This section presents the results of the data analysis for the stated research
questions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the tourism
arranged based on the research questions and answered using nominal value from 1
of age and gender? The demographic information is a relevant data source related to the
type of students who undergone practicum training program. These data include the
demographic variables relating to the age and gender of the respondents. The Table 1
demonstrates the percentage of the total 18-22 and 23-above years old respondents as
Table 1.
Respondents Demographic Profile
Characteristics Category Frequency Percentage
Age 18-22 30 100
23-above 0 0
Gender Female 27 90
Male 3 10
Total 30 100
Table 1 provides a demographic profile of the respondents who participated in the study.
The sample is dominated by female respondents (90%) and the majority of the
respondents fell in the 18-22 age group.
Research Question 2 : How do the respondents assess the effectiveness of the practicum
assessing how effective the tourism practicum program in different aspects. Nominal
values 1 to 5 were assigned to assess the statements. Table 2 reports the mean
Table 2.
Effectiveness of Tourism Practicum Program of the University of La Salette
The mean (M) effectiveness ratings of the tourism practicum program of the
effective in “The practicum program helped the practicumers to have proper attitude and
work ethics.” (M = 4.60, SD = 0.56) and it is least effective in “The practicum program
0.66) and “The practicum program improved the technical skills of practicumers.” (M =
most effective in personality development and skills gained (overall M = 4.54 and 4.43
The research questions were tested through the pilot testing conducted for the
program to ensure the relevance and applicability of the research questions in assessing