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Pocket Genius



Pocket Genius



Project editor Rashmi Rajan
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4 Formation of the Earth 84 ocean
6 Geological timeline
86 Ocean currents
8 Inside the Earth
88 Seas and oceans
10 The moving Earth
102 What is a coral reef?
12 Fault systems
104 Coral reefs
16 land 110 Coastal features

18 World biomes 118 atmosphere

20 Mountains
120 The Earth’s atmosphere
26 Volcanoes
122 Precipitation
32 Volcanic features
124 Cloud types
36 Rocks
132 Storms
40 Rivers
46 River features 138 climate
48 Lakes 140 Global warming
52 Wetlands 142 Climate regions
56 Glaciers
60 Glacial features 146 Did you know?
62 Deserts 148 Amazing Earth facts
68 Forests 150 Glossary
74 Grasslands 152 Index
76 Tundra 156 Acknowledgments
80 Agricultural areas
82 Urban areas

Scales and sizes Levels of clouds

This book contains Where the cloud appears
profiles of rocks that 6 in is based on the height
have scale drawings to (15 cm) at which the cloud
indicate size. base occurs.

Locators Locators
A red dot shows the Red shaded
location of a feature areas show
and a red rectangle the extent of
of larger features. larger features.
Area locations Area shading

Formation of the Earth

About 14 billion years ago, the universe was born in an incredibly
violent explosion known as the Big Bang. In a fraction of a second,
the speck-sized universe expanded into a huge fireball of gases.
It cooled over time, forming stars, galaxies (large groups of stars),
and planets, including the Earth.

The solar system formed from

a spinning cloud of gas and dust Particles in the disk clumped
together to form small bodies

The center of the cloud

heated up to form the
Sun, with a spinning disk
of gas and dust around it

The birth of the Earth

and the Moon
The young Earth was a red-hot ball of molten
rock, or magma. Around 4.6 billion years ago, it
was struck by a large body the size of the planet
Mars. Vast amounts of debris were thrown into
space, where they gathered together to form the
Moon. Over time, the Earth cooled to become a rocky
planet, with oceans, continents, and an atmosphere.

Neptune Saturn Mars

Venus Mercury


The solar system
The solar system is made up of the Sun, eight planets,
more than 170 moons, and millions of small, rocky bodies,
such as asteroids and comets. The planets revolve around the
Sun in paths called orbits. The four planets closest to the Sun
are balls of rock and metal, while the other four are
made up mostly of gas and liquid.

The small bodies crashed Goldilocks PlaneT

into each other and joined
to create planets

The Earth is the only planet in our solar

system that supports life. It is called
a “Goldilocks planet,” after the story
of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Just
as Goldilocks found the porridge that
was “just right” for her to eat, the Earth
is “just right” to support life—neither too
hot nor too cold, and with large amounts
Formation of the of liquid water, which allows life to flourish.
solar system

Geological timeline
People who study the Earth are called geologists. Using sources
such as fossils, rocks, and minerals, they have divided the Earth’s
history into different portions of time. The longest are called eons,
which are made up of eras, which consist of periods.

First life
About three billion years ago, the first traces
of life appeared in the form of bacteria living
in shallow seas. They built mounds out of
sand, called stromatolites. These mounds
are still forming in some areas today, and
provide a record of life on the Earth.

period Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous

era 542 million years ago (mya) paleozoic era

eon phanerozoic

Complex life
Life-forms grew much more complex
during the Cambrian period. From
Ordovician times onward, small
land plants began to develop. By
the Devonian period, bigger fernlike
and treelike plants formed the first
forests, along with giant fungi, such
as Prototaxites. These provided
habitats for the first land animals.
About 7 in (18 cm) Aglaophyton
are dwarfed by giant fungi

The origin of humans

Many modern mammals, including horses,
camels, and cows, first appeared in the Neogene
Coelophysis Period. Hominids—the ancestors of humans—
appeared in Africa and spread across
the world. Homo habilis was a
hominid that lived in East Africa
about two million years ago.

Age of dinosaurs
Dinosaurs first evolved in the
Triassic Period as small, two-legged
animals, such as Coelophysis. They
continued to evolve in the Jurassic habilis
Period, and became the dominant
life-forms on land.

Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Paleogene Neogene

252 mya mesozoic era 65 mya cenozoic era

Mass extinction
Fossil records show that at
the end of the Cretaceous
Period, about 65 million
years ago, an asteroid or
comet collided with the
Earth. It is thought to
have killed huge numbers
of species, including the
dinosaurs. This marked
the end of the Mesozoic Era.

Inside the Earth

The inside of the Earth has three main layers: a thin, cool outer
crust; a thick, hot mantle; and an even hotter metallic core.
The movement of heat from the core through the mantle
has caused the rocks of the Earth’s crust
to change over time.

The Earth bulges at the equator

Inner core is 1,700 miles

(2,740 km) thick

Direction of the
Earth’s rotation

Shape and form

The force of gravity pulls the Earth into an
almost perfect sphere. However, the Earth
rotates on its axis, which causes it to
bulge slightly at the equator.

The Earth’s layers

The Earth’s outermost layer is the crust, which is
made of soil and rock. Under this is the mantle, where
liquid rock, or magma, flows in huge swirls. However,
the inside, or core, of the Earth has two sections—an
outer core of thick liquid rock, and a solid inner core.

Layers of the Earth


Outer core is 1,240 miles

(2,000 km) thick typEs of Rock
Mantle is 1,800 miles
(2,900 km) thick

Igneous rocks form from molten rock that

has cooled and turned solid. They originate
from deep inside the Earth, and may form at
or below the Earth’s surface.

Sedimentary rocks form at the Earth’s surface

and are made up of clearly visible layers of
minerals, rock pieces, or organic matter (such
as the remains of animals and plants).

Metamorphic rocks, such as this quartzite

rock, form when existing rocks are
Crust is 4–40 miles
squeezed by pressure and heated
(6–64 km) thick
deep under the Earth’s crust.
10 | EARTH

The moving Earth

The Earth’s crust is broken up into huge, irregularly shaped pieces
called tectonic plates. These plates are pushed around by the
movement of magma in the mantle below. This movement causes the
Earth to change gradually, over millions of years—continents have been
created, oceans have opened and closed, and mountains have risen.

Plate tectonics
More than 200 million years ago, the Earth consisted of one large landmass—a “supercontinent”
called Pangaea. The movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates over millions of years broke up
this landmass, creating the modern continents. This movement of plates is known as plate
tectonics, and continues to take place today.

270 million 200 million Today

years ago years ago

The Earth’s plates

There are 30 tectonic plates, of
which seven cover 94 percent of the Earth.
The rest is made up of 23 smaller plates. The
boundaries, or edges, of tectonic plates are
usually marked by mountains, earthquake
and volcanic zones, and oceanic trenches.

The Earth’s tectonic plates


Plate boundary
Where two tectonic plates meet,
different types of plate boundary are
formed, based on how the plates move.
Plate movement can cause earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions.

Where plates crash A divergent boundary Where two plates

into each other, a is created where plates scrape past each
convergent boundary move away from each other, a transform
occurs. Here, one plate other. Molten lava may boundary occurs.
may be pushed beneath rise up from the mantle
the other in a process to fill the gap at this
called subduction. type of boundary.

Key Volcanic zone

Earthquake zone
Pacific Ring of Fire


Most earthquakes
occur in the Ring
of Fire, which
covers many plate
edges around the
Hotspots are areas Pacific Ocean
of high volcanic activity
12 | EARTH

Fault systems
The constant movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates causes its
crust to split apart. This can lead to massive blocks of rock slipping
past one another, resulting in huge cracks in the Earth’s surface
called faults. Plates sometimes get stuck as they push past each
other, causing energy to build up. When they eventually
slip free, the sudden jolt can cause an earthquake.

San Andreas Fault

The San Andreas Fault slices across California’s Location From Cape Mendocino,
coastal region. To its west is the Pacific plate, northern California, to the Gulf of California
which stretches from the edge of California almost PLate boundary tyPe Transform
to Asia. To the east is the North American plate,
Length 808 miles (1,300 km)
which makes up most of the continent. The
inhabited areas on this fault, particularly in
southern California, are prone to earthquakes.

Over the last century,

the San Andreas Fault
has been moving
at an average rate of
2 in (5 cm) every year.

Great Rift Valley Sunda Megathrust

Africa’s Great Rift Valley runs through This fault lay inactive for a thousand
the middle of Kenya. It is part of a huge set of years. But in 2004, a part of it slipped, causing
cracks in the Earth’s crust called the East African a huge earthquake and tsunami in the Indian
Rift System. In northeastern Africa, this system Ocean. Giant waves swept far inland, destroying
divides the African plate from the Arabian plate, coastlines and killing about 280,000 people.
cutting past the Sinai Peninsula.

Location From Bangladesh, through Sumatra,

Location From the southern Red Sea, Bali, and Indonesia, to northwestern Australia
through East Africa, to Beira in Mozambique PLate boundary tyPe Convergent
PLate boundary tyPe Divergent Length 3,400 miles (5,500 km)
Length 4,000 miles (6,400 km)

Great Alpine Fault

Sinai Peninsula

About 26 million years ago, the movement

of the Pacific and Australian plates formed the
Great Alpine Fault. Plate movement pushed
the land up, creating the Southern Alps.

Location New Zealand’s South Island west

coast from Fiordland to Blenheim
PLate boundary tyPe Transform
Length 310 miles (500 km)
14 | EARTH
EARTH | 15

Half a million years ago, these

crystals were as small as a grain
of salt, but now they weigh

55 tons

Cave of Crystals
Giant crystals of selenite, a form of the mineral gypsum,
are found 1,000 ft (300 m) below the Naica mine in
Mexico. They formed when a magma chamber boiled
the water below the Earth’s surface at a consistent
temperature for 500,000 years. The heat solidified the
crystals in the water and helped them grow. They are
now some of the largest natural crystals in the world.
16 | EARTH
LAND | 17

About 30 percent of the Earth’s surface is
covered by land. A wide range of landscapes
are found on the Earth, including mountains,
deserts, forests, and grasslands. Many of these
landscapes are shaped by the wind and rain,
while others, such as deltas and valleys, are
formed by rivers and glaciers. Human activity
can also shape the landscape. People use the
countryside as farmland to grow crops or herd
animals, while urban areas feature tall buildings
and well-developed roads and highways.

voLcanic effect
Volcanic eruptions can change
the landscape in many ways.
When lava comes into contact
with water, it can cool to form
islands. Also, volcanic ash acts
as fertilizer, helping plants grow.
18 | LAND

World biomes
Regions that share the same climate, soils, vegetation,
and animals are known as biomes. Scientists divide the
world into a number of biomes, or habitats, ranging
from dry deserts with very little life to wet rainforests
teeming with plants and animals.

Tundra regions are

too cold for most
trees to grow. The NORTH
plant life mainly AMERICA
consists of tough
grasses, mosses,
and small shrubs.

There are two kinds of

KEY grassland: temperate, SOUTH
Polar regions found in cool areas; and AMERICA
tropical, found in hot
Mountains areas near the equator.
Coniferous forests
Temperate forests

Mountains are high, rocky
Grasslands areas that are colder than
Tundra most lower areas. Many
mountains are permanently
Deserts covered in ice and snow.

Wetlands are waterlogged or

flooded areas of land. They
may have salty or fresh water,
and include mangroves, bogs,
marshes, and fens.

Antarctica and the Arctic form the polar

regions, which are the Earth’s coldest
zones. Polar regions cover about
20 percent of the Earth’s surface.

Coniferous forests
form the world’s largest
continuous land biome. They
consist of coniferous trees
AFRICA that cover about 17 percent
of the Earth’s land area.


The largest biome on the

Earth, oceans support
a huge range of living
species, from tiny plankton
to the biggest animal in the AUSTRALIA
world—the blue whale.

Rainforests are Temperate forests

Deserts cover about found in regions with lie roughly midway
one-fifth of the Earth’s very wet climates. between the poles
land surface. They receive Tropical rainforests and the equator.
little or no rain and very contain more plant They have distinct
few animals and plants and animal life than warm and cold
live in them. any other biome seasons called
on the Earth. summer and winter.
20 | LAnD

focus on... Masses of rock that rise high above their
life surroundings are called mountains. They
Many plants are pushed up by plate movements over
and animals have
adapted to the cold many millions of years to create soaring
temperatures of peaks. At present, mountains cover
the mountains.
20 percent of the Earth’s land surface.

Rocky Mountains
▲ Lady Amherst’s
pheasant lives in the
The Rocky Mountains are made up of at least 100
mountain forests of
separate ranges. They are part of one of the largest
Asia. It moves up and
mountain belts on Earth—the Western cordillera. The
down the mountains
landscape of the mountain chain is complex and varied,
with the seasons.
with towering peaks and active volcanoes.

Location Western north America, from Alaska

to new Mexico
highest peak Mount Elbert, colorado (14,431 ft/4,399 m)
▲ The dark color of the Length 3,000 miles (4,800 km)
Bhutan glory helps it to
absorb sunlight and warm
up quickly in the cold.

▲ The small, tough

leaves of alpine plants
reduce water loss and
protect them from very
cold temperatures.


The Andes is the longest mountain chain in the Mount Fitzroy

world. Its peaks rise suddenly from sea level on in Patagonia,
southern Andes
the Pacific coast of South America to altitudes
of over 21,500 ft (6,500 m). It is one of the
Earth’s most active mountain belts. There
are frequent earthquakes as well as
eruptions from 183 active volcanoes.

Location Down western

South America, from the
Caribbean Sea to Cape Horn
highest peak
Aconcagua, Argentina
(22,835 ft/6,960 m)
4,500 miles (7,200 km)


Also known as “the stone belt,” the Ural Location From the Arctic Ocean
mountain range separates Europe from Asia. to the border between Russia and Kazakhstan
The central and southern parts of this range highest peak Narodnaya, Russia
are covered with thick forests, while farther (6,215 ft/1,895 m)
north, there are alpine meadows and tundra.
Length 1,500 miles (2,400 km)
22 | LAND

Pyrenees Alps

The Alps were created when the African and

Eurasian plates collided around 90 million years
ago. These mountains form a curved belt, with
many peaks rising to above 13,000 ft (4,000 m).
They form the largest mountain range in Europe.

Atlas Mountains

These mountains do not form a continuous

chain, but a series of different ranges. The
northern ranges get plenty of rainfall and
During the Cretaceous Period, Iberia split from feature cedar, pine, and oak forests. The
the supercontinent of Pangaea. As the Atlantic southern ranges are drier and have salt
Ocean opened, the Iberian plate was squeezed flats in areas close to the Sahara.
between Europe and North Africa, forming the
Pyrenees. This range has some of Europe’s most
spectacular waterfalls and many limestone caves
with paintings by early modern humans.

