Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education,
Matoshri Aasarabai Polytechnic, Eklahare, Nashik
This is to certify that following students of FOURTH SEMESTER Diploma
Engineering Program in “CIVIL ENGINEERING” have successfully
completed the Micro Project "Study And Maintenance Of Raiway Track .”
under my supervision, Mr. Swapnil Hole in the partial fulfilment of Course "
Railway And Bridge Engineering " (22403) for Academic Year 2023-2024 as per
prescribed in the MSBTE “I Scheme” curriculum.
Date: Place:Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Academic Year-2023-24
1 Rubrics 4
2 Logbook 6
6 Resources/ References 25
Sr Criteria Marks Indicators for different level of Performance (Evaluation Scale 1 to 6)
N Obtained
o (Out of 6)
Poor (1-2) Average(3-4) Good(5-6)
6 Presentatio Not included key Included key Presented with the help of
n points, missed points but lacks power point, Highlighted key
details and considerable points, accurate and
considerable information considerable information
(Out of 6)
Department of Civil Engineering
Week Discussion & Details Members Teacher’s Comment Teacher’
No. Present s Sign.
9 Report writing
10 Omkar Jadhav
19 Sarthak Mhaske
21 Shubham Pawar
Faculty Sign
(Mr. Swapnil Hole)
With deep sense of gratitude we would like to thanks all the people who
have lit our path with their kind guidance. We are very grateful to these
intellectuals who did their best to help during our project work.
The special gratitude goes to our internal guide Mr Swapnil Hole , technical
staff members, and non-technical staff members, Civil Department for their
expensive, excellent and precious guidance in completion of this work.
Name of Students:
1.) Omkar Jadhav
2.) Sarthak Mhaske
3.) Shubham Pawar
Write project Report in
following sequence:-
1. Abstract (250 words or less )
2. Introduction and Purpose :-
(Sometimes this section is called 'Background'. Whatever its name,
this section introduces the topic of the project, notes any
information already available, explains why you are interested in
the project, and states the purpose of the project.)
4. Theoretical Background
Explicitly state your hypothesis or Law, Definition or
Explanation of subject topic you can understand under this project.
5. Practical Application
What is the importance of this study? Of what use is a study such as this?
6. Bibliography
⮚ Use proper citing format for books, journals, and websites. ⮚
Websites should include author of article if given, title of article
and the date the article was posted or retrieved from website.
NOTE: Must have at least 5 reliable resources.
Project Title
Annual Programme of Regular Track Maintenance
Different Systems of Track Maintenance
1.Conventional System of Track Maintenance2. 2. 3-Tier System
of Track Maintenance In India Conventional system of track maintenance
is adopted. We will discussabout it.
e) Gauging
• It is to maintain uniform gauge distance. For B.G. 1676 mm, M.G. 1000mm
and 762 mm for N.G
• It is done only if the sleepers are truly square.
• Because of aging and different conditions of sleeper it is not Possible
tomaintain exact gauge distance.
• After packing they will be blown by a wooden mallet. A hollow soundwill
indicate defective packing
(a) Based on the system of maintenance detailed short term plans covering a
months’s work (split into weekly programmes) should be prepared by Permanent
Way Inspector in-charge of the section, at least a month in advance of the
commencement of actual work. The permanent Way Inspector should ensure that
adequate tools, materials and man-power are arranged for the task allotted and
work executed within the specified time.
(b) Each mate should be supplied with a gang chart and a gang register. In the
gang chart, dayto-day track maintenance work over the gang length should be
recorded by the Permanent Way Inspector according to specified instructions. In
the gang registers, weekly programmes of work should be entered by the
Permanent Way inspector in-charge of the section. At the end of the week, he
should do qualitative and quantitative assessment of the work done and make
suitable observations in the gang register after detailed inspection of the work
carried out during the previous week.
(c) Gang chart or gang registers should be checked by the Assistant Engineer and
Divisional Engineer during their inspections. They should record their
observations in the gang register when they inspect the section by trolley.
(d) On withdrawal of gang chart or gang registers and supply of fresh ones, the
permanent Way Inspector should carefully analyze the work done and take notes
of kilometerages that frequently gave trouble during the year, with a view to
formulate such special measures as may be necessary.
(e) Presently, all the details right from attendance of gangs to work done by gangs
are being uploaded in the TMS.
