Nasa Darpa
Nasa Darpa
Nasa Darpa
missions) NASA, DARPA Will Test Nuclear
NASA to Participate in Aerospace Engine for Future Mars
Conference, Discuss New
6 days ago
NASA, ICON Advance Lunar NASA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Construction Technology for Moon (DARPA) announced Tuesday a collaboration to demonstrate a
Missions nuclear thermal rocket engine in space, an enabling capability for
2 months ago NASA crewed missions to Mars.
lunar-construction-technology-for- NASA and DARPA will partner on the Demonstration Rocket for
moon-missions) Agile Cislunar Operations, or DRACO, program. The non-
reimbursable agreement
CAPSTONE Forges New Path for (
NASA’s Future Artemis Moon Missions nasa_draco_nonreimbursable_interagency_agreement_final_2023-
2 months ago 01-11_.pdf) designed to benefit both agencies, outlines roles,
responsibilities, and processes aimed at speeding up
(/press-release/capstone-forges- development efforts.
moon-missions) “NASA will work with our long-term partner, DARPA, to develop
and demonstrate advanced nuclear thermal propulsion
NASA to Share First Results of technology as soon as 2027. With the help of this new technology,
Inflatable Heat Shield Technology Test astronauts could journey to and from deep space faster than ever
2 months ago – a major capability to prepare for crewed missions to Mars,” said 1/4
25/01/2023 08:33 NASA, DARPA Will Test Nuclear Engine for Future Mars Missions | NASA
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Congratulations to both NASA
and DARPA on this exciting investment, as we ignite the future,
together.” 2/4
25/01/2023 08:33 NASA, DARPA Will Test Nuclear Engine for Future Mars Missions | NASA
“With this collaboration, we will leverage our expertise gained
from many previous space nuclear power and propulsion
projects,” said Jim Reuter, associate administrator for STMD.
"Recent aerospace materials and engineering advancements are
enabling a new era for space nuclear technology, and this flight
demonstration will be a major achievement toward establishing a
space transportation capability for an Earth-Moon economy.”
Sarah Frazier
Headquarters, Washington
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Tabatha Thompson
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
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