Location Between France and Spain, from

the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea
highest peak Aneto, Spain (11,170 ft/3,405 m)
Length 270 miles (435 km)

Drakensberg Plateau

location Across southern Europe, Although the Drakensberg Plateau is

from Mediterranean France to Austria made up of sedimentary rocks, it is covered with
highest peak Mont Blanc, France a layer of basalt, an igneous rock. This layer was
(15,770 ft/4,805 m) originally 4,900 ft (1,500 m) thick and covered an
area of about 800,000 sq miles (2 million sq km),
length 650 miles (1,050 km)
but over time, much has been worn away. The
plateau has steep sandstone cliffs, individual
pinnacles, waterfalls, and huge caves.

location From northeastern to southern

South Africa, through Swaziland and Lesotho
highest peak Ntlenyana, Lesotho
(11,417 ft/3,480 m)
length 800 miles (1,290 km)

location From the Atlantic coast

of Morocco to the Mediterranean east
coast of Tunisia
highest peak Toubkal, Morocco
(13,665 ft/4,165 m)
length 1,500 miles (2,400 km)
24 | LAND


Formed within the last 50 million years, the location From northern Pakistan
Himalayas are one of the world’s youngest and India, across Nepal and Bhutan to China
mountain belts. They are the highest mountains highest peak Mount Everest, Nepal
on the Earth, and are getting higher at a rate of (29,035 ft/8,850 m)
/6 in (4 mm) every year, because the Indian plate
length 1,500 miles (2,400 km)
is still pushing into the Eurasian plate.

Great Dividing Range

This range is one of Australia’s most

important geographical features, since it
is the source of many of the country’s
major rivers, including the Murray and
the Darling. It runs along the length
of Australia’s eastern coast, with
the highest peaks in the south.

location From the Cape York

Peninsula, Queensland, along
Australia’s eastern coast to Tasmania
highest peak
Mount Kosciuszko, Australia
(7,310 ft/2,230 m)
length 2,237 miles (3,600 km)

Southern Alps

New Zealand’s Alps were formed by the location New Zealand’s South
collision of the Pacific plate and the Australian Island, from northeast to southwest
plate. The range is at its highest near the center. highest peak Mount Cook, New Zealand
Its western slopes are covered in forests because (12,285 ft/3,745 m)
of the year-round rains brought by the winds
length 300 miles (500 km)
blowing from that direction.

Transantarctic Mountains

The curved belt of the Transantarctic

Mountains separates the higher region of
Greater Antarctica in the east from the lower
Lesser Antarctica in the west. This belt includes
many volcanoes, some of which are still active,
such as Deception Island.

location Across Antarctica, from

Oates Land to the Antarctic Peninsula
highest peak Mount Kirkpatrick, Antarctica
(14,856 ft/4,528 m)
length 2,200 miles (3,500 km)
26 | LAnD

A volcano is both an opening in the Earth’s focus on...
crust through which magma, ash, and hot types
There are many
gases erupt from below its surface, and the different types of
structure created by this eruption. Volcanic volcano, depending
on their shape or the
eruptions can cause widespread destruction. way they were formed.

Crater Lake Kilauea

About 7,000 years ago, a massive Kilauea is the most active of the overlapping
eruption destroyed Mount Mazama and formed volcanoes that have built up the island of Hawaii,
a crater, or caldera. over time, heavy rain and which rises more than 13,000 ft (4,000 m) from the
snowfall caused water levels in the crater to ocean floor. since 1983, flows from Kilauea have
rise, creating crater Lake. As the lake is not fed covered more than 40 sq miles (100 sq km).
by streams or rivers, which carry sediments—
particles of rock, mineral, or plant and animal
remains—its water is extremely clear. LOCATION southeast Hawaii
TYPE shield volcano
hEIGhT 4,000 ft (1,220 m)
LOCATION southern cascade Range, oregon
TYPE collapsed stratovolcano
hEIGhT 8,170 ft (2,490 m)
VoLcAnoEs | 27

▲ A stratovolcano is cone- ▲ A shield volcano is formed ▲ A submarine volcano

shaped, with steep slopes. when runny basalt lava flows forms deep under water
It is built of many layers across the ground. It is usually and its eruption may or
of lava and ash. broad, with shallow slopes. may not reach sea level.


In november 1963, a series of volcanic

explosions occurred off the coast of southern
Iceland. When the smoke cleared, a new island
had appeared above the waves. The Icelandic
government named it surtsey, after surtur, a
mythical norse fire giant. The island continued
to emit clouds of ash and fountains of lava until
1967, when it finally fell quiet.

LOCATION off the coast of Iceland

TYPE submarine
hEIGhT 500 ft (150 m) above sea level
28 | LAND

Mount Etna Mount Kilimanjaro

Europe’s highest active volcano, Etna is Rising from the savanna plains of eastern
almost constantly erupting. It produces Africa, Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain
rivers of basaltic lava that flow down to on the continent. It is made up of three
the foot of the volcano on all sides. volcanic cones—Kibo, Mawenzi, and
Shira—of which the central snow-capped
cone, Kibo, is the highest.
LOCATION Eastern Sicily, southwest Italy
TYPE Stratovolcano
hEIGhT 10,990 ft (3,350 m)

Mount Fuji

LOCATION Southern end of the Japan’s highest mountain, Mount Fuji

Great Rift Valley, northeastern Tanzania began to grow over 11,000 years ago on top
TYPe Stratovolcano of the remains of an older volcano. Within just
3,000 years, lava pouring out of its crater had
heIGhT 19,340 ft (5,895 m)
built up 80 percent of its present mass.

LOCATION Honshu Island, southwest Tokyo

TYPe Stratovolcano
heIGhT 12,390 ft (3,775 m)

Mount Erebus

Glacier-covered Erebus is the

southernmost active volcano on the Earth, and
is one of three major volcanoes on Antarctica’s
Ross Island. Unusually, the crater at the top of
Mount Erebus is permanently filled with
molten lava.

LOCATION Ross Island, off the Scott Coast

TYPe Stratovolcano
heIGhT 12,450 ft (3,795 m)
30 | EARTH

In 1991, the eruption

of Mount Pinatubo

the Earth’s
by 1ºF (0.5ºC) for a year
LAND | 31

volcanic ash cloud

Dust and ash can rain down for days after a volcanic
eruption. The ash enters the atmosphere and blocks
sunlight, affecting the weather. The 1991 eruption
of Mount Pinatubo, in the Philippines, covered
the surrounding region in a thick layer of ash.
32 | LAnD

Volcanic features
When magma cools and solidifies under the focuS on...
Earth’s surface, it creates a variety of features LAVA
Magma that has
in different ways. Some are formed from erupted onto the
Earth’s surface is called
igneous rock, some from water heated up by lava. It can take various
magma, and others from collapsed craters. forms after it cools.

Yellowstone Caldera

This huge volcanic caldera is 45 miles (72 km) LOCATION Yellowstone national
wide. It contains about 200 geysers—springs Park, Wyoming
that release bursts of hot water and steam. It TYPE Geyser, hot spring, and fumarole
also has thousands of fumaroles (volcanic outlets
AgE 600,000 years
that emit steam and other gases), boiling mud
pools, and hot springs producing a steady
stream of hot water.
VoLcAnIc fEATuREs | 33

▲ Pahoehoe is a fast and ▲ Aa is a basaltic lava that is ▲ Pillow lava is a pillow-

smooth flowing hot lava. On thicker, stickier, and slower- shaped rock formed when
cooling, it forms a wrinkled, flowing than pahoehoe. It forms lava erupts under water or
ropelike skin. a rough surface when it cools. comes in contact with water.

Valley of
Devil’s Tower
Ten Thousand Smokes
In 1912, novarupta Volcano erupted,
filling the ukak valley with ash. The water
below the volcanic material heated up and
worked its way up to the surface. for the next
15 years, snakelike wisps of steam escaped
through thousands of cracks, which gave
this valley its name.

LOCATION Alaskan Peninsula

TYPE fumarole
AgE 100 years

Devil’s Tower is a volcanic plug—a core of

solidified magma blocking the neck of a
volcano. over millions of years, the surrounding
sedimentary rocks wore away, leaving behind
a tall, towerlike structure of igneous rock.

LOCATION Great Plains of Wyoming

AgE 40 million years
34 | LAND

El Capitan and Half Dome

Batholiths are huge masses of igneous

rock, which often form the core of mountains.
Yosemite Valley, in the Sierra Nevada batholith,
features huge, steep vertical cliffs and walls of
granite. El Capitan, Yosemite’s highest rock wall,
rises more than 3,000 ft (900 m) above the valley
floor. The area’s steepest wall, Half Dome,
was formed when a large glacier eroded
away one side of the dome.

LOCATION Yosemite National Park,

Sierra Nevada, California
TYPE Batholith
AgE 82 million years

Giant’s Causeway

This vent was formed as a result of intense

volcanic activity about 60 million years ago.
The eruption threw out large quantities of liquid
basalt lava, which cooled to form about 40,000
hexagonal columns along the sea coast.

LOCATION Northernmost
point of County Antrim,
Northern Ireland, UK
TYPE Fissure vent
AgE 50–60
million years

Aïr Mountains

The Aïr Mountains were created by

volcanic eruptions after three continental
plates collided. They are made up of ring
dikes—circular sets of igneous intrusions
formed around a volcano. Each set of rings
is about 40 miles (60 km) in diameter, and
contains dikes up to 650 ft (200 m) thick.

Whin Sill

An igneous intrusion is created when

magma enters cracks in existing rock. Often,
it cools into a flat layer called a sill. Whin Sill
is a collection of such sills, formed when
magma rose from beneath the Earth’s crust
and spread. The name “whin” is a local word
for hard, black stone.

LOCATION Northern Pennine hills, England

AgE 295 million years
LOCATION Northern parts of Niger,
Africa, within the southern Sahara Desert
TYPE Ring dike
AgE 410 million years
36 | LAND

Rocks are solid materials—consisting of one or more minerals—
that make up the Earth’s crust. Based on how they are formed,
rocks can be classified into three main types—igneous, which form
when magma becomes solid; sedimentary, which form when rock
pieces or organic matter get deposited; and metamorphic, which
form when there is a change in temperature or pressure.

Granite Basalt

The most common volcanic igneous

rock on the Earth’s surface, basalt forms
the rock floor of most of the world’s oceans.
It is also found in large amounts on the Moon.

type Igneous
formation Intense heat
minerals Sodium plagioclase,
pyroxene, and olivine
Color Grayish black to black when fresh

This rock is formed when magma cools slowly

deep in the Earth’s crust. Its toughness and
resistance to erosion (wearing away) make it a
popular choice for constructing roads and buildings.

type Igneous
formation Intense heat
minerals Potassium-feldspar, quartz,
sodium, and mica
Color White-red, pale green-blue,
and gray-black
ROCKS | 37

Schist Slate

Schist originates deep within mountain Slate is mud that has been heavily
ranges. It usually has a medium to coarse compressed, or packed together by
texture, with visible pressure. Because of this
mineral grains. It is rich compression, it is hard
in minerals such as and waterproof, and
mica and quartz. can be split into thin
sheets—all of which
make it ideal for
covering roofs.

type Metamorphic
formation High pressure and temperature type Metamorphic
minerals Quartz, mica, and feldspar formation Pressure
color Variable, including white and shades minerals Quartz, mica, and feldspar
of gray, green, blue, brown, and black
color Gray, also tinged green or purple


Marble is valued for its

smooth texture and color.
It is easy to use in sculpture and
construction. Pure marble is white,
but some types have colorful
patterns due to the presence of
various minerals in them.

type Metamorphic
formation Heat and pressure
minerals Calcite
color Mainly white, pink, green,
brown, and black
38 | LAND

Limestone Sandstone

This rock is made of the mineral Sandstones are common rocks

calcite, which comes from sea formed by deposits from air or water.
water or the shells and skeletons Different types of sandstone form
of sea animals. On when minerals or rock grains the size
burning, it roduces of sand particles get stuck together.
lime, a mineral Sandstones are classified based
that is used to on their texture.
make cement.

type Sedimentary
Surface deposition
type Sedimentary
minerals Quartz
formation Surface water deposition and feldspar
minerals Calcite color Variable, including
color Variable, but mostly white or pale white, yellow, brown, to
shades of yellow, gray, or brown red-black


When larger rock debris is pressed together,

it forms conglomerates. These may be made
up of small pebbles, medium-sized cobbles,
or large boulders. These rocks rarely
contain fossils, because of their coarse
nature and the tough conditions in
which they are formed.

type Sedimentary
formation Surface water
minerals Calcite
color Mainly white, pink,
green, brown, and black
ROCKS | 39


This organic rock is made

from the compressed
remains of plants that
existed millions
of years ago. An
important source of
energy, coal is used
to heat homes and
generate electricity.

type Sedimentary
plant debris
minerals Clay
color Black


When hot, mineral-rich, salty water

evaporates, it leaves behind minerals,
such as halite (rock salt) and gypsum.
Rocks made of these minerals are called
evaporites. The crystal-like texture of
these rocks is caused by the formation
of salt crystals during evaporation. Many
evaporites are used in the production
of fertilizers and explosives.

type Sedimentary
formation Surface evaporation
of salty water
minerals Halite and gypsum
color Usually white or pale shades
of yellow and gray, through to red Crystal-like structure
40 | LAND

A river is a channel of water that flows toward an ocean, lake,
or sea. Smaller streams of water that flow into a river are known
as its tributaries. Rivers are a powerful erosive force and they
can wear down mountains, carve out valleys, and create wide
flood plains.


Along with its tributaries, the Mississippi forms LOCATION US, from Canadian
a huge river system, which covers almost all of border in Minnesota to Gulf of Mexico
the US. Levees, or floodbanks, have been built LeNgTh 2,350 miles (3,780 km)
along this river for protection against floods.
TrIbuTArIes Missouri, Ohio, Arkansas,
and Tennessee


In terms of both the size of its basin (hollow LOCATION Peruvian Andes, across
depression) and the volume of water it carries, Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean
the Amazon is the largest river on the Earth. Its LeNgTh 3,995 miles (6,430 km)
slow-moving stretches are covered with plants,
TrIbuTArIes Jurua, Madeira, and Negro
such as giant water lilies, the leaves of which
can grow up to about 6½ ft (2 m) wide.

Thames Danube

The Thames originates from springs The Danube begins at the meeting
in the Cotswolds, a ridge of limestone hills. point of the Brege and Brigach rivers. The river
The longest river entirely in England, it flows also features the Iron Gate—the deepest gorge
through a wide valley with clay deposits. in Europe, with sides 2,625 ft (800 m) high.

LOCATION Britain, across southern England

from the Cotswold Hills to the North Sea
LeNgTh 210 miles (335 km)
TrIbuTArIes Colne, Kennet, and Wey

LOCATION Southern Germany to the Black Sea

coast in eastern Romania
LeNgTh 1,780 miles (2,860 km)
TrIbuTArIes Drava, Sava, and Tisza
42 | LAND

Nile Congo

The Nile is the longest river in the The Congo is an important source of food and
world. It is a valuable source of water for the transportation to the people who live along its
region and has produced rich farmland along banks, but they live with the risk of flooding. Its
its banks. In the winter, rains and snowmelt flow is so strong and constant that it does not form
from the Ethiopian mountains would cause the a delta (a deposition of sediments at a river’s
Nile to flood, depositing fertile soil across mouth). Instead, it flows far out into the Atlantic
the flood plain. However, the construction Ocean, depositing sediments on the ocean floor.
of the Aswan High Dam in 1970 controlled
this annual flooding and farmers now have
to use artificial fertilizers.

LOCATION From Lake Victoria and the Ethiopian

Highlands through to the Mediterranean coast
LeNgTh 4,130 miles (6,650 km)
TrIbuTArIes White Nile, Blue Nile, and Atbara


Like the Nile, the Indus was one of the rivers

alongside which the first civilizations were
founded. This river floods frequently in the
summer, which can be dangerous for people
who live along its banks.


