2022.IJRESM - Dedi - Syarif.arman
2022.IJRESM - Dedi - Syarif.arman
2022.IJRESM - Dedi - Syarif.arman
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Abstract: This study aims to collect the information needed to success and monitor as well as evaluate the information system
form a conceptual model that will be used to measure the success so that system users feel satisfied [3].
of e-learning that has been applied to universities. The
Currently, the use of information systems increase very
methodology used in this study is a literature study conducted by
comparing several literacies sourced from scientific journals, rapid, the speed of information is indispensable to support
books and expert opinions used as a reinforcement in supporting activities, especially in the conditions of the Covid-19
findings in research. Understanding the comparison between pandemic [4]. Every day the number of citizens confirmed
variables and the relationship between variables is a more in- Covid-19 are increased, so the government implements a
depth study to find the variables that will later be used in this physical distancing policy. Including in terms of learning, the
study. The conclusion of this study is a conceptual model that
government needs to implement a distance learning model.
implements the use of systems and user satisfaction as mediating
variables of the relationship between system quality, information Definitely, in order to support this policy, educational
quality and service quality to benefits in the use of e-learning. institutions must have a good e-learning system.
Furthermore, further research related to it may refer to this E-learning is a technology that can support online-based
conceptual model in its implementation. learning [5]. With this technology, it is possible for students and
teachers to carry out the learning process without face to face.
Keywords: system quality, quality of information, service In this case, it is possible for students to obtain material through
quality, system use, user satisfaction, benefit, e-learning, higher
electronic media [6]. In addition, using e-learning learning
model can save costs, time and travel [7]. It can also improve
1. Introduction basic skills, hone creativity and increase students' insights [8].
Based on previous phenomena and research that have been
The development of technology in the digital era as it is today conducted, researchers are interested in examining the effect of
that is growing faster over time has an immediate impact on the system quality variables, information quality, service quality on
increase in the utilization of increasingly high technology. benefits through the use of systems and user satisfaction. This
Information technology is expected to be very useful to shape study aims to propose a conceptual model to evaluate the
activities and support decision making so that it can bring benefits of using e-learning.
success to the activities carried out [1].
Indonesia as an archipelago country with a population of 2. Methodology
±250 million people also felt the impact of the development of
the technology. Including in terms of internet technology This research is a literature study. For a literature study, the
utilization, it is recorded that in 2021 as many as 73.7% of the researcher draws from the results of research that has been done
total population in Indonesia have enjoyed and felt the benefits in the past related to the success of the information system and
of using the internet (https://datareportal.com/reports/digital- the variables used to measure it. Literature study used for
2021-indonesia, February 11, 2021). comparison of relationships between variables conducted by
This makes investment in the field of information technology Yusof, M. M., & Yusuff, A. Y. A. (2013) [9]-[11], Utomo, L.
or information systems in almost all sectors very important, T., Ardianto, Y. T., & Sisharini, N. (2017) [12], Sopalatu, H.,
because information systems can play an important role in Hidayatullah, S., & Respati, H. (2021) [13], Perwira, R. I.
providing better services and competitive advantage [2]. This (2016) [14], Kutlu, B., & Alkaya, A. (2015) [15], Krisbiantoro,
phenomenon is a challenge for organizations to increase D., Suyanto, M., & Taufiqluthfi, E. (2015) [16], Hidayatullah,
S., Khouroh, U., Windhyastiti, I., Patalo, R. G., & Waris, A. some variables from previous studies used to measure the
(2020) [4]. Other references both from journals and books are success of information systems.
also used to support research. The comparative analysis method Based on the literature study described above, the conceptual
is used to compare articles to find suitable variables for use in model that will be proposed in this study includes six variables,
designing conceptual models. namely: system quality, information quality, service quality,
In this study, a questionnaire will be distributed which is a system use, user satisfaction and benefits.
tool to collect data that aims to find out the opinions of
A. System Quality
respondents, the data is obtained from a sample of research with
a predetermined amount. System quality means that the system is easily accessible,
able to answer problems and serve the timely needs of users,
3. Literature Study meet user expectations [15]. System quality is a measure of the
extent to which system users feel that certain systems are
In 1992 Delone and McLean proposed that measuring system
comfortable to use, easy to understand, learn and connect and
output could be done by evaluating the quality of the system
fun [21]. Measuring the quality of a system is usually related to
and the quality of information which was then associated with
measuring the reliability of features inherent to the system
the use of actual and user satisfaction which would
itself, including system performance and system interfaces and
subsequently affect individual impacts and collectively the
user interfaces.
individual impacts would affect organizational impacts [17].
