Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Next, we discuss the concept of an inner product (we will assume that V is a vector space C).
A (Hermitian) inner product is a map (·, ·) : V × V → C with the following properties:
Let’s consider some examples. First, consider V = Cn , whose vectors are of the form
|zi = . , z1 , . . . , zn ∈ C . (2.6)
which we can check satisfies all of the required properties of an inner product.
A more exciting example is the vector space of square-integrable functions on the interval [0, 1],
ˆ 1
dx f ∗ (x)f (x) < ∞ ,
V = f : [0, 1] → C (2.8)
Lecture 2 8.321 Quantum Theory I, Fall 2017 6
as we discussed in the last lecture, which can be endowed with the inner product
ˆ 1
(f, g) = dx f ∗ (x)g(x) . (2.9)
Now we introduce a bit of terminology. The vectors we have been discussing are referred to as
kets. Two kets are orthogonal if (|αi, |βi) = 0. The norm of a ket is given by
N := (|αi, |αi) := k|αik . (2.10)
Using this norm, we can normalize any nonzero ket by defining
|α̃i = |α i , (2.11)
which has
(|α̃i, |α̃i) = 1 . (2.12)
If the |φi i form an orthonormal basis, then we find that ci = hφi |αi. Thus, if we have an orthonormal
basis, then we can write any ket in the form
|αi = |φi ihφi |αi. (2.18)
2.1.4 Operators
Recall the second postulate of quantum mechanics: observables are represented in quantum me-
chanics as Hermitian operators acting on the Hilbert space H (from here on out, we will consider
states in the Hilbert space H rather than an arbitrary vector space V ). In order to understand this
statement, we first need to understand what an operator is, and then we must understand what a
Hermitian operator is.
An operator is an object that acts on a ket and returns another ket. Thus, if X is an operator,
then X acts on a ket |αi ∈ H as
X(|αi) := X|αi ∈ H , (2.19)
where the right-hand side is a naming convention. Two operators A and B are said to be equal
(A = B) if and only if A|αi = B|αi for all |αi ∈ H.
We introduce an addition operation ‘+’ on the space of operators, which is commutative and
associative: for all operators X, Y, Z, we have
X +Y =Y +X,
X + (Y + Z) = (X + Y ) + Z .
We will primarily be interested in linear operators: a linear operator X satisfies the property
for all cα , cβ ∈ F and |αi, |βi ∈ H. We can also define the notion of an anti-linear operator: an
anti-linear operator X satisfies
for all |αi ∈ H. Using an orthonormal basis {|φj i}, we can then express this bra as
hβ|X = hβ |X |φj ihφj | . (2.24)
We also define multiplication of operators, such that for all operators X, Y and |αi ∈ H,
Note that ha0 |X|a00 i ∈ C is simply a number. Thus, all information about X is equivalently
contained in the complex numbers ha0 |X|a00 i, given any orthonormal basis |{a0 }i. This defines an
n × n matrix with complex entries corresponding to each operator X. For this reason, we will often
use the words “operator” and “matrix” interchangeably if the chosen basis is clear, even though
the concept of an operator is more fundamental.
d †
−i = −i . (2.43)
dx dx
You may recognize this as the momentum operator in one-dimensional quantum mechanics.
A third example is the identity operator 1, which we have already seen.
For some operators, we can define an inverse operator: for an operator A, its inverse operator
A−1 (if it exists) satisfies
A−1 A = AA−1 = 1 . (2.44)
Inverse operators are not guaranteed to exist.
Of special interest to us are unitary operators: a unitary operator U is one that satisfies
U −1 = U † . These are useful because they preserve the inner product:
hβ|U † (U |αi) = β U −1 U α = hβ|αi .
with a ∈ C, then |αi is an eigenket or eigenstate of the operator A, with eigenvalue a. The spectrum
of an operator A is the set of its eigenvalues {a}.
We now prove an important theorem regarding the eigenkets and eigenvalues of Hermitian
Theorem 1 (Spectral Theorem). If A is a Hermitian operator, A = A† , then
1. all eigenvalues ai of A are real, and
Aa0 = a0 a0 ,
a A = a00 (a00 )∗ .
Multiplying Eq. (2.47a) by ha00 | on the left and multiplying Eq. (2.47b) by |a0 i on the right yields
00 0
a Aa = a0 a00 a0 ,
00 ∗ 00 0
00 0
a Aa = a
a a . (2.48b)
If |a0 i = |a00 i, then this proves that (a0 )∗ = a0 , which means that a0 ∈ R. If |a0 i =
6 |a00 i and we have
a = 00 00 0 0 00
6 a , then this proves that ha |a i = 0, i.e., |a i and |a i are orthogonal. This completes the
If we normalize each eigenket |ai i of a Hermitian operator, so that hai |ai i = 1, and have chosen
the eigenkets so that distinct eigenkets with the same eigenvalue are orthogonal, then Thm. 1 tells
us that we have
hai |aj i = δij , (2.50)
i.e., the normalized eigenkets are orthonormal. We can then decompose
A= a|aiha| . (2.51)
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