LOCATION From east Africa, across One of the most sacred rivers in India,
the continent to the Atlantic Ocean the Ganges is worshiped as a goddess by
LeNgTh 2,900 miles (4,670 km) Hindus. It carries more sand and silt to the
sea than any other river in the world.
TrIbuTArIes Kwa, Lualaba, Sangha,
and Ubangi
LOCATION Along the Himalayas to the
Bay of Bengal in India
LeNgTh 1,555 miles (2,505 km)
TrIbuTArIes Brahmaputra, Ghaghar,
and Yamuna


LOCATION Tibetan Plateau, across The water of the Murray is so salty

the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea that it cannot be used for anything
LeNgTh 1,800 miles (2,900 km) except irrigation and power generation.
TrIbuTArIes Chenab, Kabul, Jhelum,
and Sutlej
LOCATION Australia, from the Great Dividing
Range to the Indian Ocean
LeNgTh 1,610 miles (2,590 km)
TrIbuTArIes Darling and Murrumbidgee
44 | EARTH

In 1931, the Yangtze River flooded the

cities of Nanjing and Wuhan, killing
about 300,000 people and leaving

40 million
LAND | 45

the walled river

In the last 2,000 years, the Yangtze River
in China has flooded at least 100 times, causing
major destruction. To protect the surrounding areas
from flooding, the banks of the Yangtze have been
raised and dams have been built along its length.
46 | LAND

River Carlsbad Cavern

features Inside Carlsbad Caverns National Park,

there are 110 limestone caves, including
As a river flows, it carves Carlsbad. This cavern has huge stalactites
and stalagmites made of calcium and
through the landscape or other minerals. The Big Room, formed
deposits sediments, creating about four million years ago, is its largest
chamber, with an area of 357,480 sq ft
various features along the way, (33,210 sq m).
such as waterfalls and deltas.
Rivers can also dissolve rocks, location Guadalupe Mountains
of southern New Mexico
creating karst landscapes tYpe Underground cave
with underground caves river Pecos

and passages.

Niagara Falls

The Niagara Falls are the second largest waterfall location Border between
in the world, and include the Bridal Veil, American, Canada and US
and Horseshoe falls. Originally, 51/2 billion tYpe Waterfall
gallons (20 billion liters) of water flowed over the
river Niagara
falls every hour. Today, dams and tunnels have
been built to control the flow.


Okavango Delta

The Okavango River starts in Angola

and ends in a huge inland delta called the
Okavango Delta. The river water pours into the
delta, creating plant-rich wetlands that remain
swampy throughout the year.

Covering about 400 sq miles (1,000 sq km),

location Ngamiland District of northern Vercors is the largest karst area in Europe. It has
Botswana, to the northern Kalahari Desert many long, deep caves, which contain a variety
type Delta and swamp of tunnels, narrow streams, lakes, and waterfalls.
river Okavango

location Lower Alps of the

Provence Alpes region, southeast France
type Karst
rivers Drôme and Isère
48 | LAND

Lakes Great Slave Lake

Lakes are bodies of water The Great Slave Lake has a rocky
that are created when surface shore with wide bays and many islands. Most
of the land is covered with dense coniferous
water collects in a depression. forests. This lake remains frozen for eight
Some are as shallow as a pond, months of the year.

while others are about half a

location Northwest Canada,
mile (1 km) deep. Lakes may east of the Mackenzie Mountains
contain salt water or fresh area 11,029 sq miles (28,565 sq km)
maximum depth 2,015 ft (615 m )
water. Some have outlets outlet Mackenzie River
to carry water away, while
others do not.

Great Bear Lake

The largest lake solely within Canadian

territory, Great Bear Lake extends into the Arctic
Circle in the north. The evergreen forests along
its southern shores are home to grizzly bears.

location Northwest Canada,

on the Arctic Circle
area 12,025 sq miles (31,150 sq km)
maximum depth 1,465 ft (445 m)
outlet Great Bear River
LAKES | 49

Great Salt Lake

This is the largest inland saltwater

body in the western hemisphere. This lake
has no outlet, so it can lose water only by
evaporation, which leads to the buildup of
minerals, making the lake extremely salty.
It is surrounded by great areas of sand,
salt flats, and salt marshes.

Boulders coated with salt crystals

location Western Rocky Mountains,

northern Utah
area 2,000 sq miles (5,000 sq km)
maximum depth 39 ft (12 m)
outlet None

Lake Ladoga

Europe’s largest lake, Ladoga lies in a hollow location Karelia region of

area gouged out by glaciers. The water is northwestern Russia, to the east
deepest near the high, rocky cliffs of the of the Baltic Sea
northern shores, while in the south, the lake area 6,825 sq miles (17,675 sq km)
is much shallower and has a low shoreline.
maximum depth 755 ft (230 m)
The entire lake freezes between the months
of January and May. outlet Neva River
50 | LAND

Lake Baikal Caspian Sea

The oldest lake in the world, Baikal The Caspian Sea is the Earth’s largest inland body
formed about 25 million years ago. It continues of water. It was once open sea, but got landlocked
to widen at a rate of about 1 in (21/2 cm) every following the movement of tectonic plates. Its
year. It is also the Earth’s deepest lake, water level is constantly rising and falling due to
containing 20 percent of the planet’s entire climate change, which affects the level of the rivers
surface fresh water. flowing into it and the rate of evaporation.

location Russia, south of the

Central Siberian Plateau, near Mongolia
area 12,160 sq miles (31,500 sq km)
maximum depth 5,715 ft (1,740 m)
outlet Angara River

Dead Sea
LAKES | 51

Lake Vostok

location On the borders of This is the largest of all lakes

Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, discovered under Antarctica. It lies beneath
and Turkmenistan blankets of ice up to 21/2 miles (4 km) thick.
area 143,000 sq miles (371,000 sq km)
maximum depth 3,120 ft (950 m)
location Under the eastern Antarctic Ice Sheet
outlet None
area 5,791 sq miles (15,000 sq km)
maximum depth 3,000 ft (900 m)
outlet None

This is the world’s lowest lake and, at

1,320 ft (400 m) below sea level, the lowest
point on the Earth’s surface. Because of the
extremely high rate of evaporation, the Dead
Sea is shrinking rapidly, its level lowering by
about 3½ ft (1 m) every year. This evaporation
also gives the lake a very high salt content—
it is too salty, in fact, for anything to live in it,
which is how it got its name.

location North of the Red Sea,

bordered by Israel and Jordan
area 310 sq miles (810 sq km)
maximum depth 1,085 ft (330 m)
outlet None
52 | LAND

When water collects on land and cannot drain, it builds up and
forms flooded areas called wetlands. Lagoons are areas of shallow
sea separated by islands or reefs, while swamps are wooded areas
submerged in water. Marshes are similar to swamps, but they are
covered with grasses and reeds.

Great Dismal Swamp

The bottom of this swamp is covered with fallen LOCATION About 25 miles (40 km)
trees and other plants. At its center is a circular inland from the Atlantic Ocean, in North
freshwater lake called Lake Drummond. These Carolina and Virginia
wetlands are unusual in being located above TYPE Swamp
sea level, whereas most swamps are found
AREA 600 sq miles (1,550 sq km)
in low-lying natural basins or craters.


Water flowing from Lake Okeechobee

seeps slowly through the low-lying land
toward the Gulf of Mexico. This creates
a wetland with wide areas of sawgrass.
The edges of this grass are so sharp they
can cut through cloth.

LOCATION From Lake Okeechobee

to Florida Bay, Florida
TYPE Swamp and marsh
AREA 4,000 sq miles (10,000 sq km)

Llanos wetlands

Every May, heavy rains flood the Llanos LOCATION Orinoco River and its
wetlands, creating islands of forests. These tributaries in western Venezuela
waterlogged areas are important habitats TYPE Swamp and marsh
for water birds, supporting about 90 percent
AREA 4,000 sq miles (10,000 sq km)
of the world’s population of the endangered
scarlet ibis.
54 | LAND


The world’s largest freshwater wetland, the LOCATION Mato Grosso and
Pantanal occupies about a third of the upper Mato Grosso do Sul states of Brazil,
basin of the Paraguay River. When the river extending into Bolivia and Paraguay
floods every year, this swamp acts as a TYPE Swamp and marsh
sponge and soaks up the excess water.
AREA 50,000 sq miles (130,000 sq km)

Camargue Sudd

This wetland is famous for its unique These marshes are a landscape of
breed of white horses and for its birds, including reed-beds and papyrus, with areas of water
greater flamingos and black-winged stilts. that are choked by dense mats of floating water
hyacinth. An incomplete and abandoned canal
project on its eastern side has left a huge trough,
LOCATION Rhône Delta, France which blocks the migration of large mammals.
TYPE Lagoon and marsh
AREA 330 sq miles (850 sq km)
LOCATION White Nile River, southern Sudan
TYPE Marsh
AREA 13,300 sq miles (34,500 sq km)


This network of estuaries (wetlands where a LOCATION Between Kolkata, India,

river meets a sea) and tidal rivers surrounds flat, and Chittagong, Bangladesh
marshy islands covered with thick forests. The TYPE Swamp and marsh
region supports a variety of wildlife, including
AREA 685 sq miles (1,770 sq km)
spotted deer and the Bengal tiger.


The Coorong is a long, shallow lagoon that LOCATION Mouth of the Murray
is separated from the Southern Ocean by a River, Australia
narrow sand dune peninsula. It is one of the TYPE Lagoon
best sites for bird-watching in Australia, as
AREA 80 sq miles (200 sq km)
it is home to more than 230 species of bird.
56 | LAND

Glaciers Hubbard Glacier

Glaciers are giant masses The Hubbard Glacier has been advancing for
of ice formed by the piling over a century. It threatens to block off a narrow
strip of water near the Alaskan coast called
up of snow over time. Most Russell Fjord. If this fjord gets permanently
glaciers, except for massive blocked, it could overflow and flood the
surrounding land.
icecaps and ice sheets, move
down a mountain area and flow
into a valley. When a glacier
reaches the sea, chunks break
off, forming icebergs.

Malaspina Glacier Greenland Ice Sheet

The Malaspina Glacier features the Covering 80 percent of Greenland, this ice
largest piedmont lobe in the world. This glacial sheet is the largest ice mass in the northern
type occurs when a valley glacier—formed hemisphere. Most northern Atlantic icebergs
when a glacier moves down a mountain into originate from this glacier, which contains
a valley—spreads out onto a low, flat area. 10 percent of the world’s
fresh water. It has an
average thickness of
Location Coast of St. Elias Mountains, Alaska 5,900 ft (1,790 m).
type Piedmont lobe
aRea 1,500 sq miles (3,900 sq km)

Vatnajökull Icecap

LOCATION St. Elias Mountains, The largest glacier in Europe,

Canada, through southeastern Alaska Vatnajökull completely covers the
TYPE Valley glacier mountainous Icelandic terrain it sits on.
It lies on top of several volcanoes. The heat
AREA 1,350 sq miles (3,500 sq km)
from these causes the icecap’s base to melt,
creating lakes beneath it.

LOCATION Southeast Iceland

TYPE Icecap
AREA 3,100 sq miles (8,100 sq km)

Antarctic Ice Sheet

LOCATION Greenland in the The largest mass of ice on the Earth,

Arctic Circle the Antarctic Ice Sheet weighs so much that
TYPE Ice sheet it pushes the Earth’s crust down by about
2,955 ft (900 m). This glacier holds more
AREA 668,000 sq miles (1.73 million sq km)
than 70 percent of the world’s fresh water.

LOCATION Antarctica
TYPE Ice sheet
AREA 5.3 million sq miles (13.7 million sq km)
58 | EARTH
LAND | 59

Antarctic winters are

so harsh
that only a few birds, including
emperor penguins, can breed
during this time

the cool colony

To survive on the cold Antarctic Ice Sheet, emperor
penguins form breeding colonies in areas that are
sheltered from the wind by ice cliffs and icebergs.
They also huddle together in groups, taking turns to
move to the center so that each penguin stays warm.
60 | LAND

Glacial features
As glaciers move through and wear away mountainous regions,
they create unique landforms. Great masses of ice can carve out
valleys, flatten mountains, and pick up rocks and carry them for
great distances. Some glacial features only become apparent
when glaciers melt and disappear.

Yorkshire boulder Muldalen hanging valley

Large glaciers are often fed by smaller

flows of ice called tributary glaciers. While
the large glacier gouges out a deep valley, the
tributary carves a much smaller, higher “hanging
valley” above the main valley. As with many
hanging valleys, a waterfall sometimes flows
from Muldalen down into the main valley.

location Muldalen, near Tafiord, Norway

type Hanging valley
glacier Hanging valley glacier

Glaciers can carry huge boulders over large

distances. The Yorkshire boulder was carried by
a glacier and then dropped on top of younger
rock when the glacier melted. Such rocks are
known as erratics.

location Yorkshire, UK
type Erratic
glacier Ice sheet

Clew Bay

Drumlins are long, oval mounds of sediment location County Mayo, Ireland
that have been smoothed in the direction of a type Drumlin
glacier’s flow. In Clew Bay, clusters of drumlins
glacier Valley glacier
appear as islands in the sea.

Gryllefjord cirque Dolma La Pass lake

This lake in Dolma La Pass was

formed when an ice block broke off from
a glacier and got buried in the ground. It
then melted, and created a kettle hole that
filled with water to form a kettle lake.

location Dolma La Pass, Tibet

A cirque is a curved, bowl-shaped feature at the type Kettle lake
head of a developing valley glacier. It is formed by glacier Valley glacier
erosion. The cirque at Gryllefjord has an arête—
a long, thin ridge separating two cirques.

location Gryllefjord, Norway

type Cirque
glacier Cirque glacier
62 | LAND

Areas of land that receive an average rainfall fOCUS ON...
of less than 10 in (250 mm) a year are called lAnD forms
Deserts feature a
deserts. Hot deserts have high temperatures variety of landscapes,
year-round, while in cold deserts, the winters from mountains and
plateaus to plains.
are freezing.

Great Basin Desert Atacama Desert

Its high altitude and northerly position This is the driest place on the Earth,
make the Great Basin Desert the only cold and includes stretches of land where rain has
desert in the US. Its vegetation includes never been recorded. In certain areas of this
sagebrush, blackbrush, and shadscale, desert, coastal fogs form, providing some
along with a few cacti. moisture for the growth of plants such as cacti.

location Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, location The coast of northern Chile,
Wyoming, Colorado, and California west of the Andes, between Arica and Vallenar
type Sandy and gravelly type Rocky and salty
area 158,000 sq miles (409,000 sq km) area 40,600 sq miles (105,200 sq km)
rainfall 10 in (250 mm) rainfall Less than 3/5 in (15 mm)

▲ In some deserts, wind covers ▲ Inselbergs, also known as ▲ Desert sand dunes are hills
the rocks in a dark coating called monadnocks, are isolated hills of sand made by wind blowing
desert varnish. Many of these that stand out above the flat over the desert. They occur in
rocks feature ancient rock art. desert surface around them. varying shapes and sizes.

Sahara Desert Namib Desert

The Namib Desert is situated on the

coast, where moisture from sea fogs
supports the growth of some unique plants.
These include the Welwitschia mirabilis, which
is famous for producing only two leaves in its
lifetime that can span hundreds of years.

LOCATION Atlantic coast of Namibia,

extending into southern Angola in the north
TYPE Gravelly and sandy
AREA 12,000 sq miles (31,000 sq km)
The Sahara is the Earth’s largest hot desert,
RAINFALL /5–4 in (15–100 mm)
covering an area about the size of the US.
It has reddish sand and is famous for its ergs,
or sand seas. These areas of sand can be up
to 328 ft (100 m) deep, and feature different
shapes of dunes.

