Mathematics 10 Performance Task 1
Mathematics 10 Performance Task 1
Mathematics 10 Performance Task 1
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner will be able to use different measures of position
In solving the measures and position of data given. Also, they will be able to organize, analyze and
interpret the data and its result.
PERFORMANCE TASK: This task will be done individually. You are a teacher who has just finished
grading your grade 10 mathematics test. You have 30 students in the class, and their scores range
from 40 to 95. You want to analyze the data to get a sense of how well the class performed overall
and how individual students did on the test. Here is ungrouped data of the scores:
86, 75, 62, 78, 40, 85, 79, 92, 68, 73, 60, 71, 89, 91, 80, 88, 83, 70, 84, 95, 72, 77, 69, 67, 64,
81, 87, 61, 63, 82
Using the data provided, complete the following task:
Construct a frequency distribution table for the scores, with intervals of 10 points (e.g., 40 –
49, 50 – 59, etc.)
Calculate the mean and mode of the data using the frequency distribution table you’ve
Identify the percentile rank of a student who scored 85 on the test, calculate the position
and value of Q 3, P40 , and P60. Interpret the results of each data.
Write the given data, the frequency distribution table, and the complete solution of each of the
following items in a short bond paper.
TRANSFER GOAL: Students will be able to apply their knowledge of frequency distribution tables,
measures of central tendency and position, and data interpretation to real-world situations and
problems. They will also be assessed on their ability to draw conclusions and make decisions based
on their results. The rubrics will be used to assess their performance in the four categories
mentioned below.