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ISSN No. 0976-5697
Volume 14, No. 5, September-October 2023
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at

Mary Jane P. Cierva

Bato Institute of Science and Technology
Dolho, Bato, Leyte, Philippines 6525
[email protected]

Abstract – The Bato Institute of Science and Technology Online Enrollment System deals with student details, grade reports,
enrollment, and billing. It keeps track of all the information on a student from the first day of their course until completion. Which
complete every semester each year, and all of these will be available for future reference. Almost all the work used is computerized,
so accuracy was maintained. Maintaining the backup is easy. The system has two access modes: administrator and user (staff and
student). A standardized questionnaire was developed and administered to system users, covering areas such as ease of use, speed,
and overall satisfaction level to assess the system's efficiency. Based on the results of the gathered and treated data, the researcher
was able to conclude. It shows that the "Efficiency of the Online Enrollment System" is effective because of "very good” result
during the survey. It is recommendable that the current system continuously improves from time to time to avoid problems in the

Keywords – Computerization, Management System, Online Enrollment, Web-based System

1. INTRODUCTION suggest that an exemplary user interface and functionality are

crucial in ensuring the satisfaction of users seeking to enroll
"Assessment of the Efficiency of the Online Enrollment in an educational institution. Reay et al. (2020) argued that a
System of Bato Institute of Science and Technology" is a user-friendly and easy-to-use online enrollment system could
research study that aims to evaluate the performance of the encourage student enrollment and retention.
online enrollment system of the BIST. The study investigates Green (2017) and Akalonu and Baridonya (2018)
the system's usability. The authors aim to identify areas for emphasized the importance of electronic data management in
improvement and provide recommendations for enhancing online enrollment systems, including storing, accessing, and
the system's efficiency and user experience. processing data efficiently.
In recent years, many authors have explored the Universities should begin to consider planning the
importance of online enrollment systems in educational development or use of student information systems generally
institutions. For example, Nkuo-Akenji and Kinoti (2017) recognized by SIS and consistent with best practices while
argue that online enrollment systems can significantly expanding their database services (Bigirimana et al., 2016).
improve the student registration process while increasing In summary, online enrollment systems have become an
efficiency and reducing operational costs. Similarly, essential component of educational institutions, and their
Kewalramani and Singh (2017) contend that online successful implementation can significantly enhance student
enrollment systems can offer excellent benefits, including registrations and admissions. Along with the authors
flexibility, speed, and availability. mentioned above, many other researchers have explored and
Furthermore, Chen, C. and Chen, W. (2018) suggested advocated for efficient and effective online enrollment
that an online enrollment system can provide an effective and systems that meet the expectations of students and
efficient way of managing student data, improving the quality educational institutions, thus improving the overall quality of
of education institution services. Yaghoubi and Asghari education services.
(2016) also highlighted the importance of a suitable online
enrollment system in managing student data effectively.
Other authors have emphasized the role of online 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
enrollment systems in managing the high volume of student The theoretical framework used in "Assessment on the
applications. For instance, Arora and Soin (2019) state that Efficiency of the Online Enrollment System of Bato
online enrollment systems can save time and resources in Institute of Science and Technology" is the Technology
reviewing and processing student admission applications. Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis, F. D.
García et al. (2020) highlighted the need for a reliable, fast, (1989). The model aims to explain user acceptance and
and efficient online enrollment system to manage many adoption of new technology by considering perceived
student applications. usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU).
Ranaev and White (2019) focused on the user experience According to TAM, a user's intention to use technology
and satisfaction of the online enrollment system. They directly relates to how useful they perceive the technology

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Mary Jane P. Cierva, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (5), September-October 2023,

to be and how easy they perceive it to operate. Users are online enrollment process. The respondents were given the
more likely to adopt a technology perceived as valuable and link ( for the survey
easy to use. questionnaires through group chat messenger to gather the
In the context of the assessment of the efficiency of the data and allow time to complete the forms. The survey forms
online enrollment system of the Bato Institute of Science were then collected for encoding and tabulating responses to
and Technology, the application of TAM can determine facilitate the analysis during the interpretation of the data.
users' perceptions of the system's usefulness and ease of use. After the researcher got the questionnaires, the researcher
It can help identify if the system needs any improvement calculated the percentage. The statistical tool obtains an
and optimization to facilitate users' acceptance and adoption overall perspective of the studied situation. This also includes
of the technology. the scaling system, which the researcher used to monitor the
respondent's interpretation of facts. The Likert scale was used
to evaluate or assess the items in the questionnaire. The range
and the variation of the five-point scale are shown in Table 2.

