STD 10 Project Details 2023 24 Final 1679647184
STD 10 Project Details 2023 24 Final 1679647184
STD 10 Project Details 2023 24 Final 1679647184
• Front page format and subject specific instructions must be followed strictly.
• Substandard projects will not be accepted, and rework will be sought.
• Projects submitted after the due date will result in loss of marks.
• Spiral binding of the projects must be avoided. Chart paper binding as shown in the
image below must be used. Student’s name, class, subject
& roll number must be mentioned on the top of the
project. Refer to the image for clarity.
Submission dates:
Sl NO Subject Submission Date
1 English Language 12th June
2 English Literature 14th June
3 Hindi 15th June
4 Kannada 26th June
5 Geography 19th June
6 Mathematics 23rd June
7 Physics 20th June
8 Chemistry 16th June
9 Biology 15th June
10 Economics 28th June
11 Commercial Studies 27th June
First 2 projects – 30th June
12 Art
Second 2 projects – 29th August
SUBJECT: __________________________________
Submitted by,
Name: _______________________________
Class & Section :_________________
Roll Number: ______________
STD X (2023-24)
NOTE: You can either write the above acknowledgement or write your own
STD X (2023-24)
1. Introduction
2. About the author and his work
3. Setting
4. Summary of the story– general summary
5. Themes
6. Style
7. Conclusion.
➢ Introduction
➢ About the author and his work
➢ Body – 3 to 4 pages.
➢ Conclusion
➢ Introduction
➢ About the poet and his work
➢ Summary of the poem – general summary to be written and not stanza wise
➢ Themes
➢ Appropriateness of the title
➢ Style
➢ Conclusion
➢ Introduction
➢ About the author and his work
➢ Setting
➢ Summary of the story– general summary
➢ Themes
➢ Style
➢ Conclusion.
(Names of the books and sites you have referred to , to complete the
project to be written under this heading.
2.ÌuÉwÉrÉ xÉÔcÉÏ ( INDEX) :- ¢üqÉ xÉÇZrÉÉ (Serial no.), ÌuÉwÉrÉ (Topic), mÉ×wPû xÉÇZrÉÉ ( Page no.)
3. AÉpÉÉU ( Acknowledgement)
5. lÉÏcÉå ÌSL aÉL ÍcÉ§É MüÉå krÉÉlÉ xÉå SåÎZÉL | ExÉå SåZÉMüU AÉmÉMåü qÉlÉ qÉåÇ eÉÉå ÌuÉcÉÉU EPû UWåû WûÉåÇ,ElWåÇû AmÉlÉå zÉoSÉå Ç qÉåÇ ÍsÉÎZÉL,mÉU
krÉÉlÉ UWåû ÌuÉwÉrÉ MüÉ xÉÏkÉÉ xÉÇoÉÇkÉ ÍcÉ§É xÉå WûÉålÉÉ cÉÉÌWûL|
6.ÌlÉqlÉÍsÉÎZÉiÉ ÌuÉwÉrÉÉåÇ mÉU ÌWûlSÏ qÉåÇ sÉaÉpÉaÉ 250 zÉoSÉåÇ qÉåÇ xÉÇͤÉmiÉ sÉåZÉ ÍsÉÎZÉL:-
(i) “ fÉÔPû Måü mÉÉðuÉ lÉWûÏÇ WûÉåiÉå ” rÉÉ ``xÉirÉ MüÐ MüpÉÏ WûÉU lÉWûÏÇ WûÉåiÉÏ’’-xÉÔÎYiÉ MüÉ AjÉï ÍsÉZÉiÉå WÒûL CxÉ mÉU LMü qÉÉæÍsÉMü MüWûÉlÉÏ
(ii) rÉÌS AÉmÉ mÉÑÍsÉxÉ AÍkÉMüÉUÏ WûÉåiÉå, iÉÉå AÉmÉMüÐ MüÉrÉïrÉÉåeÉlÉÉ YrÉÉ WûÉåiÉÏ, mÉëMüÉzÉ QûÉÍsÉL| Page no. (72)
7. ÌlÉqlÉÍsÉÎZÉiÉ ÌuÉwÉrÉÉåÇ mÉU ÌWûlSÏ qÉåÇ sÉaÉpÉaÉ 120 zÉoSÉåÇ qÉåÇ mÉ§É ÍsÉÎZÉL:-
(i)AÉmÉMåü ÌuÉSèrÉÉsÉrÉ qÉåÇ uÉlÉ- qÉWûÉåixÉuÉ ÌMüxÉ mÉëMüÉU qÉlÉÉrÉÉ aÉrÉÉ, CxÉ xÉÇoÉÇkÉ qÉåÇ AmÉlÉå ÌmÉiÉÉ eÉÏ MüÉå oÉiÉÉiÉå WÒûL mÉ§É ÍsÉÎZÉL|
(ii)oÉÄRûiÉÏ WÒûD qÉWðûaÉÉD mÉU ÍcÉÇiÉÉ mÉëMüOû MüUiÉå WÒûL ÌMüxÉÏ SæÌlÉMü xÉqÉÉcÉÉU mÉ§É Måü mÉëkÉÉlÉ xÉÇmÉÉSMü MüÉå mÉ§É ÍsÉÎZÉL| Pg. no. (156)
9.`oÉÉsÉ qÉlÉ MüÉåqÉsÉ WûÉåiÉÉ Wæû’ MüÉMüÐ mÉÉPû Måü AÉkÉÉU mÉU AmÉlÉå ÌuÉcÉÉU ÍsÉÎZÉL|
NOTE- Single ruled A-4 pages can be used for the project.
