An Evaluation of The Role of The Hybrid Manager

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An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager

The term “Hybrids” is acknowledged as being coined for IS professionals by Keen (1986)
who described them as “people who combine strong technical and adequate business and
organizational skills or strong business and adequate technical ones”. Later as a result of
research carried out by Earl (1989) and his colleagues at the Oxford Institute of Information
Management (OXIIM), Templeton College, Oxford, a more accurate and quoted definition is
“A person with strong technical skills and adequate business knowledge or vice
versa…hybrids are people with technical skills able to work in user areas doing a line job,
but adept at developing and implementing IT application ideas”.

Hybrid Manager - Myth or Reality

In the early 1990s Hybrid Managers were high on everyone’s agenda, so much so that the
British Computer Society (BCS) initiated a task force of UK MIS managers to report on why
hybrids were important. The report stated that “hybrid managers are central in enabling
organizations to improve business performance through the use of IT” (Palmer & Ottley,
1990) and that by 1995 the UK would need to develop 10,000 hybrid managers.

However, by the end of 1994 “Rounding out the Manager’s Job” an article in excess of
10,000 words published in the Sloan Management Review by Henry Mintzberg, does not
mention the word hybrid once, Anne Brackley in the December 1996 issue of “The Computer
Bulletin” writes “hybrid managers as such are rarely mentioned now…Was it that hybrids
didn’t really exist?”

Yet despite this apparent fall from grace Mintzberg and Brackley both define the knowledge,
skills and abilities (KSA’s) (Mercer, 1990) that a manager should have, KSA’s very similar to
the knowledge, experience and skills highlighted by Earl and Skyrme (1992) as required for
managers in the information age – hybrid managers.

Early 90s

In defining hybrid managers Earl and Skyrme (1992) expanded upon the competences (Table
1) outlined by Earl (1989). These competences were derived from research to identify
existing individuals with hybrid characteristics or business problems requiring hybrids.

They cited Champions (Lockett, 1987) as people who are able to achieve advantageous IT
solutions by an awareness of both the shortcomings of IT as well as its potentiality.

Secondly, individuals who are able to recognize business problems where IT can provide a
solution, individuals working in multifunctional teams applying correct management
functions to ally IT, organizational and business considerations.

Finally, that delivery, re-orientation and re-organization were the phases through which the
management and strategic focus of IS activities were evolving (Earl et al, 1986). Their
synthesis saw the re-orientation phase as being the point where a business manager takes over
the IS leader position and thus the first step towards a more robust business form has been
taken. In turn this facilitates re-organization allowing the bond between the rest of the
company and IS to become the management focus.

1 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager

Additionally to the above Earl and Skyrme (1992) also suggested three other hybrid manager
roles: leaders, impresarios and professionals. Leaders – can exploit IT in the execution of
their business from an operator area. Impresarios – able to apply a business like manner to
users needs and drive the company to strategically employ IT. Professionals – implementing
IT from an expert vocational approach.

The consequence of the analysis of these roles and characteristics is that instead of becoming
clear who or what a hybrid manager is or does, it actually opens the role to any number of IS
executives who are able to enhance, through IT, business performance and improve
organizational rapport.

Table 1. Competences expected of hybrid managers (after Earl and Skyrme, 1992)

Competence Embracing Crucial

Business Knowledge Improve Instinct to spot opportunities
orientation of IT people
Functional knowledge
Understanding specific firm’s
Organizational Knowledge Enhance shared vision of Knowing how things are
organization’s structure and done
Knowing key people and
their motivations
IT knowledge and experience Project management Confidence to ask and
experience challenge
Awareness of areas to exploit
using IT
Develop and maintain IT
Methods and providers
Management Motivation and Ability to get things done
Communication Skills
Interpersonal and group skills
Change management skills
Cognitive skills

2 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
Mid 90s

Mintzberg’s (1994) “well rounded” manager is not specifically aimed at the IS manager
scenario and he avoids the word hybrid quite pointedly. However, the attributes that he
values for the selection of managers could comfortably be applied to the IT environment and
placed under the hybrid heading. If we analyse Mintzberg’s attributes for a well-rounded
manager (Table.2) and assimilate them with Earls hybrid manager we get the following.

