Quantitative Reasoning Rubric Template 6-17-2016
Quantitative Reasoning Rubric Template 6-17-2016
Quantitative Reasoning Rubric Template 6-17-2016
Students calculate, represent, interpret, analyze, apply, evaluate, and communicate numerical information.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence Apply
Calculate All calculations are accurate Calculations are essentially Calculations are attempted Calculations are not
and presented in a clear, accurate and presented in a but are inaccurate or attempted or are essentially
Students perform accurate
concise and comprehensive sufficiently comprehensive incomplete. inaccurate.
format. format.
Represent All representations are Representations are Representations are Representations are not
accurate and presented in a essentially accurate and attempted but are inaccurate attempted or are essentially
Students identify and convert
clear, concise and presented in a sufficiently or incomplete. inaccurate.
relevant information into
comprehensive format. comprehensive format.
various mathematical forms.
For example, written
information translated into
equations, graphs, diagrams,
Interpret All interpretations are Interpretations are essentially Interpretations are attempted Interpretations are not
accurate and presented in accurate and presented in but are inaccurate or attempted or are essentially
Students identify and explain
clear, concise and sufficiently comprehensive incomplete. inaccurate.
information presented in
comprehensive forms forms.
mathematical forms.
For example, equations,
graphs, diagrams, tables
translated into narrative form.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence Apply
<Insert part of the actual
assignment or describe the
<operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
part of the assignment
Apply/Analyze All applications/ analyses are Application/analysis is Application/analysis is not Application/analysis is not
accurate and use an essentially accurate and uses systematic or is incomplete. attempted or is essentially
Students analyze and apply
appropriate systematic an appropriate systematic inaccurate.
quantitative information in
approach to solve a problem. approach to solve a problem.
order to solve a problem.
For example, uses a discipline-
based systematic approach to
solve a problem.
Evaluate All evaluations are accurate Evaluation is essentially Evaluation is attempted but is Evaluation is not attempted
and presented in clear, accurate and presented in a inaccurate or incomplete. or is essentially inaccurate.
Students evaluate quantitative
concise and comprehensive sufficiently comprehensive
information in order to make
forms. form.
judgments and draw appropriate