Dissertation Presentation Notice 2021-22
Dissertation Presentation Notice 2021-22
Dissertation Presentation Notice 2021-22
Department of MBA
12th February 2022
All the students of SEM –IV are hereby informed that they have to give their Dissertation
Synopsis Presentation from 21th February 2022 onwards. The presentation must be of
minimum 10 minutes including question & answer session. They only will be allowed to
present their synopsis only after the consent from their respective guide. Students those who
will fail to present will be marked absent able to face the further consequences related to their
dissertation project.
The format of dissertation synopsis presentation should be as follows:
Sr. No Slide
Title (Topic of Dissertation With Name of Guide
and Student)
2 Introduction of The Topic
3 Review of Literature
4 Objectives of Study
Research Methodology (Two Slides)
5 a. Research Design
b. Sources Of Data Collection
6 Tools of Data Evaluation
7 Limitations of Study
8 Scheme of Chapterization
9 a. Bibliography
b. Webliography
10 Work done till date
Prof. S. R. Shah
Head of Department
Note: Students should bring the soft copy of their presentations in pen drive and also bring
the hard copy of presentation and synopsis on the day of presentation.