STD 12th 2023 Preboard

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1. Which of the following examples represents multilevel inheritance?

(A) Date1 –Date2 and N1-N2 (B) Motherboard is a part of computer
(C)Employee is a kind of a person and teacher is employee
(D) Call to a method

2. In KompoZer, which one of the following dialog boxes will be opened when
we click on Form  Text Area option from menu?
(A) Text Area of Form (B) Text Area Properties
(C) Form Field Properties (D) Advanced Edit Properties

3. Which of the following methods of string class of Java return true if

invoking string is same as str after ignoring case?
(A) Boolean equals ignore case (string str)
(B) int compare To (String str)
(C) Boolean equals (string str)
(D)int length ()

4. In LaTex, which of the following is the very first element in the preamble?
(A) \date (B) \document class {document class name}
(C) \author (D) Chapter

5. Which command of LaTex is used to represent mathematical symbol ‘≠’?

(A) \neq (B) \pm
(C) \mp (D) \geq

6. In LaTex, which character is used to denote a non-breaking space?

(A) % (B) { }
(C) ~ (tilde) (D) \\

7. Which of the following commands is used to compile the Java progam?

(A) Run <filename> (B) execute <file name>
(C) javac <filename> (D) java <filename>

8. Which of the following symbols represents ‘package’ visibility?

(A) # (B) +
(C) ~ (D) –

9. Which object of Browser Object Model is created automatically by the

(A) Frame (B) Form
(C) Document (D) Window

10. In Java, which of the following is a proper example of initializing 1-D array?
(i) int marks [3]={90,100,110}; (ii) int marks [ ]={90,100,110};
(iii) int [ ] marks ={90,100,110};
(A) Only (i) (B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (i) and (iii) (D) (ii) and (iii)

11. Which part of Java looks for unused objects and reclaims the memory that
those objects are using?
(A) new keyword (B) heap area
(C) Constructor (D) garbage area

12. In Java, which logical operator results in complemented result?

(C) OR (D) XOR

13. In VLC Media player, which menu option is used to open playlist?
(A) ViewPlaylist (B) FileOpenPlaylist
(C) ViewOpen Playlist (D) FileOpenMediaPlaylist
14. Which of the following opensource IDE is a complete web development
environment, which provides language support for HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Ruby, Rails, PHP, Python and many more?
(A) KompoZer (B) Blue Griffon
(C) Aptana Studio (D) Amaya

15. Which of the following is a new card payment mechanism launched by

(A) Master Card (B) Visa Card
(C) Google Pay (D) Rupay

16. In which of the following statement of JavaScript, what is object name?

‘document.write(“Hello world”);’?
(A) document.write() (B) write( )
(C) document (D) hello world

17. In Kompozer, which of the following menu options is used to give a

suitable color to the text?
(A) Format  Change text color (B) Format  Text color
(C) Edit  Text color (D) File  Change text color

18. In Java, which property of 1-D array is used to know size of each row?
(A) Size (B) length
(C) sort (D) fill

19. In Publish Page dialog box of KompoZer, in which field of website

information, the actual web address or URL of the website should be
(A) Site name (B) Publishing server
(C) User name (D) HTTP address of homepage
20. In Java, which of the following cannot be invoked explicitly elsewhere in
the program?
(A) Class (B) constructor
(C) Class variable (D) display () method

21. In Java, which of the following classes can be used to get the input from
the keyboard, when input to be typed in hidden form?
(A) Java.util.Scanner (B) java.util.Console
(C) (D) Reader

22. In LaTex, which document class is used for generating presentations similar
to office suites using the beamer package?
(A) Beamer (B) slides
(C) letter (D) book

23. In Java, how many integers’ values can be stored using following array?
(A) 4 (B) 8
(C) 16 (D) 64

24. In KompoZer, which option to Table tab, of Table properties dialog box
shows the number of rows, columns and height and width of the table?
(A) Size (B) Borders and spacing
(C) Table alignment (D) Caption

