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Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management: Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's

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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's

Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management
(Affiliated to the University of Mumbai)
Vile Parle (West),
Mumbai - 400056
Phone: 6572 6477 / 6572 3797 / 6572 6466
Email: [email protected]

Jai Hind College
Admissions Office
"A" Road, Churchgate
Mumbai - 400 020
Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: (91-22) 22041095 / 0256
Fax: (91-22) 22886483
Email : [email protected]

For Placements Contact :

1) Mr. Omkar Patki : 9323405769
2) Varun Bhatnagar : [email protected]
3) Raj Jhaveri : [email protected]

Or send an email to :
[email protected]
[email protected]

3. SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce

Jain Society, Sion (West),
Mumbai - 400 022. (India).
Telephone: 2407 27 29 (Office)
(103) Registrar
(102) Office Superintendent
(125) Library
Fax: 2409 6633
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.siesascs.net

4. Bhavan's College
-Megji Mathradas College of Arts
-Narrondass Manordass Institute of Science
-Haji Rashid Jaffer College of Commerce
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400 058
College No:  26256451 / 52
Fax No.: 26265453

Degree College Admission – Bhavan’s College

1. Provisional: All Admissions are Provisional subject To the Approval Of the University of Mumbai
henceforth referred to as the University.
2. Enrollment: At the time of admission in F.Y.B.A, F.Y.B.Com., F.Y. B.Sc., F.Y. B.M.S., F.Y. B.M.M. and
F.Y. B.Sc. I.T. class the students are required to fill in the University enrolment form without which
the admission will not be approved by the University of Mumbai. If they fail to fill in the enrolment
form their admission will be treated as Null & Void.
3. Fees and Forms: No students will be deemed as admitted to the college unless he/she has filled in
fresh admission form for the academic year and has paid the necessary fees and deposits as
approved by the University.
4. Results and admission for Bhavanites: A student of this college who has qualified for admission to a
higher class will be admitted to such class only if an application in the prescribed form duly
completed has been received with the necessary fees within one week from the date of declaration
of the result of the qualifying examination, as per the schedule notified by the office.
5. Admissions to students of Other College/University:
a) Student from other colleges affiliated to University of Mumbai, seeking admission to Bhavan's
College must submit a no objection certificate from the College where he/she studied in the
previous year. Once admitted to Bhavan’s College, he/she must apply for the transfer certificate
on a prescribed form available in the college office. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain
the transfer certificate and no objection certificate from his/her previous college and submit it to
the head-clerk in the college office in time. If transfer certificate is not submitted in time,
examination form will not be sent to the University.
b) Eligibility from University of Mumbai: For admission to a particular course, applicants from other
Universities must support their statements of the last examination passed by attaching the
certificates of passing and must also produce the provisional eligibility certificate from University of
Mumbai. Students should submit the necessary documents within one week of the commencement
of the term at the college office for confirmation
6. Cancellation of admission in llnd term: A student once admitted in the first term will be considered
as duly enrolled for the second term also unless he/she informs in writing his/her intention to leave
the college at least one month before the commencement of the second term. Students who fail to
give such
information before the opening of the second term will be required to pay the full fess for the
second term.
7. Repeaters: Repeaters of the college shall not be admitted as regular students. They will be
permitted to appear as ex-students during the annual examinations according to the University rules
in existence provided they apply for the same, in time notified by the College.
8. Faculty change: Once a student passes in one faculty, he/she shall not be admitted to any other
9. Admission can be considered to be granted only when the full fees for the academic year are paid,
an official receipt has been issued and the name of the applicant appears on the relevant rolls.
Payment in full or in part can be condoned or deferred by the Principal.
10. All admissions, both of undergraduates and post graduates are valid only for that academic year and
are, therefore, to be renewed for each subsequent year of study. Students who misbehave and have
serious complaints of indiscipline against them during the year will not be re-admitted to the
11. Admission is purely on merit and is subject to availability of seats as per the directions issued by
University of Mumbai and Government of Maharashtra from time to time. A transparent admission
procedure is followed strictly based on the standard norms. Any modification in admission
guidelines will be notified on the College notice board at the time of admission. The management of
the College does not accept any donation or capitation fee for admission to any course offered by
the College. The public is cautioned not to fall prey to any misleading information regarding
admission in the College against donation or compromise the transperency of admission process.
Over the years we have consistently made admissions on the following basis:
The intake capacity for F.Y.B.A. class is 240, F.Y.B.Com. - 480 and F.Y.B.Sc.-360 and out of which the
reservations for different categories is as follows:
1. 13% Seat B.C.
2. 7% Seats ST.
3. 3% Seats D.T. (A)
4. 2.5% Seats NT. (B)
5. 3.5% Seats NT. (C)
6. 2% Seats NT. (D)
7. 19% Seats O.B.C.
8. 15% Seat Management Quota
9. 3% Seats Physically Challenged
(Some seats are also reserved for student
achievers in sports and cultural activities, ex-
servicemen’s wards / freedom fighters wards
or grand children /
widows or divorcee girl students)
* Checklist (Documents required at the time of admission) For F.Y.B.A. F.Y.B. Sc. & F.Y.B.Com.
Sr. No. Document
1. Attested copy of marksheet of X (SSC)
Attested copy of XI & XII along with original marksheet of XIIth or
equivalent examination.
3. Three stamp size photographs.
Attested copy of caste & validity certificate for claming benefit of
reservation and documents for 3% seats as mentioned above.

