Steering Supervision, Function Description

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IMPACT 4.07.

172 08/10/2023

Chassis ID Path
64/Description, Design and function//Steering supervision, function description

Model Identity
FM (4) 172720522

Publish date ID/Operation


Steering supervision, function description

Steering supervision, function description
Component location
Function behaviour
Switch positions
Warning message
When the vehicle speed is zero and the engine is running or not (ignition on)
When the vehicle speed is more than 10 km/h and the engine is running
When the vehicle speed is more than 10 km/h and the engine is not running (ignition on)
The steering gear switches or wire short circuit to the battery

Related information

Steering supervision, function description

Component location
Placement of components may vary between the vehicle variants. For more information, refer
to the wiring diagram.


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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

1 VMCU2 (Vehicle Master Control Unit) (A187(2))

2 Instrument cluster (A03H)


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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

1 Valve switch (power steering) (S60A/B)

2 Valve block
3 Flow sensor switch (power steering) (S70)
4 ECM (Engine Control Module) (A14)
5 Power steering pump (engine driven)
6 Engine speed sensor (B04)
7 Power steering pump (gearbox driven)
8 VSS (Vehicle Speed Sensor) (B12)
9 CCIOM2 (Centre Chassis I/O Module) (A163(2))

Function behaviour
The dual steering system has one engine-driven steering pump circuit and one gearbox-driven
steering pump circuit. When the engine is running and there is no failure in the engine-driven circuit,
the system works as a single circuit system.
When the engine is not running or if the pressure is low in the engine-driven circuit, the valve block
on the steering gear will shift to the gearbox circuit and disconnects the auxiliary cylinder.
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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

The steering supervision function monitors the two power steering circuits using the steering gear
switches to detect and notify the driver of any errors.
Both the valve switches (S60A/B) are placed together with splices, both on the feeding side
and the grounding side. Therefore, detecting the faulty servo circuit or component is
impossible without testing the function or measuring the switch.

There are two valve switches (S60A/B) on the primary circuit.

On the secondary circuit (B) , there is a flow sensor switch (S70) on the steering gear oil outlet pipe.
When the engine is not running (ignition on), all switches are normally closed (1) .
When the engine runs and the vehicle speed exceeds 10 km/h, all switches are normally open (3) .

Switch positions
Depending on the oil pressure in the circuit, the switches toggle between open and closed

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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

1 Engine is not running (ignition key on) and the vehicle speed is zero, all the switches are
2 Engine is running and the vehicle speed is zero, switches in steering gear (S60A and
S60B) is open, only the flow sensor switch (S70) is closed.
3 Engine is running and the vehicle speed is more than 10 km/h, all switches are open.
4 Engine is not running (ignition key on) and the vehicle speed is more than 10 km/h,
switches in steering gear (S60A and S60B) are closed, only the flow sensor switch (S70) is

Warning message

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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

The tell-tale is shown in the DID (Driver Information Display) when:

● All the switches are open while the vehicle speed is zero and the engine is running or not

● At least one of the switch is closed while the engine is running and the vehicle speed is more
than 10 km/h.

● All the switches are open while the engine is not running and the vehicle speed is more than 10

● The switch wire is short circuited to the battery.

● The fault code is set and present.

When the vehicle speed is zero and the engine is running or not (ignition on)

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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

1 All the switches are open. CCIOM2 (A163(2)) does not receive any signal from the switches.

2 The engine speed sensor (B04) sends information about whether the engine is running or not
to CCIOM2 through the ECM (A14).
The VSS (B12) sends information about the vehicle speed to CCIOM2 through VMCU2 (A187

3 CCIOM2 requests the instrument cluster (A03H) to display a tell-tale.

The warning will disappear when the vehicle starts to move and appear again when the vehicle
is stopped.

4 The fault code (C101264) “signal plausibility failure” is set.

When the vehicle speed is more than 10 km/h and the engine is running

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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

1 At least one of the switch is closed. CCIOM2 receives a signal from the switches.

2 The engine speed sensor sends information about whether the engine is running or not to
CCIOM2 through the ECM.
The VSS sends information about the vehicle speed to CCIOM2 through VMCU2.

3 CCIOM2 requests the instrument cluster to display a tell-tale.

4 No fault code is set. This usually indicates a hydraulic fault.

When the vehicle speed is more than 10 km/h and the engine is not running
(ignition on)

Copyright to this documentation belongs to the Volvo Group. No reproduction, copying, change, amendment or other similar disposal is entitled without prior written consent by
the Volvo Group
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

1 All the switches are open. CCIOM2 does not receive any signal from the switches.

2 The engine speed sensor sends information about whether the engine is running or not to
CCIOM2 through the ECM.
The VSS sends information about the vehicle speed to CCIOM2 through VMCU2.

3 If the vehicle speed is more than 10 km/h and the engine stops running suddenly, CCIOM2
requests the instrument cluster to display a tell-tale.

4 The fault code (C101264) “signal plausibility failure” is set.

This usually indicates a fault in the steering gear sensors.

The steering gear switches or wire short circuit to the battery

Copyright to this documentation belongs to the Volvo Group. No reproduction, copying, change, amendment or other similar disposal is entitled without prior written consent by
the Volvo Group
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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IMPACT 4.07.172 08/10/2023

1 CCIOM2 detects an error in the circuit.

2 CCIOM2 requests the instrument cluster to display a tell-tale.

3 The fault code (C101212) “short circuit to battery” is set.

Available in the following vehicle modes:
● Pre-running

● Running

● Cranking.

Related information
For more information on the electrical architecture, refer to:
Wiring diagram
Related component
➠ Dual steering system, component description
Related system
➠ Vehicle electronics overview, system description
➠ Three steered axles, system description

Copyright to this documentation belongs to the Volvo Group. No reproduction, copying, change, amendment or other similar disposal is entitled without prior written consent by
the Volvo Group
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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