Best Practices in Winter Maintenance IFME Final v2
Best Practices in Winter Maintenance IFME Final v2
Best Practices in Winter Maintenance IFME Final v2
IFME member countries that experience heavy winters have collaborated to share information and
practices in winter road maintenance.
Member countries that have provided sections of the attached report include: Finland, Denmark,
Estonia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, USA and Canada.
Questions answered include background information on the winter conditions of each country,
clearing and haulage of snow practices, anti-skid treatments, city planning and future approaches
and prospects.
Download a copy of the report here:
Comments and corrections on the report are welcome. Contact Ville Alatyppo.
Table of Contents
BEST PRACTICE IN WINTER MAINTENANCE ............................................................................. i
1 Best Pract ices in Wint er Maint enance in Finland ............................................................. 1
2 Best Pract ices in Wint er Maint enance in Iceland ............................................................. 4
3 Best Pract ices in Wint er Maint enance in Norway ............................................................ 7
4 Best Pract ices in Wint er Maint enance in Sweden ............................................................ 8
5 Best Pract ices in Wint er Maint enance in Est onia ............................................................. 9
6 Best Pract ices in Wint er Maint enance in Denmark ........................................................ 13
7 Best Pract ices in Wint er Maint enance in USA & Canada ............................................. 15
• Antiskid treatment
o What kind of salt and crushed stone are used for antiskid treatment?
o In what kind of conditions is antiskid treatment (salt or crushed stone) used?
• City planning
o What kind of planning solutions improving winter maintenance have been used in your
• Future prospects
o cost efficiency
o environmental friendliness
1.1 General Information about the priority. When required, in certain street
Country’s Winter Conditions sections the pavement on one side can be
retained as a space for snow if pedestrian
Helsinki, Finland’s capital city, is located on the
passage has been arranged on the other side.
southern coast of Finland and winter conditions
Residential streets are cleared of snow only
vary from snowless to very snowy winters. On
after streets of public transport.
average there are 101 days with snow cover
per year in Helsinki. In the snowy winter of
2011 – 2012 there were 154 days with snow
1.2 Clearing and Haulage of Snow
cover. Thermal winter usually begins towards In Helsinki streets have been divided into three
the end of November and lasts until the latter maintenance classes based on their urgency.
half of March. Class I includes the main streets, class II the
collector streets and class III the residential
The average depth of snow in Helsinki in the streets. There are separate quality
past thirty years is about 40 cm. The average requirements and action times for the
cumulative amount of snowfall is respectively maintenance classes for the removal of snow,
about 100 cm. slush and hard ridges of snow as well as for
antiskid treatment. The table below presents
Despite the snow, streets are not closed during the action times for clearing in different
winters and public transport routes are the first maintenance classes.
Act ion t ime Act ion t ime Act ion Act ion limit
Maint enance at dayt ime at night -t ime during (t hickness of
class cont inuous snow layer /
snowf all slush)
Class I, 3 hours by 7 a.m. carriageways to 5 cm /3 cm
carriageways be kept
Class I, 4 hours by 7 a.m. 5 cm /3 cm
Class II, 4 hours by 7 a.m. carriageways to 5 cm /3 cm
carriageways be kept
Class II, 4 hours by 10 a.m. 5 cm /3 cm
Class III, 3 weekdays 3 weekdays - 7 cm / 5 cm
Class III, 8 hours by 12 noon 5 cm / 5cm
Haulage of snow to the snow dump sites is degrees centigrade that comes directly from a
started when the spaces for snow in the streets wastewater purification plant and the melt water
and nearby places of removal get full. There is finally led to the sea. The capacity of official
are eight official snow dump sites in Helsinki. snow dump sites is 200 000 loads i.e. 3 000
Of these one is a dump site by the sea, two are 000 m3 (load size about 15 m3). In snowy
melting tanks and five land dump sites. At the winters it is possible to take into use standby
dump site by the sea the snow is dumped from dump sites totaling about twenty. In total there
the pier straight into the sea. In the melting is room for approximately 300 000 loads of
tanks the snow is melted by purified snow at the official dump sites and standby
wastewater with a temperature of about 8 sites.
