Gestion Del Cambio
Gestion Del Cambio
Gestion Del Cambio
The development of information technology applied to college institutions is experiencing rapid growth. Information
technology can solve problems faced in educational institutions. Universities are increasing the use of information and
digital technologies for improved service, data management, and accurate reporting. Monitoring and assessment are an
essential part of college development. The parameters used in monitoring and assessment use a parameter on the
strategic plan of the college. The comparative study of the strategic plan is targeted at two universities that have
different characteristics, namely public universities and Islamic state universities. The method used in building
dynamic monitoring and assessment uses machine learning. Parameters in monitoring and assessment include Tri
Dharma Higher Education such as research, education, and community development. Based on these problems can be
formulated implementation of dynamic monitoring and assessment for digital transformation in Higher Education as
well as prototype models of dynamic monitoring and assessment based on machine learning. The results obtained
show that parameter testing yields an average of 78%. This indicates that the level of accuracy using machine learning
can implement dynamic monitoring and assessment in digital transformation at higher education.
architecture management could provide an essential and efficient development of human resources.
contribution in structuring digitization efforts and that Improved service and management at universities can be
enterprise or knowledge portals could play a role in measured by the level of digital transformation
implementing the strategies investigate the dynamics of development. The development of the digital campus
higher education funding and the ensuing impact on can increase the level of efficiency and effectiveness in
part-time teaching, staff to student ratios, staff the management of existing business processes in
development, research productivity, and hence the universities. Based on the problem, the following
perceived quality, using a system dynamics simulation problems can be formulated How is the implementation
model [5]. The model developed is based on higher of dynamic monitoring and assessment for
education literature in the developing world in general transformation digital, and how are the potential
and particular they use the resulting model to review prototype model of dynamic monitoring and assessment
policies on funding and quality in higher education, and use machine learning.
ultimately envisage that the model can easily be adapted
to higher education in other environments [6]. 2. METHODS
Digital transformation in the education sector has This research is a comparative study with data
implied the involvement of sustainable management to collection methods through literature reviews,
adapt to the changes imposed by new technologies. observation, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group
Trends in global research on this topic have been Discussion (FGD). The objects in this research are
analyzed and studied during the 1986–2019 period. A university stakeholders on campus, curriculum and
bibliometric study of 1590 articles from the Scopus education experts, and students.
database has been applied. The results provided data on
the scientific productivity of authors, journals, In more detail, the methods in this study can be
institutions, and countries that contribute to the described as follows:
development of this research area. The evidence reveals
an exponential trend, with a particular interest in the last 2.1. Research Location
five years [7].
The research was conducted in Malang because it has
Digitalization and transition to a new technological some characteristic similarities, both as an educational
structure bring humanity to another level of city, with multicultural populations of different
development. The changing technological structures, ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds. Also, these
industry, and social progress enhance the importance of regions have become one of the areas used by
improving the university development model. The Information Communication and Technology.
existing management system and infrastructure in
universities are often outdated and unable to ensure their 2.2. The Subject of Research
competitive and adequate functioning. Hence, the need
to improve the processes of using the university Institutionally, this research subjects consist of
infrastructure through digital technology. The Brawijaya University Malang and State Islamic
composition and range of the resources should also be University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
reviewed and supplemented with new components. the
recommendations formulated to improve the university 2.3. Data Collection
infrastructure using digital technology will make higher
education more effective [8]. Lecturer in Indonesia has In data collection, the following methods will be used:
three activities that must be done, including teaching,
research, and community service. Qualified lecturers not 2.3.1. Participative Observation
only fulfil these three obligations but also work and are
more skilled in each of these points. In every point Researchers will make observations at the location
contained in the Tridharma of higher education, as by reviewing the implementation of dynamic
educators, it is also required to face digital monitoring and assessment to mapping the potential for
transformation where teaching and learning, face-to- the development of model and prototype dynamic
face teaching and learning can be equal or more monitoring and assessment.
effective by utilizing digital technology to be more
flexible. The use of digital technology can make 2.3.2. In-depth Interview
teaching and learning more flexible and lead to
improved student skills in learning [9]. In the data collection process, researchers will
conduct in-depth interviews with university
Universities must be ready for digital stakeholders, education experts, and students regarding
transformation, especially in the covid-19 pandemic. the implementation of dynamic monitoring and
Universities need to improve the productive, effective,
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529
f. Machine Learning Based on Assessment and Islamic civilization as a step to implement the teachings
Monitoring of Islam as a mercy for the universe. Therefore, future
The method used in the monitoring and assessment development needs to be directed to regional recognition
process is based on the results of tests based on and reputation with autonomous status (PTN-BH). Based
machine learning. on the direction of this development, State Islamic
University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has high
g. Visualization competitiveness and can compete healthily with other
Recommended results from tests conducted based universities in the world. Efforts to get to the University
on the use of identified parameters. Dynamic with Regional Recognition and Reputation.
