3541 (Semester-1II) : Roll No

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" Do not wrile anything on question-paper except Rol

Naumber, otherwise it shall he deemed as an act of indulging

in unfair means and action shll be taken as per rules

Roll No.
F.D.C. (lrd Sem.) Law

3541 Fam. Law (Hindu Law)


(Five-Year Integra ed Degree Course)
LAWS.3.1 : Family Law (Hindu La*)

Time Allowed: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

Note: 1. The Question Paper is divided into two parts- i.e.

Part-A and Part-B

2. Part-A: Consists of FIVE

Compulsory questions.
One question will ie asked from each Unit in the
order of units. The answer of these questions will
be limited upto 209 words. Each
carry 4 marks.

3. Part-B: There will be TEN question in which

3541 275/ 4 (1 P.TO

questions willl be asked
cach. of
internal from each
cach Unit
The answer choice with
with Unit-11
upto 500 words. of these carrying 12 marks
questions will be limited (a) Discuss the various conditions of a valid Hindu
Marriage. What do you mean by void and voidable
. Part-A mariage? Explain.
What do
you nean by
Divorced persons Coparcenary? Explain in short.
when may (b) Explain the various grounds of Divorce providedin
What do
marry again? Explain. the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
you mean
property called
is by property
Hindu Hindu of aHindu Female? Which
as Unit-111
Succession Act, 1956?female properties as
The 3. (a) How the properly
of a Hindu male is divided in his
the adoption? may be
successor according to the Hindu
Succession Act.
adoptcd and what is the 1956? Explain.
cffect of OR
5. What do you
mean by de facto (b) Discuss the general rules and disqualifications of
guardian? Explain. successior.

Part-B Unit-IV
4 (a) What do you rnean by Adoption? Explain the
1. (a) Explain the sources and schools of essential requisi sof'valid adoption.
Hindu Law.
(b) Define 'Karta' and discuss b) Explain the provisions related to the maintenance of
the powers and wife, children and parents under the Hindu Adoption
obligation of Karta.
and Maintenance Act, 1956.

3541/27514 (2) Contd.. 3541/275/4 (3 PTO


5 (a) Define Natural guardian and their powers.


(b) Explain the following:-

Debts-Doctrine ofPiousobligation
Persons entitled to clajm Partition and
Allotment of Shares.

"Do not wrile anything on question-paper except Roll Number
otherwise it shall be deemed as an act of indulging
in unfair
means and action shall be taken as per rules."

Roll No. ..n.LAL.3=S

F.D.C. (llrd Sem.) Law

3546 Socio. (Minor)

B.A. LL.B. (Semester-III)

(Five-Year Integrated Degree Course)
LAW-5.3.6 : Sociology (Minor)

Time Allowed: Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 80

Note: 1. The Question Paper is divided into two parts- i.e.

Part-A and Part-B.

2. Part-A: Consists of FIVE Compulsory questions.

One question will be asked from each Unit in the
order of units. The answer of these questions will
be limited upto 200 words. Each question will
carry 4 marks.

3. Part-B: There will be TEN questions in which two

3546/ 275/ 4 (1) P.T.O.

questions will be asked from cach Unit with Unit-II
of internal choice provision
answer of
carrying 12 marks each. The
these questions will be limited upto 500 2. (a) Describe the concept of Social Organization.

Part-A (b) Discuss the causes and consequences of family

1. Explain the Malthusianism Theory.
2 Explain the theory of Cultural Lag.
(a) Analyze the Major Branches and Sub Branches of
3. Describe the scope ofAnthropolog Anthropology.
What do you know about Functional Theory of
Mallindwsky? (b) Understanding the concept of Race, discuss the racial
elements found in the Indian Population.

5. What do you know about Tribal Rajasthan? Unit-IV

4. (a) Analyze the approach of study ofAnthropology.

b) Explain the Functional theory of Robert Merton.

1. (a) Analyse the work done by the Government of India
for Family Planning. Unit-V

5. (a) Describe the Constitution provisions for Scheduled
(b) nalyze Sadler's Population Theory. Tribes.