Before haulage of snow to the dump sites is widths. The slipperiness of zebra crossings
started, efforts are made to utilize as much as must be prevented to suit pedestrian needs.
possible nearby snow piling sites that are e.g.
unbuilt lots and park areas where snow can be In Helsinki removal of gritting material and dust
piled from nearby areas and be left to melt. binding are also included in winter
maintenance. The amount of street dust is
1.3 Antiskid Treatment actively monitored and on very dusty days
In Helsinki salt treatment is used as antiskid special measures are taken to reduce dust.
treatment on class I and II carriageways and Removal of gritting sand is started immediately
gritting is used on class III carriageways and when the conditions allow it, usually in mid-April
passageways. In salt treatment either and it takes maximum six weeks. Dust binding
dampened chloride based salt or diluted salt is is carried out with a ca. 5-10 % CaCl solution.
used so that the salt amounts can be kept low.
Dry salt is not used, neither other than chloride- 1.4 Preparing for the Winter
based deicers. On both carriageways and In 2011 The City of Helsinki has drawn up a
pavements wet-sieved crushed stone with a winter maintenance preparation plan that has
grain size of 2-5.6 mm is used as gritting been implemented and updated in the recent
material. years. The preparation plan is divided into two
parts: a) preparing for the winter and b)
The skidding of carriageways is prevented in preparing for an exceptional snow situation.
very slippery road conditions when black or wet
ice occurs. Advance salt treatment is carried The first part defines which tasks shall be
out before heavier snowfalls in order that the performed each year before the onset of winter.
snow will not form a hard ridge. Performing these tasks on time as an annual
continuous process every year ensures quick
Snow surface is gritted in places where it, due and smooth start-up of the snow work related to
to traffic, wears smooth or is in danger of being the first snowfall. Tasks included in the normal
worn smooth and very slippery as at stops, process of winter maintenance preparation
steep hills and in intersection areas. The base include e.g. inspection of the contractors’ winter
value of gritting is 150 g /m2. A carriageway or maintenance plans, starting the monitoring of
passageway with newly fallen loose snow, a snow thickness, inspection of the snow dump
surface cleared in below zero conditions or sites, deciding on wintertime parking
slush, does not have to be gritted. Routes arrangements and drawing up a communication
reserved for pedestrian use are gritted over plan.
their entire lengths and over their available
B 08 - 17
Grain distribution:
Thru sieve Weight%
No requirements are for appearance, but the First actions for antiskid treatment on main
salt should be free of foreign objects, grease roads is salt. But in the condition when the
and smell. temperature reaches x degrees then usage of
For some years, ursalt has been used on the salt is not possible.
highway. Ursalt is a salt that has been used in
the fish industry. The salt is used three times to Parking, sidewalks and local streets, sand is
make bacalao (salted codfish). After that, it is usually used.
no longer fit for use. Instead of disposing it, it
can be used as an salt for antiskid treatment. The removal of gritting material starts
The usage of ursalt is still on the experimental immediately when the conditions allow it,
stage. middle of April.
Grain distribution for sand is 2-8mm. 2.4 Preparing for the winter
When the forecast is snow or ice, the Winter maintenance is divided in to two
administrator gives orders. Within 30 min. categories roads vs. sidewalks.
action starts and is on and first passage is The city of Reykjavík makes a contract with a
within 2 hrs. contractor for winter maintenance on main
3.1 General Information about the In the lowland east of the mountains the climate
Country’s Winter Conditions is drier with low winter-temperatures down to –
20 ºC, occasionally down to -30 ºC and -40 ºC.
Norway has 428 municipals in 19 counties
Along the coast the winter-temperatures often
trough-out the country, which stretches 1700
varies around 0 ºC, and rarely below –10 ºC.
kilometers from the southernmost to the
But the western parts often have difficult winter
northernmost point of mainland at 71 degrees
conditions due to a lot of rain, snow and wind
north. Norway has a very long coastline with
which changes rapidly. In addition, the moist
deep fjords and many islands. The most
climate along the sea often causes humidity to
populated areas are the south-eastern lowlands
freeze to black ice on the roads. In recent
(close to Oslo) and along the southern and
years’ problems with freezing rain and rain on
western coast. The smallest municipals have a
frozen roads has become more frequent,
population of 200, and the biggest, the capital
especially in the eastern parts.
Oslo, has a population of 620 000.
