Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College: College of Maritime Education
Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College: College of Maritime Education
Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College: College of Maritime Education
To produce graduates who are competent to pursue a career or advanced studies in related maritime field of specialization.
OBJECTIVE (PEO) Specifically, the BSMarE program shall aim to produce competent Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch in a manned engine-room or as designated duty
engineer in a periodically unmanned engine-room on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW or more.
BSMarE is a maritime education program that covers the mandatory education and training for Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch required under Regulation
III/1 of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.
Introductory Enabling Demonstrative
Engage in lifelong learning and understanding of the need to keep abreast with developments in Maritime
PO 1 x
PO 2 Communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino; x
PO 3 Work independently and in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams; x
PO 4 Act in recognition and practice of professional, social, and ethical accountability and responsibility; and
PO 5 Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (RA 7722)
Apply knowledge in mathematics, science and technology in solving problems related to the profession and the
PO 6 x
Evaluate the impact and implications of various contemporary issues in the global and social context of the
PROGRAM OUTCOMES : PO 7 profession; x
Use appropriate techniques, skills and modern tools in the practice of the profession in order to remain globally
PO 8 x
competitive; and
PO 9 Conduct research using appropriate research methodologies.
A graduate of BSMarE program shall be able to demonstrate the competencies to perform the functions
pertaining to marine engineering, electrical, electronic, and control engineering, maintenance and repair,
PO 10 controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board the ship at the operational level under Table x
A-III/1 and acquire the specific knowledge and understanding under Table A-III/2 of the STCW Code that are
covered by this program.
An ability to participate in various types of employment, development activities, and public discourses
PO 11 particularly in response to the needs of the community one serves.
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Topics covered include: Development of ISM Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention; Safety Management System (SMS) Functional
COURSE DESCRIPTION : Requirements; Safety and Environmental Protection Policy; ISM Code to Various Ship Operations; STCW Code Section A-VI/6 Mandatory minimum requirements for
security related training and instruction for all seafarers; The International Organization for Standardization (ISO); Major Revisions and Updates of the STCW 1978 in
2010; Issue of STCW certificates and Certification Requirements; Objectives of ISO 14001:2015; OHSAS 18001 Implementation; Company Policy in relation to IMO
mission statement.
COURSE CREDITS : 2 units : 2 hours : 0 hours
UNDERSTANDING AND A-III/1.F4.C6.KUP1: Basic working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment.
CO1: Relate the provisions of ISM Code to various ship operations
CO2: Differentiate the training requirements for seafarers with and without security duties, as required by the provision of STCW 78, as amended to the ISPS Code
CO3: Analyze the provisions of the ISO 9001:2015 in relation to the ISM code in terms to their peculiarities
CO4: Explain the importance of the STCW 78, as amended in the attainment of the goal-based ships operations through the deployment of competent seafarers
COURSE OUTCOME : CO5: Analyze the provisions of the ISO 14001:2015 that can help ship operators improve their environmental performance through a more efficient use of resources
and reduction of waste
CO6: Determine compliance of a given SMS procedure to OHSAS 18001, Occupational Health and Safety Standard provisions to demonstrate due diligence, good
governance, low risk and competent management that is committed to health and safety in the workplace
CO7: Conduct an impact assessment on a particular ship operation on the safety, security, health, environment and quality (SSHEQ) in relation to the attainment of
the IMO mission statement
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7 STCW Code Section A-VI/6 Mandatory minimum requirements for security related training and instruction for all seafarers
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CO1: Relate the provisions of the ISM Code to various ship operations. Performance Task:
Demonstrate through role play the different provisions of the ISM Code in various ship operations.
Competence: KUP:
A-III/1 F4.C6: Monitor Compliance with legislative requirements A-III/1 F4.C6.KUP1: Basic Working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety
of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment
LO1.1 Discuss the Topic 1 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 1
establishment of the Development of - Multimedia Presentation Written or Oral Assessment on the 2hrs
International Management ISM Code for the Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and significance of the establishment of the
Code for the Safe Safe Operation of Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker International Management Code for the
Operation of Ships and for Ships and for Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts Safe Operation of Ships and for
Pollution Prevention Pollution Reporting; - STCW Convention and Pollution Prevention (International
(International Safety Prevention Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010 Safety Management (ISM) Code)
Management (ISM) Code) Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments towards the achievement of safe
towards the achievement of - MS Herald of Free Enterprise Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code operation of the ship and persons on
safe operation of the ship disaster Workshop Activity; - ISM Code board
and persons on board. - The 1994 amendments to Research Project;
SOLAS 1974 which introduced a Debate.
new chapter IX to the convention
consequently making the ISM
Code mandatory.
