Exploratory Study of Information System User Satisfaction: A Study of University of Ibadan Post Graduate School Web Portal

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International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (ISSN: 2279 0764)

Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

Exploratory Study of Information System User

Satisfaction: A Study of University of Ibadan Post
Graduate School Web Portal
Simeon Ambrose Nwone
Department of Information Studies, School of Social Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
Email: simeonnwone {at} gmail.com

Abstract The study examined the influence of information performance [3]. Organizations focus on developing, using,
system (IS) characteristics namely; system quality, information and evaluating utilitarian IS. There is a plethora of utilitarian
quality and service quality derived from the extended DeLeon & IS used in organizations, such as decision support systems,
McLean (2003) IS success model, in addition to the influence of a computer-mediated communications, e-commerce, knowledge
hypothesized technological/infrastructural factor on management systems, as well as many others. However, in
postgraduate (PG) students satisfaction of the University of
this study, the utilitarian IS considered is the University of
Ibadan (U.I) postgraduate (PG) school web portal. The study
was a descriptive survey of PG students of the University of Ibadan (U.I) postgraduate (PG)web portal.
Ibadan. A sample of 385 students were selected using Researchers have created models to measure information
proportional stratified sampling technique. A self structured system success [4],[5], emphasizing the need for better and
questionnaire was used to collect data from the study more consistent success metrics. To measure IS success, user
respondents. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential satisfaction is possibly the most extensively used single
statistics. The result shows that all the information system measure [6], [7], [4], [8], [9], [10]. Amongst the IS models,
characteristics; system quality ( = 0.380), service quality ( = Delone and McLean [4], [11] IS success model is one of the
0.223), information quality ( = 0.153), and technological most widely cited [12], [13] and will be used in this study to
/infrastructural factor ( = -0.111) in that order, significantly
examine PG students satisfaction of U.I PG school web
(p<0.05) influenced postgraduate students satisfaction of the web
portal. The study recommends the need for the university to portal.
implement an IT policy that will ensure efficient management of DeLone and McLean [11] IS success model, which is an
the information system, in addition to large scale investment in extension of DeLone and McLean [4] model is an attempt to
internet infrastructure to maximize users satisfaction. represent the interdependent, process nature of six IS success
constructs, namely; System Quality, Information Quality,
Service Quality, Use, User Satisfaction, and Net Benefit.
Keywords- System Quality, Information Quality, Service Quality, System quality describes the desirable characteristics of an
User satisfaction information system, and includes ease of use, system
I. INTRODUCTION flexibility, system reliability, and ease of learning, as well as
system features of intuitiveness, sophistication, flexibility, and
A Web portal usually features specific functions, such as response time. Information quality is the desirable
search mechanisms, access to databases, user registration and characteristics of the system outputs, as it relates to relevance,
personalization options. Web portals have been widely used accuracy, conciseness, completeness, understandability,
during the last years and can be classified into horizontal currency, timeliness, and usability. Service quality
portals, which cover many areas of interest and vertical encompasses the quality of the support that system users
portals, which are focused on one specific area. Web portals receive from the IS department and IT support personnel, in
serve a variety of purposes, such as personal, governmental, terms of responsiveness, accuracy, reliability, technical
informational, entertaining and educational purposes [1],[2]. competence, and empathy of the personnel staff. System use
Despite the significant changes in the end-user computing measures the degree and manner in which staff and customers
environment during the past decade and proliferation of web- utilize the capabilities of an information system, and covers
based information systems, there has been little research on the amount of use, frequency of use, nature of use,
measurement of user satisfaction with web-based information appropriateness of use, extent of use, and purpose of use. Use
systems especially in the academic domain. must precede user satisfaction in a process sense, but positive
There are information systems (IS) that range from hedonic, experience with use will lead to greater user satisfaction in a
developed for pleasure and enjoyment, to utilitarian, causal sense. Increased user satisfaction invariably leads to a
developed to improve individual and organizational higher intention to use [11]. User satisfaction is measured by