Degree College Admission - Guidelines for Admission – Bhavan’s College

1. Submission of datasheet (Pre-admission form)

Separate data sheet has to be filled for each course if the candidate wants to apply for more
than one course.
2. Datasheet has to be filled carefully.
3. Following documents should be attached to the datasheet :
Documents to be submitted
-Attested copies of the SSC and HSC equivalent examination marksheets.
- Attested copy of school leaving certificate (for proof of birthdate)
- Attested copy of the caste certificate and validity if applicable for SC/ST/VJ/NT/OBC/SBC
- Attested copy of the proof in support of their claim under 3% quota/handicapped category.
4. When the datasheet is submitted, staff of the college will acknowledges and provides you with
counterfoil of the datasheet. This is very important, preserve the counter foil and note the
datasheet number.
5. Present the counter foil of the datasheet with signature of the staff of college, for any queries
regarding your admission, the data sheet number is necessary for the college to gain access to
provide you the information you are seeking.
6. Be patient and maintain the discipline when you are submitting the datasheet.
  About the merit list
1. The college displays the merit list, normally as per the norms laid down by Mumbai University
and Government of Maharashtra.
2. The merit list gives details of datasheet no, score at HSC/equivalent examination, category
under which the merit is accorded (open, reserved, 3% extra etc.)
3. As per the norms, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th merit list, may be displayed, according to schedule
prescribed by the University.
4. In case of any discrepancy in the merit list, approach the Principal regarding the same.
5. Decision of the Principal would be final & binding.
6. Note down the details relevant to your order in the merit.
  Reservation of Seats
  For admission, the College follows reservations both legal and social as per drectives of the
Government of Maharashtra; and as notified by the University of Mumbai. The alottment of
seats for various reserved categories is as follows :
  i) SC: 13%
ii) ST: 7%
iii) DT (A): 3%
iv) NT (B): 2.5%
v) NT (C): 3.5%
vi) NT (D): 2%
vi) OBC: 19%
  15% seats are alotted under management quota while 3% of seats are alotted to eligible
candidates who are physically challenged. Some seats are alotted to meritorious students with
achievements in sports/cultural activities / Ex-servicemen’s ward / Freedom Fighter’s
ward or grand children / widow or divorcee girl students.
  Please ensure:
1. A separate pre admission form must be submitted for each course and at the correct venue in
the college during the time schedule notified by the University of Mumbai.
2. Every pre-admission form must be submitted along with all the necessary documents
mentioned above.
3. Incomplete pre-admission forms are likely to be rejected.
4. If a student wants to apply under more than one category e.g. general and also 3%. Separate
application forms must be submitted for each category.

5. Elphinstone College
156, M. G. Road
Fort, MUMBAI 400 032

Telephone Nos.

Principal : +91-022-22843797
Office : +91-022-22844060
Fax: : +91-022-22843797

*The website was not working properly so could not get any information about the Arts
Courses – do not know if they have BMM or not.

6. St. Xavier's College,

5, Mahapalika Marg,
Mumbai 400 001,

Phone: 91-22-22620661 or 22620662 or 22620665.

Email: [email protected]


                                FYBA     FYBSc      FYBCom       FYBMS     FYBMM    FYBSc-IT

Total No. of Seats:    360          360             240                60            60              60         

Reservation:      F.Y.B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./BMS/BMM/BSc.I.T.

