Curriculum Map MAPEH 6 Arts

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Our Lady of the Pillar College- San Manuel Incorporated

San Manuel Campus

San Manuel , Isabela

Curriculum Map in Arts Grade 6

Subject: Arts
Grade Level: Grade 6
Teacher: Mark Clemence R. Parcasio

Term Unit Content Performance Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional

/Month Topic/Con Standard/s Standard/s Core Values
/Quarter tent
Power Supporting

Fourth Unit IV: The learner… The learner… 1.Discusses 2. Explains the Discussion Lesson 9: Let’s Form Objects, The 21st The learners
Grading/ Sculpture demonstrates creates an actual the concept elements and pages 169-173 Century will become
Fourth and New understanding of 3-D digitally- that design principles applied Activity 1: Let’s Try Sculpting, MAPEH in lifelong
Quarter Media shapes, colors, enhanced paper principles in product design. Activity 2: Let’s Try Digital Action learners and
and the principles bag for a product and elements 3. Manifests Individual Sculpting! worktext, by know that
of contrast and or brand. applies relates to understanding of work Ligaya design
harmony through concepts on the everyday concepts on the Bautista principles and
the use of new use of new objects. use of software Garcia- elements relate
media in creating technologies (commands, Quinitio, to everyday
audio-video art (hardware and menu, etc.) Eduardo V. objects.
and product or software) in 4. Utilizes art Cipriano,
package design. creating an audio- skills in using Eliseo P.
video new technologies One Think and Learn, page 174 Buhain,
art/animation. (hardware and sentence Juliet H.
software) in summary Brioso,
package design. Diana
5. Creates an Alcoba-
actual 3-D Oral Lesson 10: The Packcage Design Alonzo and
digitally- questioning Says It All, pages 176- 180 Gernalyn
enhanced product Andres-
design for a paper Paper bag Activity 1: Let’s Make Packages, Solano. Rex
bag. output page 179 book store.
6. Reviews the
truism that art MAPE
processes, Grade 6, by
elements and Web or Surf online and learn, page 179 Violeta E.
principles still concept map Hornilla,
apply even with Isabelo R.
the use of Magbintang
technologies and
7. Discusses the Paper Activity 3: Let’s Design Manually Servillano
elements and collage Activity 4: Let’s Design Packages A. Padiz Jr.
principles applied output using Technology, page 180 Phoenix
in audio-video art. Book Store.
7. Show’s skills in Electronic
making a papier- collage
mâché jar output
8. Applies
concepts on the Product
use of the Presentation
software output Think and Learn, page 181
menu, etc.) Quiz Lesson 11: Put Things Together,
9. Utilizes art pages 182-186
skills in using Discussion
new technologies
(hardware and
software) Activity 1: Let’s Do This Together,
10. Creates an Activity 2: I’ll Combine my
audio-video art Performance Pictures,
/animation s Activity 3: Let’s do Electronic
promoting a Collage,
product. Activity 4: Let’s ollage one Picture,
Activity 5: Let’s Create Audio-
Video, pages 187-188

Think and Learn, Unit Test, pages


Performance Task

Goal You are task to create your own 3D digitally-enhanced paper bag for product or brand.
Role Designer

Audience Netizens

Situation You are task to create your own product packaging design. Apply all the concepts on the use of new technologies (hardware and software) in creating an audio-video

Product A product design presentation

Standards Your artwork will be evaluated based on its: Content, planning and organization, creativity, neatness and presentation and originality.

Rubric for Performance Task

Criteria Percentage Actual Score

Content 20%
Planning and Organization 20%
Creativity 20%
Neatness and presentation 20%
Impact 10%
Originality 10%
Total points 100%

Prepared by: Mark Clemence R. Parcasio Checked by: Gemalyn Marcos Noted by: Marijoe M. Pimentel, MaEd
Teacher Coordinator Principal

Transfer You are task to create your own product

packaging design. Apply all the concepts on the
use of new technologies (hardware and software)
in creating an audio-video art/animation.
The learners will become lifelong learners and Performance Standard
know that design principles and elements relate
to everyday objects.

The learners shall be able to create an actual 3-D Performance Task

digitally-enhanced paper bag for a product or
brand. applies concepts on the use of new
Transfer Goal

Essential Questions:
The Students will keep considering the following…
1. How are the elements and design principles used to express
Demonstrate imagination and creativity in doing ideas?
2. Why is it important to understand the art elements and
artwork. design principles?
3. What is the role of technology in art?
Create new and worthwhile ideas as applied to Art. Unit Topic:
Demonstrate ability to work effectively and Sculpture and New Media The students will understand that..
1. Artists use elements of arts and principles of design to
respectfully. create artwork and express their ideas.
2. The use of technology in art made the creation of art work
easier and more efficient.

The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes,

colors, and the principles of contrast and harmony
through the use of new media in creating audio-
video art and product or package design.

Acquisition Make Meaning

Written works:

One sentence summary, Paper bag output, Web or

concept map, Quizzes

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