method, elements of audio-lingual approach, elements
of direct method
Teaching techniques: conversation, exercises, word chart, brainstorming, explanation,
concept (question, group writing, reaching a consensus, crosswords)
Materials: textbook: Limba moderna 1 - Limba engleza Clasa a V a , video materials,
handouts, blackboard
Class organization: pair-work, group work, lock up, individual
No. of students: 25

Competences: A. Cognitive competences:

-by the end of the lesson

1. students will be able to recognize and use regular and irregular plurals;
2. students will be able to describe their family and talk about their hobbies;
3. students will be able to express themselves in free speech;
4. students will be able to use the given information in everyday life;
5.students will be able to become familiar with some phrases related to people’s
daily life.

B. Affective competences:

1. making the students confident in themselves while speaking a foreign

2. stimulating students’ imagination and creativity.

Teaching aids: video materials, blackboard, overhead projector, newspaper

A. Bibliographical:

 Official: The Curriculum for Secondary School Education

 Textbook: Limba moderna 1 - Limba engleza Clasa a V a, Jenny Dooley,

Uniscan, 2014

 Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (YLE), Handbook for teachers

 www.busyteacher.com

 www.youtube.com

B. Human: the students of the class

Stage of the Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Interaction Time Skills Aims Purposes
Checking T checks attendance. Ss answer. T-Ss 1’ speaking -to see if everybody is
Attendance present

Warm-up T asks students to play “The Ss pick a question T-Ss 3’ speaking - to arise the Ss interest on
Bowler Hat” game and answer it. the lesson
T invites a student to choose Ss-Ss
a question and answer it:
- Who is the president of Pair work
- What are the four seasons?
- When do we celebrate

Checking T asks students to read their Ss read their T-Ss 4’ reading -to check if the homework is
homework homework : ex.4,5/43 homework and write Ss writing correct
it on the whiteboard.
Feedback Teacher offers feedback. Ss listen. T-S 1’ listening -to let the students know how
T-Ss well they performed their
Announcing the T announces the objectives of Ss listen to the T. T-Ss 1’ listening -to let students know what
objectives the lesson. knowledge they will
consolidate during the lesson
Checking the 1. T refers to the previous Ss solve the task. Lock up -to arise the Ss interest on the
previous material lesson. 10’ speaking lesson
Pair work Handout
2. T asks Ss to solve the task Ss solve the task, 1 -to reinforce the previous
given in the handout. choosing the correct knowledge
word. T-Ss -to check if they understood
reading the previous lesson

writing -to consolidate previous

Evaluating the 1.T asks Ss to watch a video: Ss use the T-Ss 27’ Speaking Video -to activate the vocabulary of
existing The hungry dragon information in the the previously taught lesson
knowledge video to answer the Ss -T
teacher’s questions. -to practice the items that
were taught
Reading Handout
2. T asks Ss to use the Ss fill in the table Ss-T
information in the video and using the Tom’s - to check if they understood
list all the food the hungry information in the Lock up daily the new introduced material
dragon ate. video. Speaking routine

Pair work -to ask questions

Ss build sentences. Writing

3. T asks Ss to build Group work
sentences using the words -to express their opinions in
from the table. free speech

Feedback and 1. Teacher offers feedback. Students listen. T-S 1’ listening -to let the students know how
evaluation 2. Teacher gives marks. T-Ss well they did their job in the
Homework 1. T assigns homework, Ss Students listen. T-Ss 2’ listening -to let the students know
have to create a short what their H is
composition entitled The
hungry bear, following the
dragon’s example.


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