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Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

the users level of satisfaction with reports, web sites, and through a survey of the web portal IS users to discover their
support services. Net benefits is the extent to which IS are candid view of the system.
contributing to the success of individuals, groups,
organizations, industries, and nations. For example: improved The study will adapt McLean and Deleon [11] IS model in
decision-making, improved productivity, increased sales, cost understanding how information system characteristics namely;
reductions, improved profits, market efficiency, consumer system quality, information quality and service quality, in
welfare, creation of jobs, and economic development. addition to how the hypothesized technological factors affect
Besides the IS success factors identified by [4], [11], one postgraduate students satisfaction of the U.I PG school web
essential antecedent factor that could determine IS success is portal. Since the study will use empirically tested IS
technological factor. It is hypothesized that this factor may measurement constructs, the outcome of the study will bring
contribute greatly to the IS success in the context of the study. to the foreground which IS measurement indices account the
In addressing this research gap, this study attempts to most in users satisfaction. The outcome will assist
investigate the contribution of technological factors on IS stakeholders to channel resources appropriately based on the
success. Similar studies [14], [15], [16], [17]; [18) have observed satisfaction indices.
identified technological factors to include IS facilities, IS
integration, IS competency, IS structure and user support. IS
facilities refer to the availability of IS/IT resources and II. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
infrastructure that are provided during any IS project 1) To determine the influence of system quality on PG
implementation [14], while IS integration is the integration of students satisfaction of U. I PG School web portal.
technologies across other organizational units [19]. IS 2) To examine the influence of information quality on
competency refers to the degree to which project staff
possesses the required skills and knowledge in order to PG students satisfaction of U. I. PG School web
perform the required services [16]. According to [20], IS portal.
structure refers to the extent to which the information systems 3) To investigate the influence of service quality on PG
are structured or dispersed throughout an organization. User students satisfaction of U. I. PG School web portal.
support deals with the technical support and help given to 4) To examine the influence of technological and
users in terms of operating the information systems in the infrastructural factors on PG students satisfaction of
organization [21].
U. I. PG School web portal.
However, this study will consider along with the technological
factor, only four factors from the extended [11] IS success
model namely system quality, information quality, service III. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES
quality, and user satisfaction. Since the use of the PG school
H01: There is no significant relationship between system
web portal was not an option, but rather mandatory to the PG
quality and users satisfaction of U. I PG School web
students, the construct use was subsumed in user satisfaction
since users satisfaction of an information system could only
be preceded by its use. Net benefit as a construct was dropped H02: There is no significant relationship between the
since measuring it will be out of context in this study. User information quality and users satisfaction of U. I. PG
satisfaction which includes use in this context remains the School web portal.
most viable measure of the IS success. This leads to the
modification of the [11] IS success model in accessing users H03: There is no significant relationship between the service
satisfaction within the context of the study. quality and users satisfaction of U. I. PG School
web portal.
The University of Ibadan (in Nigeria) PG school web portal H04: There is no significant relationship between technical
was designed to provide online services to postgraduate and infrastructural factors and users satisfaction of
students, which includes; facilitating admission processes, U.I. PG School web portal.
checking admission status, course registration, payment of
school fees, request for accommodation and providing IV. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
relevant information about the University. In spite of the
benefits of this information system to the university DeLone & McLean [11] IS success model was used to unravel
postgraduate students, measuring its overall success will the information systems characteristics that influenced PG
depends largely on students satisfaction. Measurement of students use of U.I PG school web portal. The DeLone &
success of U.I PG School web portal performance can only be McLean [11] IS success model was the result of the
achieved through a feedback from users. The feedback will act enhancement made to the DeLone & McLean [4] model after
as a signal and a scale for stakeholders to justify their a review of the research published during the period 1981
investment in the system and appraise their effort in the 1987. Based upon this review, the authors created a taxonomy
system development. This vital feedback can only be achieved of IS success, which are: system quality, information quality,
service quality, use, user satisfaction, and net benefits.

