Admission Procedure
Admission Procedure
Admission Procedure
10. Last date for the receipt of completed Applications for UG Courses:
Last date for receipt of filled in applications by the colleges should be fixed as
the tenth working day from the date of publication of Plus Two Examination result in
website. Applications from other streams/private candidates may be entertained after
the due date in the event of their results or issue of mark sheets is on a date later
than that of regular Plus Two Candidates. The Principals shall fix the last date for
them suitably.
Colleges should prepare the rank list for admission, from the next day onwards
and it should be pasted on the notice board within 3 days. Counselling should be
conducted after 15th day of the publications of plus two results in the internet.
Applications for admission may be received even after the last date fixed for
receipt of applications. Such applications shall be registered as LATE
APPLICATIONS and considered only after all the applications received in time have
been considered. In the case of SC/ST/MBC/DNC/BC candidates if applications
received in time from such candidates get exhausted, late applications should also
be considered to fill up the seats reserved for these communities.
11. The upper age limit for admission to UG courses will be 21 (twenty one)
years as on 1st July 2019. However, a relaxation of 5 years is permitted for differently
abled as per G.O.Ms.No. 239, S.W. dated 3-9-93. SC/ST/BC/MBC/DNC candidates
and women candidates may be allowed the age relaxation of 3 years beyond 21
years for the admission into UG Courses.
The above age limit should be strictly followed and no student should be
admitted above the age limit and no age relaxation will be granted by Government. If
the Colleges fail to adhere the above instructions, severe action will be taken against
the concerned college.
c) The Muslim girls should not be denied admission into Colleges in their
neighbourhoods on the ground that they should seek admission only in their
own minority institutions as per Government Letter No.231/G 1/98-5, dated:
17. (a) Rank list should be prepared based on the marks obtained by the students in
the subject component out of total 400 marks under Part III in Higher Secondary
examination during 2018-19. Eligibility of students for admission to UG Courses
in the colleges shall be as per the guidelines fixed by the Universities concerned.
Apportionment of seats for each course with different streams (80% Academic /
20% Vocational) and also Apportionment of seats among students who have
studied different subjects in the Higher Secondary (+2) shall be made as per the
existing norms. For the students passed Higher Secondary (+2) prior to 2018-19
the marks can be converted to current stream. i.e to 400, instead of 800.
(b) If more than one allied is offered for a particular major subject, 50% of the
seats shall be given to each allied.
Group-III bjhF¥ò-III
9 Electronic Ranking based on marks in Part IlI Should have studied Physics &
BES out of 400 Maths
gF IlI bkh¤j kÂ¥bg© 400-¡F Ïa‰Ãaš, fâj« f£lha«
go¤ÂU¡f nt©L«.
bgw¥g£l kÂ¥bg©fŸ
mo¥gilæš ju¥g£oaš
Group-IV bjhF¥ò-IV
10 òéaik¥Ãaš Ranking based on marks in Part Should have studied Physics &
Geology IlI out of 400 Chemistry
gF IlI bkh¤j kÂ¥bg© 400- Ïa‰Ãaš, ntÂæaš f£lha«
¡F bgw¥g£l kÂ¥bg©fŸ go¤ÂU¡f nt©L«.
mo¥gilæš ju¥g£oaš
13 Home Science Ranking based on marks in Part 20% for vocational stream
Nutrition & dietetics IlI out of 400 students who should have
gF IlI bkh¤j kÂ¥bg© 400- studied Biology and Chemistry
¡F bgw¥g£l kÂ¥bg©fŸ
mo¥gilæš ju¥g£oaš
14 Microbiology 80% for students who have
16 B.Com, general & Ranking based on marks in Part should have studied Commerce
Corporate IlI out of 400 and Accountancy in HSC 20%
Secretaryship gF IlI bkh¤j kÂ¥bg© 400- reserved for vocational stream
¡F bgw¥g£l kÂ¥bg©fŸ
mo¥gilæš ju¥g£oaš
18. All eligible applications should be ranked strictly according to the decreasing
order of total marks. In case, more than one candidate secures the same
marks, such candidates shall be ranked as follows:
a) The candidates who have passed the examination in the first attempt.
b) If both the candidates have passed in the first attempt ranking should be done
by the registration number.
19. As far as Arts subjects i.e. English / Tamil / Telugu and other languages are
concerned, the order of preference shall be as follows:
i) Candidates who have applied for the language and studied that language at
the plus two level under Part III, the ranking shall be based on marks in that
ii) After exhausting all applications under category (i) applications of other
candidates may be ranked on the basis of the marks secured in Part I and Part lI
as the case may be.
20. Admission is subject to verification of marks certificate by the Director of
Government Examinations competent authority. If the mark certificate is found to
be bogus, admission will be cancelled and criminal action will also be taken. This
information shall be given in the prospectus inviting application forms.
21. The selection of candidates for admission into the various courses and medium
of instructions shall be made from out of the rank list strictly according to the
Government rules of reservation.
may be considered for the other medium provided they give a written request and
all the candidates who have applied for the particular medium have been
considered for admission.
24. For Supplementary candidates
The supplementary candidates are eligible for admission if vacancies exist or
arise. Admissions should be done as per the norms without waiting for the
results of the supplementary candidates.
a) Out of the quota of 19% (18% SC and 1% ST) reserved for SC/ST, 5 out of
every 100 seats shall be reserved for Differently Abled persons belonging to
SC and ST.
b) Out of the quota for 50% (30% BC and 20% MBC/DNC) reserved for
Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, 5
out of every 100 vacancies/seats shall be reserved for Differently Abled
persons belongs to BC, MBC and DNC.
c) Out of the quota of 31% intended for open competition 5 out of every 100
seats shall be reserved for Differently Abled in general.
33. The unfilled SC/ST vacancies can be filled by MBC / DNC candidates. Unfilled
MBC / DNC seats can be filled by BC candidates as well as unfilled BC
vacancies can be filled by other communities. Unfilled Muslim BC vacancies
can be filled by other BC. The unfilled ST vacancies shall be filled up by SC
and if there is no SC they shall be filled up from DNC / MBC.
34. If applications received for a course are exhausted, but vacancies still exist in
that course, then no fresh applications should be entertained - if there are
applications of candidates not selected for other courses are still pending with