 Values – Management motivation and communication skills, methods and providers,

cognitive skills
 Experience – IT knowledge and experience, project management experience,
awareness of areas to exploit and develop using IT – confidence to ask and challenge
 Competences – Business knowledge, functional knowledge, understanding specific
firm’s business – instinct to spot opportunities
 Knowledge – Organizational knowledge, vision of processes and organizational
structure – knowing how things are done
 Mental Models – Knowing key people and their motivations, improve business
/organizational orientation of IT people
 Style – Change management skills, interpersonal and group skills – ability to get
things done

It is clear that by adapting Mintzberg’s model to an IT environment we have the profile of a

highly skilled manager, as Mercer (1990) puts it an individual who combines general
organizational and business skills with expertise in information technology – a hybrid

Table 2. The well rounded manager (after Mintzberg, 1994)

Attribute Representing
Values Moral principles dictating the way he or she believes things
should be done set by life’s trials and tribulations
Experience Skills gained and developed in readiness for the management
Competences Sharpened by training and experience
Knowledge The day-to-day application of Values, Experience and
Competences whilst working in the managerial environment
Mental Models View of the world - interpretation of superiors, peers and
subordinates behaviour and actions
Style Amalgamation of all of the above – the mode which dictates
how the job is carried out and the manner it is approached

3 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
Late 90s

At the turn of 1996 Anne Brackley in“The Computer Bulletin” wrote “But hybrid managers
as such are rarely mentioned now, as the end of the decade is in sight and those with
corporate responsibilities are busy planning their millennium celebrations and/or applying to
the Millennium Fund. What went wrong? Was it that hybrids didn't really exist, or were they
just an ephemeral by-product of the state-of-the-art of IT in organisations?

So has the hybrid manager, or indeed the requirement for people with these skills simply
disappeared? I would say not, and so too do Homes (2001) presenting an outline of the
competences a successful manager must have writes “The ability to be a hybrid is about
displaying the appropriate skills and attitude for the situation and environment you find
yourself in”.

David Skyrme Associates website has a series of “Management Insights” in which their 1999
update quotes a feature on hybrid managers "Just what is a hybrid, and is it really worth
becoming one? Hybrid IT managers are as rare as prize-winning orchids - yet business need
them more than ever." (Couldwell, 1999).

In fact just a small trawl through the cross section of available material shows that the hybrid
manager has not disappeared at all “Customer relationship management (CRM) works best
when you’ve got someone in charge who can stand with [his or her feet] in multiple camps,
we come across hybrid managers more and more”. (Roberts, D cited in - 2001).

If we accept that hybrid managers exist and organizations have a need for their competences
and characteristics how can Brackley dismiss them so readily? Well in truth she doesn’t,
despite the harsh tones of her title and initial dismissal she goes on to quantify their apparent
demise by stating “it was just no longer so remarkable that people should combine familiarity
with IT with other managerial and change agent skills” (Brackley, 1996). Furthermore she
goes on to state that those who manage IT in organizations and those who introduce IT into
organizations urgently need to be increasingly aware of the importance of human and
organizational factors and “For this to happen, there needs to be more 'new hybrids' who are
familiar with human and organisational issues”. (Brackley, 1996).

Into the 21st Century

So having established that the role of the hybrid is still very much alive is there a new hybrid
for the 21st century? At the 1997 American Society for Information Science (ASIS) Annual
Meeting Jose-Marie Griffiths identified five critical characteristics key to professional

 Guide in the face of an uncertain future

 Collaborate
 Prioritise and maintain agility flexibility in the face of changing goals
 Empower
 Understand the core capabilities of one’s organization, work group and colleagues
(Griffiths, 1998)

4 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
In the same manner as Mintzberg’s attributes of the “well rounded manager” can be
assimilated into Earl’s definition of a hybrid so too can Griffith’s critical characteristics key to
professional success. So what does she call this IT guru, “The New Information
Professional” no less. Our hybrid once again has been re-branded yet the role and skills seem

The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA), Framework reference also
acknowledges the New Information Professional under the following heading: Category: Use,
Sub-category: User, Skill level: 4 and describes it as follows:

“The exploitation of the organization’s investment in IT by combining adequate business

knowledge with adequate technical skills in IT. In some organizations this role is
characterised by new job descriptions such as: hybrid manager, new information
professional, expert user, super-user. Concerned with the accuracy, quality and accessibility
of relevant business information”. (-2003).

