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cuttingedge • goddard’s emerging technologies Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Under the Artemis banner, NASA will land the These crosscutting technologies span NASA’s
first woman and next man on the Moon in 2024, reach and include everything from in situ resource
using innovative technologies to explore more of utilization and advanced communications, to
the lunar surface than ever before. Along with the more autonomous and intelligent instruments and
agency’s commercial and international partners, in-space manufacturing techniques. Here, Cut-
Goddard, too, is playing a role developing cross- tingEdge highlights some of those technologies
cutting technologies that will support a more that could contribute to NASA’s ultimate quest to
sustainable human presence on the Moon while land humans on Mars.
enabling scientific measurements.
in this issue: 2-12 Special Report: The Technology We Take to Get Here
2 ISRU Team Maps Lunar Resource Harvesting Strategy
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Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
This European Space Agency visualization imagines a human habitat on the Moon shielded with lunar regolith. PAGE 3
cuttingedge • goddard’s emerging technologies Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020 PAGE 5
cuttingedge • goddard’s emerging technologies Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020 PAGE 7
cuttingedge • goddard’s emerging technologies Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Used ubiquitously by industry, ALD involves placing For in-space manufacturing, ALD offers a distinct
a substrate or sample inside an oven-like reactor advantage, Dwivedi said. ALD chambers scale to
chamber and pulsing different types of gases to any size and can consistently apply smooth layers
create a smooth, highly uniform film whose layers over very large areas.
are no thicker than a single atom. The beauty of
ALD is that it can apply coatings to virtually any- Although Dwivedi and Adomaitis have built several
thing, including three-dimensional objects. ALD chambers using Goddard Internal Research
and Development program funding, they decided
ALD-Coated Samples in Space to fly a chamber made of commercial off-the-shelf
parts during the upcoming flight.
Currently, ALD-coated samples are being exposed
to plasma from an experiment pallet aboard the Dwivedi said he and Adomaitis conceived the idea
International Space Station. Dwivedi and God- about two years ago. A Goddard colleague, Frank-
dard technologist Mark Hasegawa created these lin Robinson, secured a flight opportunity, also on a
samples to test whether indium tin oxide — an ef- New Shepard launch vehicle, and proved a ground-
fective compound for dissipating electrical charges breaking technology for effectively cooling tightly
— might be applied to paints and other materials to packed instrument electronics (CuttingEdge, Fall
prevent lunar dust from adhering to rovers, instru- 2019, page 5).
ments, and spacesuits (CuttingEdge, Fall 2019,
“We worked very hard to get this opportunity,”
Page 8).
Dwivedi said. “Technologists like me spend 25
Moon dust adheres to virtually everything it touches percent of the time advancing our technologies; the
due to its electrostatic charge and interactions with rest of the time we spend selling it. We can’t wait to
plasma. Mitigating this complicated interplay is con- get the payload launched.” v
sidered one of NASA’s thorniest challenges as the
agency plans to establish a sustainable presence CONTACT
on the Moon under its Artemis program. [email protected] or 301.286.3180
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020 PAGE 9
cuttingedge • goddard’s emerging technologies Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
A next-generation seismometer could be deployed autonomously, unlike the systems shown here. Main photo: Apollo 12 astronaut Alan Bean
carries the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package to its deployment site on the Moon. The inset image on the left shows the deployment arm plac-
ing MarsInsight’s seismometer system.
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
In addition to enhancing the analysis of scien- Machine learning, a big part of AI, involves teach-
tific data, AI will power human exploration under ing a computer to recognize patterns to perform
NASA’s Artemis program. Establishing a presence a specific task or categorize data autonomously.
on the Moon, Mars, and other planets and their Rather than performing a task or categorizing data
moons will require more advanced and intelligent based on explicit rules defined by a programmer,
technology to provide the greatest return. The the machine learning model automatically learns
new wave of robotic Moon landers, for example, rules or relationships from input data that are useful
will benefit from intelligent systems to analyze and for the given task.
prioritize data collection, navigate the lunar terrain,
and assist astronauts. AI is also expected to power Pushing the Envelope
docking with the International Space Station, Lunar The more ambitious NASA’s plans to explore the
Gateway, and even other satellites. solar system, the more NASA’s systems can benefit
Goddard leaders like Hughes and Mark Clampin, di- from artificial intelligence and machine learning, said
rector of Goddard’s Sciences and Exploration Direc- Hanna Kerner, who researches machine learning ap-
torate, are encouraging developers and scientists to plications for remote sensing and planetary explora-
share information to grow strategically in this area. tion with the University of Maryland’s Department of
Geographical Sciences.