3546 27514 Contd. 3546/ 275/ 4 (3) PTO


(6) Explain the problems and the solutions of Indian

"Do nol wrile anyihing on question-paper except Roll Numher
otherwise il shall be deemed as an act of indulging in unfair
ve l0Ken as per ruloc n

action shall
means and

Roll No....
F.D.C. (llrd Sem.) Law

3542 Const. Law of Ind.-

B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B. (Semester-11)
(Five-Year integrated Degree Course)

LAW-5.3.2 Constitutional Law of India-I

Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

divided into two parts-
Note: 1. The Question Paper is
Part-A and Part-B.

2. 'art-A: Consists of FIVECompulsory questions.

asked from each Unit in the
One question will be
The a n s w e r of these
questions will
order of units.
Each question
be limited upto 200 words.
carry 4 marks.

which two
3. Part-B: There will be TEN question in

3542275/ 4 (1)
questions will be asked from each unit with
of internal choice provision OR
carying 12 marks each. The answ
of these (b) What do you understand by citizenship under the
questions will be limited upto 500 words.
Constitution of India? Who are Indian citizens under
the Constitution?
1. Write Our Preamble.
2 (a) What is meant by the "Rule of Law"? Discuss the
Describe principle of "Equality betfore the Law" in the Indian
brietly the general characteristic features of the Constitution and distinguish it from the "Equal
Fundamental rights. Protection of the law".

Deseribe the qualifications of the President.
(b) Discuss the nature, scope and purpose of IDirective
4. Describe the enumerated in
nature and scope ofJurisdictiono Supreme Principles of state policy as

Court in respect of Inter Government disputes. Constitution.

5. Discuss Financial Relation between Union and the States.

3. (a) Describe the procedure for impeachment of


Unit-I OR

(b) Discuss the Position of Prime Minister in the

. (a) "Constitution ofIndia is neither purely federal nor Council of Ministers. What are his powers and
purely unitary but is combination of both. It is functions?
of Composite States of a novel type. It enshrines
the principle that in spite of federation, the Unit-IV
Discuss this
interest ought to be paramount."
and criminal
statement. 4. (a) Discuss the civil and constitutional

(3) PTO
Conta. 3542/ 275/4
3542 2 7 5 / 4 2)
Appellate Jurisdictionof Supreme Court. Also discuss
regarding specia! leave to appeal.


(b) Discuss about theconstitution ofthe High Court. iHov

are the Judges appointed and what are their
*he may he
aualialions. in what manner

removed from the otfice.


Discuss the methods of administrative control over

5. (a)
the State by Union.

(b) What do you understand by:
Doctrine of Pith and Substance.

i) Doctrine of Colorable Legislation.


3542 2 7 5 / 4 (4)
"Do nol wrile anything on question-paper except Roll Number
otherwise it shall be deemed as an act of indulging in unfair

means and action shall be taken as per rules."

Roll No. 21BAL3sosU


F.D.C. (1llrd Sem.) Law

3544 Pol.Sc.(Major)

B.A. LL.B. (Semester-III)


(Five-Year Integrated Degree Course)

LAW-5.3.4 Political Science (Major)

TimeAllowed Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

Note: 1. The Question Paperis divided into two parts- i.e.

Part-A and Part-B.

2 Part-A: Consists ofFIVECompulsory questions.

One question will be asked from each Unit in the
order of units. The answer of these questions
be limited upto 200 words. Each question
carry 4 marks.

3. Part-B : There will be TEN question in which

3544/ 275/3 (1)
two questions will be
asked from each unit with OR
provision of internal choice carrying 12 marks
each. The answer of these (b) Describe the political obligation theory of Hobbes.
questions will be limited
upto 500 words. Unit-III
Part-A 3. (a) Discuss the political obligation theory of Marx.
1. Explain Authority. OR
(b) Explain various approaches to the notion of political
2 Discuss the political obligation according to Rousseau obligation according to Emile Durkheim.
3. Explain political obligation theory of Max Weber.
(a) Enlighten on the Utilitarianism as approach to political
4 What do yyou mean by Utilitarianism? obligation.
5. Discuss the political obligation with reference to Gandhian
thought. (b) Explain Utilitarianism as rule and act.
Unit- (a) Discuss the problemof civil disobedience.
1. (a) Discuss the concept of power
b) Describe the political obligation with reference to Neo-
Gandhian thought.
b) Elaborate the contemporary crisis oflegitimation.
22. (a) Explain the nature of political obligation.
3544/ 275/ 3 (2) Contd. 3544/ 275/3

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