In this study, the quality of the system is closely related to
Then in 2006 Yusof introduced a new framework for evaluating
the student's experience while using e-learning. As the
information systems, the proposed hot-fit framework (Human,
example: ease of use, ease of learning, ease of access and have
Organization and Technology-Fit), was developed to critically
a fast response time. In addition, the quality of the system will
assess the findings. HOT-FIT combines the concepts of fit
also affect user satisfaction and system usage [16]. Ease of use
between people, organization and technology [10]. Initially hot-
is referred to as the performance characteristic of the system
Fit WAS used to evaluate the health system, but in 2013 it
[22]. These characteristics also relate to systems that are easy
began to be used to evaluate the e-Government system [9].
to use, easy to understand and easy to learn. Furthermore, it is
In previous studies, Anthony explained in his research results
related to flexibility, which is the ability of the system to
that service quality and system quality have a positive impact
respond effectively to changes in situations [23]. Some
on user satisfaction and user intention. However, the quality of
important things in the use of the system are that it can save
information does not have a positive effect on user satisfaction,
time, reduce redundancy and can increase productivity [24].
while user satisfaction and intention to use have a positive
Therefore, timeliness can also be used as one of the aspects that
effect [18]. In contrast to Krisbiantoro, Yusof and Utomo,
affect the quality of the system.
explaining that system quality, information quality and service
quality have a positive effect on user satisfaction and system B. Information Quality
use [9], [12], [16]. Perwira’s research in 2016 and Abda 'u in The quality of the information measures the quality of the
2018 sought to explain the different results that the quality of output from the information system [25], [26]. Information
information and the quality of services did not have a positive quality is a function that concerns the value of the information
effect on the use of the system and user satisfaction [14], [19]. output produced by the system [27]. It can be concluded that the
Sopalatu's research explains that the quality of the system has a quality of information is a measurement that focuses on the
positive effect on user satisfaction [13]. Meanwhile, user output produced by the system, as well as the output value for
satisfaction in Hidayatullah research in 2020 has a positive the user.
effect on benefits [4]. Wahyudi and Sopalatu use user Measurement of information quality can be done in three
satisfaction as a meditator to examine the relationship between ways, namely: Information must have certain accuracy,
the quality of the system and the quality of information on information must not arrive late and information must have
benefits [13], [20]. appropriate usefulness [28]. Measurement of information
Finally, Kutlu & Alkaya test the relationship between system quality relates to information that can be generated by the
quality and service quality against benefits [15]. The result is system, including transactions and reporting.
that the quality of the system and the quality of the information
have no positive effect on the benefits. Table 1 below shows
Table 1
Variabel yang digunakan dalam mengukur keberhasilan sistem informasi
Kutlu & Alkaya (2015) Perwira (2016) Krisbiantoro (2015) Utomo (2017) Hidayatullah (2020) Abda’u (2018)
Quality System Quality System Quality System Quality System Quality System Quality System
Information Quality Information Quality Information Quality Information Quality Information Quality Information Quality
Service Quality Service Quality Service Quality Service Quality Service Quality Service Quality
User Satisfaction System Use System Use User Satisfaction User Satisfaction System Use
User Satisfaction User Satisfaction Net Benefits User Satisfaction
Structure Structure Organization Structure
Environment Environment Condition of Facilities
Net Benefits Net Benefits Top Management Support
Net Benefits
Purnomo et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 5, NO. 7, JULY 2022 3
this study have a loading factor greater than 0.50 so that no a high discriminant validity [44]. Discriminant validity can also
indicators are discarded and declared valid. The results of be determined with a cross loading value in one variable of
loading factors of each indicator can be seen in Table 2 in the more than 0.7.
Original Sample column.
D. Reliability Test
The Average Variance Extraced (AVE) on Partial Least
Square (PLS) determined the value must be above 0.50 to state The PLS model reliability test consists of two assessments,
that the variables used in this study are valid. namely the cronbach alpha assessment and composite
reliability. The reliability of a construct or variable can be done
C. Discriminant Validity by looking at the alpha cronbach value and the composite
Discriminant validity of the measurement model with reliability value between 0.60 to 0.70 while more than 0.70 is
reflective indicators is assessed based on cross loading considered better [45]. Based on the results of calculations with
measurements with constructs. Cross loading is useful to assess SmartPLS software, it is found that all research variables have
whether the construct has adequate discriminant validity by alpha cronbach and composite reliability values that are more
comparing the correlation of an indicator with the correlation of than 0.60 so that it can be concluded that each research variable
the indicator with other constructs. If the correlation of the is reliable.