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Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

However, these six components are not independent success productivity, increased sales, cost reductions, improved
measures, but are interdependent variables. In that review the profits, market efficiency, consumer welfare, creation of jobs,
[11] further clarified the use construct. The authors explains and economic development.
that use must precede user satisfaction in a process sense,
but positive experience with use will lead to greater user V. CONCEPTUAL MODEL
satisfaction in a causal sense, while increased user The conceptual framework for this study was adapted from
satisfaction will lead to a higher intention to use, which will DeLone and McLean [11], IS success model. For the purpose
subsequently affect use [11]. The final updated (DeLone & of the study, some of the [11] constructs were retained while
McLean [11]model is depicted in fig 1. others were discarded in order to address the aim of the study.
The construct retained from the [11] model are system quality,
Figure 1: The updated IS Success Model (DeLone & information quality, service quality (independent variables)
McLean, 2003) and user satisfaction (dependent variable). Since use of the
university postgraduate portal is not an option but mandatory
to all postgraduate students, use and user satisfaction were
System merged together since satisfaction of an information system
Quality means positive experience of use of that system. Net benefit
Intention Use was excluded in the conceptual model. However,
to Use technological/infrastructural factor was added as one of the
Net independent variables that could influence users satisfaction.
Benefi Fig 2 shows the resultant model.
Fig 2: Conceptual model
Quality System Quality

The D&M model has also been found to be a useful Information

framework for organizing IS success measurements. The Quality Users
model has been widely used by IS researchers for Satisfaction
understanding and measuring IS success. The components of of Web
DeLone & McLean, [11] IS success model are described portal IS
Service Quality
System quality the desirable characteristics of an
information system. For example: ease of use, system Technological
flexibility, system reliability, and ease of learning, as well as &
system features of intuitiveness, sophistication, flexibility, and Infrastructural
response times.
Information quality the desirable characteristics of the
system outputs; that is, management reports and Web pages.
For example: relevance, understandability, accuracy, The resultant conceptual model (Fig 2) adapted from the
conciseness, completeness, understandability, currency, extended DeLone and McLeans [11] IS success model
timeliness, and usability. depicting system quality, information quality, service quality,
Service quality the quality of the support that system users and technical/infrastructural issues as independent variables
receive from the IS department and IT support personnel. For capable of influencing users satisfaction, the dependent
example: responsiveness, accuracy, reliability, technical variable.
competence, and empathy of the personnel staff.
System use the degree and manner in which staff and
customers utilize the capabilities of an information system. The literature review in this section covers the variables used
For example: amount of use, frequency of use, nature of use, in addressing the research objectives. The variables are system
appropriateness of use, extent of use, and purpose of use. quality, information quality, service quality, user satisfaction,
User satisfaction users level of satisfaction with reports, and technological/infrastructural factor.
Web sites, and support services. System Quality and User Satisfaction
Net benefits the extent to which IS are contributing to the
There is strong support for the relationship between system
success of individuals, groups, organizations, industries, and
quality and user satisfaction [22]. Several types of IS have
nations. For example: improved decision-making, improved
been examined, and the type of information system affects

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Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