Table 1. Respondents of the Study

Figure 1. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

3. MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 2. The Five-point Likert Scale

The researcher chose to use the Descriptive

Developmental Research Method, wherein the study focuses
on present situations. It involves the description, analysis, and
presentation of the current system, its composition, and
processes of phenomena. Descriptive statistical methods are
employed to describe the fundamental characteristics of data
in a study. They provide simple summaries of the sample and
the measures. The Descriptive Developmental Research Weighted mean was used to measure the general response
Method is more on analyzing the existing system; through of the survey samples, whether they agreed with a given
this method, the researcher will be able to know how the statement or not.
current system operates. It describes and examines the
systematic procedure of human activities. It is essential to The formula for calculating the weighted average is as
determine the actions to identify the problems and follows:
weaknesses of the existing system and, at the same time, to
devise a solution to the problems encountered. The answer Where:
will be associated with the proposed method. 𝑋̅ - Mean
The researcher conducts a user satisfaction survey to f - Weight is given to each respondent
evaluate the effectiveness of the Bato Institute of Science and x – Number of respondents
Technology's online enrollment system A standardized n - Total number of respondents
questionnaire covered areas such as ease of use, speed, and Mean Percentage
overall satisfaction level. The questionnaire was completed ̅ ∑ 𝑓𝑥 𝑥
𝑋= 𝑛 P = 𝑛 x100
by a representative sample of participants who had used the
system online using google forms. Responses to the survey
were analyzed using various statistical tools, such as
descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation, and The users (respondents) were asked to navigate to the login
correlation. This analysis identified areas where participants page of the online enrollment system and provide their
felt satisfied and areas with room for improvement. Based on identification credentials. After a successful login, the user is
the results, decisions were made to optimize and improve the redirected to their account dashboard. From there, the user
system, providing a better user experience for future can access the functions relevant to their role, such as
enrolling in classes or viewing academic records. Once the
The researcher personally visited the BIST institution to
ask permission for the system to evaluate its performance. user completes their tasks, logging out of the system is
The researcher created a list of questions that expose the recommended to avoid unauthorized access to their account.
system by category. The respondents are composed of faculty
and students (see Table 1). All the respondents were asked to
complete the questionnaire survey after using the online
enrollment system and answer it to the best of their
knowledge. See Figure 2 for the official website of BIST,
wherein the students and staff can navigate and start the

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Mary Jane P. Cierva, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (5), September-October 2023,

Figure 2. Official website of the school

Figure 2 is the official website of the Bato Institute of Figure 5. Login screen (Instructor)
Science and Technology, wherein the users and viewers can
see the details regarding the school, such as the courses Figure 5 is the login for the instructor using the username
offered, requirements for admission, advertisements, and the and password created by the system admin. Once
enrollment procedure. The registered users, like the students successfully logged in, they can now view the class
and the teachers, will access this site to log in to their portal. schedules.


The researcher surveyed the BIST to evaluate its

performance and consider improvements. Along with the
survey, one thousand three hundred nine (1,309) respondents
completed the questionnaire and participated in the survey.

The participants were instructed to use any web browser,

such as Chrome or Mozilla, to access the webpage for
Figure 3. Login screen (Registrar/Admin) usability testing and to assess the system's efficiency. Each
participant had to log into their portal for the test.
Figure 3 is where the registration for the students Below are the portion analyses and interprets the data
can be accessed. The user must log in using the username from the users' evaluation of the Bato Institute of Science and
and password created by the system administrator. The Technology Online Enrollment System, which they used
during the online survey.
assigned person for registration can input the student's
information and print their registration certificate. All the Table 3. Efficiency – Question 1. The system can
transactions of the registrar can also be done here. The respond in 0.1 seconds.
registrar has full access to this module.

Table 4. Efficiency – Question 2. The device does not

"hang" or "lag" when accessing different system features.
Figure 4. Login screen (Student)

Figure 4 is where a registered student can log in to their

portal. The student must log in using the username and
password created by the registration officer.

From the data above, the results of the student's

evaluation in terms of its efficiency can be observed. It can
be noted that the system was rated "Very Good," considering
whether the system can respond in 0.1 seconds and whether
the device does not "hang" or "lag" when accessing different
features of the system.

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Mary Jane P. Cierva, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (5), September-October 2023,

smartphones, tablets, and laptops, to cater to users' varying

Table 5. Usability– Question 1. The system is easy to needs and preferences. These will improve the accessibility
understand. and convenience of the system for users who prefer to use
different types of devices to access it.
A recommendation was formed based on the derived
conclusions. Even if the users approve and the system
produces the desired result, it should be prioritized because
efficiency contributes to its overall performance. The survey
on the system's performance should be done to improve the
system's efficiency in using possible input data to get the
highest quality and as much output as possible. By improving
these aspects of the online enrollment system, the user
experience can be significantly enhanced, making the system
Table 6. Usability– Question 2. The system is easy to
more efficient, functional, and user-friendly. The fewer
learn by different users
resources the system uses to get results, the better the system
(e.g., beginner, experts).
will be.
I am profoundly grateful to our Omnipotent Father for
the excellent health and well-being necessary to complete this
research. I take this moment to express my heartfelt gratitude
to all the respondents who generously dedicated their time
and effort to share their valuable responses to the survey. My
Table 7. Usability– Question 3. The system can be sincere thanks go to Miss Magdalene Unajan, Dr. Frederick
opened in different browsers C. Aniga, and Miss Bacalla, who formed our esteemed panel,
(e.g., Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla as well as Dr. Rhoderick D. Malangsa, our esteemed adviser
Firefox) of this research, for their unwavering guidance and provision
of essential insights throughout our research journey.
I wish to extend my deepest appreciation to Mr. Joselito
Q. Borong, the school registrar, Dr. Josephine K. Germano,
the school president, Miss Alexa Erine Joyce G. Lecaros the
executive vice-president, Arch. Ernesto K. Germano Jr.
budget officer and to his wife Mrs. Marie Cris C. Gemano
It shows that the overall remarks and Interpretation is finance officer of Bato Institute of Science and Technology,
"Very Good." Based on the survey results, the system became for graciously accepting our research project to be conducted
more effective as it was implemented and thus received at their esteemed institution. Above all, I want to express my
positive feedback. sincere gratitude to all the authors whose works we
referenced, as we are deeply appreciative of the wealth of
information they provided.
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This research would not have been possible without the
collective support, guidance, and contributions of these
The researcher considered that fast-paced technological remarkable individuals and institutions. Thank you for being
changes are opportunities to make everyday life easier at instrumental in our pursuit of knowledge and the successful
home, school, and work. Computer resources have been completion of this research.
helpful in industries by providing information that demands
good performance is terms of its usability. Some schools have
already used these resources to develop an accessible,
accurate record and enrollment management system. This REFERENCES
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