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This section presents the results of the data analysis for the stated research

questions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the tourism

practicum program of the University of La Salette. The presentation of the findings is

arranged based on the research questions and answered using nominal value from 1

(“not effective”) to 5 (“very effective”).

Research Question 1 : What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of age and gender? The demographic information is a relevant data source related to the

type of students who undergone practicum training program. These data include the

demographic variables relating to the age and gender of the respondents. The Table 1

demonstrates the percentage of the total 18-22 and 23-above years old respondents as

well as the total percentage of male and female respondents.

Table 1.
Respondents Demographic Profile
Characteristics Category Frequency Percentage
Age 18-22 30 100
23-above 0 0
Gender Female 27 90
Male 3 10
Total 30 100

Table 1 provides a demographic profile of the respondents who participated in the study.
The sample is dominated by female respondents (90%) and the majority of the
respondents fell in the 18-22 age group.

Research Question 2 : How do the respondents assess the effectiveness of the practicum

program of tourism students of University of La Salette in terms of knowledge gained,

skills gained and personality development? On each of the 15 statements, participants

coming from the Tourism management students batch 2018 were asked to respond to it

assessing how effective the tourism practicum program in different aspects. Nominal

values 1 to 5 were assigned to assess the statements. Table 2 reports the mean

percentage, standard deviation and interpretation for the effectiveness of tourism

practicum program of University of La Salette.

Table 2.
Effectiveness of Tourism Practicum Program of the University of La Salette

Statements Mean SD Interpretation

Knowledge Gained 4.40 0.63
1. The practicum program helped the practicumers to
4.33 0.66 Very Effective
comprehend and follow instructions easily.
2. The practicum program made the practicumers
4.40 0.62 Very Effective
aware about the actual operations in their field of work.
3. The practicum program taught the practicumers to
4.40 0.62 Very Effective
maximize their time and available resources.
4. The practicum program, provided the practicumers
4.50 0.63 Very Effective
lot of new ideas that are useful in future work endeavor.
5. The practicum program allowed the practicumers to
4.37 0.61 Very Effective
work under minimal supervision.
Skills Developed 4.43 0.60
1. The practicum program helped practicumers to
4.43 0.63 Very Effective
improve their practical skills in the field of work.
2. The practicum program developed the practicumers
4.37 0.61 Very Effective
to be efficient and diligent in work.
3. The practicum program taught the practicumers to
4.53 0.57 Very Effective
perform task within assigned time.
4. The practicum program improved the practicumers’
4.50 0.63 Very Effective
communication skills.
5. The practicum program improved the technical skills
of practicumers.
4.33 0.55 Very Effective

Personality Development 4.54 0.57

1. The practicum program helped practicumers to
harmoniously work and interact with employees and 4.57 0.57 Very Effective
2. The practicum program helped the practicumers to
4.60 0.56 Very Effective
have proper attitude and work ethics.
3. The practicum program helped the practicumers to
4.50 0.57 Very Effective
be responsible in handling the tasks assigned.
4. The practicum program taught the practicumers to
4.50 0.57 Very Effective
take criticisms from the superiors in a positive way.
5. The practicum program taught the practicumers to be
4.53 0.57 Very Effective
professionally dress and groomed.
Notes : Scale values range from 1 (“not effective”) to 5 (“very effective”); the lower the mean
score, the less effective the tourism practicum program is with that particular aspect.
M = mean, SD = standard deviation

The mean (M) effectiveness ratings of the tourism practicum program of the

University of La Salette are presented in Table 2. Tourism practicum program is most

effective in “The practicum program helped the practicumers to have proper attitude and

work ethics.” (M = 4.60, SD = 0.56) and it is least effective in “The practicum program

helped the practicumers to comprehend and follow instructions easily.” (M = 4.33, SD =

0.66) and “The practicum program improved the technical skills of practicumers.” (M =

4.33, SD = 0.55) respectively. On average, tourism practicum program is perceived to be

most effective in personality development and skills gained (overall M = 4.54 and 4.43

respectively) followed by knowledge gained (overall M = 4.40).

Testing the Research Questions

The research questions were tested through the pilot testing conducted for the

tourism management students of Global Academy who undergone practicum training

program to ensure the relevance and applicability of the research questions in assessing

the effectiveness of the practicum program. We conducted an interview to see if

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