25. In Java, which method of scanner class scans the next token of the input as
(A) <class name> (B) <object name>
{ {
<variables> <variables>
<methods> <methods>
} }
(C) new <object name> (D) class <class name>
{ {
<variables> <variables>
<methods> <methods>
} }

26. In Java, which type of object must be there, to create an exception object
and throw it explicitly otherwise compile error occurs?
(A) Java.lang.Throwable (B) java.util.Throwable
(C) java.Throwable (D) java.Throwable.Exception

27. In Java which methods of date class returns numbers of milliseconds since
January 1, 1970 GMT?
(A) Date (long elapsed time) (B) long get Time()
(C) Date ( ) (D) void set Time (long elapsed Time)

28. In Kompozer, which of the following menu options is used to open the
recently opened file?
(A) File  Open (B) File  Recently Open Files
(C) File  Recent File (D) File  Recent Pages

29. In Java, which method of file writer class writes the lower 16 bits of ‘c’ to
the stream?
(A) void write (int c) (B) void write (string s)
(C) boolean write (int c) (D) string (write (int c))

30. In Image Properties dialog box of KompoZer, which tab shows radio button
with ‘Alternate text’ option?
(A) Link (B) Location
(C) Dimensions (D) Appearance
31. Which of the following properties should be supported by object oriented
programming language?
(A) Abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance
(B) Aggregation, composition, inheritance abstraction
(C) Generalization, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism
(D) Abstraction, composition, polymorphism, inheritance

32. In Kompozer window, which of the following toolbar is available at the

bottom right side of the window?
(A) Status bar (B) Site toolbar
(C) Edit mode toolbar (D) Composition toolbar

33. Which of the following are data centers, which perform the credit card
transactions and settle funds to the merchant?
(A) Issuing banks (B) Acquiring banks
(C) Processors (D) Payment Gateways

34. In Java, which of the following is same as q&&=p?

(A) q=q p (B) q=q-p
(C) q=q+p (D) q=q && p

35. In Java, which escape code represents ‘carriage return’?

(A) \n (B) \r
(C) \t (D) \f

36. In Java, which of the following is an invalid variable name?

(A) Total Amount (B) birth Date
(C) $ price (D) top 5 students

37. In which property of OOP, only the object that “owns” the data can change
its content?
(A) Encapsulation (B) Data Abstraction
(C) Messaging (D) Aggregation
38. Which of the following HTTP methods does not have any restrictions on
data length?
(A) Set (B) Put
(C) Get (D) Post

39. In Java, which of the following are the constructions of classes that
incorporate other objects?
(A) Variables and literals (B) new keyword and class keyword
(C) accessor and mutator methods (D) composition and aggregation

40. In Java, what will be the value of the variable next, where next= (N%2==0)?
(N/2)(3*N+1); and N is 9?
(A) 4.5 (B) 9
(C) 28 (D) Error

41. In which of the following, the lifetime of the part class depends on the
existence of the owner class?
(A) Abstraction (B) Polymorphism
(C) Composition (D) Aggregation

42. In Java, which method of file class returns an array of abstract path name
denoting the files in the directory?
(A) String [ ] list ( ) (B) long length ( )
(C) File [ ] list files ( ) (D) string get Path ( )

43. Which of the following is an advantage of E-commerce?

(A) Resistance to change (B)Security
(C) Privacy (D) Teamwork

44. Which of the following is a complete Web authoring system which

integrates web page development and web file management?
(A) Menu bar (B) HTML
(C) KompoZer (D) CSS

45. By using which of the following E-Commerce business models, the sharing
of information helps in reducing IT cost, streamline procedures and
government offices cab be more efficient?
(A) G2B (B) G2G
(C) G2C (B) B2C

46. Which of the following security aspects of M-commerce ensures that the
sender of the message cannot deny that he/she has sent the message?
(A) Confidentiality (B) Integrity
(C) Non-repudiation (D) Authorization