LOCATION From the Atlantic Ocean to

the Red Sea, covering most of northern Africa
TYPE Sandy, gravelly, and stony
AREA 3.5 million sq miles (9 million sq km)
/5–16 in (20–400 mm)
64 | LAND

Kalahari Desert

Sandwiched between the Orange River in the LOCATION Southern Botswana,

south and the Zambezi in the north, this desert extending west into Namibia and south
is dominated by sandy ridges, along with dry lake into South Africa
beds and wide areas of salt-covered ground. The TYPE Sandy
Kalahari is home to the nomadic San people,
AREA 350,000 sq miles (900,000 sq km)
whose population is about 40,000.
RAINFALL 5–20 in (125–500 mm)

Arabian Peninsula

The Arabian Peninsula contains some of the LOCATION From Syria to Yemen and
largest sandy desert areas in the world. This Oman, east of the Red Sea
includes the Ar Rub ’al Khali, or Empty Quarter, TYPE Sandy and gravelly
in the south, which covers an area about
AREA 900,000 sq miles (2.3 million sq km)
the size of France.
RAINFALL 2–8 in (50–200 mm)

Gobi Desert

Featuring a varied landscape,

from rocky mountains to wide valleys
and plains, the Gobi actually has very little
sand. The central region of the desert is
stony, with very little plant life, and the
western region is extremely dry.

LOCATION Across southern Mongolia and

the north of China as far as the Great Wall
TYPE Stony, gravelly, and sandy
AREA 500,000 sq miles (1.3 million sq km)
RAINFALL 1/2–10 in (10–250 mm)

Great Sandy Desert

As in most Australian deserts, the sand here LOCATION North of western Australia,
is bright red because it is coated in iron oxides, extending as far as the Indian Ocean
which is similar to rust. The Great Sandy Desert TYPE Gravelly and sandy
is known for its dunes, which the wind constantly
AREA 130,000 sq miles (340,000 sq km)
changes into new shapes.
RAINFALL 10–12 in (250–300 mm)
66 | EARTH

landForms oF mojave
Found within the Mojave Desert of California,
Death Valley is the lowest, hottest, and driest
part of the North American continent. Large rocks,
called “sailing stones,” appear to move across
the ground of this desert—no one knows how.
LAND | 67

In Death Valley, giant 660 lb (300 kg)

stones move
mysteriously across the land,
leaving trails on the ground
68 | LAnD

foCus on... A forest is an area with a high density of trees.
trees Covering about 30 percent of the Earth’s land
forests are made surface, forests are found in regions with
up of two main types
of tree—evergreen enough heat and rainfall to support tree
and deciduous. growth. The trees provide oxygen and food-
rich habitats for a wide variety of animals.

North American boreal forest

▲ Evergreen trees, such

as pine trees, never shed
all their leaves. They remain
green throughout the year.

Boreal forests are found in the colder parts of the northern

hemisphere. The north American boreal forest is covered in
snow for most of the year. Its tree canopy consists mainly
of black and white spruce, as these trees can survive this
▲ Maple, birch, and extreme cold. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic tundra,
other deciduous trees where conditions are too harsh to support tree growth.
shed their leaves in the
fall and remain bare all
winter. The leaves grow location Central Alaska to central Labrador, Canada
back in the spring. type Boreal forest
area 2.4 million sq miles (6.25 million sq km)

California coniferous forest Pacific northwest forest

These forests are famous for being home High rainfall and coastal fogs create
to the world’s largest tree species—the giant ideal conditions for the growth of some
sequoia. These trees may grow for over 2,000 huge trees in this forest, such as the redwood,
years and reach almost 328 ft (100 m) in height. Douglas fir, sitka spruce, and western hemlock.

location Sierra Nevada, California location The Gulf of Alaska to northern

type Evergreen temperate forest California and Canada
area 16,800 sq miles type Temperate rainforest
(43,600 sq km) area 463,000 sq miles (1.2 million sq km)

Amazon rainforest

The largest area of tropical rainforest in the location From the Andes,
world, the Amazon rainforest covers much South America, to the Atlantic Ocean
of the basin of the Amazon River. More than type Tropical rainforest
half of the world’s species of plant, animal,
area 2.3 million sq miles (6 million sq km)
and insect live in this rainforest.

Some tribes living

deep inside the
Amazon rainforest
have never had
contact with the
outside world.
70 | LAND

European mixed forest Eurasian boreal forest

This type of forest occurs in much of

the lowland and hill country in Europe,
particularly in Central Europe. Depending on the
weather pattern, type of soil, and drainage of
rainwater, a variety of trees grow here, including
oak, beech, lime, ash, elm, birch, and alder.

location From the British Isles

to western Russia
type Deciduous temperate and evergreen
temperate forests
area 1.6 million sq miles (4 million sq km)

Central African rainforest

The rainforests of central Africa

make up more than 80 percent of the
continent’s total area of rainforest.
About 11,000 plant species, and
more than 400 species of mammal,
are found in the rainforests of the
Democratic Republic of Congo.
The mountain forests of Uganda,
Rwanda, and Burundi are home
to the famous mountain gorilla.

location Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea;

and Gabon to Uganda and Burundi
type Tropical rainforest
area 733,000 sq miles (1.9 million sq km)

Madagascan rainforest

Although this forest consists

mostly of evergreen conifers, such
as the Norway spruce and the Scots
pine, some parts of the forest support
deciduous trees such as larch, birch,
alder, and rowan. Some areas even
feature a mix of both types of tree
growing together.

location Western Scandinavia,

across northern Europe and Asia,
to the Pacific Ocean
type Boreal forest
area 3.4 million sq miles
(8.75 million sq km)

Most of this rainforest lies on the eastern side

of the island of Madagascar, which broke off
from mainland Africa about 135 million years
ago. Because of the island’s isolation, about
80 percent of its plants and 95 percent of its
300 reptile species—including two-thirds of
the world’s chameleons—are not found
anywhere else.

location Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar

type Tropical rainforest
area 14,670 sq miles (38,000 sq km)
72 | LAND

Northeast Asian mixed forest

This mixed forest mostly features cedar pine, location Northeast China, through Korea,
black fir, and local species of spruce, ash, southeast Russia, and northern Japan
maple, linden, and walnut. Its wildlife includes
type Deciduous temperate and evergreen
mammals such as the musk deer and the rare
temperate forests
Siberian tiger.
area 1.2 million sq miles (3.2 million sq km)

Northeast Australian rainforest

This forest grows on the eastern slopes location Northeast Queensland, from
of the country’s coastal mountain ranges, Cape York south to the Connors Range
where the average annual rainfall is more
type Tropical rainforest
than 59 in (150 cm). Its trees range from
65 ft (20 m) to 130 ft (40 m) tall. area 4,000 sq miles (10,500 sq km)

Wollemi pine forest

The Wollemi pine is a survivor

from a 200 million-year-old group
of plants. It was thought to be
extinct—with the youngest fossils
dating back two million years—until
1994, when a living plant was
discovered in an isolated part of
Australia. Fewer than 100 adult
trees are known to exist in the wild.

location Western edge of

the Sydney Basin, Australia
type Temperate rainforest
area Limited and secret location
within the Wollemi National Park
74 | LAND

Grasslands are areas where there is not enough rain for many trees
to grow, but there is enough to prevent deserts from forming. There
are two types—temperate grasslands, which have hot summers,
cold winters, and year-round rainfall; and tropical grasslands,
or savanna, which have wet and dry seasons.

Great Plains Pampas

The Great Plains is by far the largest This huge plain has varying landscapes.
area of grassland in North America. Its land The eastern side has a mild climate all year
is so fertile that most of it is now used for round, and features pampas grass, which is
agriculture. Only one percent is still in its known for its tall stems with silky, featherlike
natural, wild state. flowers. Toward the Andes, the land is extremely
dry and turns into a semi-desert.

location North America, between the

Rocky Mountains and Mississippi River location Northern Argentina and Uruguay,
type Temperate from the Andes foothills to the Atlantic Ocean
area 1.2 million sq miles (3 million sq km) type Temperate
area 270,000 sq miles (700,000 sq km)

Serengeti Plains

These plains feature a mix of grasslands and location From northwest Tanzania,
forests, and have the largest populations of east of Lake Victoria, to southwest Kenya
grazing animals in Africa. Every summer, when type Tropical
the grasses dry up, more than 1.3 million blue
area 8,900 sq miles (23,000 sq km)
wildebeest, 200,000 zebras, and 40,000 Thomson’s
gazelles migrate across the Serengeti in search
of fresh grass and drinking water.

Central Asian steppes Australian savanna

Made up of dense, scattered trees, the

savanna forms a band between the hot desert
interior of Australia and the forests on its north
coast. The region has cool, dry winters, and
hot, humid summers.

Extreme changes in temperature are common

in this region, but animals here are adapted to location North of western Australia,
cope. For example, saiga antelope develop through Northern Territory, into Queensland
a thick, woolly coat to keep warm in the winter type Tropical
and a thin, reddish coat during the summer. area 463,500 sq miles (1.2 million sq km)

location From Ukraine, through Russia

and Kazakhstan to Mongolia and China
type Temperate
area 965,000 sq miles (2.5 million sq km)
76 | LAND

The term tundra is used to describe a vast and almost treeless
landscape that covers about 20 percent of the Earth’s land surface.
The ground remains frozen for most of the year. In some areas, the
top layer thaws during the spring and the summer. Where the ground
remains frozen for at least two years, it is known as permafrost.

North American tundra

Although it is mostly flat and barren, the Location From Alaska

North American tundra does feature some through northern Canada; Greenland’s
landforms such as polygons (geometrical coastal regions
patterns on the soil), pingos (ice mounds), area 2 million sq miles (5.3 million sq km)
and even a few mountain ranges. In the
temperature -76°F–75°F (-60°C–24°C)
spring, the ice and snow melt to show
lichens, mosses, and Arctic flowers. rainfaLL 2–8 in (50–200 mm)

Eurasian tundra

This region features a variety of landscapes, location From Iceland in the west,
from the freezing damp plains of Siberia to through northern Scandinavia, Russia,
the island groups of the southern Arctic Ocean. and Siberia
A number of small, long-lived plants, such as area 1.3 million sq miles (3.3 million sq km)
mosses and rushes, are found here. These
temperature -76°F–77°F (-60°C–25°C)
plants grow only during a short, 90-day period
from May to July. Many migratory animals arrive rainfall 8–12 in (200–300 mm)
during these warmer months.

During the summer,

more than 200 million
breeding birds, including
ducks and geese,
migrate to the
Eurasian tundra.
78 | EARTH

Tundra colors
In the tundra, the temperature rises during the summer,
and the frozen topsoil melts to form small pools. The
ground thaws just enough to allow plants to reproduce,
before the winter sets in. When the spring arrives, these
plants flower, and the region shows splashes of color.
LAND | 79

the Sun
In the summer,

never sets
over the tundra
80 | LAND

Agricultural areas
Farming began in the Middle East around 10,000 years ago, and
today, it actively involves two billion people worldwide. Farming can
be arable (growing crops) or pastoral (rearing livestock such as cattle
and pigs). Farming practices depend on many things, including
climate, altitude, soil condition, economics, and local traditions.

Cereal cultivation Cattle farming

The first plants to be domesticated

were cereals—grasses that are grown for
their edible seeds or grains. Cereals are an
important source of energy and are grown
in large quantities. Wheat, rice, and corn
together account for over half the world’s food.
Other popular cereals are rye, oats, and barley.

TYPE Arable
AREA 14 million sq miles (36 million sq km)
mAin counTRiEs China, US, India,
and Russia
Cattle are an important source of meat, but are
also kept for their milk. The largest cattle farms
are found where there are vast areas of open
land, such as North America, South America,
and Australia.

TYPE Pastoral
AREA 11.2 million sq miles (29 million sq km)
mAin counTRiEs US, China, Brazil,
Argentina, and Australia

Rice cultivation Plantation agriculture

Growing rice requires lots of water. In A plantation is a large estate where only
hilly areas, rice is grown in terraces—levels cut one type of crop is grown. Most large-
into the hillsides to keep soil and water in place. scale commercial crops that are grown in
Rice was first cultivated in Asia, which remains warm climates are produced in plantations.
the world’s largest producer of this crop. These include tea, coffee, bananas, palm oil,
cocoa, sugar cane, and cotton.

TYPE Arable
AREA 4.6 million sq miles (12 million sq km) TYPE Arable
mAin counTRiEs China, India, Indonesia, AREA 3.1 million sq miles (8 million sq km)
Bangladesh, and Vietnam mAin counTRiEs Malaysia,
Brazil, Mexico, India, and Cuba

Mixed farming

In this type of farming, farmers grow and TYPE Arable and pastoral
rear a range of crops and livestock, rather AREA 21 million sq miles (54 million sq km)
than concentrating on a single product. This
mAin counTRiEs China, India, US,
reduces farmer’s risk of losses, for example, if a
Russia, and France
particular crop gets infected or if animals get sick.
82 | LAND

Urban areas São Paulo

Today, half the world’s
population live in urban areas—
cities and towns—rather than in
the countryside. About three
percent of the Earth’s land
surface is urban, and this figure One of the world’s fastest-growing cities,
São Paulo is located near large deposits of iron
is likely to double over the next ore, which led to its industrial development. Its
links to Santos, the busiest port in Latin America,
20 years. Cities are centers of make it a major center of transportation.
culture, transportation, trade,
and technology. COUNTRY Brazil
AREA 585 sq miles (1,525 sq km)
POPULATION 11.3 million

New York City

The largest city in the US, New York is one of the COUNTRY US
world’s leading cultural and financial centers. It is AREA 470 sq miles (1,215 sq km)
also famous for its skyline, which is made up of
POPULATION 8.2 million
many extremely tall buildings called skyscrapers,
such as the Empire State Building.

London New Delhi

The city of London was established As India’s capital city, New Delhi is a key
by the Romans more than 2,000 years ago. It is political, financial, and industrial center.
located on the Thames River, which is famous for The Rashtrapati Bhavan—the official residence
the many bridges built over it, including Tower of the president of India—is located here, as
Bridge. The capital city of the UK, London is are other important government buildings.
a global center of finance and theater.

COUNTRY UK AREA 575 sq miles (1,485 sq km)
AREA 605 sq miles (1,570 sq km) POPULATION 12.3 million
POPULATION 12.8 million


The city of Tokyo is part of a huge urban area COUNTRY Japan

with more than 30 million inhabitants. It is often AREA 845 sq miles (2,190 sq km)
affected by earthquakes because it is located
POPULATION 13.2 million
where four tectonic plates meet.
84 | EARTH
OCEAN | 85

Oceans cover about two-thirds of the Earth’s
surface, at an average depth of 12,100 ft
(3,700 m). The Earth’s oceans formed more than
three billion years ago. Until the first life-forms
emerged onto land 450 million years ago, life
was found only in the oceans. Over time, the
oceans have grown and shrunk as the Earth’s
internal forces have moved the continents
around. The movement of heat and moisture
between the oceans and the atmosphere plays
a crucial role in shaping the world’s climates.

a glOw in the dark

Many sea animals, such
as this comb jelly, produce
light in the dark depths of the
ocean. This light helps them
to find and attract prey, or to
signal to other animals.
86 | OCEAN

Ocean currents
Ocean water is constantly moving, both at the surface and far below
the waves, circulating warm water from the equator and cold water
from the poles. The patterns of this movement are called ocean
currents. These currents are influenced by several factors, including
the Earth’s rotation, the winds, and tidal changes in sea level.