“A lot of what we’re doing at Goddard is organic. It
grew up on its own,” Clampin said. “What’s exciting Kerner works on software the Mars Curiosity Rover
is how we’re using science to drive the development uses to identify targets for follow-up analysis. Hu-
of computer code rather than using computers to mans on Earth call the shots, she said, but AI
try to do science. We have more grad students and Continued on page 12 PAGE 11
cuttingedge • goddard’s emerging technologies Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
streamlines the decision making in the approximately Capacity for the Future – Today
12 hours available between receiving images from
the rover and uploading new instructions. With the Goddard stands ready to accommodate artificial intel-
Perseverance rover, formerly Mars 2020, that window ligence growth, said Dan Duffy, lead for the National
narrows to five hours. Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) at Goddard.
“We’re looking to support AI applications at all levels,”
“We want to prioritize the targets for science plan- he said. “You don’t need to have a supercomputer-
ners that are most interesting to them based on what sized project. We are essentially the infrastructure for
we’ve already seen on the surface,” Kerner said. “A science.”
meteorite, for instance, might have a different shape,
texture, and multispectral reflectance than native In addition to higher computational capacity, the
Mars rocks.” NCCS offers a curated collection of datasets, some
with decades of observational data. v
As NASA pushes into deep space, intelligent systems
will be needed to prioritize which data they return to CONTACT
Earth and to guide in situ measurements and naviga-
[email protected] or 704.778.8648
tion. Radio communications lose efficiency over
distance the same way a cellphone’s signal loses
bandwidth as it strays from the tower.
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
NASA has selected a new pathfinding CubeSat mis- “As more aspects of everyday lives depend on the
sion to gather data not collected since the agency predictable functioning of satellites in low-Earth or-
flew the Dynamics Explorer in the early 1980s. bit, the understanding and ability to forecast the im-
pact of space weather on these assets has become
The new mission, called Dione after the ancient a national security need,” said mission Principal
Greek goddess of the oracles, will carry four min- Investigator Eftyhia Zesta. “Measurements tradition-
iaturized instruments to study how Earth’s upper ally done by larger, more costly satellites must now
atmospheric layers react to the ever-changing flow be accomplished by thinking out of the box — or
of solar energy into the magnetosphere — the rather inside a CubeSat box. Dione will open the
magnetic field around Earth that deflects most of the way for accomplishing exactly that.”
particles that erupt from the Sun. The Earth’s upper
atmosphere is where most low-Earth-orbiting satel- The pathfinding Dione spacecraft is a prototype.
lites reside, and their orbits are strongly affected by It would complement the conceptual Geospace
sudden density changes created by space weather. Dynamics Constellation, a mission proposed by
the 2013 Heliophysics Decadal Survey, which, if
Expected to launch in 2022, Dione will help give developed, would gather similar data from multiple
scientists insights into these physical processes — similarly equipped spacecraft, Zesta said. “Our team
which contribute to atmospheric drag that causes wants to show we can do this type of measurement
low-Earth-orbiting satellites to prematurely reenter with a CubeSat and eventually fly Dione-type space-
the atmosphere — and provide data needed to craft in a constellation,” Zesta said.
improve space weather forecasts.
Continued on page 14 PAGE 13
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
The Ion-Neutral Mass Spectrometer, an instrument created by Nikolaos Paschalidis, and flight spare are shown here before they were delivered in
preparation for the Dellingr launch.
duration missions. Cassini was active for nearly 20 page 13). This instrument offers important capabili-
years and New Horizons to Pluto is expected to ties for other small satellite missions, particularly
remain active until 2021. those involving a constellation of spacecraft, to
study the structure and dynamics of Earth’s iono-
Paschalidis hasn’t rested on his laurels since sphere, he said.
designing these integrated circuits more than 20
years ago. He’s kept pace with new fabrication With IRAD funding he has started developing a
techniques, resulting in circuits that process data new instrument, called the HELio Energetic Neutral
faster and consume less power and mass. He’s also Atom, or HELENA, detector. It would provide the
developed other system technologies, including de- first-ever, unambiguous detection of solar ener-
tectors and collimators, which adjust the line-of-sight getic neutral atoms (ENAs) erupting from the Sun.