47. Which of the following program can be used to enter Unicode characters
into any application?
(A) Google Map (B) Skype
(C) Archive Manager (D) Character Map

48. Which open source editor is an intuitive application that provides web
developers with a simple user interface, which allows them to create
website without requiring in depth technical knowledge?
(A) Amaya (B) BlueGriffon
(C) Aptana Studio (D) KompoZer

49. Which of the following kind of content provides user with the detailed
information on the site like products and services description?
(A) Relevant (B) General
(C) With proper layout (D) Detailed

50. Which of the following application of E-commerce includes examples like

the website of Indian railways?
(A) Online Auctions (B) Marketing and Selling
(C) Information Services (D) Support Services

51. Targeted ads, promotional messages, customer identification on a store

etc. are application of which of the following location based services?
(A) Information or directory services (B) Advertising promotion
(C) Emergency Services (D) Tracking Services

52. In the syntax of attribute declaration in UML notation, which pair bracket
values, users are supposed to specify?
(A) [ ] (B) { }
(C) < > (D) ( )

53. By using which kind of programming language, flexibility is gained by being

able to change or replace modules without disturbing other parts of code?
(A) Procedural Programming (B) Higher Level Programming Language
(C) Object-Oriented Programming Language (D) C Programming Language

54. Which of the following is not a proper example of Hexa-decimal number?

(A) 0XFF7A (B) 0X39N2
(C) 0x532D (D) 0ABC

55. What is the name of data structure, where all instances of class are
allocated memory?
(A) Heap (B) JVM
(C) Garbage Collector (D) Instance

56. Which website is used to download Kompozer?

(A) (B)
(C) (D) All of these

57. Who provides the author with a tool to protect his/her original work from
being used or taken by others without permission?
(A) Copyright (B) Trademark
(C) Steganography (D) Digital Watermarking

58. In class diagram, aggregation is represented using which of the following

(A) Empty diamond symbol (B) Filled diamond symbol
(C) Empty triangle symbol (D) All of these

59. In object oriented terminology, existing class is also known as which class
in inheritance?
(A) Super class (B) Parent class
(C) Sub class (D) (A) or (B)

60. How many primitive data types are there in Java?

(A) 5 (B) 6
(C) 7 (D) 8

61. Variables defined inside methods or blocks are known as which type of
(A) Local variables (B) Instance variables
(C) Class variables (D) Block variables

62. If we want to allow data to be used by others then we write which type of
method in java?
(A) getter (B) setter
(C) main (D) void

63. Storage device of a computer system can be broadly classified into which
(A) Volatile storage (B) Non-volatile storage
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Binary storage
64. When we write data to stream, which type of stream is known in java?
(A) Writer Stream (B) Output Stream
(C) Input Stream (D) Reader Stream

65. The data hierarchy occurs in which of the following order from the smallest
to largest place of data?
(A) file:character:record:field (B) file:character:field:record
(C) character:field:file:record (D) character:field:record:file

66. Give name of CTAN?

(A) Comprehensive Tex Archive Network (B) Compressed Text Network
(C) Compulsory Test Network (D) Common Test Network

67. Which command is used to quit from ‘R’ software?

(A) q( ) (B) quit
(C) exit( ) (D) close

68. What is to be represented on the top section of class diagram, which is a

representation of class?
(A) Name of class (B) Attributes or properties of class
(C) Behavior of operations or methods of class (D) All of these

69. The name used for a constant value is known as what in Java?
(A) String (B) Array
(C) Literal (D) Class

70. Inheritance is generally referred as which type of relationship between two

(A) Partial relationship (B) Full relationship
(C) Exclusive relationship (D) ‘is a kind’ of relationship