Currents and gyres

The combination of wind blowing
over the oceans and the rotation
of the Earth makes surface water
swirl clockwise in the
northern hemisphere NORTH
and counterclockwise PACIFIC
in the southern GYRE NORTH
hemisphere. These ATLANTIC
swirling patterns,
called gyres, carry
warm tropical water
away from the Equator
equator and colder
water toward it.
Warm ocean current

Cold ocean current

Surface currents

Warm surface current

Global Conveyor Belt
Cold deep-water currents and warm
surface currents all link together,
distributing heat around the globe.
This system is often called the
Global Conveyor Belt.

Cold, salty
deep-water current

Meeting of currents
SOUTH The movement of water at the
ocean’s surface is called a surface
current. When cold water flows
deep down, it stirs up seabed
nutrients, which comes up to the
ocean’s surface. This provides good
feeding grounds for sea animals.
88 | OCEAN

Seas and oceans

The Earth has five oceans. Around their edges are smaller bodies
of water, including seas, bays, and gulfs. Together, oceans and
seas cover more than two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. Below the
waves, the ocean floors are made up of various features, such
as mountain ranges, deep plains and trenches, and coral reefs.

Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the

world’s oceans. About one-third of
its surface is permanently covered in
ice. The Arctic Ocean also contains
thousands of icebergs and larger
bodies called ice islands. Ships
known as icebreakers, which
can cut through the ice, create
EUROPE channels for commercial
ships to pass through this
ice-covered ocean.
area 5.4 million sq miles
(14 million sq km)
maximum depth
15,305 ft (4,665 m)
inflows Atlantic and
Pacific oceans; Mackenzie, Ob,
Yenisey, Lena, and Kolyma rivers


Chukchi Sea

Water low in salt content flows from the Pacific AREA 225,000 sq miles
Ocean into the colder, more saline (salty) water (582,000 sq km)
of the Chukchi Sea. Rich in nutrients, this mixed mAximum dEpth 360 ft (110 m)
water supports a wide variety of marine life,
inflows Bering and East Siberian seas,
which includes large populations of walrus
and Arctic Basin
and several species of seals.

Barents Sea White Sea

The White Sea is an almost landlocked

part of the Arctic Ocean. Its floor is
broken up by troughs and ridges.

AREA 35,000 sq miles (90,000 sq km)

mAximum dEpth 1,115 ft (340 m)
inflows Barents Sea; Onega and Northern
Unlike other Arctic seas, the Barents Sea Dvina rivers
remains mostly ice-free through the year.
Its floor is rich in invertebrates, such as
sea cucumbers, feather stars, and starfish.

AREA 542,000 sq miles (1.4 million sq km)

mAximum dEpth 2,000 ft (600 m)
inflows Norwegian Sea and Arctic Basin
90 | OCEAN

Atlantic Ocean

The world’s second largest ocean, the

Atlantic has several tributary seas. A massive
mountain range, called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,
covers almost one-third of the ocean floor. The
AFRICA range has basins on either side, some
of which contain large volcanoes.
area 29.7 million sq miles (77 million sq km)
maximum depth 28,230 ft (8,605 m)
AMERICA inflows Arctic and Southern oceans;
Mediterranean Sea; St. Lawrence,
Mississippi, Orinoco, Amazon, Paraná,
Congo, Niger, Loire, and Rhine rivers

Black Sea Mediterranean Sea

An almost landlocked body of water, The world’s largest inland sea, the Mediterranean
the Black Sea mostly occupies a deep, was separated from the Atlantic Ocean to the
broad basin separating Europe from Asia. west when the Earth’s sea level dropped, about six
million years ago. Over the next two million years,
the region flooded, the water levels rose, and the
area 163,000 sq miles (422,000 sq km) sea linked to the Atlantic again.
maximum depth 7,200 ft (2,200 m)
inflows Sea of Azov, Mediterranean
Sea; Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, and
Kizil Irmak rivers

Baltic Sea Hudson Bay

About 8,000 years ago, the ice sheet

that covered Scandinavia melted, submerging
the region under water. The Baltic Sea is what
remains of that water. Nine countries have their
coastline on this sea.

area 149,000 sq miles (386,000 sq km)

maximum depth 1,475 ft (450 m)
inflows Vistula, Oder, and
Western Dvina rivers

area 965,000 sq miles

(2.5 million sq km)
maximum depth 16,075 ft (4,900 m)
inflows Atlantic Ocean; Black Sea;
Nile, Rhône, Po, and Ebro rivers
This large, shallow body of water has a rocky
eastern coast with high cliffs, but its other shores
are marshy and low. High amounts of nutrients are
dissolved in its waters. These support a variety
of creatures, including beluga whales, which
enter the bay during the summer season.

area 316,000 sq miles (819,000 sq km)

maximum depth 886 ft (270 m)
inflows Albany, Churchill, Moose, Nelson,
Severn, and Grande Rivière de la Baleine rivers
92 | OCEAN

Sargasso Sea Gulf of Mexico

This is the only sea of the northern This oval basin contains mostly shallow waters.
Atlantic that is not bordered by land. It is created Mangrove swamps, tidal marshes, beaches,
by three currents around its edge—the Canaries lagoons, and estuaries are found along its
Current, the North Equatorial Current, and the coasts. The Mississippi River carries a huge
Gulf Stream. The Sargasso Sea is named for volume of sand and silt into the Gulf of Mexico.
the wide mats of sargassum, a yellow-brown These sediments are deposited on the seafloor,
seaweed, that float on its surface. This seaweed forming an enormous fan-shaped delta with
supports a variety of animal life. wide salt marshes.

area 2 million sq miles (5.2 million sq km) area 615,000 sq miles (1.6 million sq km)
maximum depth 23,000 ft (7,000 m) maximum depth 17,060 ft (5,200 m)
inflows None inflows Caribbean Sea; Mississippi, Brazos,
Colorado, Alabama, Apalachicola, and
Rio Grande rivers
The sargassum seaweed has tiny
gas-filled bladders, allowing it to
float on the water surface

Caribbean Sea

The sea, its numerous islands—

many of which are volcanic—and
neighboring coastlines make up the
Caribbean region. Most of the islands, as
well as some of the mainland coasts, are
lined with coral reefs that support a rich
variety of fish and invertebrates, including
spiny lobsters and conches.

area 1.1 million sq miles

(2.75 million sq km)
maximum depth 25,215 ft (7,685 m )
inflows Atlantic Ocean; Magdalena,
Coco, Patuca, and Motagua rivers
94 | OCEAN

Indian Ocean
ASIA Formed over the last 120 million years,
the Indian Ocean is one of the world’s youngest
ocean basins. Its mostly warm waters create
ideal conditions for a large variety of marine
life. Twice every year, the monsoon winds
reverse the flow of its currents, bringing
up nutrient-rich water from the ocean’s
depths. This pattern is unique to the
INDIAN OCEAN Indian Ocean.

area 26.5 million sq miles

AUSTRALIA (69 million sq km)
maximum depth 23,815 ft (7,260 m )
inflows Ganges, Indus, Tigris, Euphrates,
Zambezi, Limpopo, and Murray rivers

Arabian Sea

The Arabian Sea occupies the northwestern part area 1.5 million sq miles
of the Indian Ocean. In addition to supporting a (3.9 million sq km)
huge fishing industry, it is also an important trade maximum depth 19,030 ft (5,800 m)
route linking the Red Sea with the Persian Gulf.
inflows Indus and Narmada rivers

Andaman Sea

Southeast of the Bay of Bengal, the

Andaman Sea is separated from the bay
by the Andaman and Nicobar islands. This
region is close to three tectonic plates—
the India plate, the Burma plate, and the
Sunda Megathrust—and is often affected
by earthquakes.

area 308,000 sq miles (798,000 sq km)

maximum depth 12,390 ft (3,775 m)
inflows Bay of Bengal, Strait of Malacca;
Irriwaddy and Salween rivers

Persian Gulf

This warm, salty sea is known for the huge area 93,000 sq miles
oil reserves found beneath its floor. Its eastern (241,000 sq km)
shore is mountainous, while its western shore maximum depth 360 ft (110 m)
has many islands, lagoons, and tidal flats. Many
inflows Tigris, Euphrates, and Karun rivers
artificial islands have been built along its coast,
such as the Palm Islands in the UAE, which
are shaped like palm trees.
96 | OCEAN

Pacific Ocean

The largest ocean in the world, the

Pacific covers more than one-third of
the Earth’s surface and contains the deepest
point in the Earth’s oceans—Challenger Deep
in the Mariana Trench. This ocean is located in
a geologically active area—most of the planet’s
earthquakes occur in the Pacific Ring of
PACIFIC OCEAN Fire, a long, horseshoe-shaped active
belt in the ocean’s basin.

area 60 million sq miles (156 million sq km)

AUSTRALIA maximum depth 35,840 ft (10,925 m)
inflows Southern Ocean; Yukon, Columbia,
Amur, Yellow, Yangtze, and Mekong rivers

Sea of Okhotsk

The Sea of Okhotsk was created over the last two

million years by the erosion of land by glaciers.
This large, cold sea freezes during the winter
and is frequently covered with fog. It is almost
completely surrounded by Russian territory.

area 615,000 sq miles

(1.6 million sq km )
maximum depth 11,060 ft
(3,370 m)
inflows Sea of Japan;
Amur, Uda, Okhota, and
Penzhina rivers

South China Sea

The South China Sea stretches for more area 1.4 million sq miles
than 1,680 miles (2,700 km) around Asia’s (3.7 million sq km)
mainland. The Gulf of Thailand, which branches maximum depth 16,455 ft (5,015 m)
out from the sea, has 42 forest-covered islands,
inflows Xi Jiang, Mekong, Red, Tha Chin,
which rise from the sea as rock formations.
and Chao Phraya rivers
These islands make up a marine park called
the Ang Thong National Park.

Coral Sea

Famous for the world’s largest coral reef—the area 1.8 million sq miles
Great Barrier Reef—the Coral Sea also contains (4.8 million sq km)
many individual reefs and small islands, collectively maximum depth 30,070 ft (9,165 m)
called the Coral Sea Islands Territory. This sea has
inflows West central Pacific Ocean;
a tropical climate, with frequent typhoons (violent
Fly, Purari, and Kikori rivers
tropical storms) between January and April.
98 | OCEAN

Southern Ocean

This ocean is also known as the Antarctic

SOUTHERN Ocean because it completely surrounds
OCEAN Antarctica. It has the strongest winds found
anywhere on the Earth. These, along with
many icebergs and large waves, make ship
navigation in this sea very dangerous.

area 7.8 million sq miles (20 million sq km)
maximum depth 23,735 ft (7,235 m)
inflows Summer melting of sea-ice and
SOUTHERN icebergs calved from Antarctic ice shelves

Scotia Sea

This cold sea lies between the southern Atlantic area 350,000 sq miles (900,000 sq km)
Ocean and the Southern Ocean. Icebergs from maximum depth 13,000 ft (4,000 m)
the Antarctic Ice Sheet can be found here all
inflows Southern Ocean to the west
year round, and in the winter, sea-ice forms
of Drake Passage
at the region’s edges.

Ross Sea Weddell Sea

Of all the seas around Antarctica, the Heavily covered in ice, this sea is home
Ross Sea has the least sea-ice, making it very to the Weddell seal, which swims beneath
accessible to shipping. The sea is home to the the ice and can break through to the surface
icefish, which has a special protein in its body to create breathing holes. Colonies of emperor
that prevents it from freezing. penguins are also found in this sea.

area 370,000 sq miles (960,000 sq km) area 1.1 million sq miles (2.8 million sq km)
maximum depth 8,200 ft (2,500 m) maximum depth 10,000 ft (3,000 m)
inflows Icebergs calved from the inflows Icebergs calved from the
Ross Ice Shelf Ronne-Filchner Ice shelf

Only five species of

bird remain on the
Scotia Sea Islands,
including the yellow-
billed pintail duck.
100 | EARTH

Disappearing islanD
The Pacific Ocean is dotted with volcanoes that once
erupted from the ocean floor but are now extinct.
Bora Bora island is one of these volcanoes. As its
deep source of heat cools and the rocks contract,
the island is slowly sinking back beneath the waves.
OCEAN | 101

The four-million-year-old
tropical island of Bora Bora

is sinking
at the rate of ½ in (1 cm)
every 100 years
102 | OCEAN

What is a coral reef?

Coral reefs are wave-resistant structures made by marine
creatures and their skeletons. These colorful formations are
home to an incredible range of plants and animals, including
sponges, worms, anemones, and mollusks such as snails,
clams, and octopuses. The richest and healthiest reefs
support thousands of fish and turtles.

Formation of coral reefs

Although coral reefs can be huge—stretching for up to hundreds of miles—
the organisms that form them are very small. Corals are made up of tiny individual
creatures called polyps. As they grow, polyps create a hard outer
shell, or skeleton, of limestone. When they die, this shell
remains, and new polyps grow on it. In this way, reefs
are formed and continue to grow.

Types of reef

A fringing reef is formed A barrier reef runs parallel An atoll is a ring of coral reefs
as corals grow around an to the shore but is separated or low-lying coral islands that
island or along a shoreline. from it by a large lagoon. surrounds a shallow lagoon.

Coral damage
Today, coral reefs face many threats to their survival.
Pollution and rising water temperatures can kill
corals, which lose color when they die—this
is known as coral bleaching. Reefs are also
damaged by human activity, such as using
dynamite to catch fish.

Coral bleaching
104 | ocEAn

Coral reefs
focus on... Among the Earth’s most spectacular and
polyps diverse habitats, coral reefs support
corals are made more species per unit of area than any
up of tiny individual
creatures known other marine environment. They also
as polyps. protect islands and coasts from erosion.

▲ Some polyps Bahama Banks

attach themselves to
the seafloor or rocks A cluster of 700 islands make up the Bahama Banks.
using parts called These islands are scattered over two limestone platforms—
basal plates. the Little Bahama Banks and the Great Bahama Banks. These
platforms have been growing for the last 70 million years.

location Bahamas, southeast of florida,

and northeast of cuba
type fringing reef, patch reef, and barrier reef
area 1,200 sq miles (3,150 sq km)
▲ Polyps’ tentacles have
stinging cells, which are
used to sting, paralyze,
and catch prey.

▲ The tentacles surround

and move food to the
polyp’s mouth. Its gut
secretes the limestone
that builds the reef.

Lighthouse Reef Aldabra Atoll

The coral formations of the Lighthouse The largest raised coral atoll in the
Reef surround a large, circular sinkhole known world, Aldabra is situated on top of an ancient
as the Great Blue Hole. The sinkhole is about volcanic peak. Strong ocean tides in Aldabra’s
480 ft (145 m) deep and features a number of lagoon have turned
ancient stalactites hanging from its slanting walls. raised clumps of
reef into small,
location Western Caribbean, islands known as
60 miles (80 km) east of central Belize champignons.
type Atoll with patch reef
area 116 sq miles (300 sq km)

location Western end of the Republic of

Seychelles archipelago, northwestern Madagascar
type Atoll
area 60 sq miles (155 sq km)


The Maldives are a group of islands

with 26 atolls, many of which contain mini-
atolls, called faros, which are rare outside the
Maldives. Due to climate change over the past
century, the Maldives may be under threat from
rising sea levels—the highest island is
less than 10 ft (3 m) above sea level.

location Southwest of
Sri Lanka, in the Indian Ocean
type Atoll and fringing reef
area 3,500 sq miles
(9,000 sq km)
106 | OCEAN

Red Sea reefs

The Red Sea contains a variety of reefs. The location Red Sea coasts of Egypt,
northern area has mostly fringing reefs, with reef Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Eritrea,
flats (flat areas of reef next to the shore) only a and Yemen
few yards wide, while the southern Red Sea has type Fringing reef, patch reef, and barrier
a much wider area of shallow continental shelf— reef, and atoll
the underwater extension of a continent. The
aRea 6,300 sq miles (16,500 sq km)
Red Sea reefs are home to a spectacular range
of corals and fish, including the Red Sea lionfish.