In addition to our hybrid and New Information Professional we now have expert user and
super user, the (SFIA) core skills for this categorization are listed in the table at Annex A.

Yet we can identify that these are all just different names for a role encompassing the same or
similar skills, Skyrme (2002) asks the question “Are they (Hybrid managers) really new?
Many people, including myself, who would now be recognised as hybrid managers, had never
thought of calling themselves that in the past – but nevertheless they existed”. And they will
continue to exist as hybrids, new information professionals, expert user, super user and
whatever the next in-vogue name derived for these dynamic individuals.

The Role of Data Services (Acquisition) and the Hybrid

Within Data Services (Acquisition), the whole of the Royal Air Force or indeed any large
organization each subsequent grade or post has more accountability and management
responsibilities than the previous. By looking at some elements of specific DS (Acq) post
Terms of Reference (TORs) it becomes apparent that in the assumption of each new role a
form of hybridisation is taking place.

Annex B is an abstract of the TORs for DS (Acq) 1a1, he or she has a primary purpose: To
supervise…Associated Tasks: Provision of advice/information…Accountable to DS Acq 1a,
Management Responsibilities: Nil.

Annex C is an abstract of the TORs for DS (Acq) 1a, he or she has a primary purpose: To co-
ordinate…Associated Tasks: Planning the co-ordination…Accountable to DS Acq,
Management Responsibilities: Management of DS Acq1a plans, procedures, taskings, risks and
issues to meet performance indicators.

Annex D is an abstract of the TORs for DS (Acq), he or she has a primary purpose: To
manage…Associated Tasks: Provision of…Accountable to WCDS (Wing Commander Data
Services), Management Responsibilities: Act as Senior Subordinate Commander over all
personnel of DS(Acq) in accordance with QR1069 and rank.

5 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
Each post is a logical progression from the previous, roles that are filled by Aircraft Engineers
who have many years experience in carrying out the line work which is at the core of accurate
and successful data acquisition enabling goals, milestones and project fruition to be achieved
efficiently and on time within the laid down project plan.

I believe that the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities encompassed by hybrids, new information
professionals, call them what you will are all characteristics that successful RAF personnel are
encouraged to, and do develop, postings for example can be compared to “moving people to new
jobs” (Palmer, 1990). Advancement through the ranks is a form of natural selection for potential
hybrids. In fact if I may indulge myself a little I think the RAF and all organizations need, now
and in the future a new hybrid someone who encompasses all of the previously discussed traits
plus a certain Je ne sais pas. We need a Composite Resourceful Analytical Professional
(CRAP) (Stansbie, 2003). If we can develop as many CRAP managers as possible over the
next ten years as Mercer (1990) puts it misunderstandings, ignorance, mistrust and cultural
dissonance will all be a thing of the past.

The Hybrid Manager is dead, long live the Hybrid Manager

The role of any manager in this day and age is a complex task but I am sure that the first
traders who were able to combine people skills, business acumen and utilize the abacus were
the hybrid managers of their day. The world, although we may think so has not changed that
much movers and shakers have always been and always will be those who can grasp new
ideas and technology and put them to best use in their own business situation. In 1990
computers were a relatively new technology especially to your 40-year-old manager. Now 13
years on even your most draconian manager will have had exposure to computer technology it
is not such a “black art” as it was in the early 90s. Furthermore your up-and-coming IT
professional aged 30 will have grown up with computers as generations before did with the
slide rule and the pocket calculator.

“The hybrid manager is a concept, a capacity for a role, a management development goal; it
is not a job title or a description and will not be found on an organization chart.” (Earl &
Skyrme, 1992).

