Fundamentals of Ethics
Fundamentals of Ethics
Fundamentals of Ethics
A Course Synthesis
By Prof. Erlito V. Ebia,
B.S. CHE., A.B. Philo, M.A. Theo.
Fundamentals of Ethics
What is Ethics?
Ethics talks about the various principles that describe the appropriate behavior of a human person in
society. Its goal is to have a good life and be happy by doing what is right.
It comes from the Greek word “ETHOS”… Meaning CHARACTER…
It is a rule one received from an external sources like Religious Values, Code of practice in a workplace or
It comes from the person. It is a personal understanding of what is right and good.
Like, do not cheat people, don’t tell lies or be honest.
Focuses in choosing, deciding and doing the good and right.
It commands and must be followed.
Ethics vs Science
It is a normative science.
Normative comes from the Latin word “NORMA” meaning a “rule” or “Law.”
It’s normative, because Ethics searches for the best rules or standards on how, we, human persons
should behave in society.
It deals more on the principles which are concepts.
It is based on value judgement.
Its laboratory is the world and its objects is the human person and human behavior.
Its tools are the mind and keen observation.
Science comes from the Latin word “Scire” which means to know.
It is a positive or natural science.
Positive Science, because it analyzes a particular or current issue or problem that exists and examine the
cause of the existence of that problem.
It deals with sensible or factual objects.
It makes sure that a material product will come out from the experiment.
It is done in a laboratory or specific location.
Its employs laboratory tools plus keen observation
Sources of Ethics:
It tells us what is good and bad.
Religion through God
Good People as an exemplar or good model to others.
Legal System like moral laws & good justice system
Society through socialization
Importance of Ethics
Try to observe the people around you, and you will see why ethics is important.
If you notice corrupt political and religious leaders, you will say, ethics is necessary.
If you notice criminals who spread anti-social activities, you will say ethics is vital.
If you hear greedy people, you will say ethics is essential.
If you see doctors who don’t heed to people with COVID-19, you will say ethics is crucial.
It is like saying, if you sow kindness, kindness will flourish. If you sow hatred, hatred will flourish.
Ethics is our Moral Compass or Guide that will allow us to see our real destination – to be a good human
person and attain ultimate Happiness.
Actus Hominis or Act of Man– is an action that is not deliberate and conscious. The actions that a
human person does without the need of thinking. In simple terms, these are the things that human
person usually does—his everyday routine—and is based on human instinct. This kind of action is
neutral or amoral.
Mastication of food inside the person’s stomach.
taking a bath
going to work
However, some Modern Philosophers, like William James, Joshua Green, Charles Darwin and Richard
Lazarus treat emotion as a great help in making personal ethical decision in a unique situation.
They say, emotions assist people to make good, specific and personal choices in life. It is more
Emotions for them is more than feelings, but a specific personalized responses to various stimuli that a
person encounters or experiences in life, past or present.
However, emotions should not be left alone by reason and vice versa. They need together to make
sound ethical judgement.
Making Decision
Step 1: Ask enlightenment from God.
Step 2: Identify your goal and Gather information.
Step 3. Consider various options
Step 4: Evaluate the consequences of your options
Cultural Relativism is a belief that no culture is better than the other culture.
Ethnocentrism is a belief on the supremacy of one culture to other culture. It brings about racial
discrimination or negative judgement to beliefs and practices of other culture.
The equivalent of cultural relativism in ethics is ETHICAL RELATIVISM.
To say that Filipinos and Americans exercise their freedom wisely, is cultural relativism
But, let us say that, a group of Filipinos believe that freedom is absolute. So, if you limit their freedom,
they will get angry and say it is not good. It is an example of ethical relativism.
Like Subjectivism, Ethical Relativism does not accept the existence of a fix or universal law. Universal
Law or objective truth is just a concept.
However, if Ethical Relativism will say that absolute truth does not exist, and for them it is 100% true
statement, then logically speaking Absolute Truth exists.
Its primary goal is to unite everybody as one people with different belief-systems, status in life and
It is GOOD!
However, is it doable?
Yes, if people in the world cares for everybody and everything, including the environment. But, if
globalization is just about the transfer and exchange of wealth and commodities, if globalization is all
about militarization, if globalization is all about taxes making rich people richer and poor people poorer
then, the true spirit of globalization which is UNITY leading to lasting PEACE and World ORDER will never
be attained. That is the challenge to Ethics.
Etikang Pinoy
Sino ba angTao?
Give your honest opinion. You can see this question on Moodle’s Assignment Section. Read the
As a Filipino student of the late 20th century, what are the possible, simple, doable and lasting
contributions you can share to your community now, to your school, to your countrymen, to the world
and to yourself, at this difficult time (Age of Pandemic)? Explain clearly and honestly your self in 5-10
simple sentences.
Good luck!