Quarter 3 – MELC 3-4
Week 3-5
The Scientific Literature
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The Capstone Research Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-
learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made
available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.
The Capstone Research Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning
even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful
and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully
read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.
Name of Learner: _
Grade and Section: _ Date: _
There are different format for thesis paper writing. However, in writing scientific paper
IMRaD format is mostly followed because it highlights essential and concise parts of the
scientific paper. The acronym IMRaD stands for “I” Introduction, “M” Materials and Methods,
“R” Results and “D” for Discussion. Among these major parts of the IMRaD, it is in the
Introduction and in the Discussion parts where relevant and supportive related concepts and
studies are presented logically and coherently (Todoroviæ, 2003). Furthermore, the Materials
and Methods part is also based on sound literature, unless your study is focused on the
refinement of the procedure itself.
1. Identify the key words in your study. Use these key words to search for related scientific
articles or state of the art.
2. Consider websites that are legitimate and non-predatory.
3. Use APA (American Psychological Association) format for in-text/parenthetical citation and
bibliographical citation or the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS). This is prescribed by your
school or by the organizer of a specific organization where you would like to present your
4. Always paraphrase related literature included in your study and cite sources properly.
Review guidelines to avoid committing plagiarism.
5. Use current related literature and study dependent on the research development in the field.
6. In the development of your Capstone project, you need related studies that will support your
endeavor in elucidating the step-by-step process of a scientific study. Also, related studies
may either support the findings or contradict it.
Table 2 reflects the parts of the manuscript where you need to review the related literatures
Directions: You may work in small group or individual along with your research teacher as
facilitator. Read and follow the procedure carefully. Write your answers in your logbook.
Literature review in the field of study.
1. Following the guidelines provided in the Table 2 above, search in the web about the
review of related literature and studies that will support the study presented below.
2. You can download the file but you need only the key phrase or sentence. You need to
copy or paste a copy of the original text in your logbook. Then write in the opposite space
the paraphrased version and cite the source of the sentence.
3. To test your skill in doing intensive literature review, fill in your relevant in-text literature in
the table below following the parts of IMRaD until the materials and methods only.
Table 3. Literature review
Title: Qualitative Determination of Vitamin C Presence in Locally Available Vegetables
Current practices in
addressing the issue
Research gap
Contribution of the
current study
Material and procedure
_ _ _
3. What is the role of literature review in proposing a scientific study?
_ _
Direction: Following the same guidelines above, fill in Table 4 for the relevant information
and literature review of your proposed study.
Table 4. Literature review of your proposed study
Title of your proposed study:
Current practices in
addressing the issue
Research gap
Contribution of the
current study
Material and
(if applicable)
Guide Questions:
1. By doing the literature review of your proposed study, what skills did you developed?
_ _
_ _
IV. Reflection:
As a young researcher, what challenges did you overcome in doing the literature
V. Reference
Todoroviæ, L. (2003). Original (scientific) paper - the IMRAD layout, Educational paper UDC:
006.05:001.818 Archive of Oncology 2003;11(3):203-5