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S.No. 6057 19UCAS02

(For the candidates admitted from 2019–2020 onwards)


Fourth Semester


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A — (15 × 1 = 15 marks)

Answer ALL the questions.
1. HTML is an acronym for ___________

(a) Hyper Tool Markup Link

(b) Hyper Text Markup Language
(c) Hyper Tool Markup Language
(d) Hyper Text Markup Link
2. JavaScript is used to write ___________
(a) client side
(b) server side
(c) both client and server side
(d) none of these
3. CSSs can be used to ___________ the appearance of
any HTML element that encloses content.

(a) create (b) select

(c) modify (d) set

4. How many kinds of list elements available in


(a) 2 (b) 3

(c) 4 (d) 5

5. In Form, a pull-down list is created by using

___________ element.

(a) Radio (b) Input

(c) Checkbox (d) Select

6. Which one of the following is not ail attribute of

the table element?

(a) align (b) border

(c) ceilpadding (d) celispacing

7. An indivisible lexical unit defined with in a

programming language is known as

(a) variable (b) keyword

(c) literal (d) token

2 S.No. 6057
8. Which one of the following is not a basic data type
in JavaScript?

(a) numbers (b) strings

(c) int (d) boolean

9. Which method is used for getting input from users

in JavaScript?

(a) prompt( ) (b) alert( )

(c) Input( ) (d) DialogBox( )

10. For a Queue, ___________ method to remove oldest


value (the value at index 0).

(a) push( ) (b) pop( )

(c) shift( ) (d) unshift( )

11. JavaScript supports an ___________ object for


creating, using, and manipulating related values.

(a) string (b) array

(c) data (d) list

12. To access the contents of Forms, Arrays _________

is used.

(a) prompt[ ] (b) alert[ ]

(c) index[ ] (d) elements[ ]

3 S.No. 6057
13. ___________ is defined as unit of code that accept
input, performs operations and return result.
(a) function (b) array
(c) token (d) expression

14. Which one of the following is not an event-handler

in JavaScript?
(a) onbiur (b) onehange
(c) onpress (d) onfocus

15. Which value is returned by eval(“3+4/5”) in

(a) 0
(b) string value is not evaluated
(c) 1.4
(d) 3.8

SECTION B — (2 × 5 = 10 marks)
Answer any TWO questions out of Five.

16. Write a short note on minimum requirement of

elements for a basic HTML document.

17. Explain the ordered list element in HTML with


18. Discuss about Comments in JavaScript with

4 S.No. 6057
19. Explain one dimensional Array concept in
JavaScript with a script.

20. Write the syntax for generic function in

JavaScript and explain it.

SECTION C — (5 × 10 = 50 marks)
Answer ALL the questions.
21. (a) Explain in detail Background properties and
Text properties that can be specified in style
(b) Discuss about four important kinds of Links
used in HTML document with examples.
22. (a) Elucidate about Merging cells across Rows
and Columns with suitable HTML document.
(b) Describe :
(i) All the attributes of the Form element.
(ii) The various values for the Type
attribute of Input element.
23. (a) Write Ten useful string object’s methods,
description and examples.
(b) Write a HTML document with else if
statement in JavaScript and explain it.

5 S.No. 6057
24. (a) Describe about hiding the contents of a
JavaScript code.
(b) Write a HTML document for adding the
values in first Three Textboxes in the Form,
and display the sum in fourth Textbox using
array elements[ ].

25. (a) Write a HTML document with Form element

and JavaScript function to calculate Area of
(b) Write a HTML document with recursive
function in JavaScript to calculate nth
Fibonacci number.


6 S.No. 6057

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