Advpropulsion TD 2
Advpropulsion TD 2
Advpropulsion TD 2
Space Administration
Advanced Propulsion
Technology and Development
Innovation To Explore
Many advanced propulsion technologies are management (CFM) for in-space propulsion
currently at medium technology readiness as well as testing new green propellants. For At-A-Glance
level, but opportunities for ground or in-space long-term exploration needs, Marshall provides Today’s in-space propulsion challenges
demonstration are limited. Crossing this tech- technical risk reduction by advancing a range are focused on chemical propulsion, while
nology development “valley of death” affordably of technologies to provide affordable, efficient tomorrow’s missions will require advancing
is key to bringing these technologies online propulsion that enable new mission concepts, the state-of-the-art of propulsion system
to serve future exploration needs. For current including nuclear thermal propulsion, electric performance. Marshall Space Flight Center
and near-term propulsion needs, the Center propulsion, satellite tethers, and solar sails. has unique experience in many of these
is advancing technologies for cryogenic fluid areas and the capabilities to rapidly proto-
type, test, and integrate new propulsion
system concepts.
along with Boeing and the STMD. The research utilizes a donated DOD potential for raising satellites or deorbiting them at the end of operations
apparatus originally used for research into nuclear weapon effects. The by operating as an electric motor with or against Earth’s magnetic field.
full assembly weighs almost 50 tons and provides nearly 500,000 joules The Center continues to investigate advanced uses for satellites orbiting
of energy per pulse. beyond 70˚ inclination for Earth observation, weather, telecommunica-
tions, remote sensing, and planetary exploration.
Electric propulsion research includes unique capabilities in high-power
pulse-electric propulsion systems and nuclear fusion propulsion research. The Center has been involved in solar sail research from concept to
Supporting electric propulsion research, Marshall operates a low-thrust flight. In 2004, Marshall helped test the strength, stiffness, and behavior
vacuum chamber, which also can be used for chemical propulsion of two competing designs. These led to NanoSail-D and Sunjammer.
research. A recent test successfully simulated a 6-pound thruster using NanoSail-D, which Marshall managed in 2010, became NASA’s first
residual propellants from a spent upper stage. As a result, the industry solar sail to achieve orbit. The 100-square-foot polymer sail demon-
partner can consider adding such thrusters for satellite attitude control strated deployment of a compact solar sail boom technology. NEA
or as a means of de-orbiting spent stages. The chamber can test other Scout, launching in 2018 as a secondary payload on SLS Exploration
novel propulsion concepts such as hybrid solid/electric systems. Mission 1, will use a solar sail to reach a near-Earth asteroid for obser-
vations. Potential solar sail missions include polar-stationary Earth
Marshall has also managed four of NASA’s tethered satellite experiments, observations, heliophysics, NEO reconnaissance, interstellar precursors,
the Shuttle Tethered Satellite System (TSS-1 and -1R) and the Small orbital debris mitigation and small satellite propulsion.
Expendable Deployer Systems (SEDS I and SEDS II). Tethers have great
NanoSail-D served as
a proof-of-concept
for deployable solar
sail technologies.
The team is engaged in a three-year project to demonstrate the Building on previous successful research and using the NTREES facility,
viability of nuclear propulsion system technologies. The design uses Marshall can safely and thoroughly test simulated nuclear fuel elements
a nuclear reactor to super-heat hydrogen, which expands through of various sizes, providing important test data to reduce technical risk in
a nozzle to generate thrust. A first-generation nuclear cryogenic the design of the Nuclear Cryogenic Propulsion Stage.
propulsion system could propel human explorers to Mars more
NTREES conducts risk-reduction tests on
fuel-simulated nuclear fuel elements.
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Huntsville, AL 35812
Launching the Future of Science and Exploration