how some researchers measure system quality. For example, (information technology) resources and infrastructure that are
the functionality of a management support information provided during IS project implementation. Infrastructural
system, which is one measure of system quality, has been facilities were found to be positively related with IS success
found to be significantly related to user satisfaction [23]. For and adoption [14]. In an empirical study by [14], IS
knowledge management systems, system quality was also infrastructure was found to be one of the top predictors of IS
found to be strongly related to user satisfaction [24], [25], success among several factors investigated. Byrd,
[26]. For web sites system quality, measured as reliability and Sambamurthy & Zmud, [44] defined IT infrastructure as the
download time, is significantly related to user satisfaction in shared information services delivery base within an
two different studies [27], [28]. Researchers have also organization that is built around information technologies and
examined more general IS and found a strong relationship a specific body of knowledge such as skills and experience.
between system quality and user satisfaction using a variety of The authors used IT innovativeness and IT sophistication to
measures and IS [29], [30], [31], [5], [32], [33], [34], [35], operationalize the IT infrastructure and found that large
[36]. agencies with mature IT infrastructures were better able to
develop higher quality IT plans. A study by [45], found that
Information Quality and User Satisfaction
physical IT infrastructure contributed to e-business adoption in
The relationship between information quality and user European firms. Whyte & Bytheway [16] defined IS
satisfaction is strongly supported in the literature [22], [25]. competency as the degree to which project staff possesses the
Studies have found a consistent relationship between required skills and knowledge in order to perform the required
information quality and user satisfaction at the individual unit services. The authors found IS competency among the
of analysis [29], [5], [32], [33], [34], [36], [24], [37], [26]. significant attributes of IS success. Previous studies had
Studies specifically examining the information quality aspects indicated that IS competency was found to be one of the top
of Web sites, such as content and layout, have found ten dimensions for assessing IS function performance [19].
significant relationships between these constructs and user Byrd and Turner [46] found that organizations with a team of
satisfaction [27], [28]. Marble [38], however, did not find a highly technical staff tend to have better IT infrastructure
significant relationship between measures of information flexibility, and at the same time are able to increase the
quality and user satisfaction in two organizational IS organizations competitive advantage in key business
examined in his study. management areas. In another study, [47] found that IT
Service Quality and User satisfaction department technical quality which includes staff competency,
had an influence on IT impact on the supply chain that leads to
Several studies have examined the relationship between
the firms performance. IS integration refers to the degree to
service quality and user satisfaction. However the findings of
which different systems are integrated in terms of data,
these studies suggest mixed support for this relationship.
functionality and appearance [18]. Saunders & Jones [19],
Researchers have measured service quality using multiple
states that integration refers to the integration of technologies
methods, which may account for the inconsistent findings. across other organizational units. They added that IS
Some researchers have looked at service quality by examining integration is needed to ensure a smooth and cost-effective
the characteristics of the support personnel; however, flow of information across all business functions. The authors
examining the relationship between personnel characteristics
found that IS integration is among the top-ten dimensions of
and user satisfaction has produced mixed results. Choe [39] IS function performance assessment. However, Grover [14]
found that IS personnel experience does not significantly did not find significant support for IS integration in
affect user satisfaction of accounting IS in Korean firms. influencing IT adoption. IS structure refers to the extent to
Another study found that the technical performance of the
which the information systems are structured or dispersed
developers (based on their responsiveness to problems) was
throughout an organization. Allen & Boynton [20] and [48]
positively related to user satisfaction [40]. Yoon, Guimaraes,
pointed that the extent of IS structure can be assessed by the
and ONeai [30] had a similar result in that developer skill
existence of centralized computing structures, the
had a significant effect on user satisfaction of expert systems. dissemination of personal and mini computers, or the use of
A case study performed by [41] found that the relationship network technologies. Ang, Davies and Finlay [18] found that
between the IS function and users as well as the quality of organizations with a distributed structure of IT facilities are
support and services provided by the IS function had an associated to IT usage. The author found that a decentralized
impact on user satisfaction.
IS structure has more influence on IT use than a centralized IS
Technological/Infrastructural Factor structure. But, other researchers found that centralized IS
Several studies [42], [14], [43], [15], [16], [17], [18], have structure tend to promote efficiency and effectiveness. User
examined the effect of technological factors in an IS support deals with the technical support and help given to
environment. Amongst these factors, five were identified that users in terms of operating the information systems in the
are potential antecedents of IS success. These factors are IS organization. The importance of user support to the success of
facilities, IS integration, IS competency, IS structure and user user computing has been highlighted in many studies [21]
support. IS facilities refer to the availability of IS/IT [49], [50], [51]. Many researchers found significant support