In the mountains there are many snowstorms
The climate varies very much according to
during winter, increasing as you go further north.
latitude, height above sea-level and location
This causes roads crossing the mountains
east or west of the mountain-range along the
having to close or administering convoys for the
middle of the country. Due to the Golf-stream
vehicles to pass safely. Some roads in the
the climate along the coast is relatively mild
mountains close for the winter. They are plowed
compared with other parts of the world at the
in the spring when snow-falls and storms are
same latitude.
less lightly.
It is not possible to determine which local the road in general should be clear of snow and
practice in winter maintenance is the best, as ice. Approximate 20 % of the total maintenance
the whole country is populated and practices budget for national and county roads is
vary according to the local climate. connected to winter maintenance.
3.2 Clearing and Haulage of Snow The municipals are responsible for clearing of
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration snow on the municipal roads (38 970 km).
(NPRA) is responsible for all maintenance Many municipals use contractors, and many
activities on national roads (10 580 km) and combine contractors with their own work-force.
county roads (44 320 km). They use Standards and configuration of contracts vary a
contractors that perform all kinds of lot. In general municipals serve a lower
maintenance according to a set of pre-defined standard The Norwegian Public Roads
qualities and standards. All national and county Administration, but the largest cities often
roads are classified according to traffic-volume provide the same level. In some regions it is a
and importance. Based on this classification tradition that the municipal own and service the
they are maintained to different standards. The snow-clearing equipment that the contractors
best standard (important national roads) is that use on their tractors.
4.1 General Information about the information systems and the extensive number
Country’s Winter Conditions of measuring points available to support the
Sweden has a population of a little over 9.8 decision making process, Sweden has
million inhabitants, 290 municipalities and 21 significantly increased prospects for successful
counties. With an area of 447,435 square snow removal and deicing.
kilometers, Sweden is the fifth largest country
4.2 Clearing and Haulage of Snow
in Europe, geographically.
Readiness is a very burdensome expense,
All of Sweden experiences some kind of winter and only by having the emergency response
each year, but the climate provides for varying organization impose significant price pressure
types of winter road conditions in different in contracts has Sweden been able to lower
parts of the country. Within the discipline of costs for winter road maintenance. Through
meteorology one usually refers to averages this cooperation local governments are able to
experienced in the past to specify what is provide more winter maintenance activity
considered to be "normal". According to overall and for less money.
normal standards, winter starts around the
second week of October in northern Sweden Dispatch criteria for winter maintenance
(Norrland), while it starts at the end of January actions includes snow depth and the degree of
in southern Sweden (Götaland). The first day cold snow versus wet snow, and vary across
with snow cover will normally be the first week the country depending on standard conditions
of October in the far North, but the second and the quality objectives of each municipality.
week of December in the far South. These are There are often differentiated objectives for
averages and the dates may vary from year to bus routes, downtown streets, pedestrian and
year. Maps for these normal, average values bicycle paths, residential streets, and
are available by visiting the SMHI website. municipal property. A decision to dispatch is
(Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological often difficult, particularly when it comes to
Institute, A link for an English choosing the extent of the operation, since
version is provided. there are many resources and large
workforces to be activated. An example of a
In addition to weather forecasting from media dispatch criteria is 2 cm of snow depth (1 mm
outlets, detailed information is also available of rain is approximately equal to 1 cm of snow
through the Swedish Transportation depth) for pedestrian paths and stairs, 3 cm for
Administration’s (Trafikverket) official weather bike lanes, and 4 cm for the streets. With
information system. It consists of 775 data sleet, the 2 cm criterion applies for all three
stations measuring: surface temperature; air instances, however.
temperature; humidity; type and amount of
precipitation; and wind speed and direction. Good visibility and accessibility to pedestrian
Data stations are strategically placed where paths and driving lanes is important so that
there is a serious risk of slipping. Individual pedestrians and vehicles can circulate safely.
municipalities may also arrange for tailored Hauling of the snow becomes necessary when
road weather services with individual weather windrows and snowbanks prevent visibility and
companies. In recent years the winters have accessibility, and when there is no more room
been both snowy and long in many parts of for storage within the roadway area or
Sweden. The question has not been if adjacent land. Other reasons for removal may
extreme situations will occur but rather, when be that snow embankments pose danger to
they will occur. The weather is never entirely third parties or may cause damage to public or
predictable, but with this variety of weather private property.