Nusa Tenggara

This is a chain of about 500 coral-fringed

islands. The islands in the north are volcanic
in origin, while those in the south are mainly
made up of coral limestone. Nusa Tenggara
supports a huge variety of marine life—a
single large reef can contain more species
of fish than all the European seas combined.

location Southern
Indonesia, from Lombok in
the west to Timor in the east
type Fringing reef and
barrier reef
area 2,000 sq miles
(5,000 sq km)

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is often described location Parallel to Queensland

as the largest structure ever made by living coast, northeastern Australia
organisms. It is made up of about 3,000 type Barrier reef
individual reefs and small coral islands. It
area 14,300 sq miles (37,000 sq km)
has the world’s largest collection of coral
reefs, with 400 types of coral, 1,500 species
of fish, and 4,000 types of mollusk.
108 | EARTH

Even after a coral dies, its hard

skeleton remains
and new corals grow on it

rEEf building
Many organisms, such as algae, corals, and mollusks, help
form the foundation of a coral reef. The force of the waves
and the grazing of animals help break the animal shells into
sand, which fills the gaps in the growing reef. Algae bind it
all together to form reef rock.
OCEAN | 109
110 | oCEAn

Coastal features
foCus on... A broad area of land that borders the sea
formation is called a coast. Coasts can feature gulfs,
of Coasts lagoons, dunes, and beaches. These are
Coasts can be formed by different processes such as
shaped by a variety
of processes. the flow of tides, breaking waves, or the
buildup of sediments.

oregon national Dunes

This is the largest area of coastal sand dunes in

north America. The dunes were formed by a combination
of erosion by sea waves, and the transport of sand by ocean
winds over millions of years. Winds continue to mold the sand
▲ Land-based dunes into wavelike shapes.
processes include the
flow of glaciers, lava,
and sediment, as well LOCAtION southwest of Portland, oregon
as human activity. tYPe Coastal dunes
SIZe 40 miles (65 km)

▲ Marine-based
processes include
waves, tides, currents,
and changing sea levels.

Dungeness Spit Gulf of Bothnia

A spit is a narrow strip of land As the surrounding land rises, the sea
connected to the coast at one end. This spit level falls by about 1/3 in (7 mm) a year in this
is named after Dungeness in England. Its northern arm of the Baltic Sea, revealing new
unique shape was formed by winds blowing islands along the coast. The water has a low
from different directions in different seasons. salt content because of the large amount of
fresh water that flows into it.

location Seattle, Washington

type Sand spit location Between Finland’s west coast
and Sweden’s east coast
size 5½ miles (9 km)
type Gulf
size 45,200 sq miles (117,000 sq km)

White Cliffs of Dover

Coastal erosion by waves and tides has eaten location Dover, UK

into the soft white limestone that forms the chalk type Marine-based coast
cliffs of Dover. The chalk is made of countless
size 11 miles (17 km)
tiny skeletons of marine microorganisms along
with some larger fossil shells.
112 | OCEAN

Durdle Door Skeleton Coast

This limestone arch used to be a cliff. Sea This arid (dry) region has low gravel plains in the
waves wore away the softer layers of rock south, while in the north, sand dunes extend
at the bottom of the cliff, leaving the harder to the sea. Due to strong winds, the shapes
rock at the top, creating an arch. of the dunes are constantly changing.

LOCAtION Dorset, southern UK LOCAtION Northwest Windhoek, Namibia

tYPe Arch tYPe Marine-based coast
SIZe 200 ft (60 m) high SIZe 310 miles (500 km)

Kerala backwaters

These slow-moving stretches of water are made LOCAtION Southeast Cochin, Kerala, India
up of a chain of lagoons and small lakes linked tYPe Lagoon
by canals. Fed by 38 rivers, the backwaters cover
SIZe 400 sq miles (1,000 sq km)
almost half the length of the state of Kerala.

Kinabatangan mangroves Yangtze estuary

The aerial, or above-ground, roots of The longest river in Asia and its busiest
mangrove plants trap muddy sediment to waterway, the Yangtze River carries large
form wetland swamps. The Kinabatangan amounts of silt and mud, which are deposited
mangroves feature a range of lowland forests in its estuary, dividing the river into three smaller
and open reed marsh. channels and many streams.

LOCAtION Eastern Sabah, Malaysia LOCAtION Northwest Shanghai, China

tYPe Mangrove swamps tYPe Estuary
SIZe 400 sq miles (1,000 sq km) SIZe 1,000 sq miles (2,500 sq km)

Ha Long Bay

Rising sea levels flooded an area surrounding LOCAtION Gulf of Tonkin,

about 2,000 karst towers, creating the karst east Hanoi, Vietnam
islands that make up Ha Long Bay. Some of tYPe Land-based coast
these islands rise to about about 650 ft (200 m)
SIZe 75 miles (120 km)
above sea level.
114 | OCEAN

Moeraki Beach Ninety Mile Beach

Moeraki Beach is famous for its large,

round boulders, which are up to 10 ft (3 m)
in diameter and can weigh several tons. The
boulders formed as nodules in muddy sediment
as it hardened into mudstone rock. The relatively
soft mudstone has been worn away, leaving
behind the harder boulders, which now litter
the beach.

location Northeast Dunedin, New Zealand

type Beach
size 5 miles (8 km)

Made up of a series of sand dunes, this is the

longest natural beach in the world. Behind
these dunes lie several large lakes and shallow
lagoons, known as the Gippsland Lakes.

location Southwest Melbourne,

Victoria, Australia
type Beach
size 94 miles (150 km)

The Twelve Apostles

When the roof of a natural rock arch erodes LOCAtION Near Port Campbell,
or collapses, it leaves behind a rock pillar Victoria, Australia
called a stack. The Twelve Apostles is a tYPe Marine-based coast
group of sea stacks that were formed by
SIZe 2 miles (3 km)
the continuing wave erosion and collapse
of 20-million-year-old limestone cliffs. They
are still being eroded today.

These sea stacks

are still called the Twelve
Apostles, even though
only eight of them
remain today.
116 | EARTH

On the Skeleton Coast, cold air from the Atlantic
Ocean and dry air from the Namib Desert form thick
fogs, which have often caused sailors to lose their way.
Many shipwrecks have been found here, including the
Eduard Bohlen, which was washed ashore in 1909.
OCEAN | 117

The Skeleton Coast is called

“the land God

made in anger,”
because of its harsh climate and dense ocean
fog that has caused many shipwrecks
118 | EARTH

A layer of gases, called the atmosphere, surrounds
the Earth. The Sun’s rays pass through the atmosphere,
warming the Earth’s surface and the air above it, causing
the air to move and water to evaporate. This results in
different weather conditions. Changes in weather can
also be caused by land-based events, such as the
volcanic eruptions at Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, in 2010,
which created a huge ash cloud.

destructive whirl
Swirling winds over
warm ocean waters lead
to hurricanes. In 2011,
Hurricane Irene hit the
US, the Atlantic coast of
Canada, and the Caribbean.

The Earth’s atmosphere

The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of gases called the
atmosphere, which is made up mainly of nitrogen and oxygen with
tiny amounts of water vapor and other gases. The atmosphere is
at its most dense near the Earth’s surface. As altitude increases,
it gets thinner, eventually fading into space.

The exosphere is the

outermost layer, at
430–6,200 miles
(690–10,000 km)
the edge of space. Layers of the atmosphere
The Earth’s atmosphere is divided into five
main layers—the troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.
Of these, the troposphere is the only
53–430 miles layer where life exists.
(85–695 km)

The thermosphere contains a layer

of electrically charged particles.
30–53 miles
They collide with hydrogen and
(50–85 km) Space shuttle oxygen in the atmosphere to
produce a range of colorful
12–30 miles lights, known as aurora.
(20–50 km) Ozone
Meteoroids (fragments of rock
0–12 miles
(0–20 km) from space) mostly burn up in the
mesosphere, creating shooting stars.

The stratosphere is a calm layer above the

winds and weather. It contains the ozone
layer, which absorbs much of the harmful
Jet airliner
ultraviolet (UV) rays of the Sun.

Temperature decreases with increasing

altitude in the troposphere. This is where
Layers of the all of the Earth’s weather takes place.

Water and the atmosphere

The movement of water between the atmosphere,
the land, and the Earth’s oceans, lakes, and rivers is called
Clouds carry the water cycle. The Sun’s heat causes the Earth’s liquid
water to land water to evaporate, or turn into water vapor. This water
in the form of
vapor rises and collects to form clouds. Water falls back
rain and snow
to land and eventually returns to the oceans and lakes.

from sea

cools to
form clouds

Water seeps
into ground
Water returns to sea via
rivers and streams Water cycle

Jet streams
Jet streams are long, narrow bands
of high-speed winds in the upper
troposphere or lower stratosphere. The
wind here is so strong that pilots can cut
hours off their flight time by flying along
these jet streams. Hot air from the aircraft
engines condenses to form long, thin clouds
of water vapor, known as contrails.
Contrails above the Red Sea

Precipitation Dew
When air cools, water
vapor condenses—turns Dew forms overnight when warm, moist
air rising from the ground meets cold night air,
from gas into liquid—forming causing the rising moisture to condense
clouds. When cloud particles on the ground as droplets of water.

become too heavy to remain

suspended in the air, they fall INteNsIty Light to heavy
to the Earth as precipitation.
This may be in the form of
rain, snow, dew, fog, or hail.


Rain is liquid precipitation that

falls in drops. These vary in size
from tiny drizzle as small as
/50 in (1/2 mm) wide to drops
up to 1/4 in (6 mm) wide. Most
raindrops are 2/25–1/5 in
(2–5 mm) in diameter.

CLOUD Nimbostratus–
INteNsIty Light to heavy


Sea fog, or haar, is formed when warm CLOUD Low-level stratus

moist air comes into contact with cold INteNsIty Light to dense
sea water and the moisture condenses
into tiny droplets.

Hail Snow

Hailstones are lumps of ice that form When tiny ice crystals in clouds stick together,
when frozen drops of rain, kept in the air by they form snowflakes. When they become heavy
strong winds, get blown around in freezing enough, they fall to the ground as snow. Snowfall
thunderclouds until they are heavy enough is heaviest when temperatures are around freezing
to fall to the Earth. They may be smaller point, which is 32º F (0º C).
than peas or as big as oranges.

CLOUD Cumulus and stratus

CLOUD Tall cumulus INteNsIty Light to heavy
Light to heavy
124 | ATMosPHERE

Cloud types
Clouds consist of ice crystals or water droplets. foCUs oN...
According to the height of their base above the lightning
Electrical charges
ground, they are identified as high, middle, or within clouds build up
low. Cloud types are defined by air temperature and result in lightning,
seen in various shapes
and the amount of water in the cloud. and forms in the sky.

Cirrus Cirrocumulus

High, wispy clouds shaped like long

streamers are called cirrus clouds or horse
tails. These clouds are made up of ice crystals
because they form in extremely cold parts of
the atmosphere. Cirrus clouds are a sign of fair
and pleasant weather.

Altitude 18,000–40,000 ft (5,500–12,000 m)

shApe Layered, tufted, or patchy
precipitAtion None

These rounded, white puffs are usually seen

in long rows. They have ripples that resemble
a honeycomb or the scales of a fish. Usually
seen in the winter, they indicate fair but
cold weather.

Altitude 20,000–40,000 ft
(6,000–12,000 m)
shApe Layers or patches of cells
precipitAtion None
cLouD TYPES | 125

▲ Cloud-to-ground ▲ Ground-to-cloud ▲ Cloud-to-cloud ▲ Ball lightning is a

lightning strikes lightning moves lightning occurs between bright ball that may
the ground from a from the ground to a different clouds, without occur with cloud-to-
cumulonimbus cloud. cumulonimbus cloud. touching the ground. ground lightning.

Cirrostratus Altocumulus

These thin, high, sheetlike clouds

cover the entire sky, making it look milky.
They are not thick enough to hide the Sun
and Moon completely, but can produce a halo
around them. They usually form 12–24 hours
before a rain or snow storm.

Altitude 18,000–40,000 ft (5,500–12,000 m)

ShApe Layered
precipitAtion None

Altocumulus clouds look like rolls. These

may be arranged in lines, waves, or round
masses. When altocumulus forms with “towers”
billowing upward, it warns of approaching heavy
showers and possible thunderstorms.

Altitude 6,500–18,000 ft (2,000–5,500 m)

ShApe Parallel bands or rounded masses
precipitAtion Possible thunderstorms
or showers


These clouds contain ice crystals near the altitude 6,500–18,000 ft

top and water droplets lower down. Altostratus (2,000–5,500 m)
clouds can cover the entire sky in such a way that shape Layered and featureless
the Sun and Moon are faintly visible through them.
precipitation Almost none
These clouds may produce light snow or rain.


These low, puffy gray or white clouds altitude 1,150–6,500 ft (350–2,000 m)

are seen in rows, lines, or waves separated
shape Large and rounded
by patches of blue sky. They may appear in
many weather conditions and can produce precipitation Light
light rain or snow.


Mostly featureless, these uniform gray or white altitude 0–6,500 ft (0–2,000 m)

clouds cover the sky in a blanket. They can form shape Layered
a layer thick enough to completely block out the
precipitation Light
Sun or Moon. They often form overnight in fine
weather, especially over the sea.


These individual, puffy clouds look like cotton altitude 0–6,500 ft (0–2,000 m)
balls floating in the sky. Cumulus clouds are flat
shape Cauliflower or fluffy
at the base and have rounded tops that often
look like cauliflower heads. They appear very precipitation Occasional rain
white, with clearly defined edges. or snow showers


When cumulus clouds grow taller, they form

giant cumulonimbus clouds. High winds flatten
the tops of these thunderstorm clouds into the
shape of an anvil, which points in the direction
the storm is moving. These clouds produce
heavy rain or snow, as well as hailstorms
and tornadoes.

altitude 1,000–6,500 ft (300–2,000 m)

shape Stringy upper edges and anvil top
precipitation Heavy rain and thunderstorms


Lenticular clouds

These disk-shaped clouds form when

the wind blows from the same direction at
different levels of the troposphere. Usually seen
in mountains or hilly areas, lenticular clouds are
sometimes described as a “stack of pancakes.”

altitude 6,500–16,400 ft (2,000–5,000 m)

shape Lens-shaped or saucerlike
precipitation Possible light rain or snow

When altostratus clouds thicken, they

develop into nimbostratus clouds. These
are shapeless and dark, but may appear
lit up from inside because of gaps in them.
These clouds are so thick, they can hide
the Sun and the Moon completely, resulting
in dull days and dark nights.

altitude 2,000–10,000 ft (600–3,000 m)

shape Layered and featureless
precipitation Continuous rain or snow likely
130 | EARTH

In 1959, William rankin, a us air force

pilot, had to eject from his burning aircraft
and became the first person to survive a fall
through a cumulonimbus cloud, after being

trapped inside it
for half an hour due to upward air currents

Clouds of danger
Unlike other clouds, cumulonimbus clouds may
release all their moisture at once, resulting in
lightning, severe hailstorms, thunderstorms, and
even tornadoes. This makes these clouds especially
dangerous for planes to fly through.