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Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

for the relationship between personal computing success and portal loads pages and images have a mean of (1.73) with a
user support [52], [53],[54]. deviation from the mean (0.662). U.I PG School web portal is
easy to use has the least mean and the least deviation from the
mean (0.560). There cumulative eigenvalues (3.142, 1.193,
A descriptive survey design was used to examine the 1.027 and 1.010) accounted for (57.92%) of the total variation,
information system users satisfaction indices amongst the together these variables are sufficient to represent the group.
postgraduate students of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The
population for the study comprises postgraduate students TABLE 2: DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF COMPONENTS EXTRACTION
from all faculties in the University. A proportional stratified AND FACTOR LOADINGS
sampling technique was used to select 385 respondents from Factors Mean Std. F1 F2 F3 F4
all the faculties. A self structured questionnaire using the Dev
information systems constructs of DeLone and McLean, [11]
was used to collect data from the postgraduate students. The System Quality
survey was conducted through face-to-face contact with the U.I PG School web portal is easy 1.34 0.560 .726
respondents. In all, 500 questionnaires were distributed and to use
385 copies were retrieved and found fit for data analysis. The I am satisfied with the speed of 1.76 0.627 -.761
the web portal
data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. I am satisfied with how quickly 1.73 0.662 -.710
the web portal loads pages and
The user interface of PG school 1.90 0.709 .700
Demographic characteristics of respondents web portal measures up to
global standard
Table 1 presents the demographic characteristics of the
respondents. Males accounted for (53.3%) of the respondents, Information Quality
while (46.7%) were females. Respondents between ages 25-29 The information on the PG 1.75 0.705 .-759
accounted for the highest percentage (50.2%), followed by school portal is always timely
those within ages 30-34years (25.7%). Those between 18- The information on the PG 1.73 0.938 -.704
24years were (15.4%), while those between 35-39years and school portal is always accurate
40-44years accounted for (3.8%) and (3.1%) respectively. (accuracy)
Those between age groups 45-49 and above 50 accounted for The information on the PG 1.26 0.570 .704
school portal is usually relevant
(0.9%) respectively. (relevance)

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents Service Quality

The support staff of UI Pg 1.83 0.758 ..660
Variables Measurement Frequency Percent School are technically
Age 18-24yrs 49 15.5 competent (competence)
25-29yrs 160 50.2 The support staff of U.I. PG 1.93 0.544 -.804
30-34yrs 82 25.7 school are fast in attending to
complaint (speed)
35-39yrs 12 3.8 The support staff of U.I. PG 1.95 0.707 .838
40-44yrs 10 3.1 school are very reliable
45-49yrs 3 0.9 (reliability)
Above 50yrs 3 0.9
Technological and
Gender Male 170 53.3 Infrastructural factors
Female 149 46.7 Unstable power supply is a 1.32 0.640 -672
major challenge to user
VIII DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF COMPONENTS The PG school portal is very 1.40 0.685 -.778
EXTRACTION AND FACTOR LOADINGS slow and need to be upgraded
Lack of sufficient internet 1.27 0.579 .719
Table 2 presents the summary of the principal components facilities around the university
limits user satisfaction
extracted variables that explains users satisfaction in using
the PG school web portal with their factor loadings and the User Satisfaction
corresponding mean and standard deviation. In the system I am satisfied with the overall 1.78 0.666 -700
quality segment, The user interface of PG school web portal system quality of P.G. school
web portal
measures up to global standard has the highest mean score
I am satisfied with the overall 1.66 0.668 .707
(1.90) and the highest standard deviation (0.709) compared to information quality of U.I.
other factors within the group. I am satisfied with the speed school web portal
of the web portal has a mean of (1.76) with a standard I am satisfied with the overall 1.83 0.671 .851
service quality of U.I. school
deviation of (0.627). I am satisfied with how quickly the web web portal

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Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

