Scratch Questionaires

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They are all required to have training in travel agency systems and procedures.

Other interns are distributed to other establishments like resort, on board training,
restaurants and hotel where departments such as Food and Beverage and Rooms
Division. Food and Beverage department has the highest frequency because both
BSIHM-HRA and BSITTM are required to have training in this area.

Table 1. Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Internship Profile

Profile Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
Nature of Establishment
Resort 1 0.50
On-board 60 28.70
Travel Agency 78 37.30
Restaurant 66 31.60
Hotel 4 1.90
Department Assigned
Food & Beverage 103 49.30
Rooms Division 33 15.80
Travel Agency 73 34.90
Length of Internship
200 hours 71 34.00
400 hours 138 66.00
BSHRA 65 31.10
BSITTM 144 68.90

In terms of the length of internship, travel agency requires to have 400 hours of
training for
BSITTM students, Food and Beverage requires 200 hours for BSITTM and 400 hours
for BSIHMHRA while 200 hours for Rooms Division for BSIHM-HRA students only.
There were 68.90 percent or 144 of the respondents enrolled in BSITTM and 31.10
percent or 65 students in BSHRA.

Table 2. Academic Performance of the Interns

Academic Grades Frequency Percentage (%)
Excellent 3 1.44
Very Satisfactory 48 22.97
Satisfactory 114 54.55
Fair 40 19.14
Poor 4 1.91
Legend: 1.00 – 1.25 = Excellent; 1.26 – 1.74 = Very Satisfactory; 1.75 – 2.24 =
Satisfactory; 2.25 – 2.74 = Fair; 2.75 – 3.00 = Poor
Based on the table, majority or 54.55 percent of the interns are in the satisfactory
academic performance level and only 3 students or 1.44 percent has excellent
academic performance level. The basis of this academic performance are the
semesters where the professional subjects required or prerequisite before the
internship were enrolled. For BSITTM, students are required to have travel and tour
operation course before they can be deployed to travel agencies and Food and
Beverage Services for Food and Beverage Department. On the other hand, BSIHM-
HRA are also required to enroll Food and Beverage Services course before they can
be deployed to Food and Beverage Department and Housekeeping Services course
for Housekeeping department or Rooms Division.

Table 3. Performance of the Interns in terms of Knowledge

Knowledge WM VI Rank
1. Comprehends/follows instructions easily 4.41 Very Good 1
2. Understands the operating procedures and 4.37 Very Good 2
3. Competitive enough to his/her job assignment 4.30 Very Good 5
4. Able to organize work and analyze it 4.33 Very Good 3.5
5. Has the command of relevant general 4.33 Very Good 3.5
information and technology
Composite Mean 4.35 Very Good
Legend: 4.50 – 5.00 = Excellent; 3.50 – 4.49 =Very Good; 2.50 – 3.49 = Good ;
1.50 – 2.49 = Fair; 1.00 – 1.49 = Poor

In terms of knowledge, interns’ performance is very good with the composite mean
of 4.35. The interns can comprehend/follow instructions easily has the highest
mean of 4.41, while the lowest is that interns are competitive enough to his/her job
assignment. This only shows that they have enough knowledge on the courses that
they obtained from the school. They were able to apply what they have learned
from professional courses such as Housekeeping for BSHRA, Food and Beverage
Services for both BSHRA and BSITTM and Travel and Tour Operations for BSITTM

Students know how to consolidate and submit reports, do routine task at the end
of their shift makes the supervisor monitor the trainees and employees
productivity. Through this report, proper action can be done if necessary. Some
trainees adapted the latest trends of service and could easily understand
instructions. The food service trainees is a supervised practical application of the
principles and theories in hotel and food service management; therefore they
should be familiar with dining room, kitchen layout and develop knowledge in
hospitality service (Arroyo, 2010)

Table 4 shows that in terms of skills, interns’ performance are also very good with
the composite mean of 4.31. The interns delivers the required amount/volume of
work output within the allotted time got the highest mean of 4.31 while accuracy
and efficiency in work has the lowest mean of 4.24.

The data prove that the skills thought by their competent professors were properly
absorbed by the students and properly executed their skills during their training.
Skills were develop through seminars held every 3 times every semester and during
competitions held every summer term.

Table 4. Performance of the Interns in terms of Skills

Skills WM VI Rank
1. Seeks to improve his/her skills by taking initiative to learn new 4.35 Very Good 2
paradigms and methodology
2. Comfortable in presenting recommendations, suggestions and 4.26 Very Good 4
criticisms to his/her supervisor/peers and open to
accommodate them with objective and positive point of view
3. Accurate and efficient in work 4.24 Very Good 5
4. Makes productive use of resources (e.g. terminals and 4.33 Very Good 3
workstation assigned to him/her
5. Delivers the required amount/volume of work output within 4.37 Very Good 1
the allotted time
Composite Mean 4.31 Very Good
Legend: 4.50 – 5.00 = Excellent; 3.50 – 4.49 =Very Good; 2.50 – 3.49 = Good ; 1.50 – 2.49 = Fair;
1.00 –
1.49 = Poor