indicator has a higher value compared to the correlation of the
indicator to other constructs, this indicates that the construct has
Table 2
Outer loading (Mean, STDEV, T-Statistic)
Original Sample (O) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values
X1.2 <- X1 0.734 0.733 0.055 13.404 0.000
X1.3 <- X1 0.716 0.713 0.043 16.607 0.000
X1.4 <- X1 0.757 0.750 0.045 16.791 0.000
X2.1 <- X2 0.749 0.751 0.040 18.959 0.000
X2.2 <- X2 0.735 0.735 0.040 18.324 0.000
X2.3 <- X2 0.848 0.850 0.031 27.062 0.000
X2.4 <- X2 0.861 0.861 0.026 32.629 0.000
X3.1 <- X3 0.780 0.779 0.029 26.991 0.000
X3.2 <- X3 0.790 0.789 0.033 24.036 0.000
X3.3 <- X3 0.817 0.816 0.024 33.975 0.000
X3.4 <- X3 0.731 0.728 0.040 18.239 0.000
Y1.1 <- Y1 0.703 0.705 0.050 14.006 0.000
Y1.2 <- Y1 0.800 0.800 0.036 22.493 0.000
Y1.3 <- Y1 0.737 0.735 0.034 21.543 0.000
Y1.4 <- Y1 0.791 0.790 0.034 23.530 0.000
Y1.5 <- Y1 0.799 0.798 0.032 25.106 0.000
Z1.1 <- Z1 0.852 0.852 0.023 36.813 0.000
Z1.2 <- Z1 0.778 0.776 0.040 19.533 0.000
Z1.3 <- Z1 0.864 0.864 0.024 35.308 0.000
Z1.4 <- Z1 0.818 0.816 0.028 28.689 0.000
Z2.1 <- Z2 0.710 0.706 0.051 13.993 0.000
Z2.2 <- Z2 0.723 0.725 0.043 16.614 0.000
Z2.3 <- Z2 0.720 0.722 0.044 16.295 0.000
Z2.4 <- Z2 0.726 0.721 0.046 15.916 0.000
Z2.5 <- Z2 0.742 0.745 0.039 19.179 0.000
X1.1 <- X1 0.810 0.811 0.019 41.971 0.000
Table 3
Hypothesis testing result
No. Inter-variable relationship Path Coefisient p-value t-count Notes
1 Quality System (X1) System Use (Z1) 0,205 0,004 2,871 Significant
2 Information Quality (X2) System Use (Z1) 0,268 0,000 3,521 Significant
3 Service Quality (X3) System Use (Z1) 0,403 0,000 5,601 Significant
4 Quality System (X1) Benefits (Y) 0,243 0,000 7,171 Significant
5 Information Quality (X2) Benefits (Y) 0,139 0,006 2,777 Significant
6 Service Quality (X3) Benefits (Y) 0,112 0,024 2,269 Significant
7 System Use (Z1) Benefits (Y) 0,467 0,000 9,532 Significant
8 Quality System (X1) System Use (Z1) Benefits (Y) 0,096 0,005 2,808 Significant
9 Information Quality (X2) System Use (Z1) Benefits (Y) 0,125 0,001 3,419 Significant
10 Service Quality (X3) System Use (Z1) Benefits (Y) 0,188 0,000 4,550 Significant
11 Quality System (X1) User Satisfaction (Z2) 0,102 0,090 1,697 Not Significant
12 Information Quality (X2) User Satisfaction (Z2) 0,517 0,000 7,931 Significant
13 Service Quality (X3) User Satisfaction (Z2) 0,232 0,000 3,706 Significant
14 User Satisfaction (Z2) Benefits (Y) 0,141 0,003 3,007 Significant
15 Quality System (X1) User Satisfaction (Z2) Benefits (Y) 0,014 0,108 1,612 Not Significant
16 Information Quality (X2) User Satisfaction (Z2) Benefits (Y) 0,073 0,007 2,697 Significant
17 Service Quality (X3) User Satisfaction (Z2) Benefits (Y) 0,033 0,029 2,184 Significant
Purnomo et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 5, NO. 7, JULY 2022 5
E. Hypothesis Testing it also increases the benefits. This study is in line with research
Based on the test results in table 3, it is known that the conducted by [48], [49].
coefficient of direct effect of system quality, service quality, E. The effect of information quality on benefits
information quality, system use has a significant effect on
The quality of information has a positive effect on the use of
benefits. While in the indirect effect, there are service quality
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.286 and a p-value
variables, information quality, the use of systems that have a
of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 3.521 (t-count > 1.96),
significant influence on benefits.
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected.
This shows that if the quality of information is improved, it also
increases the benefits. This study is in line with research
conducted by [50].
F. Influence of service quality on benefits
The quality of the system has a positive effect on the use of
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.205 and a p-value
of 0.004 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 2.871 (t-count > 1.96),
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected.
This shows that if the quality of the system is further improved,
it also increases the benefits. This study is in line with research
conducted by [51].
G. Influence of system use on benefits
The quality of the system has a positive effect on the use of
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.205 and a p-value
Fig. 2. Hypothesis testing result path diagram
of 0.004 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 2.871 (t-count > 1.96),
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected.
