NewStudioNPVS Brochure 220726 EN FINAL
NewStudioNPVS Brochure 220726 EN FINAL
NewStudioNPVS Brochure 220726 EN FINAL
Studio NPVS, Studio RMS and Studio Maxipit provide a complete strategic open pit mine planning system with
functionality spanning data preparation, pit optimisation, pushback generation, cut-off grade optimisation,
scheduling, haulage analysis and stockpile management. In addition, these products have the full power of a
general mining package delivered by Datamine Studio’s core platform. They are unique in the mining industry as
the only strategic mine planning systems to optimise designs and schedules in search for maximum NPV while
honouring various production constraints.
The advanced system caters for alternative techniques beyond NPV for pit optimisation to take account of
material blending, or to maximise mine life. Its innovative pushback generator delivers the most practical
pushbacks of any competing product and its scheduling capability includes optimisation techniques that look
ahead to the entire life of mine as opposed to considering just one period at a time.
Economic Model • • •
design, define discount rates, annual discounting
Pushback generator •
strategic plan with one or multiple pits.
discarding or stockpiling lower grade ore for later. Mine Flow Optimizer •
sent to meet targets for multiple blended products Mineable Shape Optimizer †
when using multiple processing methods.
(† Optional functions - contact your local office for
Assess the risk of the mine plan associated with more information)
the inherent uncertainty in the geological model.
Access an impressive toolset for managing all
data types including wireframing commands, file
processes, digitizing and editing functions,
a customization interface
and many other