Under the information quality section, The information on H2: There is no significant relationship between the
the PG school portal is always timely has the highest mean information quality and users satisfaction on the U. I PG
score (1.75) with a standard deviation of (0.705), while The School web portal.
information on the PG school portal is always accurate has The result shows a moderate but positive relationship ( =
mean (1.73) and the highest standard deviation (0.938). The 0.153, t= 2.669) [F(4,259) = 32.023], p = .008, between
information on the PG school portal is usually relevant has information quality and user satisfaction. Information quality
the least mean score (1.26) and the highest standard deviation of the U.I PG school web portal is a significant predictor of
(0.570). The three components account for (61.309%) of the users satisfaction of the information system web portal. Since,
total variability and can be used to represent the entire group. p<0.05, we reject the null hypothesis (see Table 3).
In the service quality section, The support staff of U.I. PG
school are very reliable has the highest mean score (1.95) and H3: There is no significant relationship between the service
a deviation from the mean (0.707). The support staff of U.I. quality and users satisfaction on the U. I PG School
PG school are fast in attending to complaint has a mean score web portal.
of (1.93) and standard deviation (0.544), while The support The interaction between service quality and users satisfaction
staff of UI Pg School are technically competent has the least show a high positive correlation ( = 0.223, t = 4.106)
mean score (1.83) and the highest standard deviation (0.758). [F(4,259) = 32.023], p = .000. The t value shows that service
Together the three components extracted accounted for quality (t=4.106) is next to system quality (t=6.781) in terms
(73.34%) of the total variability and is considered sufficient to of its impact on users satisfaction. At p<0.05, we reject the
represent the entire group. null hypothesis and state that service quality significantly
In technological/infrastructural factor segment, The PG influences the satisfaction of users of the web portal system
school portal is very slow and need to be upgraded has the (see Table 3).
highest mean score (1.90) and the highest standard deviation
(0.685) and Lack of sufficient internet facilities around the H4: There is no significant relationship between
university limits user satisfaction has the least mean (1.27) infrastructural and technical issues and users satisfaction of
with a standard deviation of (0.579). Unstable power supply the U. I PG School web portal.
is a major challenge to user satisfaction has a mean of (1.32)
The result (see Table 3) of the interaction between
with a deviation from the mean (0.640). There cumulative
infrastructural/technical issues and user satisfaction reveal a
eigenvalues (1.644, 0.866, and 0.756) accounted for (81.64%) significant but negative correlation ( = -0.111, t = -2.174, p =
of the total variation, together these variables are sufficient to .031) [F(4,259) = 32.023], between both items. There is a
represent the group. significant relationship between technological/infrastructural
Under the user satisfaction section, I am satisfied with the issues and users satisfaction of the U. I PG school web portal.
overall service quality of U.I. school web portal has the At p<0.05, we reject the null hypothesis.
highest mean score (1.83) with the highest standard deviation
(0.671), while I am satisfied with the overall information Table 3 shows the summary result of the interaction between
quality of U.I. school web portal has the least mean score of system quality, information quality, service quality,
(1.66) and a deviation from the mean (0.668). I am satisfied infrastructure /technological factor and users satisfaction.
with the overall system quality of P.G. school web portal has
a mean score (1.78) and the least standard deviation (0.666).
The three components account for (88.87%) of the total
variability and hence, can be used to represent the entire items
of user satisfaction. Table 3: Summary Regression result of the relationship
between measures of information system success and users
satisfaction of the PG school web portal system.
Dependent Factor: Beta t Sig
H1: There is no significant relationship between System User Satisfaction
Quality and Users Satisfaction of the U. I PG School web
portal. Independent
The result (see Table 3) shows a positive correlation ( = System Quality .380 6.781 .000*
0.380, t = 6.781) [F(4,259) = 32.023], between system Information .153 2.669 .008**
quality and user satisfaction. The table shows that system Quality
quality has the highest t value, this implies that system Service Quality .223 4.106 .000*
quality has more impact on users satisfaction than other Technological/Infr -.111 - .031**
measures. At p<0.05, we reject the null hypothesis, and astructure factor 2.174
conclude that system quality significantly influence users *significant at 0.01 ** significant at 0.05
satisfaction of U.I PG school web portal system.