A dozen municipalities use the ocean, lakes, A method of using warm, wetted sand has
or other water systems for snow dumping. been tested in recent winters for skid control
The issue is controversial and its reliability as on pedestrian and bike paths in Umeå. The
a long-term strategy is also influenced by Swedish National Road and Transport
approvals for tipping in the ocean, lakes, or Research Institute (VTI) has evaluated the
other water systems. Current tipping results of several tests in its Report No. 796
approvals are limited in duration and must be (2013) ( The method uses a mix
re-examined regularly. Seeking alternative of coarse and fine sand mixed with scolding
solutions may be necessary in the future to hot water at the moment of application. The
come to grips with the problem. effect will be that the sand adheres to the cold
surface through a process of melting and
Sundsvall's hospitals are using snow as a freezing, providing an immediate friction-
resource to produce cooling. The method is enhancing effect. The study of the application
not new, but is very beneficial. The of warm, wetted sand is limited, and like
consumption of both refrigerants and electricity traditional sanding, melting temperatures are a
has declined significantly for the hospital and drawback. One of the conclusions of VTI’s
there is less impact on the environment as a study is that the method can be good for
result. The principle of snow-cooling is as separated pedestrian and bicycle paths. In
simple as it is ingenious. During the winter the regards to environmental impact, one should
snow from the parking lot and surrounding note that the wetted sand releases some
streets is tipped in a large pit. In the spring, smaller grains of sand into the air. Further
the pit is covered with insulating wood chips study will include, among other things, the
and when the snow slowly melts the cold water evaluation of the impact that warm wetted
is pumped into the cooling system. Two heat sanding has on air quality.
exchangers lead the warmed water back into
the pit which in turn melts more snow. Read Research and development of possible
more about the Sundsvall project at alternative anti-skid agents is helping to (Click the British reduce dependence on road salt. One of the
flag in left top corner for English version.) methods that has comparatively less
environmental impact is a sugar solution.
4.3 Antiskid Treatment Studies have shown that an admixture of
Anti-skid agents are usually divided into two sugar and road salt (glucose/saline) can
groups: thawing and friction-enhancing. reduce the use of road salt and has equal skid
Among the thawing agents, road salt in various resistance to that of a saturated salt solution.
5.1 General Information about and rain. In Helsinki, on the other hand, winter
weather is often dominated by the Northern
the Country’s Winter
cyclones from the Arctic Ocean, bringing dry
Conditions cold air. In the Gulf of Finland, the ice cover
Estonian capital Tallinn is situated on the always forms first on the Northern coast
southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. The around the area of Helsinki, then on the
distance from the nearest capital, Helsinki, is Southern coast of the bay.
approximately 80 km so the weather
conditions are quite similar. Last winter in Tallinn, compared to the
previous ones, was exceptionally mild and
In the course of the last decade, circulation of lacking of snow. The daily temperatures did
atmosphere in Northern Europe has changed not fall permanently below zero until January
a little. Although the distance between Helsinki 11, which is one and a half months later than
and Tallinn is only 80 kilometres, the climatic average (November 19). The daily
conditions in the neighbouring capitals are temperatures ascended above zero in
somewhat different. In the winter, Tallinn faces February 22, which is three weeks earlier than
cyclones from the West which bring warmth, average (March 14).
humidity and precipitation in the form of slush
On an average year, permanent snow cover is on the ground from December 19 to March 9 when it
starts to disintegrate. In winter 2013/14, snow cover duration in Tallinn was only 30 days.
Below is average thickness of snow cover in cm during the winter months in Tallinn:
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Winter 2012/13 2 2 21 7 23 29
Winter 2013/14 0 0 2 6 4 3
Median average 1971-2000 0 2 4 8 12 9
Throughout history, the greatest thickness of snow cover, 62 cm, was measured on 3 January 2010.
Street-side parking is problematic. In Old Town,
winter parking regulations are set, by which the
parking area is divided into two parts. During
the winter, parking is prohibited in different
areas on odd and even dates. Winter parking
regulations are harsher because of the
anticipated need for clearing the snow.
6.1 General Information about the Municipalities are responsible for all other
Country’s Winter Conditions public roads. The winter maintenance differ
Denmark has a costal climate which means from municipality to municipality, but mainly all
that the weather is primarily wet and cold, with public roads are open all the winter.
many days of freezing wet roads, but only Municipalities has the right to prioritise. This
snowy a few days a year. The cold period is 21 means, that they give priority to the
November to 22 March. Daytime temperature maintenance of more significant transport
is below 6 degrees on average in this period. routes. The maintenance classification should
be performed separately for vehicle traffic,
Different parts of Denmark are only one or two and footways and cycle paths.
days a Year covered by snow in a snowstorm,
until main roads and bridges are closed. This
situation will only be of one or two days, but it
can be winter with more than minus 5 degrees
for one or two weeks every Year. Average
snowfall and thickness of snow cover in a
winter varies from 6,8 cm on average in
January to a few cm the rest of the winter.
