CS8601-Mobile Computing Iq
CS8601-Mobile Computing Iq
CS8601-Mobile Computing Iq
Regulation – 2017
Prepared by
Introduction to Mobile Computing – Applications of Mobile Computing- Generations of Mobile
Communication Technologies- Multiplexing – Spread spectrum -MAC Protocols – SDMA- TDMA-
Q. Questions BT Competence
No Level
1 What is Mobile computing? BTL1 Remember
2 Tabulate the generations of mobile communication technologies. BTL1 Remember
3 Describe the characteristics of a communication device. BTL2 Understand
4 List the applications of Mobile Computing BTL1 Remember
5 Point out the features of 2.5 g communication technology. BTL4 Analyze
6 Give the advantages of mobile computing. BTL2 Understand
7 List the dimensions of multiplexing. BTL1 Remember
Describe the transport technologies used across generations of cellular BTL1 Remember
8 networks.
9 Point out the issues of MAC Protocol. BTL4 Analyze
10 Define multiplexing. BTL1 Remember
11 Illustrate the Structure of FHSS transmitter. BTL3 Apply
12 Classify the MAC Protocols. BTL4 Analyze
Distinguish between direct sequence spread spectrum and frequency BTL2 Understand
hopping spread spectrum.
14 Describe the Characteristics reservation based TDMA. BTL2 Understand
15 Show the schematic operation of CDMA scheme. BTL3 Apply
16 Classify hidden terminal and exposed terminal problem with the help BTL3 Apply
ofa diagram.
Compose a role which is played by MAC protocols in Mobile BTL6 Create
17 computing.
18 Assess why SDMA is not used in isolation. BTL5 Evaluate
Develop a MACA Protocol. In which environment is it suitable? BTL6 Create
19 Justify your answer.
Formulate a reason why Collision Detection based protocol is not BTL5 Evaluate
20 suitable for wireless networks.
Q. No Questions BT Level Competence
1 (i) Explain in detail about Mobile Computing. (6) BTL4 Analyze
(ii) Compare the characteristics of cellular Communication systems.
2 Summarize the applications of Mobile computing. (13) BTL2 Understand
Q. No Questions BT Level Competence
1 Generalize the roles and application environments of mobile BTL -6 Create
computing. (15)
2 What do you understand by 2.5G? Mention few characteristics of this BTL-4 Analyze
technology. Analyze how it differs from 2G and 3G. (15)
3 Do you agree with the following statement: “In CSMA/CD protocol, BTL 5 Evaluate
when two nodes transmit on a shared medium, a collision can occur
only when two nodes start transmitting exactly at the same instant?”
Explain your answer. (15)
4 What is MACA protocol? In which environment is it suitable? Briefly BTL6 Create
expain its working. Compose a solution to solve the hidden and
Q. No Questions BT Competence
1. Describe the GSM architecture in detail. (13) BTL 1 Remember
2. Classify various categories of GSM services in detail. (13) BTL 4 Analyze
(i)What are the functions of authentication and encryption in
3. GSM? (7) BTL 3 Apply
(ii)How a GSM network provides security to the customers? (6)
4. (i) Demonstrate protocol architecture of GSM in detail. (10) BTL 3 Apply
10. Discuss about the UTRAN interface of UMTS in detail . (13) BTL 2 Understand
(i)Explain the core network of UMTS architecture. (8)
11. (ii)Explain the radio network controller in detail. (5) BTL 1 Remember
12. Summarize the handover procedures in UMTS networks. (13) BTL 2 Understand
(i) Why UMTS technology is superior to GPRS technology?
13. Justify your answer. (8) BTL 4 Analyze
(ii)Analyze the advantages and limitations of GPRS. (5)
Explain the similarities and dissimilarities between a GSM
14. network and UMTS networks. (13) BTL 4 Analyze
No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Which types of different services does GSM offer? Give some
BTL5 Evaluate
examples and reasons why these services can be separated? (15)
2. Give reasons for handover in GSM and the problems associated
with it. What are the typical steps for handover? What types of
BTL6 Create
handover can occur? Which resources are to be allocated during
data transmission? (15)
3. Analyze the interfaces and signaling used in GSM Network and
BTL4 Analyze
UMTS network. (15)
4. How does UMTS implement asymmetrical communication and
BTL5 Evaluate
different data rates? Explain OVSF code in UMTS. (15)
Mobile IP – DHCP – AdHoc– Proactive protocol-DSDV, Reactive Routing Protocols – DSR, AODV ,
Hybrid routing –ZRP, Multicast Routing- ODMRP, Vehicular Ad Hoc networks ( VANET) –MANET
Vs VANET – Security.
No Questions BT Level Competence
1 Define Mobile IP? Name its Functional entities. BTL-1 Remember
2 What is meant by DHCP? Why does an IP conflict occurs? BTL-1 Remember
Express the role of Subnet Mask , Router address ,DNS address in
3 BTL 2 Understand
BTL5 Evaluate
4 Assess the term ‘Ad-Hoc Network’ in a wireless Communication.
BTL 2 Understand
5 Give the role of agent solicitation message. When it is used?
BTL3 Apply
9 Classify different types of MANET Routing Protocols.
Discuss the three steps used in DSDV for the reconfiguration of Understand
10 BTL 2
path used for ongoing data transfer.