A storm is a powerful disturbance in the atmosphere. It typically
features strong winds, cloudy skies, and heavy precipitation.
Violent storms produce strong, fast winds such as tornadoes
(narrow funnels of rapidly spinning air), cyclones (warm winds
rising in a spiral), and hurricanes (tropical cyclones).

Storm of the Century Oklahoma Tornado Outbreak

Situated in a tornado-prone area,

the state of Oklahoma experiences
several hundred tornadoes every year. On May 3,
1999, more than 70 tornadoes struck the state,
causing widespread destruction—demolishing
thousands of homes and whipping up huge
clouds of debris. The storms lasted for three
days and caused damage worth a billion dollars.

LOCAtiOn Oklahoma
yeAr 1999
type Tornado

This week-long storm was accompanied by heavy

snow, tornadoes, and freezing temperatures.
Severe snowstorms, called blizzards, caused
major damage to power lines, leading to power
failures that affected more than 10 million people.

LOCAtiOn US and Canada

yeAr 1993
type Snowstorm
STORMS | 133

Hurricane Katrina

One of the five deadliest hurricanes to hit the US, LOCAtiOn New Orleans, Louisiana
Hurricane Katrina killed more than 1,800 people
yeAr 2005
and caused damage worth 90 billion dollars. In
New Orleans, high waves and torrential rains led type Hurricane
to widespread flooding. About 80 percent of the
city was flooded up to a depth of 23 ft (7 m).

Great Ice Storm

A combination of five smaller ice storms, this LOCAtiOn Canada and US

storm resulted in more than 80 hours of freezing yeAr 1998
rain. Layers of ice built up, damaging trees and
type Ice storm
bringing down power lines. This caused massive
power failures, with some areas remaining
without power for weeks.

Cyclone Nargis Chinese Dust Storm

Dust and sand storms occur in arid or

semiarid areas where there aren’t enough trees to
hold the soil in place and it gets whipped up into
the air by the wind. This dust storm from the Gobi
Desert covered 313,000 sq miles (810,000 sq km).

location China
year 2010
type Dust storm

Red Dust Storm

A cloud of red-orange dust, more than

600 miles (1,000 km) long, spread from
Australia’s deserts and dry farmland to Sydney
and the eastern coast of Australia. This storm
The deadliest cyclone ever recorded in this caused major disruption to international flights.
region, Nargis caused massive damage and
many deaths, both during the storm and after
it ended. Several thousand people drowned, location Eastern coast of Australia
while others died of diseases caused by rotting year 2009
bodies, dirty floodwater, and mosquitoes. type Dust storm

location Myanmar
year 2008
type Cyclone
STORMS | 135

Black Saturday Bushfires

The heat from

the wildfire was
powerful enough to
kill anyone within
1,000 ft (300 m).

When lightning strikes dry vegetation, it location Victoria, Australia

can cause a fire. This wildfire started as
year 2009
nine small fires. High-speed winds of up to
56 mph (90 kph) rapidly spread the fires, type Wildfire
causing massive damage.
136 | EARTH

In 1931, a powerful tornado in Mississippi

lifted a train
weighing 91 tons (83 metric tonnes)
up into the air and tossed it 80 ft
(24 m) away from the track

tornado force
A tornado, or twister, is a storm in
which a column of air, usually about
328 ft (100 m) wide, spins violently. It can
completely destroy an area, uprooting trees,
overturning cars, and wrecking buildings.
138 | EARTH

The weather changes every day, with
variations in temperature, precipitation, wind,
and clouds. When the weather is examined
over several years, a pattern emerges. This
pattern, repeated over many years, is known
as the climate of a particular region. Scientists
divide the world into regions according to their
climates. These regions range from icy polar
zones to hot tropical areas.

global warming
At present, the average global
temperature is rising, but this
rise is not spread evenly
around the Earth. Some
areas are getting warmer,
while others are getting colder.

Global warming
Global warming is the term given to the rise in the Earth’s average
temperature. Climate change is a natural process and has been
going on for billions of years. However, human activity has recently
caused the rate of change to increase, which is causing many
serious environmental problems.

Some of the heat is

The Sun’s reflected into space
energy passes
through the Some of the reflected heat is
atmosphere trapped in the atmosphere
by greenhouse gases

The greenhouse effect

Certain gases in the atmosphere trap heat
that would otherwise escape back into space.
This is known as the greenhouse effect. The
gases that cause it—carbon dioxide, methane,
and water vapor—are called greenhouse gases.

Causes of global warming

Greenhouse gases, which increase the greenhouse
effect, are released into the atmosphere by aircraft
and car exhausts, as well as when fossil fuels
are burned in factories and power plants.
Greenhouse gases are also found in aerosols
and old refrigerators.

Effects of global warming

Aside from changing weather patterns
and frequent storms, the high rate of global
warming causes glaciers and polar ice to melt.
This may lead to a rise in sea levels, flooding
low-lying areas. This can threaten plants and
animals that may not be able to adapt
quickly enough to the change, such as
polar bears. Ice is vital for them—
they use it as a bridge to move
across the ocean to hunt
for food. If this ice Helping the planet
melts, these bears To try to stop global warming,
may not survive. the release of greenhouse gases
into the atmosphere from factories,
cars, and other sources will have to be
reduced. The use of “cleaner,” renewable
energy sources, such as solar and wind
power, will help, as will the recycling of
materials (such as paper), environmentally
friendly transportation (such as cycling),
and the replanting of forests.
142 | cLIMATE

Climate regions
The climate of a region determines its main focus on...
characteristics—temperature, rainfall, soil FaCtors
Many factors are
type, and plant growth. Based on these, responsible for the
regions are identified and classified into variations in climate
around the world.
different biomes, or climate regions.

temperate tropical

Temperate areas have varied climates, Humid, tropical climates have a high annual
but the average monthly temperature ranges rainfall and an average yearly temperature of
between 64°f (18°c) and 27°f (-3°c). In the at least 64ºf (18ºc). More than half the world’s
warmest month, the average temperature species of plant are found in these regions,
is above 50˚f (10˚c). These regions have which typically feature a dense tree cover.
four distinct seasons, but can experience
unpredictable weather throughout the year.

distribution Most regions lying between

the tropical and polar regions
typical location cork, Ireland,
where temperature ranges from 48˚f (9˚c)
to 68˚f (20˚c)
cLIMATE REGIons | 143

▲ Areas close to the ▲ Oceans absorb and ▲ Temperature decreases

equator are hotter as transport heat from the at higher altitudes, making
the Sun’s rays fall directly Sun, giving coastal regions mountains colder than
on these regions. a moderate climate. lower-lying areas.


distribution Most regions along Although temperature decreases with

the equator height everywhere, the climate of each mountain
typical location Dodoma, Tanzania, varies according to the region in which it is
where temperature ranges from 79˚f (26˚c) located. for example, those parts of the Andes
to 88˚f (31˚c) that lie in colombia receive frequent rainfall,
but parts that lie in Ecuador are usually dry.

distribution Mountains, plateaus, and

ranges, about 2,000 ft (600 m) above sea level
typical location Les Escaldes, Andorra,
where temperature ranges from 43˚f (6˚c)
to 79˚f (26˚c)


The Arctic and Antarctic regions, located distribution Arctic and

at the Earth’s North and South poles, have an Antarctic circles
extremely cold and dry climate. All precipitation typical location Vostok Station,
falls as snow, which remains on the ground and Antarctica, where the temperature ranges
builds up gradually over time. from -89˚F (-67˚C) to -26˚F (-32˚C)


Regions with mild, wet winters and

warm, dry summers are said to have
a Mediterranean climate. Rainfall averages
15 in (380 mm) a year, falling mainly between
December and March, with usually no rain at
all in August.

distribution Southern Europe,

South Africa, and southern Australia
typical location Rome, Italy,
where the temperature ranges
from 52˚F (11˚C) to 86˚F (30˚C)


Arid areas are hot and dry, with high levels of distribution Most deserts
evaporation and low precipitation. They include typical location I-n-Salah, Algeria,
hot deserts such as the Sahara, which receives where the temperature ranges from 70˚F (21˚C)
no rain for years, and semidesert areas such to 113˚F (45˚C).
as the Sahel, which has a short rainy season.
146 | EARTH

Did you know?

Earth statistics • The Earth spins on an axis that is at
present tilted 23.5º from the vertical. This
• The Earth is 4.6 billion years old. tilt means that different amounts of sunlight
reach the Earth's surface as it orbits the Sun
• The first appearance of life on the Earth over a year, resulting in the seasons.
occurred at least 3.4 billion years ago,
as shown by fossils of microbes found • It takes 8.3 minutes for light from
in Australia. the Sun to reach the Earth.

• The Earth’s diameter at the equator • The Earth’s average surface temperature
is 7,926 miles (12,756 km). is 59ºF (15ºc).

• The Earth measures 24,900 miles

(40,075 km) around the equator. DiscovEry anD invEntion
The following are some of the most
• The average distance of the Earth important Earth-related scientific
from the Sun is 93 million miles discoveries and inventions from the
(149.6 million km). past few thousand years.

• The average distance that the Earth’s ▶ c.280 bce

tectonic plates move in one year is Greek astronomer Aristarchus is the
4½ in (11 cm). first to estimate the distance between
the Earth and the sun. He also suggests
• The depth of the troposphere varies that the planet Earth rotates on its axis
between 5 and 11 miles (8 and 18 km). and revolves around the Sun, although
few people believe him at this time.
• The Earth orbits the Sun at a speed
of 67,000 mph (107,300 kph). ▶ 23 ce
Greek geographer and historian
• The Earth rotates at 994 mph Strabo states that earthquakes
(1,600 kph), completing one spin and volcanoes cause land to
every 24 hours. rise and sink.

▶ c.1100 ▶ 1824
The Chinese invent the magnetic compass. William Buckland of the University of Oxford
It uses a pivoting magnetized needle to point writes the first scientific paper about a
to the Earth’s poles. dinosaur, pioneering the use of fossils to
reconstruct the Earth's timeline.
▶ 1519–21
Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan ▶ 1827
sets out on the first sailing expedition French mathematician Jean Baptiste
around the world. He is killed in the Fourier introduces the concept of the
Philippines, but the surviving sailors greenhouse effect.
complete the voyage.
▶ 1880
▶ 1543 English geologist John Milne invents the
Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus modern seismograph (an instrument
argues that the planets orbit the sun for measuring earthquakes).
and that the earth spins on its axis.
Until this time, most people believed that the ▶ 1895
Earth lay at the center of the universe. Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius
suggests that carbon dioxide added to the
▶ 1609 Earth’s atmosphere helps trap heat from
Italian astronomer and mathematician the Sun, leading to global warming.
Galileo Galilei uses a telescope to produce
the first scientific proof for Copernicus’s theory ▶ 1912
about the movement of the planets. German meteorologist Alfred Wegener
proposes the theory of continental drift.
▶ 1669 He claims that about 270 mya a giant
Danish scholar Nicolaus Steno describes landmass, the supercontinent of Pangaea,
the principles of stratigraphy. This says broke up into smaller pieces, leading to the
that layers of rock, or strata, are deposited continents we recognize today.
one on top of the other, with the youngest
strata being on top. ▶ 1953
US scientist Claire Patterson first
▶ 1798 accurately estimates the earth’s age
English physicist Henry Cavendish determines by comparing measurements taken
the mass and density of the Earth. from meteorites and minerals.
148 | EARTH

Amazing Earth facts

highEst mountAins ❼ Dhaulagiri is 26,795 ft (8,167 m) high.
Its name means “pure white mountain.”
❶ mount Everest, in the Himalayas,
is the Earth’s highest mountain, at ❽ manaslu is 26,781 ft (8,163 m)
29,035 ft (8,850 m) above sea level. above sea level and is a part of the
Nepalese Himalayas, in the west-central
❷ K2 is part of the northwestern part of Nepal. Manaslu is also known
region of the Karakoram Range. This as Kutang.
peak stands at a height of 28,250 ft
(8,611 m) above sea level. ❾ nanga Parbat is known in Kashmir,
India, as Diamir, which means “king
❸ Kanchenjunga means of the mountains.” It rises to a
“the five treasures of snows.” Measured from height of 26,657 ft (8,125 m).
It is named for its five peaks, its oceanic base,
of which the highest is Mauna Kea in Hawaii ❿ Annapurna is a section of
28,169 ft (8,586 m) is more than 33,465 ft the Himalayas in north-central
above sea level. (10,200 m) high— Nepal. Its highest peak is
even taller than 26,542 ft (8,090 m) high.
❹ Lhotse is 27,940 ft Mount Everest.
(8,516 m) above sea level.
It is found on the border between DEADLiEst EruPtions
Tibet and the Khumbu region of Nepal.
❶ In 1815, the tambora volcano erupted
❺ makalu, in the Himalayas, is an in Indonesia, sending dust clouds around the
isolated peak shaped like a four-sided globe and dimming the sun. Around 70,000
pyramid. It is 27,766 ft (8,463 m) high. people were killed from the eruption and its
after effects, such as famine and disease.
❻ Cho oyu is 26,906 ft (8,201 m)
above sea level. It lies in the Himalayas ❷ The Krakatau volcano exploded in
and is 122/5 miles (20 km) west of Mount 1883, killing around 36,000 people. This
Everest, on the border between China explosion is believed to be the loudest
and Nepal. sound recorded in recent history.

❸ In 1902, the town of St. Pierre, on ❾ Galunggung is an active stratovolcano

the Caribbean island of Martinique, was in west Java, Indonesia. In 1822, an
destroyed by burning clouds of dust from eruption killed more than 4,000 people.
Mount Pelée. This eruption killed more
than 29,000 people. ❿ Mount Vesuvius is a stratovolcano in
the Gulf of Naples, Italy. Since the famous
❹ In 1985, the eruption of the Ruiz eruption of 79 ce, which destroyed the city
volcano, in Colombia, caused a massive of Pompeii and the town of Herculaneum,
mudflow, which engulfed the town of it has erupted many times.
Armero, 37 miles (60 km) away. More than
25,000 people were buried in the mud.
DeePeSt oceANic
❺ Mount Unzen is an active group tReNcheS
of several overlapping stratovolcanoes
in Japan. In 1792, the collapse of one ❶ At a depth of 35,794 ft (10,910 m),
of its lava domes triggered a tsunami the Mariana trench in the Pacific Ocean
that killed about 15,000 people. is the deepest spot in the world’s oceans.

