Python CodeTantra Unit-5 & Unit-6

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Academic Task Number: ___CA-3___________ Course code: QTT201

Date of allotment: __6/12/2023______ Course title: Business Mathematics & Statistics

Date of submission: _12/12/2023_______ __________ Maximum Marks: _____________30 Marks_______
Academic Task Type: Assignment /test
Title: Regression Analysis in Business Mathematics

Objective: The goal of this assignment is to use regression analysis to understand the relationship between variables and make
informed business decisions using real-world data.


Dataset: You will be given (or you can generate, primary data collection) a dataset containing data linked to a business case. There
should be at least two numeric variables in the dataset that can be used for regression analysis. For example, you can use product sales
data and advertising expenses as variables.


Data Exploration: a. Explore the dataset by calculating basic statistics, creating visualizations (e.g., scatter plots), and identifying
potential relationships between variables.

Regression Analysis: a. Perform a simple linear regression analysis on the dataset using one variable as the independent variable
(e.g., advertising expenses) and the other as the dependent variable (e.g., product sales). b. Interpret the regression output, including
the coefficients. c. Create a scatter plot of the data points and overlay the regression line. d. Determine the strength and direction of the
relationship based on the regression coefficients.

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Prediction: a. Use the regression model to make predictions. For example, if you were using advertising expenses and product sales,
predict the sales for a given level of advertising expenses.

Conclusion: a. Summarize your findings and conclusions. Discuss whether the hypothesis was supported or rejected. b. Explain the
practical implications of your analysis for the business scenario.

Presentation: a. prepares a concise presentation or report summarizing your analysis and findings. Use charts, graphs, and tables to
enhance your presentation. b. Present your findings to the class, explaining the importance of regression analysis in business

Grading: The total points for this assignment are 30. You will be evaluated based on your data collection, exploration, regression
analysis, prediction, conclusion, and the quality of your presentation or report.

This assignment will help students apply regression analysis concepts in a business context, which is essential for making data-driven
decisions in various industries.

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Needs Improvement
Parameters Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Poor (1)

Selection of
appropriate Business Clear, concise, and appropriate Business Scenario Basic and provides a general idea
problem appropriate Business Scenario and appropriate business of the topic without strong Lacks clarity or is
(5 Marks) and appropriate Sets problem, but lack clarity engagement. unclear. Absent or irrelevant.
Demonstrates limited or
flawed use of the Fails to use the
Use of the Demonstrates an excellent and Utilizes the mathematical tool Uses the mathematical tool mathematical tool, mathematical tool
Mathematical Tool skilful use of the mathematical effectively, though some competently but may have minor affecting the accuracy of appropriately or
(15 Marks) tool to address the problem. aspects may lack precision. errors or inconsistencies. the solution. accurately.

Interpretation is weak or
Interpretation of the lacks clarity, making it
Result Provides a deep and insightful Offers a solid interpretation of Presents an interpretation of the challenging to No meaningful
interpretation of the result in the result, though some result, but it may lack depth or understand the interpretation of the
(5 Marks) the context of the problem. insights may be surface-level. thorough analysis. implications. result provided.

Conclusion lacks
Presents a well-structured Offers a conclusion that coherence or fails to
Conclusion conclusion that effectively summarizes the main findings, Provides a basic conclusion without effectively summarize
summarizes key points and but some key insights may be effectively summarizing the main the assignment's key Conclusion is absent
(5 Marks) insights. missing. points or insights. aspects. or lacks relevance.

Total 20 - 25 16 - 19 12 - 15 8 - 11 4-7

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Important Note:

1. All work must be original; any work that is clipped, duplicated, or pasted will result in a zero grade.
2. If two students' work is discovered to be identical to one another's work, both will receive a zero.
3. Students must submit documents in either word or pdf format; word documents occasionally cause settings to change; to
prevent this, pdf documents are the preferable choice.
4. Students should ensure that the answers to the questions are in the correct order before submitting the file to UMS.
5. Students must submit their files only via UMS and on time; after the deadline, assignment will not be accepted.

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