1.Transport in India
• Acknowledgement
• Index/Content
• Introduction
• Modes of transport
• Advantages and disadvantages of
1. Roadways [India map showing 4 types of transport system is mandatory]
2. Railways
3. Airways
4 Waterways
• Problems of Indian Transport system
• Remedial Measures to solve transport problem
• Bibliography
• Acknowledgement
• Index/Content
• Introduction(any Indian State can be selected or general information about Indian
• Famous tourist destinations/tourist spots(any Indian State can be selected or general
information about Indian tourism)
• Development and impact of tourism industry in India
• Problems of Indian Tourism
• Remedial measures
• Bibliography
• Cover Page
• Acknowledgement
• Index/Contents
• Part 1: Survey of various types of Bank accounts, rates of interest offered.
➢ Introduction
➢ History of Banking & Types of Banks
➢ Types of Bank Accounts & their Specific Uses
➢ Calculation of Interest
➢ Prevailing Rates of Interest offered by any two Banks.
➢ Conclusion
(This part should be cover 8 - 10 pages)
1. Standard front cover page must be used for the project as instructed by the school
and it must include all the necessary fields.
2. Pages borders must be drawn and page numbers have to be written
3. Project work must be handwritten. Neat & presentable work will be awarded.
4. Written work must be done on the right page and pictures/drawings/ graphs/
tables/image downloads must be attached on the left page.
5. Space must be left blank for completing the questions on the chapters that have not
been taught in class. This can be completed once the chapters have been taught.
6. Submission date: 20th June, 2023.
* Questions from these chapters can be done at a later date once the chapters are taught in
school. Sufficient pages must be left blank in order to accommodate these chapters.
1. RIGHT SIDE (RULED PAGE) – Write with PEN TITLE (name of experiment), AIM, APPARATUS,
PROCEDURE: Fix the sheet of paper on the drawing board. Place the glass slab
horizontally in the middle of the paper and draw its outline.
Mark a point ‘o’ as shown in the figure and draw a normal ‘ON’ though ‘O’. Draw
an incident ray at any angle. Place the glass slab again in its original position. Fix
two pins P, Q along the incident ray. Now look from the other side of the glass
slab and fix two more pins R, S and mark their positions such that the image of P&
Q and R, S lie in the same line. Join R and S to meet the outline at ‘o’. Join o and
‘o’ and measure LPON and LO’ON. Take down the readings.
ϻ =sin i/ sin r.
AIM OF THE EXPERIMENT: To find the refractive index of glass using real and
apparent depth.
APPARATUS: Glass slab, sheet of paper, drawing board, board pins and pins.
PROCEDURE: Fix the sheet of paper on the drawing board. Place the glass slab
horizontally in the middle of the paper and draw its outline. Remove the glass
slab. Mark point’O’ on its outline AB and draw the normal through ‘O’ at AB.
Place the glass slab back in its position. Fix a pin at ‘O’ in contact with AB. Look
from the other side CD and fix two pins P, Q such that the image of ‘O’ and P,Q lie
along the same line. Join PQ and extend it backward to touch the normal at Q’.
Measure OY and O’Y.