Students are competent in doing task such as opening the whole restaurant, setting
up tables, taking guest reservation through telephone and email, welcoming the
guest and escorting them to their tables and showing the menu to the guest and
taking orders. They are also competent in serving foods to the guest and explaining
everything in the menu. Serving wine, tossing a bucket of salad in front of the
guest, bussing out, placing and folding napkins and arranging flowers are among
the skills the interns demonstrated competently (Arroyo, 2010).
Table 5. Performance of the Interns in terms of Attitude
Attitude WM VI Rank
1. Reports to the office with regular punctuality and finishes the 4.47 Very Good 2
duty as scheduled
2. Reliable and imbues a sense of responsibility in handling the 4.39 Very Good 5
tasks assigned to him/her
3. Enjoys comfortable working relationship with his/her superior or 4.46 Very Good 3.5
4. Applies the virtues of integrity and honesty in all aspects of 4.49 Very Good 1
his/her work
5. Positive attitude towards criticism and towards superior 4.46 Very Good 3.5
Composite Mean 4.45 Very Good
Legend: 4.50 – 5.00 = Excellent; 3.50 – 4.49 =Very Good; 2.50 – 3.49 = Good ;1.50 – 2.49 = Fair;
1.00 –
1.49 = Poor

Data show that attitude of the interns is deemed to be very good as denoted by the
composite mean of 4.45. Interns were also considered very good in applying the
virtues of integrity and honesty in all aspects of work as indicated by the weighted
mean of 4.49 while reliability and sense of responsibility in handling the task
assigned obtained the least mean score of 4.39 with very good verbal

Attitude should at all times project a professional image which also conveys the
energy and enthusiasm. With the attitude, it illustrates the commitment they had
in their endeavors. Attitude will allow the individual personalities to shine without
compromising the professional presence of the person and through attitude interns
can show respect towards others.

Proper conduct within all settings allows the students to practice hospitality and
etiquette. Through conduct, people seek to be accountable and responsible. When
dealing with the people in the industry front liners are conscious of the need for
proper greetings and introductions. Conduct should at all times demonstrate
respect, while certain situations may warrant being politely aggressive

Table 6. Performance of the Interns in terms of Personality

Personality WM VI Rank
1. Reports to work in proper attire and follows proper personal 4.74 Excellent 1
2. Exercise self confidence and comfortable in airing his/her 4.37 Very Good 5
problems and difficulties with his/her supervisor
3. Flexible in work and in dealing with people 4.38 Very Good 4
4. Accepts miscellaneous jobs and tasks with the proper 4.44 Very Good 3
attitude without complaining
5. Shows interest and pride with the task assigned to his/her 4.46 Very Good 2
Composite Mean 4.48
Legend: 4.50 – 5.00 = Excellent; 3.50 – 4.49 =Very Good; 2.50 – 3.49 = Good ; 1.50 – 2.49 = Fair;
1.00 –
1.49 = Poor

Based on table 6, Intern were rated excellent in reporting to work in proper attire
and following proper personal hygiene which obtained the highest mean of 4.74.
The first component of appearance is proper attire. Proper attire maintains our
professional image. The second component of appearance is the area of grooming
and hygiene. In this area people seek to achieve the standards of the traditional
business environment. This only shows that the students are applying what they
have learned and practiced in the university of wearing proper uniform.

On the other hand, Interns were still rated very good in exercising self confidence
and they were comfortable in airing their problems and difficulties with their
supervisor which obtained the least mean score of 4.37. This only means that
students need to develop more confidence. Self confidence, is extremely important
in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. People
who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful

Table 7. Relationship Between the Academic Performance and Training Performance

of the Interns
Training Performance in terms of: r-value p-value Interpretation
Knowledge -0.011 0.873 Not Significant
Skills 0.003 0.968 Not Significant
Attitude -0.022 0.755 Not Significant
Personality -0.034 0.629 Not Significant
Legend: Significant at p-value < 0.05; HS = Highly Significant; S = Significant; NS = Not

The computed r-values indicate that there is almost negligible correlation and the
resulted pvalues were all greater than 0.05 level of significance, thus the null
hypothesis of no significant relationship between the academic performance and
training performance of the interns is accepted. This means that there is no
relationship exists and implies that the interns' training performance is not affected
by their academic grades.

Areas on the training performance of the interns such as knowledge, skills, attitude
and personality were evaluated as very good by the supervisors and managers of
the establishment where they were deployed. Students who obtained either high
or low academic performance have the possibility of attaining either high or low
internship evaluation.

Academic performance do not have relationship or effects in the performance

evaluation of the interns because manager or immediate supervisors' basis for the
evaluation was the actual output or performance they possess during the
duration of training.

Training Plan
Objective Activities Duration
Knowledge A. Continuous implementation of Outcomes Based From 1st
Curriculum (OBE) in all courses specially the semester of
To be competent professional courses such as Principles of Food First year
learners towards job Hygiene and Sanitation, Principles of Food until first
assignment. Preparation, Food and Beverages Service semester of
Operations, Principles of Tourism 1 and 2 for Second Year.
both HRA and Tourism. Beverage Products and
Operations for HRA only and for ITTM,
Philippine Tourism, World Tourism, Tour Guiding
and Travel and Tours Operations.
B. Communication Skills Seminar 5 days
Skills A. Training/ seminar on the specific area to
Work Efficiency and be assigned to each trainee 1. Food and 5 days each
Accuracy Beverage Services program
2. Housekeeping Services
3. Travel Agency Operation
4. Front Office Services
B. NC II Certification from TESDA 1 day per
1. Food and Beverage Services Qualification
2. Housekeeping Services
3. Travel and Tour Operations
Attitude Seminar on Improvement of Attitude or Discuss the
Reliable and imbues a Ways to Improve Attitude during the Orientation 2 days
sense of responsibility before deployment
in handling the tasks
assigned to students
Personality Personality Development Seminar
Demonstrate self Or Interpersonal Skills Seminar 2 days
confidence and
comfortable in airing
problems and
difficulties with

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