Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
(c) Describe web design issues. How developer can design website 07
Q.3 (a) Explain importance of CSS. Write the syntax for defining CSS. 03
(b) Explain BOX Model in CSS. 04
(c) List different font properties in CSS and explain it with suitable 07
Q.3 (a) Explain different types of CSS. 03
(b) Illustrate advantages and limitations of CSS. 04
(c) Write and explain Border and Padding properties in CSS along 07
with suitable examples.
(c) Write a JavaScript code to find out whether the given number is a 07
Palindrome or not.
Q.5 (a) State the difference between session and cookie in PHP. 03
(b) Describe CRUD operations with reference to database in PHP. 04
(c) Explain arrays in PHP. 07
Q.5 (a) What PHP can do with header() command? 03
(b) Differentiate identical and equal operator in PHP. 04
(c) Explain string functions in PHP. 07