                        Minority (Christians)                   :           50%

                        Special Category                       :           3%

Application forms for admission to the First Year Senior College will be available on our website at
www.xaviers.edu in the section Noticeboard, from the last week of May. They may be sent by
registered post or courier, with all the indicated documents, to reach in time for the admission
process. These Application forms will also be made available at the College Office, from the day the
H.S.C. results of the Maharashtra State Board (XII standard) are announced. They should be
submitted to the College Office with documentation, within the time frame that will be announced
by the University of Mumbai and displayed on our noticeboards, including the online noticeboard.

The actual admissions will begin only after the declaration of results of the XII in Mumbai. This date
will be announced sometime in May but is likely to be anytime in early June. Admissions will be
done on the basis of the total marks scored in all subjects taken in the XII standard exam. There is
no entrance test for any of these courses.

Students passing the H.S.C. or any other examinations conducted by Boards/Universities outside
Maharashtra State, should apply to the college for a provisional eligibility certificate. To apply for
this one has to display the original Mark sheet at the College office, along with 2 xerox copies. For
confirmation of the eligibility, students should submit to the College Office, before the close of the
first term, the Statement of Marks, the Passing Certificate and the Migration Certificate.

At the time of admission the student shall submit the following documents in original along with
duly attested photocopies.

1.       H.S.C. Marksheet

2.       Baptism Certificate (For the Minority community - Christians)
3.       Caste Certificate (if applicable)
4.       Documentary Evidence regarding special category status:

The total fees, including deposit and laboratory fees, as prescribed by the Mumbai University, are as
                        F.Y.B.A.           :           Rs.4780/-  (approx)
                        F.Y.B.Sc.          :           Rs.6030/-         “
                        S.Y.B.A.           :           Rs.6010/-         “
                        S.Y.B.Sc.         :           Rs.5010/-         “
                        T.Y.B.A.            :           Rs.5810/-         “
                        T.Y.B.Sc.          :           Rs.4410/-         “
                        F.Y.B.Com.       :           Rs.4780/-         “
                        S.Y.B.Com.       :           Rs.6010/-         “
                        T.Y.B.Com.       :           Rs.5810/-         “

7. St. Andrew’s College of Arts, Science and Commerce

St. Dominic Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai – 400 050.
Tel: 022 – 2642 8684 / 2640 1657
Fax: 2655 6006
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.standrewscollege.ac.in

Degree College Admission Rules

1. The prospectus along with an application form for admission to the First Year of the Senior
College will be made available from the date the H.S.C. results of the Maharashtra Board are
announced. The should be submitted to the College office as per the schedule displayed on
the notice board.
2. For admission to any class it is necessary to produce the original and a photocopy of each of
the following documents
o Statement of marks of the previous examination
o No Objection Certificate from the Head of the institution last attended with the
Enrolment / Eligibility Confirmation Number. (for students from other colleges who
wish to join the S.Y. and T.Y. classes.)
o Eligibility Certificate (for students passing an examination from Boards other than
the Maharashtra Board).
3. Students passing the Std. XII examination conducted by Board/University other than
Maharashtra State Board should submit a copy of the marksheet and apply in the
prescribed form for Eligibility Certificate with the necessary documents and fees at the time
of admission (i.e. name on the merit list in case of first year student). After accespting the
Eligibility Form, the college will apply to the University of Mumbai for the provisional
Statement of Eligibility Certificate. The Eligibility Certificate will be issued in a few days. If
the student is found not Eligible for the course, 50% amount will be deducted and 50% will
be returned to the student as per ordinance 0.111.
4. Passing certificate. In case the Board/University does not issue the passing certificate, the
stude should obtain a letter from the concerned Board/ University stating that they do not
issue a passing certificate
5. Students should pay the necessary charges for getting the marksheets verified by the Board
from which they pass their H.S.C. examination and submit the following.
6. For confirmation of the eligibility, students should submit to the College Office before the
close of the first term the following documents:
o Statement of marks of the previous examination
o The Passing Certificate
o Migration Certificate
7. Change of subjects in the Senior College will be allowed only till June end, subject to
availability seats

8. Wilson College
Chowpatty Seaface Road, Mumbai - 400 007
Tel: 022-23637663 and 42134343 / 301 / 302 / 303
Email: [email protected]

*Website does not have much info – could not find out about BMM or admissions

Ramnarain Ruia College
L. Nappo Road,
Matunga, Mumbai 400019

Tel: 91-22-24143098

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