Deep Screening of ballast is done to ensure that a clean ballast cushion of required
depth is available below the bottom of sleepers, which is very necessary for proper
drainage and giving elasticity to the track. In the absence of a clean ballast cushion
of desired depth, the track geometry may get disturbed and the running of the
tracks gets affected adversely.
Speed Restrictions
The work of deep screening is done under speed restriction of 20 kmph. This
speed can be released to normal speeds by following methods.
(i) Manual packing : By successive manual packing four times and by
picking up slacks in period of 21 days.
(ii) Machine packing : When track is packed mechanically by tie tampers,
the speed can be relaxed to normal in a period of 10 days time. (track is
tamped thrice and slacks picked up in between).
Lifting of track normally becomes necessary as a result of re-grading of track due
to yard remodeling and construction of a bridge etc. or in an effort to eliminate
sags which develop in the approaches of level crossing and bridges and also at
other vulnerable locations due to defective maintenance or yielding soil of
formation. Following points about lifting of track require special mention:
(i) Lifting should be done to a maximum of 50 mm (2” ") in one stage.
Whenever heavy lifting is involved, the lifting should be done in
various stages, each time lift being not more than 50 mm.
(ii) Lifting should commence from the down hill and carried out in the
direction of rising gradient on single line. In case of double line, it
should proceed in the opposite direction of traffic, care being taken not
to exceed the easement grade.
(iii) Lifting should be done under the supervision of a PWI with suitable
speed restrictions and under the protection of Engineering Signals
Lowering of track becomes necessary due to re-grading of track which may be
required for works like yard remodeling and provision of level crossing etc.
Lowering of track should not be resorted to unless unavoidable as this gives
instability to the track and is quite a difficult, time consuming and costly proposal.
High Joints
The high joints give a very uncomfortable riding of the track. The high joints are
caused normally because of :
(i) Change in track structure e.g. wooden sleepers having been provided at
some locations in track which is laid normally with metal sleepers. The
maintainability of wooden sleepers, being better compared to the metal
sleepers, the joints tend to be high. This results in camel back riding.
(ii) Sinking of intermediate sleepers.
(iii) Over packing of joint sleepers,. The defect is removed by lifting and
packing the intermediate sleeper.
Blowing and Pumping joints
A joint is called blowing joint when it blows out the fine dust during the passage
of a train. The Surrounding of such a joint are always coated with find dust. A
blowing joint becomes a pumping joint during the rainy season when it pumps out
mud and water from the mud pockets formed below the joint. The defect is caused
because of poor maintenance of the joint particularly the packing of the joint
sleepers unclean ballast and bad drainage and also some time due to surface
defects in the rail such as scabbing etc. As the moving loads pass over the joint,
the joint sleepers constantly get depressed and lifted up. During this process, the
dust or mud get sucked up and spread in the vicinity of the joint. The remedy lies
(i) Deep screening of the ballast below the joint and shoulder sleepers.
(ii) Packing the joint sleepers and shoulder sleepers thoroughly.
(iii) Providing proper drainage at the joint.
(iv) Tightening the loose fittings
(v) Providing 1.0 metre long fishplates at joints
(vi) Adjusting the creep, if any.
Track drainage can be defined as the interception, collection and disposal of water
from, upon or under the track. It is accomplished by proper surface and sub-
surface drainage system.
Track circuited sections are insulated electrically from the track on either side by
providing insulation joints. The most common type of insulated joints are.
(a) In one type, the insulation joints consists of planed fish plates fitted with fibre
or nylon insulation consisting of ferrules or bushes for the fish bolts, side channels
between the fish plates and rails and end posts between the rail ends.
(b) In other type, the insulation joint consists of rubber coated fish plates. There
are two designs in one design, the fish plate is coated with synthetic rubber or
nylon on the fishing surface, In another type fish plates are completely coated with
rubber or nylon including the bolt holes. These items have been tried in the field
but have not proved successful due to cutting of rubber coating.
(c) Recently insulated glued joints have been developed using resin adhesives.
These joints consist of web fitting type of fish plates glued to the rails with a high
polymer adhesive and bolted with high tensile bolts. The insulation is provided by
special type of insulating side channels, bushes and posts made out of fibre glass
cloth. These joints are absolutely movement free and hence maintenance problems
are completely eliminated.
To conclude, From this topic I came to know that track maintenance is essential
for safe,economic and smooth running of a rail. Indian Railways is taking special
careabout track maintenance, introducing new ideas to do track maintenance