7.1 General Information about the • Collector Secondary Streets 2nd Priority,
City’s Winter Conditions • Residential Streets 3rd Priority,
7.1.1 Ottawa, Canada • Alleys 4th Priority,
Ottawa is Canada’s capital city and is located • Downtown Snow Hauling 5th Priority,
between Toronto and Montreal within the • Hauling of Arterials, Collectors and
province of Ontario. Winter usually begins Residential Streets as needed 6th
towards the middle of November and lasts until Priority.
the end of March but winter weather monitoring
and patrolling begins Oct 1 and extends to the 7.1.3 Ministry of Transportation,
end of April. Province of Ontario, Canada
o How many days with snow cover are there
The yearly average snowfall over the last 25 on average in a year?
years was 226cm and has varied between a 150 days on average
minimum of 100cm and a maximum of 370cm.
On average, there are 61 days of snowfall. o What are the average snowfall and
thickness of snow cover in a winter?
Temperatures throughout the winter season Average snowfall 150 cm. Average snow
generally vary between -30°C and +5°C. The depth 25 cm
warmer temperatures result in some thawing
during the winter season such that the 40yr o What is the length of a winter? (When is it
average snow on ground is about 35cm. counted to have begun and when to have
Additionally, with the warmer temperatures ended?
comes an average of 178mm of rain and 67 October 15-April 15 in the south part of the
hours of freezing rain during the winter season. province, Sept 15-May 15 in the north
Freezing rain and flash freezes in particular
present challenges for winter maintenance o What kind of winter maintenance policy
especially on sidewalks and residential roads. does the country have?
• Are for example streets closed in severe
7.1.2 Fargo, North Dakota, USA snow situations?
o How many days with snow cover are there
on average in a year? There are five categories of winter maintenance
110 days on average service. Categories describe the time allowed
o What are the average snowfall and to begin operations, plowing and salting circuit
thickness of snow cover in a winter? times, and the maximum time allowed to
Average snowfall 40 inches, restore bare pavement after a storm. Maximum
Average snow depth 11.8 inches allowable depth of snow is implied by circuit
o What is the length of a winter? (When is it time and average snowfall rate – 90% of storms
counted to have begun and when to have are less than 2cm per hour. The standards are
ended? based on performance rather than on details of
November 1st - April 15th. how the work is done. The highway categories
o What kind of winter maintenance policy are discriminated by traffic volume.
does the country have?
In order to make the most efficient use of 7.2 Clearing and Haulage of Snow
available resources, we have established 7.2.1 Ottawa, Canada
priorities using the assumption that the In Ontario, the provincial government enacted
severity of a storm is not beyond the normal legislation in 2002 that defined the Minimum
capabilities of the City’s snow removal Maintenance Standard (MMS) for Roads
resources. Depending on the nature of the including snow clearing, ice prevention,
snowstorm, changes in these policies can patrolling, and weather monitoring. However,
occur. prior to the creation of the MMS, the City of
The established priorities are as follows: Ottawa amalgamated twelve municipalities in
• Arterials Primary Streets 1st Priority, January 2001 and as part of that process
There are eight primary snow disposal sites Snow is hauled using trucks varying from 9m3
operated by the City of Ottawa. Four are single axle dump trucks to 41m3 semi-trailers.
located in the urban area and four in suburban Due to the variability in truck capacity, the
areas. All are land sites with a total cumulative number of hauled loads is not typically used as
capacity of 3.15 million cubic metres. Six are a performance metric. Instead, the quantity of
fully engineered sites with collection ponds, snow hauled in cubic metres is shown in the
lighting, and paved surfaces and receive about table below for the past six winter seasons as
97% of all removed snow. Melting is generally well as the snowfall.
accomplished naturally over the summer
months. Water quality is monitored at all sites
in accordance with requirements from the
Ministry of the Environment.
Cit y of Ot t awa Salt ing, Bare Pav ement , Variable Applicat ion Rat es
Ot t awa