in telescopes, as well as other components that ENAs are a key component in the sequence of
have resulted in more precise measurements. space weather events that can be life threatening
to humans living and working in space and disrup-
Instruments NASA Needs tive to terrestrial power grids and communications
Following the tradition of conceiving and building
technologies that NASA needs, Paschalidis more Currently baselined for a proposed CubeSat mission
recently used IRAD support to create the miniatur- called the Science-Enabling Technologies for Helio-
ized Ion-Neutral Mass Spectrometer, or INMS — the physics, or SETH (CuttingEdge, Winter 2020, Page
smallest instrument of its kind — which employs 4), HELENA offers stand-alone applications — par-
his ubiquitously used time-of-flight circuit. He and ticularly for astronauts living on the Moon and those
his team developed the instrument in less than a traveling to Mars. A HELENA-type detector could be
year — in of itself an accomplishment — to sample used to warn astronauts of potential space-radiation
the densities of neutral and ionized gas species in threats, giving them time to take cover.
Earth’s upper atmosphere.
“In a time of rapid technological change, it’s difficult
Paschalidis, who serves as the chief technologist keeping certain technologies, unless they have
for Goddard’s Heliophysics Division, initially flew something unique to offer,” Paschalidis said, reflect-
the instrument on the National Science Founda- ing on his decades-long career as a scientist with a
tion’s ExoCube, a CubeSat mission, and then again background in electrical engineering. “Providing new
on the maiden flight of Goddard’s Dellingr mission science measurements through cross-disciplinary ca-
in 2017. He has since secured flight opportunities pabilities is how I want to define my work at NASA.” v
on the follow-on ExoCube 2 and PetitSat missions
expected to launch in 2021, and more recently on
Dione slated for a 2023 launch (see related story,
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Goddard engineers and scientists partnered to cre- Goddard’s Internal Research and Development
ate a small satellite concept — believed to be the program and NASA’s Earth Science Technology Of-
first of its kind — that would employ just one lidar, a fice (CuttingEdge, Winter 2020, Page 12). MiniSpec
miniaturized spectrometer, and artificial intelligence combines and miniaturizes two sensors to monitor
to strategically monitor changes on Earth. the health of trees, among other vegetation. PAGE 17
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
Having already pioneered the use of carbon nano- sands of miles away — Goddard engineers have
tubes as a promising light-suppression technology advanced carbon-nanotube coatings. They are now
needed to detect and image Earth-like planets in or- honing their expertise in etched black silicon — a
bit around nearby stars, Goddard technologists are development that could assure Goddard’s role in
now experimenting with another emerging, equally providing light-suppression solutions for next-gener-
effective technique for absorbing straylight. ation planet-finding observatories.
Led by scientist Ron Shiri, the team is investigating Both carbon nanotubes and etched black silicon
patterned, etched black silicon for use in next-gener- work the same way, but are created with com-
ation pupil masks, important components in internal pletely different manufacturing processes. Both, for
coronagraphs that block bright starlight to create a example, rely on very black, tightly packed nano-
dark zone to reveal the relatively faint planets in orbit sized tubes or spikes. The color black is important
around their host stars. Even with multiple corona- because it naturally absorbs light. However, the tiny
graphic masks, starlight can still diffract off the edges gaps between the structures make these technolo-
of the instrument’s optical components, making it gies particularly effective because they literally trap
difficult to completely block the light. light. Once ensnared, the light cannot escape or
continue reflecting off surfaces and interfering with
Honing Light-Suppression Capabilities the light that scientists want to measure.
To overcome the challenge — likened to trying to “We know the carbon-nanotube technology. That
photograph a firefly circling a streetlight from thou- technique is unique to Goddard,” Shiri said.
Continued on page 20 PAGE 19
Volume 16 • Issue 3 • Spring 2020
CuttingEdge is published quarterly by the Office of the Chief Technologist at NASA’s Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The publication covers emerging technologies that Goddard is pursuing to help NASA
achieve its mission and goals. Editor: Lori Keesey, [email protected]; contributors: Karl Hille, [email protected];
Elizabeth Goldbaum, [email protected]; Katherine Schauer, [email protected]; Madison Arnold,
[email protected]; and Mariah Cox, [email protected]. Publication Number: NP-2020-3-530-GSFC