DLP Module5
DLP Module5
DLP Module5
B. Performance The learner writes a 1000-word critique of a selected text on the basis of its claim/s, context, and properties as a written material.
C. Learning Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning.
(Write the MELC
code for each)
Critical Reading as a Form of Reasoning
Reasoning Characteristics of Critical Readers Ways to become a Critical Reader Steps in Critical Reading
Begin with
classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the
classroom health
and safety protocols
c. Checking of
d. Quick
A. Recall (Elicit) Ask the learners about the previous Ask the learners about the previous Ask the learners about the previous Ask the learners about the previous
topic—Hypertext and Intertext. topic—Reasoning. topic—Characteristics of Critical topic—Ways to Become a Critical
Readers. Reader.
B. Motivation What is your insight on the quotation
(Engage) below:
I thought
I learned that
a. Decompositional reasoning
b. Critical thinking
c. Deductive reasoning
d. Inductive reasoning
a. Decompositional reasoning
b. Critical thinking
c. Deductive reasoning
d. Inductive reasoning
a. Cause-and-Effect reasoning
b. Critical thinking
c. Deductive reasoning
a. Decompositional reasoning
b. Critical thinking
c. Deductive reasoning
d. Inductive reasoning
5. Is a type of thinking in
which you show the
linkage between two
a. Decompositional reasoning
b. Critical thinking
c. Deductive reasoning
d. Inductive reasoning