02 Essence and Purpose of Ethics Nov 03 2012
02 Essence and Purpose of Ethics Nov 03 2012
02 Essence and Purpose of Ethics Nov 03 2012
Lecture No. 02
At the end of this unit the student should
be able to:
define and explain what ethics means
understand why people should lead moral
discuss the similarities and differences
between law and ethics.
Essence and Purpose of
While law consists of the laid-down rules that
guide people’s behavior in a state, ethics is the
branch of philosophy which deals with
judgment as to the right or wrong, desirability
or undesirability, approval or disapproval of our
Ethics are a normative science of conduct
which is concerned with the right thing to do.
Ethics and morality are often used
But Odunewu (2000) points out the difference as
follows: “while morality refers to behavior that is
acceptable, ethics deals with the criteria by
which decisions about right and wrong are
Those who lead ethical lives are generally
regarded as “good” people.
The Josephson Institute for the Advancement
of Ethics (Josephson Institute, 2003) identifies
certain values as being essential to ethical life.
They are:
Caring for others
Respect for others
Responsible citizenship
Pursuit of excellence
Let us now take these concepts one by one and
discuss what they mean or imply in their
ordinary sense, at least.
implies telling the truth always. Honest
people are generally respected even if
they are poor. The universal belief is
that such people will be ultimately
rewarded. Hence, the popular maxim:
“Honesty is the best policy”.
Integrity is being in a state of
entireness, or wholeness, or an
unimpaired state of uprightness,
honesty and purity.
Promise-keeping means discharging
obligations and honoring agreements.
Fidelity means being loyal and faithful
to one’s spouse, friend, business
partner, associate, comrade, or beliefs.
Fairness involves treating each person
or each case equally and according to
the rules or law.
Caring for Others is the mark of kindness
and generosity.
Respect for Others is a mark of humility,
tolerance and patience.
Responsible Citizenship means being
law-abiding, doing one’s civic duties,
such as paying tax, voting and respecting
constituted authority and maintaining
peace and tranquility in one’s
neighborhood and work place.
Pursuit of Excellence means
commitment to the highest standards
both in personal life and in the world of
work. It implies not given to the
acceptance of mediocrity, and being
willing to go the extra mile to ensure
that things are done properly,
regardless of personal cost.
Accountability means proving that one
has performed one’s duty creditably
and is willing to submit oneself for
Why Should People Lead
Ethical (or Moral) Lives?
We have identified 10 reasons as why
people should lead moral lives. They are as
Almighty Allah, our creator, expects us to
lead moral lives.
The society expects us to lead moral lives.
Our families expect us to lead moral lives.
We need to lead moral lives to be in
harmony with our fellow humans.
Why Should People Lead Ethical (or Moral) Lives?