FORMULA: 1/f=1/u+1/v
PROCEDURE: Arrange the lens, screen and the object such that the lens is in between
the screen and the object. Adjust the height of the lens, the bulb and the screen in such
a way that the bulb, the centre of lens and the screen are in a straight line. Focus the
illuminated object on the lens. Adjust the position of the screen such that a clear image
of the object is formed. Repeat the experiment for different positions of ‘u’ and note
the corresponding values for ‘v’. Using the formula calculate the focal length.
Tabular column:
Average =
= -------------------cm.
AIM OF EXPERIMENT: To find the focal length of a convex lens using a plane
PROCEDURE: Adjust the height of the illuminated object, so that it is at the same
level of the lens. Place the mirror first behind the lens so as to reflect the light
passing through the lens from object ‘O’. Starting at an artibutary distance from
the lens, move the object ‘O’ towards the lens till a clear image. Measure the
distance from the centre of the lens to the object ‘O’. Repeat the procedure for
few more readings.
Tabular Column:
Average =
= ----------------cm.
APPARATUS: Plumb line, an irregular lamina, an iron stand and a pin holder.
PROCEDURE: Make 3 holes near the lamina edge. Suspend the lamina freely
from one the holes using a pin along with the plumb line. When both the
pumbline and lamina are stationary mark a point along the plumb line. Draw a
straight line joining the hole and the point marked. Repeated the same
procedure for the other two holes.
RESULT: The point G where the three lines intersect on the plane of the lamina is
its Centre of gravity.
AIM OF THE EXPERIMENT: To measure the weight of the stopper using the principle of
APPARATUS: A stand, a metre scale, a stopper, 50g weight, and some thread.
PROCEDURE: Suspend a ruler horizontally from its midpoint by means of the thread.
Suspend a stopper at one end of the metre scale. Suspend a 50g weight on the other
side at a distance equal to 10cm from the fulcrum. Move the stopper to bring the scale
to equilibrium. Note down the distance of stopper from the fulcrum. Repeat the
procedure for the distance of x= 15cm and 20cm. Find the corresponding values of ‘y’.
Tabular Column:
Trail No. Distance of 50gf from the Distance of the Wt. of stopper
fulcrum ‘X’(cm) stopper from W= 50x/y (gf)
fulcrum ‘Y’ (cm)
1 10
2 15
3 20
Experiment: 7
To verify Ohm’s law and hence find the value of unknown resistance
AIM OF THE EXPERIMENT: To verify ohms’ law and find the value of unknown
PROCEDURE: Arrange the apparatus and make the circuit connection as shown in the
diagram. Insert the plug key, adjust the rheostat so as to register a small current in the
resistance wire. Note the voltmeter reading. Taking at least three more sets of reading.
Plot a graph between ‘v’against’ I’. Take ‘I’ along x-axis and ‘V’ along y-axis.
The graph of V/I was found to be straight line. The average resistance = -----Ώ.
Tabular Column:
= -----------------
Experiment: 8
APPARATUS: Test tube, thermometer, wire gauze, tripod stand, naphthalene and a stop watch,
Bunsen burner, stand, beaker and water.
PROCEDURE: Take some powdered naphthalene in a test tube and clamp it to a stand.
Immerse the test tube in a water bath. Heat the water. Note down the temperature after every
minute. The temperature rises and the naphthalene melts the temperature remaining constant.
Allow the test tube to cool and note the temperature after every minute. Draw graphs for
heating and cooling temperature against time. Take time along x-axis and temperature along y-
axis. The horizontal position of curve gives the melting point.
Tabular Column:
APPARATUS : A beaker for boiling water, a burner, a solid metal piece, a copper
calorimeter with a stirrer, water, beam balance, a weight box, thermometer,
tripod stand.
PROCEDURE: Weigh the calorimeter with the stirrer. Record the mass m, grams.
Fill 2/3rds volume of it with water and weigh it again. Note down its mass.
Record the temperature of water using a thermometer. Weigh the given solid
and note down its mass. Tie the solid with a thread and put it in boiling water.
Drop the solid with the help of a thread quickly and carefully into the calorimeter.
Place a thermometer in the mixture and record the temperature. Specific heat
capacity of calorimeter equals 0.399 joules/gram 0C specific heat capacity water
equals 4.2 joules.