11 Give the advantages of routing in wireless networks. BTL 2 Understand
Analyze the strategies used in Inter zone routing and Intra zone Analyze
12 BTL 4
13 List the disadvantages of DSDV. BTL 1
16 Discriminate between Unicasting and Multicasting. BTL 5
19 Generalize the threats in VANET. BTL 6
20 Remember
Define VANET. BTL 1
No Questions Level Competence
1 (i) Explain the use of a Mobile Node and corresponding node. (7) BTL 5
(ii) Explain the services that are provided by the Home Agent. (6)
2 Describe Route optimization in detail. (13) BTL 1 Remember
No Questions BT Level Competence
1 Give the factors that make mobile ad hoc networks more vulnerable
to security attacks compared to the traditional networks. Also
explain major types of security attacks that are possible in a mobile BTL 6 Create
ad hoc network. Compose a solution to overcome from these types
of attacks. (15)
2 i) Explain the discovery of care of address in the context of BTL5 Evaluate
movement of a mobile to a foreign network. (8)
ii) What do you mean by encapsulation and decapsulation in the
context of mobile IP? Explain why they are needed?
3 What is meant by size and node density of a MANET? Explain these Analyze
two terms and discuss how these two parameters impact the design BTL 4
of a MANET. (13)
4 Analyze the working of DSR and DSDV in detail. (13) BTL 4 Analyze
BTL4 Analyze
13 Differentiate between WTP and WTA.
14 List the classes of WTP Transactions. BTL1 Remember
Design the connection mode and connectionless mode of WSP BTL6 Create
Interpret how synchronization markup language is used to connect BTL2 Understand
a node in internet.
17 Tabulate the different layers used in WAP. BTL1 Remember
Q. No Questions BT Level Competence
1 (i) Discuss in detail about Mobile TCP. (7) BTL2 Understand
(ii) Summarize the TCP approaches used in Mobile Networks.(6)
2 (i) Illustrate the use of WAP in Mobile networks. (7) BTL3 Apply
(ii) Show the architecture of WAP and its working. (6)
3 Demonstrate the WAP Communication Protocols and its BTL3 Apply
components. (13)
4 (i) What is the role of WDP in Mobile Networks. (7)
(ii) How WDP enables transparent communication in the delivery
of packets. (6) BTL6 Create
5 (i) Evaluate the role of WTLS in providing privacy, data BTL5 Evaluate
integrity and authentication. (7)
(ii) Evaluate with the help of a diagram of how WTLS helps in
establishing a secure session. (6)
Describe in detail WTLS class 0, class 1, class 2 initiator and
responder used in WTLS. (13) BTL 2 Understand
7 Remember
(i) Draw the architecture of WSP Session establishment,
Suspension, resume, termination. (7) BTL 1
(ii) Explain in detail WSP as connectionless session service. (6)
8 Explain in detail with a diagram the use of Wireless BTL 1 Remember
Application environment. (13)
9 (i) Point out the use of WAE application models. (7) BTL 4 Analyze
(ii) Explain in detail WTA Logical Architecture. (6)
10 Define short notes on : Remember
(i) WTA voice message. (9) BTL 1
(ii) Classes of libraries in WTA. (4)
11 Describe in detail about the use of WML. (13) BTL 1 Remember
14 Analyze the role of i-mode in mobile computing with a diagram. BTL 4 Analyze
2 What role does initiator and responder play in the transport layer of BTL5 Evaluate
WTLS? Explain in detail. (15)
19. Compose the solutions for security issues in mobile OS. BTL6 Create
20. Differentiate mobile OS with Traditional OS. BTL 1 Remember
No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Explain the special constraints and requirements of mobile OS.(13) BTL5 Evaluate
2. i) Discuss about the evolution and the features of Windows BTL2 Understand
mobile OS (6)
ii) Give the structure of Android software stack and explain. (7)
3. Compare and contrast the various mobile OS. (13) BTL4 Analyze
5 (i) List and explain the components of mobile operating system.(7) BTL1 Remember
(ii) Write short notes on Android SDK. (6)
6. (i)Illustrate mobile device OS with a suitable example. (8) Apply
(ii)Explain the flexibilities that a user would be required to take with
a single tasking operating system is used in the mobile device. (5) BTL3
7. i)Illustrate the architecture of Andriod operating system. (7) Apply
ii)Examine the evolution of Windows OS for mobile. (6) BTL3
8. Write detailed notes on E-Commerce. (13) BTL1 Remember
9. a) What do you understand by M-commerce? Explain the BTL1 Remember
advantages and disadvantages of M-commerce. (5)
b) Identify the situation where micropayments are essential
and how it can be achieved. (8)
10. Generalize the functions of BTL6 Create
(i)B2B Commerce. (8)
(ii) B2C commerce. (5)
11. (i)Identify the properties of mobile payment system. (8) BTL1 Remember
(ii) Describe about mobile payment solutions. (5)
12. Explain the different mobile payment schemes in detail. (13) BTL2 Understand
13. (i)What do you understand by the security issues in mobile payment BTL 4 Analyze
system? (5)
(ii)Analyze the mobile payment security solutions in detail. (8)
14. Explain the ways by which m-payments are settled along with BTL 4 Analyze
any two applications. (13)
No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Assess the special features that an operating system for mobile BTL5 Evaluate
device needs to support compared to the features provided by a
traditional operating system. (15)
2. i)Explain the principle functions of the operating system of a mobile BTL 4 Analyze
device. (8)
ii)Analyze how an example application can be implemented on
mobile device and the specific operating system service that it make
use of. (7)
3. What do you understand by the mobile payment system? Briefly BTL 5 Evaluate
explain an application where mobile payment may be useful.
Explain the different payment systems that are available. (15)
4. Integrate an application where E- commerce is used. Explain the BTL 6 Create
different types of e- commerce involved in the application with the
participants. (15)