5. Discussions This shows that if the use of the system is increasing then the
benefits. This study is in line with research conducted by [52].
A. Influence of system quality on system usage
H. Influence of system quality on system usage
The quality of the system has a positive effect on the use of
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.205 and a p-value The quality of the system has a positive effect on the use of
of 0.004 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 2.871 (t-count > 1.96), the system with a path coefficient value of 0.205 and a p-value
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected. of 0.004 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 2.871 (t-count > 1.96),
This shows that if the quality of the system is improved, it can then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected.
also improve the use of the system. This shows that if the quality of the system is improved, the
benefits felt by e-learning users are also increased through
B. The effect of information quality on the use of the system increasing the use of the system. This study is in line with
The quality of information has a positive effect on the use of research conducted by [53].
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.286 and a p-value
I. Influence of information quality on system usage
of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 3.521 (t-count > 1.96),
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected. The quality of information has a positive effect on the use of
This shows that if the quality of the system is improved, it can the system with a path coefficient value of 0.286 and a p-value
also improve the use of the system. of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 3.521 (t-count > 1.96),
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected.
C. The effect of service quality on system usage This shows that if the quality of the system is improved, the
The quality of information has a positive effect on the use of benefits felt by e-learning users are also increased through
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.286 and a p-value increasing the use of the system. This study is in line with
of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 3.521 (t-count > 1.96), research conducted by [53].
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected.
J. Influence of service quality on system usage
This shows that if the quality of service is further improved, it
also increases the use of the system. This study is in line with The quality of information has a positive effect on the use of
research conducted by [46], [47]. the system with a path coefficient value of 0.286 and a p-value
of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 3.521 (t-count > 1.96),
D. Influence of system quality on benefits then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected.
The quality of the system has a positive effect on the use of This shows that if the quality of the system is improved, the
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.205 and a p-value benefits felt by e-learning users are also increased through
of 0.004 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 2.871 (t-count > 1.96), increasing the use of the system. This study is in line with
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected. research conducted by [53].
This shows that if the quality of the system is further improved,
Purnomo et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 5, NO. 7, JULY 2022 6
K. The effect of system quality on user satisfaction then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected.
The quality of the system has a positive effect on user This shows that if the quality of services is improved, user
satisfaction with a path coefficient value of 0.102 and a p-value satisfaction is also increased so that the benefits obtained by e-
of 0.090 (p-value > 0.05) and a t-count of 1.697 (t-count < 1.96), learning users can also be felt. This study is in line with research
so the test can be said to be insignificant, so that H0 is accepted. conducted by [58].
This shows that the better the quality of the system, the less it
affects user satisfaction. This study is in line with research 6. Conclusion
conducted by [54]. From the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be
concluded that the system quality variable, information quality
L. The effect of information quality on user satisfaction
and service quality have a significant influence on the use of the
The quality of information has a positive effect on the use of system. Likewise, the variables of benefits, system quality,
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.286 and a p-value information quality, and service quality have a significant
of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 3.521 (t-count > 1.96), influence. System usage variables have a significant influence
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected. on benefits. The same results are also obtained when testing
This shows that if the quality of information is further indirect effects, system quality, information quality and service
improved, user satisfaction in using e-learning will increase. quality have a significant effect on benefits through the use of
This study is in line with research conducted by [48], [55]. the system. This study is in line with research conducted by
M. The effect of service quality on user satisfaction [24].
The quality of information has a positive effect on the use of Slightly different results are shown when the user satisfaction
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.286 and a p-value variable is used as a mediation variable. System quality has no
of 0.000 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 3.521 (t-count > 1.96), significant effect on user satisfaction. Likewise, the quality of
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected. the system has no significant effect on benefits through user
This shows that if the quality of information is further satisfaction.
improved, user satisfaction in using e-learning will increase. In this study, it was found that the quality of the system has
no direct effect on user satisfaction, this shows that user
N. Influence of user satisfaction on benefits satisfaction is not related to the quality of the system, whether
The quality of the system has a positive effect on the use of the system has improved quality or not. Users feel that they
the system with a path coefficient value of 0.205 and a p-value have no impact on satisfaction after running an e-learning
of 0.004 (p-value < 0.05) and a t-count of 2.871 (t-count > 1.96), system. The same result is also shown when user satisfaction is
then the test can be said to be significant, so that H0 is rejected. a mediating variable between system quality and benefit. Thus,
This shows that if user satisfaction is getting better, the benefits it can be concluded that there is no relationship between the
of using e-learning can also be felt by its users. This study is in quality of the system and the benefits perceived by users
line with research conducted by [46]. through the variable between user satisfaction. This means that
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