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Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

elsewhere. Furthermore, this study confirms the universality of

the system quality attribute in predicting IS performance.
Similarly, many studies have observed the importance of
Fig 3: The resultant conceptual model depicting the result of system quality on user satisfaction on different types of
IS measures on user satisfaction of UI PG school web portal. information systems. Gelderman, [23] found system quality to
be significantly related to user satisfaction of a management
System = 0.380 information system. Likewise, in a knowledge management
Quality system, system quality was also found to be strongly related to
user satisfaction [24], [25], [26]. In two different studies, [27],
[28] on web sites, system quality, measured as reliability and
Information = 0.153
download time, was significantly related to user satisfaction.
Satisfaction Furthermore, [56], found perceived ease of use to be
of Web significantly related to user satisfaction. There is therefore,
Service = 0.223 portal IS strong support for the relationship between system quality and
user satisfaction [22]. Researchers, have also examined IS in
more general terms and found a strong relationship between
system quality and user satisfaction using a variety of
Infrastructural measures and IS [29], [30], [31], [5], [32], [33], [34], [35],
factors = - 0.111 [36]. However, on the contrary, [57] found no relationship
between the complexity of a system and user satisfaction.
Information Quality and User Satisfaction
The study observed the significance of information quality on
user satisfaction of the PG school web portal, measured in
The ever increasing budget on information technology (IT) terms of understandability, completeness, timeliness, currency,
despite pressure on the part of management to cut costs is a accuracy, and relevance of the information it contains. These
recurrent issue facing many organization. This has attributes underlie the perception of users and form a criteria
necessitated the need for organizations to measure and for judging system efficiency. The relationship between
examine the benefits and costs of technology. The impacts of information quality and user satisfaction are also strongly
IT are often indirect and influenced by human, organizational, supported in literature [22], [25]. Studies [32], [38], [36], [24],
and environmental factors [55]; therefore, measurement of [37], [26] have found a consistent relationship between
information systems (IS) success is both complex and illusive. information quality and user satisfaction at the individual unit
There are IS that range from hedonic, developed for pleasure of analysis. Studies [27], [28] specifically examining the
and enjoyment, to utilitarian, developed to improve individual information quality aspects of Web sites, such as content and
and organizational performance [3]. Organizations focus on layout, have found significant relationships between these
developing, using, and evaluating utilitarian IS. There is an constructs and user satisfaction. Marble [38], however, did not
excess of utilitarian IS used in organizations, such as decision find a significant relationship between measures of
support systems, computer-mediated communications, e- information quality and user satisfaction of two organizational
commerce, knowledge management systems, as well as many IS examined in his study. At the organizational level of
others. However, this study considered the web portal analysis, support also exists for the effect of information
utilitarian information system and how users (postgraduate quality on user satisfaction, but there are not enough studies
students) perceive its functionality in satisfying their demands examining this relationship to reach a strong conclusion. In a
on the system. The results show the wholesome significance qualitative study on system success, data quality and user
of the information system interactions on user satisfaction. satisfaction, measured by user attitudes, were found to be
The discussion is based on the outcomes of these interactions. directly related to one another [58]. Another qualitative case
study identified multiple comments from respondents
suggesting an association between information quality (i.e.,
System Quality and User Satisfaction content, accuracy, timeliness, and format) and user satisfaction
The influence of system quality on user satisfaction further [59]. Furthermore, a quantitative study also found a significant
reaffirm the importance of this construct in a contemporary link between information quality and managerial satisfaction
information system. The culture that precedes peoples of hardware, software, and support of an information system
expectation of an information system demands systems to be [60]. The findings of this study on PG school web portal
flexible and easy to use even for novice. Highly rated system is consistent with studies already observed in literature
information system are expected to be reliable, user friendly, and confirms the importance of information quality in a
fast response, while also offering every functionality that Nigerian academic information system environment.
places it above or at least at par with competing systems

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International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (ISSN: 2279 0764)
Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