Word Count: 2,301

6 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
Annex A: SFIA Framework Reference
Level: 4

Hybrid Manager, New Information Professional, Expert User, Super User

Core skills
Autonomy Works under general direction within a clear framework of
accountability. Substantial personal responsibility and autonomy.
Plans own work, to meet given objectives and processes.
Influence Influences team, and specialist peers internally. Influences
customers at account level and suppliers. Some responsibility for
work of others and allocation of resources. Participates in external
activities related to specialisation. Decisions influence success of
projects and team objectives.
Complexity Broad range of complex technical or professional work activities,
in a variety of contexts.
Business skills Selects appropriately from applicable standards, methods, tools
and applications and use. Demonstrates analytical and systematic
approach to problem solving. Communicates fluently orally and in
writing and can present complex technical information to both
technical and non-technical audiences. Is able to plan, schedule
and monitor work activities in order to meet time and quality
targets and in accordance with health and safety procedures. Is
able to absorb rapidly new technical information and apply it
effectively. Good appreciation of wider field of IS, how IS is used
in relevant employment areas and how IS relates to the business
activities of the employer or client. Maintains awareness of
developing technologies and their application and takes some
responsibility for personal development.
Technical skills and tasks
Information handling Expert in, and accountable for, finding, analyzing, organizing and
delivering information for action by operational colleagues or
consideration by senior managers. Defines business information
requirements and specifies processes for its use. Assists and
coaches colleagues in the effective use of information. Proactively
identifies improvements in the use of information within the

7 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
ANNEX B: Abstract of TERMS OF REFERENCE for the Post: DS (Acq) 1a1

PRIMARY PURPOSE 1. To supervise the acquisition of LITS Common RAF

Reference Data (CRRD) and Equipment Specific
Reference Data (ESRD) to meet the Logistic Information
Technology Strategy (LITS) Roll-out programme
ASSOCIATED TASKS 1. Provision of advice/information/data to the Prime Systems
Integrator (PSI)
2. Supervising the capture of all data relating to the aircraft
detailed for acquisition, paying particular attention to Data
3. Assisting with data acquisition and resolving conflicts of
data by liaising with the relevant Support Authorities
4. Liaison with the IPTs and other organisations to facilitate
the acquisition of engineering data
5. Planning the co-ordination of RAF personnel resources,
office space and facilities
6. Supervising the detachment co-ordinator for the seconded
RAF personnel
SECONDARY TASKS 1. Maintain the good order and discipline of the acquisition
2. Carry out the duties of Section Health and Safety advisor
3. Carry out the duties of deputy DS Quality Co-ordinator
4. Management of the DS(Acq) administration Cell
ACCOUNTABILITY 1. DS Acq1a1 is accountable to DS Acq1a

8 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
ANNEX C: Abstract of TERMS OF REFERENCE for the Post: DS (Acq) 1a

PRIMARY PURPOSE 1. To co-ordinate the acquisition of LITS Common RAF

Reference Data (CRRD) and Equipment Specific
Reference Data (ESRD) to meet the Logistic Information
Technology Strategy (LITS) Roll-out programme
ASSOCIATED TASKS 1. Planning the co-ordination for the following in support of
RAF reference data acquisition and associated LITS data
acquisition processes and airworthiness requirements, as
a. Advice, information and source data as required by the
Prime Systems Integrator (PSI)
b. Policy resolution, in consultation as necessary
c. Acquisition of reference data
d. Support for the DS Acq System Manager for the provision
of IT applications, where applicable
e. Progression of quality targets and satisfaction of
airworthiness requirements as directed from DS Maint, the
Reference Data Engineering authority
SECONDARY TASKS 1. Maintain the good order and discipline of the acquisition
2. Carry out the duties of Section Health and Safety advisor
3. Carry out the duties of deputy DS Quality Co-ordinator
4. Management of the DS(Acq) administration Cell
ACCOUNTABILITY 1. DS Acq1a is accountable to DS Acq
MANAGEMENT 1. Management of DS Acq1a plans, procedures, taskings,
RESPONSIBILITIES risks and issues to meet performance indicators

9 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
ANNEX D: Abstract of TERMS OF REFERENCE for the Post: DS (Acq)

