Reseacrh Format
Reseacrh Format
Reseacrh Format
ISSN No. 0976-5697
Volume 14, No. 5, September-October 2023
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at
Abstract – The Bato Institute of Science and Technology Online Enrollment System deals with student details, grade reports,
enrollment, and billing. It keeps track of all the information on a student from the first day of their course until completion. Which
complete every semester each year, and all of these will be available for future reference. Almost all the work used is computerized,
so accuracy was maintained. Maintaining the backup is easy. The system has two access modes: administrator and user (staff and
student). A standardized questionnaire was developed and administered to system users, covering areas such as ease of use, speed,
and overall satisfaction level to assess the system's efficiency. Based on the results of the gathered and treated data, the researcher
was able to conclude. It shows that the "Efficiency of the Online Enrollment System" is effective because of "very good” result
during the survey. It is recommendable that the current system continuously improves from time to time to avoid problems in the
to be and how easy they perceive it to operate. Users are online enrollment process. The respondents were given the
more likely to adopt a technology perceived as valuable and link ( for the survey
easy to use. questionnaires through group chat messenger to gather the
In the context of the assessment of the efficiency of the data and allow time to complete the forms. The survey forms
online enrollment system of the Bato Institute of Science were then collected for encoding and tabulating responses to
and Technology, the application of TAM can determine facilitate the analysis during the interpretation of the data.
users' perceptions of the system's usefulness and ease of use. After the researcher got the questionnaires, the researcher
It can help identify if the system needs any improvement calculated the percentage. The statistical tool obtains an
and optimization to facilitate users' acceptance and adoption overall perspective of the studied situation. This also includes
of the technology. the scaling system, which the researcher used to monitor the
respondent's interpretation of facts. The Likert scale was used
to evaluate or assess the items in the questionnaire. The range
and the variation of the five-point scale are shown in Table 2.
Figure 2 is the official website of the Bato Institute of Figure 5. Login screen (Instructor)
Science and Technology, wherein the users and viewers can
see the details regarding the school, such as the courses Figure 5 is the login for the instructor using the username
offered, requirements for admission, advertisements, and the and password created by the system admin. Once
enrollment procedure. The registered users, like the students successfully logged in, they can now view the class
and the teachers, will access this site to log in to their portal. schedules.
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