Service Quality and User Satisfaction in service quality expectation of the system user. The
This study found service quality to be a significant attribute in importance of stable power supply is sublime for information
measuring user satisfaction of U.I PG school web portal system efficiency just as infrastructural provision; especially
information system. Service quality is measured in terms of internet facilities would enhance positively the experience of
performance of service personnel in response to complaint and users. Infrastructural and technological issues are key
issues arising from system abnormalities. The responsiveness determinants of satisfaction in the perception of users of
of support staff goes a long way in addressing problems information system as revealed in this study. This finding is
encountered by users. In addition to this is the technical consistent with [42], [19], [14], [15], [16] on the significance
competence of the support personnel, which is equally vital in of Technological dimensions on IS success. Infrastructural
addressing complexities associated with system attributes. The facilities were found to be positively related with IS success
value of empathy and speed of response are vital parts of and adoption [14]. In an empirical study by [14], IS
service expected by the users. The latter emphasizes that the infrastructure was found to be one of the top predictors of IS
response time to compliant be short while the former instills success among several factors investigated. In a related study,
the notion of respect and humility in attitude of the support [62] found that the technology used for development was
personnel. Moreover, several studies have examined the associated with technical implementation success. Yet, in a
relationship between service quality and user satisfaction; study by [45], they found that physical IT infrastructure
however, the findings of these studies suggest mixed support contributed to e-business adoption in European firms. The
for this relationship. The inconsistent findings may be due to study is of the view that provision of sufficient and good
the multiple methods adopted by researchers in measuring this facilities in any electronic government project implementation
construct. Some researchers have looked at service quality by will result in implementation success. The observed literature
examining the characteristics of the support personnel; gives credence to our finding that technological and
however, examining the relationship between personnel infrastructural issues are positively correlated, hence, a good
characteristics and user satisfaction has produced mixed predictor of information system users satisfaction.
results. Choe[39] found that IS personnel experience does not
significantly affect user satisfaction of accounting IS in XI CONCLUSION
Korean firms. A study by [40] found that the technical The benefits of the investment in the U.I. PG school
performance of the developers (based on their responsiveness information system web portal was weighed against users
to problems) was positively related to user satisfaction. Yoon assessment of the portals attributes; namely system quality,
[30] had a similar result in that developer skill had a information quality, service quality and technological and
significant effect on user satisfaction of expert systems. Chiu infrastructural issues. The study found all the information
[37] examined the role of support on user satisfaction in an e- system attributes to significantly predict user satisfaction.
learning environment and found a non-significant relationship. System quality has the highest impact, while infrastructural
Choe (1996)[39] also examined the role of training and issues had the least impact on users satisfaction of the web
education on user satisfaction of an information system and portal. The findings of this study could be a signal on the need
found no significant relationship at any stage of IS for the university authority to take proactive measures through
implementation. Examining service quality more broadly, timely maintenance and upgrade of the web portal IS system,
rather than just in terms of personnel and training, there is still and addressing the technological and infrastructural
mixed support for its effect on user satisfaction. Using the impediments observed in the study.
SERVQUAL instrument, which examines the expectations
and perceptions that users have on service quality, [61], XII RECOMMENDATION
similarly, found that service quality is positively and
significantly related to user satisfaction of information Based on the findings from this study, the following
services in a survey of undergraduate students rating the recommendations are made:
universitys computing services department. 1. Since system, service and information qualities were
major determinants of users satisfaction, the University
Technological/Infrastructural factors and user satisfaction authority should implement and enforce an IT policy that
This study revealed the significant effect of technological and will ensure the efficient management, timely maintenance
infrastructural issues on users satisfaction of U.I PG school and upgrade of the information system to maximize users
web portal system. The significance of this construct in satisfaction.
measuring user satisfaction in the Nigerian environment is 2. Since technological and infrastructural issues were
greatly emphasized, partly as a result of lack of standardized impediments to user satisfaction, the university authority
and world class infrastructural deployment and on the other should consider the provisioning of autonomous power
hand, due to the weak maintenance culture peculiar with the plant, in addition to large scale investment in internet
Nigerian system. This unique characteristics of the Nigerian infrastructure as well as ensuring wholesome availability
situation however is never palatable with information system of internet services to all students in the university
users, since the seemingly culture cannot replace for efficiency community.

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Volume 03 Issue 06, November 2014

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