- Structure of the of the ISM code.
- ISM Code Component and
LO1.2: Explain the purpose Topic 2 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 2
of the Safety Management Safety - Multimedia Presentation Written or Oral Assessment on the and 3
System as part of the Management Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and functional requirements of the Safety 4hrs
Safety management System (SMS) Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker Management System (SMS) under the
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objectives of the Company Functional Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts International Management Code for the
Requirements Reporting; - STCW Convention and Safe Operation of Ships and for
Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010 Pollution Prevention (International
- Safety and environmental- Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments Safety M
protection policy; Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code
- Instructions and procedures to Workshop Activity; - ISM Code
ensure safe operation of ships and Research Project;
protection of the environment in Debate.
compliance with
relevant international and flag
State legislation;
- levels of authority and lines of
communication between, and
amongst, shore and shipboard
- procedures for reporting
accidents and non- conformities
with the provisions of this Code;
- procedures to prepare for and
respond to emergency situations
and internal audits and
management reviews
LO1.3: Describe the Topic 3 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 4
different roles of the Safety and - Multimedia Presentation Written or Oral Assessment on the 2hrs
company in the environmental Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and principles of minimum safe manning,
establishment and Protection Policy Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker adopted by the Organization as per
implementation of the Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts IMO Resolution A.1047(27)
International Management - Purpose of the safety and Reporting; - STCW Convention and
Code for the Safe environmental protection policy Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010
Operation of Ships and for - Designated person ashore (DPA) Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments
Pollution Prevention - Principles of minimum safe Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code
(International Safety manning, adopted by the Workshop Activity; - ISM Code
Management (ISM) Code) Organization as per IMO Research Project;
provisions. Resolution A.1047(27) Debate.
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LO1.4: Relate the Topic 4 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 5
provisions of the ISM Code ISM Code to - Multimedia Presentation Practical Assessment on the safety 2hrs
to various ship operations. Various Ship Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and practices used onboard ship stipulated
Operations Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker under ISM code.
Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts
Reporting; - STCW Convention and
Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010
Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments
Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code
Workshop Activity; - ISM Code
Research Project;
Competence: KUP:
A-III/1 F4.C6: Monitor Compliance with legislative requirements A-III/1 F4.C6.KUP1: Basic Working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions
concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment
LO2.1 Explain the Topic 1 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 7
implementation of the STCW Code - Multimedia Presentation Written or Oral Assessment on the 2hrs
International Convention on Section A-VI/6 Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and STCW Code Section A-VI/6. Mandatory
Standards of Training, Mandatory Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker minimum requirements for security
Certification and Watch minimum Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts related training and instruction for all
keeping for Seafarers requirements for Reporting; - STCW Convention and seafarers
1978(STCW), as amended, security related Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010
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in relation to security training and Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments
training. instruction for all Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code
seafarers Workshop Activity; - ISM Code
Research Project;
Competence: KUP:
A-III/1 F4.C6: Monitor Compliance with legislative requirements A-III/1 F4.C6.KUP1: Basic Working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions
concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment
LO3.1: Discuss the different Topic 1 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 8
implications of the ISO The International - Multimedia Presentation Written or Oral Assessment on the 2hrs
9001:2015 for the Organization for Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and significance of the implications of the
management system in Standardization Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker ISO 9001:2015 for the management
place in shipping industry in (ISO) Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts system in place in shipping industry in
relation to safety. Reporting; - STCW Convention and relation to safety.
Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010
Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments
Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code
Workshop Activity; - ISM Code
Research Project;
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CO4: Explain the importance of the STCW 78 as amended in the attainment of the Goal based ships Performance Task:
operations through the deployment of competent seafarers Explain the different provisions of the STCW 78 as amended in various ship
Competence: KUP:
A-III/1 F4.C6: Monitor Compliance with legislative requirements A-III/1 F4.C6.KUP1: Basic Working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions
concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment
LO4.1 Explain the major Topic 1 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 9
revisions and updates of Major Revisions - Multimedia Presentation Written or Oral Assessment on the and 10
the STCW 1978 in 2010 to and Updates of Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and significant changes to STCW 4hrs
give seafarers a standard the STCW 1978 in Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker Convention including major updates in
set of skills useful for 2010 Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts 2010 called “Manila Amendments”.
shipboard operations. Reporting; - STCW Convention and
- Revised requirements on hours Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010
of work and rest and new Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments
requirements for the prevention of Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code
drug and alcohol abuse, as well as Workshop Activity; - ISM Code
updated standards relating to Research Project;
medical fitness standards for Debate.
