RWS Q4.2 KPNBDC Critical Reading
RWS Q4.2 KPNBDC Critical Reading
RWS Q4.2 KPNBDC Critical Reading
Content Standard The learner understands the relationship of a written text and the context in which it was developed.
Quarter 4 – Module 5: Critical Reading as Reasoning First Edition, 2020
Textbook pages
the new lesson guide questions after watching the
criticize but to assess the
validity of textual evidence.
own writing and
communication skills?
Finding practical application of Let the students answers Write a reflection journal then
concepts and skills in daily living the following questions: write down your takeaways from
the lesson and their impact on
1. What do you think was
your skill to think critically. Use
the intended message of
the template as your guide.
the excerpt? Support your
answer. (5 pts)
2. What are the themes of Look for Appendix C.
the excerpt? Support your
answer. (5 pts)
3. How would you compare
the Filipino today to the
ones being compared to
by Manuel L. Quezon in
the excerpt?
4. Do you agree with Manuel
L. Quezon’s statement in
hi excerpt, The Filipino of
today is soft and easy-
going.”? Explain your
answer. (5pts)
V.REMARKS The Learning delivery mode is through modular and online classes.
Prepared: Checked:
Appendix A
National strength can only be built on character. A nation is nothing more nor less than its citizenry. It is the people that
make up the nation and, therefore, it cannot be strongest than its component parts. Their weakness is its failings, their
strength its power. Show me a people composed of vigorous, sturdy individuals, of men and women healthy in mind and
body; courteous, brave, industrious, self-reliant; purposeful in thought as well as in action; imbued with sound patriotism
and a profound sense of righteousness; with high social ideals and a strong moral fiber; and I will show you a great nation, a
nation that will not be submerged, a nation that will emerge victorious from the trials and bitter strifes of a distracted
world, a nation that will live forever, sharing the common task of advancing the welfare and promoting the happiness of
We are engaged in the epic task of building our nation, to live and flourish, not for a day but for all time. We must find the
flaws, if there be any, in our concept of individual and community life, as well as in our character, and proceed at once to
remedy them.
I have an abiding faith in our people. I know that they have all the faculties needed to become a powerful and
enlightened nation. The Filipino is not inferior to any man of any race. His physical, intellectual, and moral qualities are as
excellent as those of the proudest stock of mankind. But some of these qualities, I am constrained to admit, have become
dormant in recent years. If we compare our individual and civic traits with those that adorned our forefathers, we will find, I
fear, that we, the Filipinos of today, have lost much of the moral strength and power for the growth of our ancestors. They
were strong-willed, earnest, adventurous people. They had traditions potent in influence in their lives, individually and
collectively. They had the courage to be pioneers, to brave the seas, clear the forest and erect towns and cities upon the
wilderness. They led a life of toil and communal service. Each one considered himself an active part of the body politic. But
those traditions are either lost or forgotten. They exist only as a hazy-mist in our distant past. We must revive them, for we
need the anchorage of these traditions to guide and sustain us in the proper discharge of our political and social obligations.
The Filipino of today is soft, easy-going. His tendency is towards parasitism. He is uninclined to the sustained strenuous
effort! He lacks earnestness. Face-saving is the dominant note in the confused symphony of his existence. His sense of
righteousness is often dulled by the desire for personal gain. His norm of conduct is generally prompted by expediency rather than
by principle. He shows a failing in that superb courage which impels action because it is right, even at the cost of self-
sacrifice. His greatest fear is not to do wrong, but of being caught doing wrong. He is frivolous in his view of life. His
conception of virtue is many times conventional. He takes his religion lightly. He thinks that lip-service and profession are
equivalent to deep and abiding faith. He is inconstant; he lacks perseverance; the first obstacles baffle him, and he easily
admits defeat. The patriotism of many Filipinos of today is skin- deep, incapable of inspiring heroic deeds. There are those
who are apt to compromise with ethical principles and to regard truth as not incompatible with misrepresentation or self-
This appraisal of the character of our people today may sound too severe. You will realize that I would be happier if I could
only shower praise upon my countrymen. But my responsibility as head of this Nation compels me to face and state
facts, however disagreeable they may be to me or to our people, for it is only thus that we can remedy existing evils that
threaten to destroy the vitality and vigor of the race. Because I have not lost faith that there is, within us, all the spiritual and
moral forces needed for the building of a great nation, I am ruthless in pointing out our present shortcomings. Our task—it is a
heroic task—is to awaken and apply these faculties so that our people should become what of right they should be: morally
strong, virile, hard-working, refined, enterprising, persevering, public-spirited.
I want our people to grow and be like the molave, strong and resilient, rising on the hillside, unafraid of the raging flood, the
lightning or the storm, confident of its own strength. If we have the will to survive and the will to achieve social efficiency,
we cannot delay this task of spiritual regeneration. Let us begin to mold the typical Filipino.
To insure the accomplishment of this task of national spiritual reconstruction, we shall formulate and adopt a social code—a
code of ethics and personal conduct—that can be explained in the schools, preached from the pulpits, and taught in the
streets and plazas, and in the remotest corners of our land. We shall indoctrinate every man, woman, and child in its
precepts. By every means and power at my command, I shall strive to enforce its principles and to require that they be so
universally and constantly observed, that our children may breathe it in the air and feel it in their very flesh. Every Filipino is a
part and an objective of this great national movement, the success of which depends upon his own success in building up
his character and developing his faculties.
This undertaking—the regeneration of the Filipino—constitutes the paramount interest of my administration. My most
cherished ambition is to see it realized. It is the greatest prize that I can crave for my life. I call upon all the teachers, the
ministers of every faith, the political and social leaders, and particularly upon you, young men and young Women, to be at the
vanguard of this crusade.
We have attained our freedom, but our spirit is still bound by the shackles forged from the frailties of our nature. we owe it to
ourselves and our posterity to strike them down.
Other peoples of the world are straining themselves to attain higher levels of progress and national security. We shall
not lag behind. the sun!
The Filipino people are on the march, towards their destiny, to conquer their place in the sun.
Name: Date:
Title :
Author of the article:
Question/s & page no. Answer/s with
supporting detail/s
Does the writer’s assume the
readers to agree with his /her
Critical reading is engaging in analytic activity which involves the reader by asking questions
about the text and the author’s claim. Critical readers are doing the process of
evaluating, analyzing, and interpreting the assertion of the hidden meaning of the whole
Remember that Critical reading is not meant to criticize but to assess the validity of
textual evidence.
Appendix B
Steps Used in Critical Reading As Reasoning
by Maxine Rafaella C. Rodriguez and Marella Therese A. Tiongson
1. Identifying assertions
Identify by a common type of assertion such as fact, convention, opinion and preference
2. Formulating counterclaim
3. Determining evidence
You are asking your father for an android cellphone, that is your claim.
Then your father answers you. “No, you can’t!” this is his counterclaim. He
might say that you already have a cellphone.
Therefore when you are going to formulate reason for the counterclaim, you
should state the reason why you are asking for an android cellphone. You might
say that you could use it in your online classes because Android cellphone
would be very useful in this new normal classroom set-up.
When you write your counterclaim, you are expressing unfavorable statements. Therefore
it is needed to use hedges words or phrases to be able to give a courteous tone.
With hedges:
The common colds caused by a virus.
Appendix C
Get your reflection journal then write down your takeaways from the lesson and their
impact on your skill to think critically. Use the template as your guide.
Appendix D
It is thinking critically.