PRIMARY PURPOSE 1. To manage the acquisition of LITS Common RAF

Reference Data (CRRD) and Equipment Specific
Reference Data (ESRD) to meet the Logistic Information
Technology Strategy (LITS) Roll-out programme
ASSOCIATED TASKS 1. Provision of the following in support of RAF reference
data acquisition and associated LITS data acquisition
processes and airworthiness requirements, as appropriate
a. Advice, information and source data as required by the
Prime Systems Integrator (PSI)
b. RAF personnel resources, office space and facilities
c. Policy resolution, in consultation as necessary
d. Acquisition of reference data, through DS1a, DS1b and
e. Provision of IT applications in support of data capture
through DS1a
f. Development and introduction of data acquisition
processes and airworthiness requirements
g. Progression of quality and performance indicator targets
SECONDARY TASKS 1. Management of DS(Acq) plans, procedures, taskings, risks
and issues
2. Exercise Detachment Commander responsibilities for the
attached aircraft technicians supplementing the data
acquisition teams
ACCOUNTABILITY 1. DS Acq1 is accountable to WCDS
MANAGEMENT 1. Act as Senior Subordinate Commander over all personnel
RESPONSIBILITIES of DS(Acq) in accordance with QR1069 and rank

10 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager

- (2001) CRM: Who Should You Put in Charge of Your Program? IOMA’s Report on
Managing Customer Service May 2001, pp.2 – 3.

- (2003) Skills Framework for the Information Age – Framework reference [online], e-
skillsNTO, last accessed 17 Oct 2003 at URL

- (2003) Terms of Reference LAIPT IS (A) DS WI, VOL 6a Sect 2 Lfts 01 – 04, TOR DS

Brackley, A. (1996), Whatever happened to hybrid managers? The short history of the
hybrids The Computer Bulletin Dec 1996, Feature abstract.

Couldwell, C. (1999) feature on hybrid managers, Information Week (UK Edition) 24th
March 1999, pp.21-23

Earl, M.J., Feeny, D., Hirscheim, R.A. & Lockett, M. (1986), Information Technology
Executives and Development Needs: A Field Study Research & Discussion Papers, RDP
86/10, Oxford Institute of Information Management, Templeton College, Oxford.

Earl, M.J. (1989) Management Strategies for Information Technology Prentice-Hall, Hemel

Earl, M.J.and Skyrme, D.J. (1992), Hybrid managers – what do we know about them? J of
Info Systems Iss 2, pp.169 – 187.

Feeny, D.F., Edwards, B.R. and Simpson, K.M. (1992), Understanding the CEO/CIO
Relationship MIS Quarterly Dec 1992, pp.435 – 447.

Griffiths, Jose-Marie (1998). The new information professional Bulletin of the

American Society for Information Science, Vol 24 Iss 3 pp.8 - 12 (February/March).
(Remarks from the 1997 ASIS Annual Meeting.)

Homes, G. (2001), The Hybrid Manager Industrial and Commercial Training Vol 33, Iss 1,
pp.16 – 25.

Keen, P.G.W. (1986). Competing in Time: Using Telecommunications for Competitive

Advantage, Ch 8, Organizing for Telecommunications Ballinger, Cambridge, Masachusetts.

Lockett, M. (1987), The Factors Behind Successful IT Innovation Research & Development
Paper , RDP 87/9.

Mercer, C. (1990), Hybrid Managers: A Role Analysis Final component of an MSc degree in
Occupational Psychology, University of Sheffield.

Mintzberg, H (1994), Rounding out the Manage’s Job Sloan Management Review Vol 36, Iss
1 pp.11 – 26.

11 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

An Evaluation of the role of the Hybrid Manager
O’Connor, G. and Smallman, C. (1995), The hybrid manager: a review Management
Decision Vol 33, Iss 7, pp.19 – 28.

Palmer, C (1990), ‘Hybrids’ – a critical force in the application of information technology in

the nineties Journal of Information Technology Vol 5, Iss 4, pp.232 – 235.

Palmer, C., Ottley, S. (1990), From Potential to Reality: Hybrids – a critical force in the
application of information technology in the1990’s A report by the BCS Task Group in
Hybrids, British Computer Society.

Skyrme, D.J. (2002), Insight No.6 The Hybrid Manager, [online], David Skyrme Associates,
last accessed 14 October 2003 at URL

12 David Stansbie – MSc Information Technology and Management

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