PROCEDURE: Fill the calorimeter with two-thirds hot water and note down its
temperature, stirring the water continuously. Note the fall in temperature for
every single minute. Continue the procedure for at least ten minutes. Plot a
graph for time against temperature. Take time on x-axis and temperature on y-
Tabular Column:
Time Temperature
( min) (0C)
Project Details for Grade 10
Grade 10
Project – Lab record
Topic- I. Identification of gas
II. Action of heat -on substances
III. Identification of cations
IV. Identification of anions
V. Acidic & alkaline solution- distinction between them
VI. Copper oxide & manganese dioxide – addition of Conc. HCl
[ All practicals to be written from textbook under Practical Chemistry section , starting from
page – 259]
Date of submission- 16th June, 2023
Biology Record work Grade 10
The details of the Biology Record work (total 20 experiments) is
uploaded on MS teams. The students have been given instructions on
the biology record work during the class conducted in March’23.
Date of submission :15 th June (full record work)
Importance Points:
1. Please use only pencils to draw diagrams on the left side of the
2. Written content to be neatly written on the ruled pages with
blue pen.
3. Underline the headings and subheadings using scale.
4. Please use scale to label diagrams.
5. Mention the experiment number and page number for each
6. Complete the Index page. Please follow the same sequence of
experiments on the index page as shared on MS Teams.
7. Please enter your name on the ‘certificate page’.
8. Please cover the record book with newspaper and label it.
Note: Record work carries 20 marks.
Std. 10- Project Synopsis Economics
▪ Index-Acknowledgement
▪ Introduction-Meaning of E-Commerce
▪ Types of E-Commerce
▪ Examples of E-Commerce
▪ Benefits of E-Commerce over traditional Commerce
▪ Disadvantages of E-Commerce
▪ Conclusion
▪ Bibliography
ಯೋಜನಾತ್ಮಕ ಕ್ರಿಯೆ
ಭಾಷೆ: Language
೧. ನೋನು ನನನ ಕುಟುುಂಬದಲ್ಲಿ ಹಿರಿಯ ಮಗಳಾಗಿದುು/ ಮಗನಾಗಿದುು ಅಥವಾ ಕ್ರರಿಯ ಮಗಳಾಗಿ/
ಕ್ರರಿಯ ಮಗನಾಗಿ ನೋನು ನನನ ಸಹೆ ೋದರ ಸಹೆ ೋದರಿಗೆ, ಹೆೋಗೆ ಮಾದರಿಯಾಗುತಿತೋರಿ ಎುಂಬುದನುನ
ವಿವರವಾಗಿ ಬರೆದು ತಿಳಿಸಿ, ಹಾಗ ಹೆತ್ತ ತ್ುಂದೆ ತಾಯಿ ಗೆ ಯಾವ ರಿೋತಿ ಕೃತ್ಜ್ಞರಾಗಿರುತಿತೋರ
ಎುಂಬುದನೆನಲ್ಾಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. [ ಹೆ ುಂದುವುಂತ್ಹ ಭಾವ ಚಿತ್ಿಗಳಿರಲ್ಲ.]
ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ; Literature
೧. ಗರುಡಗುಂಬದ ದಾಸಯಯ ’ ಪಾಠದ ಲ್ೆೋಖಕರಾದ ಗೆ ರ ರು ರಾಮಸಾಾಮಿ ಅಯಯುಂಗಾರ್ ರವರ
ಬಗೆೆ , ಸುಮಾರು [೩ ಪುಟದಷ್ಟಿರಲ್ಲ] ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ಹೆ ುಂದುವ ಚಿತ್ಿಗಳಿರಲ್ಲ.
೨.ಕನಾಥಟಕದ ಪಿಸಿದಧ ಇತಿಹಾಸ ಸಥಳವೆನಸಿರುವ ಹಳೆೋಬೋಡು ಮತ್ುತ ¨ÉÃಲ ರು ಈ ಸಥಳಗಳ
ಸುಮಾರು [೫ ಪುಟಗಳಿರಲ್ಲ]
Bethany High School, Sarjapur
Class 10 – Art Group
24ST MARCH 2023
Take note of some of the below examples for the art project submissions.
Items that can be included in Still life Composition:
1. All kind Fruits and vegetables on a plate or with some objects.
2. All kind of ceramic objects- cups, mugs, bowls, plates etc..
3. All kind of transparent objects- like glasses, glass bottles, vases etc
4. Cutlery like fork, knife, spoon etc
5. Branded food products- Like tetra packs. Pickle bottle, packet items, oil
6. Household/ random items – iron box, umbrella, paint boxes, brushes etc
7. Fabric backgrounds, textured backgrounds to be attempted as well.