- New requirements relating to
training in modern technology
such as electronic charts and
information systems
- New requirements for marine
environment awareness training
and training in leadership and
- Updating of competence
requirements for personnel
serving on board all types of
tankers, including new
requirements for personnel
serving on liquefied gas tankers
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14001:2015 for the 14001:2015 Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and significant implications of the ISO
management system in Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker 14001:2015 for the management
place in shipping industry in Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts system in place in shipping industry in
relation to environmental Reporting; - STCW Convention and relation to environmental management
management system. Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010 system.
Class Discussion/ Question and Answer
Manila Amendments
Technique; Focused Group Discussion;
- ISPS Code
Workshop Activity; - ISM Code
Research Project; - Environmental
Debate. Management Systems:
Requirements with Guidance
for use (ISO 14001:2015)
- Handbook on Occupational
Health and Safety
Management System (ISO
CO6: Determine compliance of a given SMS procedure to OHSAS 18001, Occupational Health and Safety Performance Task:
Standard provisions to demonstrate due diligence, good governance, low risk and competent management that Explain the different provisions of the OHSAS 18001in various ship operations.
is committed to health and safety in the workplace.
Competence: KUP:
A-III/1 F4.C6: Monitor Compliance with legislative requirements A-III/1 F4.C6.KUP1: Basic Working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions
concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment
LO 6.1: Distinguish the Topic 1 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 14
development of OHSAS OHSAS 18001 - Multimedia Presentation Written or Oral Assessment on the and 15
18001 Occupational Health Implementation Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and significance of the development of 4hrs
& Safety Management Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health &
System in integrating with - process of recognizing that a Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts Safety Management System in
the ISO 9001 (Quality) and hazard exists (source or situation Reporting; - STCW Convention and integrating with the ISO 9001 (Quality)
ISO 14001(Environmental) with the potential to cause harm in Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010 and ISO 14001(Environmental)
management systems terms of human injury or ill-health) Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments management systems standards for
standards for easier - process of evaluating the risk Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code easier integration of quality,
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integration of quality, arising from the hazard Workshop Activity; - ISM Code environmental and occupational health
environmental and (combination of the likelihood of a Research Project; & safety management systems onboard
occupational health & hazardous event or exposure and Debate. ships.
safety management the severity of injury or ill health
systems onboard ships. that can be caused by the event of
- Measures relevant to eliminate
or reduce risk to an acceptable
level basing on the hierarchy of
control measures.
- compatibility of OHSAS 18001
Occupational Health & Safety
Management System with the ISO
9001 (Quality) and ISO
management systems standards
for easier integration of quality,
environmental and occupational
health & safety management
systems by organizations
- ISO 14001 on managing the
organization's impact on the
external environment, to reduce
pollution and comply with
- OHSAS 18001 on managing the
organization's internal
environment to ensure a safe and
healthy workplace onboard.
CO7: Conduct an impact assessment on a particular ship operation on the safety, security, health, environment Performance Task:
and quality (SSHEQ) in relation to the attainment of the IMO mission statement. Explain the different provisions of the SSHEQ in various ship operations.
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Competence: KUP:
A-III/1 F4.C6: Monitor Compliance with legislative requirements A-III/1 F4.C6.KUP1: Basic Working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions
concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment
LO 7.1: Discuss the Topic 1 Use any of the following: - Multimedia Equipment Lecture Assessment: Week 16
different significance of the Company Policy - Multimedia Presentation Practical Assessment on demonstrating and 17
Company’s Policy on the in relation to IMO Peer/Team Teaching; - Whiteboard and the best practices, near miss events, 4hrs
safety, security, health, mission Micro-teaching; Whiteboard Marker and HSSE related issues on shipboard
environment and quality statement Film/Video Viewing; - Handouts operations and discussion on their
(SSHEQ) to address on Reporting; - STCW Convention and significant impact on performance of
board issues on shipboard - Safety Circulars Brainstorming; STCW Code including 2010 duties and addressing issues for
operation in conformity with - Health bulletins Class Discussion/ Question and Answer Manila Amendments healthier work environment
IMO mission statement. - Best Practices Technique; Focused Group Discussion; - ISPS Code
- Near miss Workshop Activity; - ISM Code
- Other safety, security, health and Research Project;
environmental protection schemes Debate.
conducted by the company
*Note: The Learning Plan time-frame is only a rough estimate and can be adjusted to suit the needs of the students.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Faculty Member, BSMarE Asst. Department Head, BSMarE Assistant Dean, CME
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