LL.B 1ST SEM 2022

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Roll No.

Total Pages : 02

LG/D-22 30648
Paper : 101
Time:Three Hours] IMaximum Marks : 100

Note: Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one question

each from Unit I to Unit IV.Q. No. 9 in Unit V is
compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
Unit I

1. What do you mean by Jurisprudence' ? Briefly discuss

the nature and scope of Jurisprudence.

2. Critically analyse Austin's command theory of Law.

Unit II

3. Critically analyze Savigny's theory of Volksgeist.

4. Discuss Duguit's theory of law and his contribution in
development of Sociological School.
Unit III
5. What do you understand by 'Public
Interest Litigation'
Discuss the major advantages and
in modern times in
of pIL
Indain context.
6. What do you mean by
Administration of Justice' ? Also
discuss the advantages and disadvantages Administration
of Justice.

Unit IV
7. What do you mean by Custom ?
Discuss the essential
conditions of a valid custom.
8. What do you mean by Right ? What are
Discuss the different kinds of rights with elements
Unit V
9. Write short notes on the
(a) Hart's concept of Law
(b) Social Engineering
(c) Legal aid
(d) Essential elements of ownership.

L30648 2
Roll No. Total Pages :02

LG/D-22 30649
Paper: II (102)
Time: Three Hours (Maximum Marks: 100

Note : Attempt one question each from Unit Ito Unit IV. Unit
Viscompulsory. Allquestions shall carry equal marks.
Unit I

1. Preamble is the mirror through which we can get an idea

of the goals and ideals of Indian Constitution. Discuss.

2. Describe in detail the various modes to acquire citizenship

in India.

Unit II

3. Article 14 prohibits discrimination but permits

classification. Do you agree with it ? Explain with the
Ke help of decided case.
4. Mention Constitutional provisions for the protection of
rights of aperson against arrest and detention.
Unit III

5. Right to Constitutional Remedies ensures the enforcement

of fundamental rights. Examine it with the relevant
(2-29/7) L-30649 P.T.O.
6. State the nature, scope and
extent of right to
religion. Can
religion ?
be imposed on
the freedom of
right to
Unit IV
7. Directive Principles seek to achieve
political justice in India. Give a briefeconomic, social and
contribution promote justice.
to account of judicial

8. Our Constitution
identifies some fundamental duties too
for the citizens of India. Explain.
Unit V
9. Answer any four of the
following in brief:
() Key features of the
Authoritative text in the Hindi language
(iii) Characteristics of the Fundamental Rights
(iv) Reasonable restrictions on Art.19 (1) (A)
(v) Forced labour and employment of children
(vi) Protection of minorities on the basis of language
and religion
(vii) Articles of 31-A and 31-B
(viii) Significance of Directive Principles of State

L-30649 700
Roll No.
Total Pages : 02

LG/D-22 30650
Paper 103
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
ANote : Attempt Five questions in all,
selecting one question
each from Unit I to IV.Q. No.9 of Unit Vis
All questions carry equal marks.

Unit I

1. Discuss various sources of Hindu Law. 20

2. Define Karta and discuss the powers of Karta. 20

Unit II

3. Discuss Hindu Marriage' and its essentials. 20

4. Discuss Divorce' and its various grounds. 20

Unit III

5. Discuss Hindu Adoption and requisites of a valid adoption.


(2-32/7) L-30650 P.T.O.

6. Discuss about the Natural, Testamentary and De fac
Guardians of a Hindu minor. 20

Unit IV

7. Discuss about the succession to á Hindu Male's Property.


8. Discuss about the succession to a Hindu Female's Propert.


Unit V

Write short notes on the following : 4x5-20

() Caparcenary
(ii) Restitution of Conjugal Rights
(iii) Maintenance of Wife
(iv) Disqualified heirs.

2 700
Roll No.
Total Pages : 03

LG/D-22 30651
Paper IV 104
Indian Penal Code
Time:Three Hours] Maximum Marks: 100
Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one question
each from Unit I to IV. Unit V is compulsory. All
questions carry equal marks.

Unit I

1. Discuss with the help of case law the nature and extent
of unsoundness of mind required to exempt a person
from criminal liability.

2. What do you understand by Common Intention' ? Discuss

the extent of liability for acts done in furthernance of
common intetion with the help of case law.

Unit II

3. Makea difference between culpable homicide and murder

with the help of case law.

(2-3314) L-30651 P.T.O.

4. Define Kidnapping.
Differentiate between kidnapping and
abduction with the help of case law.

Unit III

5. What do you understand by the robbery ? When does

robbery become dacoity ? Elucidate with the help of case

6. What is Criminal Misappropriation ? Make a difference

between criminal misappropriation and criminal breach of

Unit IV

7. What are the essentials of the offence of defamation ?

What is the most common defence to defamation claims ?


8. What is an attempt to commit an offence ? Whether

attempt to commit an offence is punishable in India
Explain with the help of case law.

Unit V

9. Write short notes on any four of the following

(a) Abetment

L-30651 2
(b) Sedition
(c) False Evidence
(d) Grievous Hurt
(e) Mischief
Criminal Trespass
(g) Forgery
(h) Bigemy.
Roll No.
Total Pages :03


: 105
Time :Three Hours]
[Maximun Marks: 100
Note Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one
from each Unit. Q. No. 9 is
Unit I
1. What is Contract ? Is Indian Contract Act an
law relating to contract ? Explain. 20

2. What do you mean by the communication of acceptance?

By describing the modes of revocation of it, explain is
there any time limit of its revocation. 20

Unit II

3. Define Consideration. Is the existence of consideraion

essential for the validity of Contract ? Discuss in detail.

4. Define uncertain and wagering agreements with relevant

explanations. 20

(5-43/2) L-30652 PTO.

Unit III

5. Define contingent contract. Explain the

rules regarding
the enforcement of these contracts,
6. Who can demand for the performance of the
What is law regarding time and place for
Contract ?
Contract ? perfomance of
Unit IV

7. What do you mean by specific performance ? Who may

obtain specific performance ? 20

8. What do you mean by Injunctions ? Define the various

kinds of njunctions with the help of decided case law. 20

(Compuisory Question)
Unit V

9. Define the following

(0) Mistake

(ii) Coercion
(iii) Privity of contract
(iv) Rule of Pinnle case

L-30652 2
(v) Quasi-contract

Hedley vs. Baxendale

(vi) Rules of

(vii) Rescission of contract

(viiü) Preventive relief.

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