monitoring and assessment are based on using a The indicators achieved at the International
machine learning approach. Visualization results Recognition and Reputation stage are as follows.
can be shown that assessment and monitoring 1. Modern campus with Islamic leadership and
parameters can degenerate automatically when governance system international recognition
determining the type of college selected. 2. An infrastructure capable of carrying out various
academic and non-academic activities and
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION international services on land above 100 Ha
3. The Mahad system is to be occupied by Indonesian
The parameters performed from both research objects students, and cross-border countries with a
can be indicated by the identification of the parameter distinctive and measurable Islamic character
used. Table 1 shows the parameters used from both education with the capacity to Ma'had reached 7000
colleges that have different characteristics. State Islamic students
University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has now 4. Questionable and modern services for the services
become one of the universities with BLU status and was of all stakeholders including cross-border
once promoted by the Ministry of Religion to become a stakeholders
world-class university. Also, to further enhance its role 5. The development of an effective and efficient
in national development has been proclaimed the ideals governance system through accountable, credible,
at State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim transparent, responsible, and fair
Malang into the center of excellence and the center of 6. The development of integrated madrassas to
Table 1. Parameters used based on the strategic plan of the Institutional Establishment and Academic Reinforcement
stage at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Code Description
M01 The construction of adequate infrastructure for offices at both the university and faculty level
M02 The construction of adequate infrastructure for ma'had that can accommodate 3000 students
M03 The construction of adequate infrastructure for lecture activities, activities in laboratories, workshops,
and studios
M04 The construction of adequate infrastructure for student activities, body, and art
M05 The awakening of comfortable service rooms
M06 The awakening of a good governance system throughout the university
M07 Establishment of a credible, accountable, effective, based on a strong culture derived from Islamic
M08 Establishment of a reliable leadership and management system
M09 The realization of curriculum that leads to the vision, has competence and have the right body of
M10 The establishment of a well-organized academic system in learning, research and community service
M11 The growth of academic atmosphere and declining political nuance throughout the university
M12 The realization of information systems based on Information Technology
M13 Study programs accredited by BAN-PT
M14 Internationalizing institutions and courses
M15 Building a Curriculum that has international competencies with peculiarities integration of science
and Islam as evidenced by a review of curriculum experts on in higher education ranked below 1000
webometric versions
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529
C. Improvement of student and alumni quality The parameters used can be shown as follows.
a. UINM01 – UINM015
1. Increase in the number of scholarship students
b. UINN01 – UINN25
2. Improved student achievement
c. UBA01 – UBA21
3. Imaging of student activities internationally
d. UBB01 – UBB18
4. Student career development
e. UBC01 – UBC12
5. Establishment of Student Identity
f. UBD01 – UBD13
6. Improving student innovation and creativity
7. Improvement of student entrepreneurial spirit The results obtained in the study are shown as
8. Improved competitiveness of graduates follows. The parameters in determining to model on
9. Increasing the role of activities in the Dynamic Monitoring and Assessment in both higher
international universities are shown in Figure 2. The measurement
10. Increased student participation in international results are done randomly from the strategic plan at
Professional Associations higher universities.
11. Improvement of student facilities and
infrastructure The following research shows that dynamic
12. Establishment of innovation and creativity of monitoring and assessment based on machine learning
students can model digital transformation in college. The results
obtained from each parameter used in system testing
D. Improvement of institutional quality and
have an average level of optimization in the monitoring
and assessment process. In testing, the method showed
1. Improvement of quality and quantity of capacity that it yielded an average of 78%. This indicates that the
2. Increased equalization of higher education accuracy of machine learning usage can implement
opportunities for Community dynamic monitoring and assessment in digital
3. Development of diversity and access to transformation in universities. Future research can add
educational services comparison methods to produce a better level of
4. Increased budget independence from cooperation accuracy.
and business units
5. Development of Entrepreneurial University
supporting services unit
6. Development into a Law University
7. Development of Quality Accreditation of
8. Increased Competitiveness at the International
9. Increased international cooperation for education
with sister models
10. university in the form of lecturer and/or student
exchange, double degree, sandwich programs, or
other programs that are representative
11. Increased funding from corporate social
responsibility (CSR) companies
12. State-owned enterprises/private enterprises/PMA Figure 2. The Visualization of Result of Optimization
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529