❻ In 1783, Laki Mountain, in ❷ Located in the southern Pacific

Iceland, poured out lava and gases, Ocean, the tonga trench is up to
which spread as far as Europe and 35,700 ft (10,880 m) deep.
North America. Around 9,500 people
were killed in Iceland alone. ❸ The Kuril–Kamchatka trench or
Kuril Trench is located in the northwestern
❼ The eruption of Santa Maria part of the Pacific Ocean. It is 34,587 ft
in Guatemala, in 1902, was one of (10,542 m) deep.
the largest volcanic eruptions of the
20th century. Around 6,000 people ❹ The Philippines trench is a
were killed. submarine trench that lies to the east of the
Philippines. It is 34,580 ft (10,540 m) deep.
❽ Kelud, a volcano in Indonesia, is known
for large, explosive eruptions. More than ❺ The Kermadec trench, which is
30 eruptions have occurred since 1000 ce. 32,972 ft (10,050 m) deep, was formed
In 1919, an eruption at Kelud killed an by the subduction of the Pacific Plate
estimated 5,000 people. under the Indo-Australian Plate.
150 | EARTH

Glossary Environment The

physical features of an
area, including air, water,
Geyser A spring that
releases boiling water and
steam from the ground. It
and soil. is formed when ground
Algae A diverse Blizzard A storm in water is heated up by
group of simple plantlike which thick snow falls Equator An imaginary line magma inside the Earth.
organisms, the largest fast and hard. around the middle of the
of which are seaweeds. Earth. It is at an equal Gorge A narrow, deep
Boreal An ecosystem distance from both poles. valley, usually with vertical
Arid A weather or habitat of or related cliffs on each side.
condition that is very to sub-Arctic areas, Erosion The wearing
dry and supports little usually used to describe away and transportation Ground water
plant and animal life. forests of that region. of soil and rock by wind, Underground water, held
gravity, water, or ice. in gaps in soil or rocks.
Aurora Bands of Caldera A crater,
colored light in the or depression, at the Estuary A type Habitat The
sky over the North top of a volcano. It forms of wetland where environment in which
and South poles. when the peak collapses fresh water mixes with an organism lives.
into the volcano’s seawater at the mouth
Basaltic lava The magma chamber. of a river. Hemisphere The term
hottest type of lava, used to describe the
with the lowest silica Condensation The Evaporation The northern and southern
content. It is runnier change of water vapor change of liquid water halves of the Earth as
than other lavas and into liquid water. into water vapor. divided by the equator.
cools to form basalt.
Coniferous forest A Fjord A valley that has Hurricane A powerful
Basin A depression biome that is made up been deepened by a storm that blows over
on the Earth’s surface of coniferous trees. It has glacier and then filled tropical oceans. In many
filled with water, from cold, snowy winters and with seawater. parts of the world, a
where a river and all warm, humid summers. hurricane is known as
its branches and Fog A thick cloud that a typhoon or cyclone.
tributaries drain. Cyclone A storm forms at or near the
in which warm, moist Earth’s surface. Icecap A mass of
Batholith A huge mass winds rise in a spiral. permanent ice covering
of igneous rock that A tropical cyclone is Fossil The remains or a large area, especially
often forms the core also called a hurricane. impression of an organism in polar regions.
of mountains. preserved in rock.
Delta The sediment Ice sheet A layer of
Beach An area of land deposited at the mouth Fossil fuel A carbon permanent ice covering
marking the margin of of a river. It usually forms compound, such as coal a vast area of land.
a coastline. It usually a triangular shape. or natural gas, formed
consists of loose rock over millions of years, Ice shelf An ice sheet
particles, such as sand, Drizzle Small from the compressed, extending into the ocean.
gravel, or pebbles. droplets of liquid decayed remains of dead
precipitation, formed organisms. It is burned to Karst A landscape
Biome A region in a low-layer cloud. release energy. formed by the dissolving
of the Earth that has of rock, usually limestone,
a particular type of Dyke A thin, sheetlike Fumarole A volcanic by water. Karsts often
climate, soil, and body of igneous rock that vent or opening that feature large networks
plant and animal life. cuts into older rocks. emits gases. of caves.

Lagoon An area of Organic Anything Stalactite An icicle- Tropical Of or

shallow sea that is that is living or has shaped mineral deposit relating to biomes
separated from the main been formed by a that hangs from that have a hot,
sea by sand or a reef. living organism. the roof of a cave. humid climate with
plenty of rainfall.
Lava Molten rock that Peninsula A body of land Stalagmite An
has erupted onto the that is surrounded by icicle-shaped mineral Tsunami A massive,
surface of the Earth from water on three sides. deposit that builds up often destructive wave,
deep within the crust. from the floor of a cave. caused by earthquakes
Permafrost Soil that or volcanic eruptions.
Lightning A discharge of remains frozen for at Storm A violent
electricity in the sky. least two years. It occurs disturbance in the Earth’s Ultraviolet (UV) rays
mainly in polar regions. atmosphere. It is usually Certain rays of the Sun
Magma Molten rock accompanied by strong that can be harmful.
formed deep within Plankton Tiny living winds and heavy
the Earth. organisms that float or precipitation. Volcanic plug A core
drift near the surface of of solidified molten rock
Magma chamber An the sea. Subduction The that blocks the neck of
area beneath a volcano term used to describe a volcano.
where magma builds up Plateau A large area the movement of one
before an eruption. of flat land that stands tectonic plate beneath Volcano A vent in the
above its surroundings. another. Subduction often Earth’s crust through
Marsh A type of low- occurs at convergent which magma erupts,
lying wetland that is Rift A widening, valleylike boundaries. as well as the structure
typically covered with crack in the Earth’s crust. created by this eruption.
grass and reeds. Supercontinent
Salinity The saltiness An enormous landmass Water vapor The
Midocean ridge of a substance—for consisting of several gaseous form of water.
An underwater volcanic example, water. continental plates.
mountain range formed
where tectonic plates part Savanna An area of Temperate Of or relating
and lava erupts through grassland with very to biomes with cool,
the gap to form a new few trees that occurs varied climate throughout
ocean floor. at the edge of the tropics. the year.

Migration A regular Sediments Particles Temperature The

journey, usually seasonal, of rock, mineral, or degree or intensity of
made by an animal in organic matter that heat present in an object
search of food, water, are carried by wind, or organism.
or good breeding water, and ice. The
conditions. deposition of these Thunder The sound
particles is called produced by the instant,
Mineral A natural sedimentation. intense heating and
chemical substance that expansion of air by
makes up rocks. Sill An igneous rock lightning.
formation that occurs
Orbit The path on as a flat layer. It is Tornado A violent and
which a planet travels formed when magma destructive storm with a
around the Sun, or a moon is squeezed between funnel cloud and strong,
travels around a planet. layers of existing rocks. spinning winds.
152 | EARTH

Index cloud types 124–31

coal 39
coastal features 110–7
A basaltic lava 27, 33, 34
batholiths 34
conglomerate 38
Congo 42–3
agricultural areas 17, 80–1 beaches 114 coniferous forests 19, 69
Aïr Mountains 35 Big Bang 4 convergent boundaries 11
Aldabra Atoll 105 biomes 142 Coorong 55
Alps 22–3 Black Saturday Bushfires 135 coral reefs 102–9
altitude 143 Black Sea 90 Coral Sea 97
altocumulus clouds 125 blizzards 132 core, Earth’s 8, 9
altostratus clouds 126 Bora Bora 100–1 Crater Lake 26
Amazon River 41 boreal forest 68, 70–1 craters, collapsed 26, 32
Amazon rainforest 69 boulders 60, 115 Cretaceous Period 7
Andaman Sea 95 bushfires 135 crust, Earth’s 8, 9, 10,
Andes 21 12, 36
Antarctic Ice Sheet 57–9
Arabian Peninsula 64
C crystals 15
cumulonimbus clouds 125,
Arabian Sea 94 California coniferous forest 69 128–31
Arctic Ocean 88 Camargue 54 cumulus clouds 127
arid climates 145 Cambrian Period 6 currents, ocean 86–7
ash clouds 30–1, 119 Caribbean Sea 93 cyclones 132, 133, 134
Atacama Desert 62 Carlsbad Cavern 46–7
Atlantic Ocean 90
Atlas Mountains 22–3
Caspian Sea 50–1
cattle farming 80
atmosphere 118–37 caves 46–7 Danube River 41
layers of 120 Central African rainforest 70–1 Dead Sea 50–1
atolls 103, 105 Central Asian steppes 75 Death Valley 66–7
Australian savanna 75 cereal cultivation 80 deciduous trees 68
axis, Earth’s 8, 146, 147 Chinese Dust Storm 134 deltas 46, 47
Chukchi Sea 89 deserts 17, 18, 19,
B cirques 61
cirrocumulus clouds 124
62–7, 145
Devil’s Tower 33
Bahama Banks 104 cirrostratus clouds 125 Devonian Period 6
Baikal, Lake 50 cirrus clouds 124 dew 122
Baltic Sea 91 cities 17, 82–3 dinosaurs 7, 147
Barents Sea 89 Clew Bay 61 divergent boundaries 11
barrier reefs 103, 107 climate 18, 85, 138–45 Dolma La Pass lake 61
basalt 36 climate regions 139, 142–5 Drakensberg Plateau 23
INDEX | 153

drumlins 61
Dungeness Spit 111
fossil fuels 141
fringing reefs 103, 104–7
Durdle Door 112 Fuji, Mount 29 Ha Long Bay 113
dust storms 134 fumaroles 33 haar 123
habitats 18
E G hail 123, 130
Half Dome 34–5
Earth Ganges 43 hanging valleys 60
atmosphere 120–1 geology 6–15 Himalayas 24
facts and statistics 146–9 geysers 32 hotspots 11
formation of 4–5 Giant’s Causeway 34 Hubbard Glacier 56–7
inside 8–9 glacial features 60–1, 110 Hudson Bay 91
moving 10–11 glaciers 17, 56–9, 141 human activity 17
earthquakes 10, 11, 12, 146 Global Conveyor Belt 87 humans 7
El Capitan 34–5 global warming 103, 139, hurricanes 119, 132, 133
environmental problems 140–1 140–1 ice sheets 56–9
equator 8, 143 Gobi Desert 65 ice storms 133
Erebus, Mount 29 granite 36 icebergs 56, 59
erosion 17 grasslands 17, 18, 74–5 icecaps 56, 57
coastal 110, 111, 112, 115 gravity 8 igneous rocks 9, 32, 36
erratic boulders 60 Great Alpine Fault 13 Indian Ocean 94
eruptions, volcanic 17, 26–7, Great Barrier Reef 97, 107 Indus River 42–3
30–1, 119, 148–9 Great Basin Desert 62 inselbergs 63
estuaries 113 Great Bear Lake 48
Etna, Mount 28
Eurasian boreal forest 70–1
Great Dismal Swamp 52
Great Dividing Range 24
Eurasian tundra 77 Great Ice Storm 133 jet streams 121
European mixed forest 70 Great Plains 74 Jurassic Period 7
evaporites 39 Great Rift Valley 13 Kalahari Desert 64
Everglades 53 Great Salt Lake 49 karst landscapes 46, 47
evergreen trees 68 Great Sandy Desert 65 Katrina, Hurricane 133
Eyjafjallajökull 119 Great Slave Lake 48 Kerala backwaters 112
greenhouse effect/gases kettle lakes 61
F 140–1, 147
Greenland Ice Sheet 56–7
Kilauea 26
Kilimanjaro, Mount 28–9
farming 17, 80–1 Gryllefjord cirque 61 Kinabatangan mangroves 113
fault systems 12–13 Gulf of Bothnia 111 Ladoga, Lake 49
floods 44–5, 141 Gulf of Mexico 92–3 lagoons 52, 54, 55, 103,
forests 17, 19, 68–73 gyres 86 112, 114
154 | EARTH

lakes 26, 48–51, 61

land 16–83
N plantation agriculture 81
land forms 62–3 Namib Desert 63 development of 6
landscape 17 Nargis, Cyclone 134 mountain 20
lava 32–3 Neogene Period 7 tundra 78–9
lenticular clouds 129 New Delhi 83 plate boundaries 11
life 5, 6–7 New York City 82 plate tectonics 10–11
Lighthouse Reef 105 Niagara Falls 46 plugs, volcanic 33
lightning 124–5, 130 Nile 42 polar climates 144
limestone 38 nimbostratus clouds 128–9 polar ice 141
Llanos wetlands 53 Ninety Mile Beach 114 polar regions 19
London 83 North American boreal forest 68 pollution 103
North American tundra 76 polyps 102, 104
M Northeast Asian mixed forest 72
Northeast Australian rainforest
precipitation 122–3
Pyrenees 22
Madagascan rainforest 71 73
magma 4, 8, 10, 32, 36
Malaspina Glacier 56
Nusa Tenggara 107
Maldives 105
mangroves 113
OP rain 122
rainforest 18, 19, 69, 70–1, 73
mantle, Earth’s 8, 9, 10 oceanic trenches 10, 149 recycling 141
marble 37 oceans 19, 84–117, 143 Red Dust Storm 134
marshes 52 Okavango Delta 47 Red Sea reefs 106
mass extinction 7 Oklahoma Tornado Outbreak renewable energy 141
Mediterranean climate 144 132 rice cultivation 81
Mediterranean Sea 90–1 orbits 5 ring dykes 35
mesosphere 120 Ordovician Period 6 Ring of Fire 11
Mesozoic Era 7 Oregon National Dunes 110 rivers 17, 40–5
metamorphic rocks 9, 36, 37 Pacific northwest forest 69 features 46–7
Mississippi River 40 Pacific Ocean 96, 100–1 rock art 63
mixed farming 81 pahoehoe lava 33 rocks 9, 36–9
Moerake Beach 114 Pampas 74 Rocky Mountains 20
Mojave Desert 66–7 Pantanal 54 Ross Sea 99
Moon 4 penguins 58–9
mountains 17, 18, 20–5,
143, 148
permafrost 76
Persian Gulf 95
climate 143 pillow lava 33 Sahara Desert 63
Muldalen hanging valley 60 Pinatubo, Mount 30–1 sailing stones 66–7
Murray 43 planets 4–5 San Andreas Fault 12
INDEX | 155

sand dunes 63, 110, 112, 114

sandstone 38–9
São Paulo 82 tectonic plates 10–11, 12, water cycle 121
Sargasso Sea 92 13, 20, 146 waterfalls 46
savanna 74, 75 temperate climates 142 weather 119, 139
schist 37 temperate forests 19, 69, 70, Weddell Sea 99
Scotia Sea 98–9 72–3 wetlands 19, 52–5
sea levels, rising 141 temperatures 139, 140–1, Whin Sill 35
Sea of Okhotsk 96 143 White Cliffs of Dover 111
sea stacks 115 Thames River 41 White Sea 89
seas 88–99 thermosphere 120 wildfires 135
sedimentary rocks 9, 36, thunderstorms 130 wildlife
38–9 Tokyo 83 coral reefs 102–4, 108–9
Serengeti Plains 75 tornadoes 130, 132, mountain 20
shield volcanoes 27 136–7 ocean 85
shipwrecks 116–17 Transantarctic Mountains 25 polar 58–9, 141
sills 35 transform boundaries 11 tundra 77
Skeleton Coast 112, 116–17 trees 68–73 Wollemi pine forest 73
slate 37 Triassic Period 7 Yangtze estuary 113
snow 123, 132 tropical climates 142–3 Yangtze River 44–5
solar system 4–5 troposphere 120 Yellowstone Caldera 32
South China Sea 97 tsunamis 13 Yorkshire boulder 60
Southern Alps 13, 25 tundra 18, 76–9
Southern Ocean 98 Twelve Apostles 115
spits, sand 111 twisters see tornadoes
Storm of the Century 132
storms 132–7
stratocumulus clouds 126
stratosphere 120 universe 4
stratovolcanoes 27 Urals 21
stratus clouds 127 urban areas 82–3
stromatolites 6 Valley of Ten Thousand
submarine volcanoes 27 Smokes 33
Sudd 54 Vatnajökull Icecap 57
Sun 4, 146 Vercors 47
Sunda Megathrust 13 volcanic features 32–5
Sundarbans 55 volcanoes 10, 17, 26–31, 100,
Surtsey 27 146, 148–9
swamps 52 Vostok, Lake 51
156 | EARTH

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