71. What is the default value of Boolean data type of Java?

(A) False (B) True
(C) 0 (Zero) (D) 1

72. What is the full form TAR?

(A) Tape Achiever (B) Taper Attacker
(C) Tape Analyzer (D) Tape Administrator

73. Which protocol is used for securing web transactions on the Internet?

74. Which tab shows all details of HTML code that helps in editing the source
code on the left side of page pane of KompoZer?
(A) Design (B) Split
(C) Source (D) All of these

75. From the following which is not an event in JavaScript?

(A) Abort (B) Alert
(C) Click (D) Submit

76. Which of the following toolbar is not available in Kompozer?

(A) Preview Toolbar (B) Format Toolbar-1
(C)Format Toolbar-2 (D) Composition Toolbar

77. Which of the following is not an advantage of CSS?

(A) CSS makes web designer’s job easier
(B) CSS makes webpages loading faster as compared to HTML
(C) CSS makes website designing quick and efficient
(D) CSS compatibly varies with different browsers

78. Which of the following is an attribute of HTML<form> element?

(A) Method (B) Type
(C) Value (D) Initial section
79. In KompoZer, which option of ‘Table’ tab of ‘Table Properties’ dialog box is
used to align the table, as left, right or center?
(A) Size (B) Border and Spacing
(C) Table Alignment (D) Caption

80. In Kompozer which menu-option is used to publish a website?

(A) File  Publish (B) Insert  Page  Publish
(C)Format  Publish (D) View Publish

81. Which of the following payment card has a microchip embedded on its
(A) Smart Card (B) Debit Card
(C) Credit Card (D) Charge Card

82. Which of the following is not used for comment in Java?

(A) // (B) /* …..*/
(C) //* ….*// (D) /** ….*/

83. In Java, which statement is used to skip the following statements in a loop
and continue with next iteration?
(A) Break (B) continue
(C) go (D) run

84. In HTML, which of the following attribute of form is used to specify where
to send the form data when the form is submitted?
(A) Action (B) input
(C) Value (D) submit

85. When will the page title be displayed when webpage is viewed in the
(A) On status bar (B) on Menu bar
(C) On Title bar (D) on Main window

86. Which of the following statement is used to return a value in a function of

(A) Return (B) function
(C) Select (D) send

87. Which of the following open source WYSIWYG HTML editor supports
languages like English, Dutch, German etc.?
(A) Aptana Studio (B) Kompozer
(C) BlueGriffon (D) Amaya

88. Which of the following is not an example of Consumer to Consumer E-

commerce business model?
(A) (B)
(C) (D)

89. Which of the following stands for UML?

(A) United Main Lan (B) United Model Language
(C) Unified Modeling Language (D) Union Model Language

90. Polymorphism is achieved using how any types of overloading?

(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 6

91. What is the machine language for the Java Virtual machine known as?
(A) Java Source code (B) Java Application code
(C) Java Program code (D) Java Byte code

92. ________ is used to represent a collection of homonogeneous types of

(A) Function (B) Array
(C) Procedure (D) Switch
93. What kind of alert( ) function in JavaScript?
(A) Modular (B) (C) and(D) both
(C) Inbuilt function (D) User defined

94. Which numeric digits are used for Hexadecimal number (16 digits) Integer
literals in Java?
(A) 0 to B and A to F (B) 0 to 9 and A to F
(C) 0 to 15 (D) 0 to 16

95. In Java what will be the result of arithmetic expression 8%3?

(A) 8 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 2

96. Which step of creating an object from a class initializes the newly created
(A) New (B) Instantiation
(C) Declaration (D) Initialization

97. From the following which is not compiled or Interpreted in Java?

(A) Loops (B) Function
(C) Comment (D) Variable

98. What stands for AM and PM in Integer constant of calendar class?

(A) 0 and 1 (B) 1and1
(C) 1 and 0 (D) None of these

99. In Java, which of the following class provides a method for reading
(A) Console (B) FileOutputStream
(C) FileInputeStream (D) Scanner
100. Which text editor is used to create LaTeX document?
(A) SciTE (B) gedit
(C) Notepad (D) (A) or (B)


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