MIT8 321F17 Lec4
MIT8 321F17 Lec4
MIT8 321F17 Lec4
is the eigenket of the operator S ~ · n̂ with the eigenvalue ± ~ . This uses the fact that the eigenvalues
of the spin projection along any axis are always ± ~2 . We can deduce this by noting that we could
have chosen any axis originally as the quantization axis, but you should also try to prove it by
expressing a general S ~ · n̂ as a matrix and computing its eigenvalues.
For example, the eigenkets of S x are
S x = + ~2 = √ (|+i ± |−i) , (4.6)
with eigenvalues ± ~2 . We can prove this using the fact that S x corresponds to the matrix
~σ x
x ~ 0 1
S ↔ = . (4.7)
2 2 1 0
We can then compute
x ~ 2
Prob S = + = S x = + ~2 ψ
= √ (h+| + h−|)(c+ |+i + c− |−i)
2 (4.8)
= √ (c+ + c− )
= |c+ + c− |2 .
Lecture 4 8.321 Quantum Theory I, Fall 2017 22
1. First, we discussed feeding the beam through a z-axis filter, and then taking the S z = + ~2
output and feeding it through yet another z-axis filter. The result is that all of the atoms
come out of the filter with S z = + ~2 . This corresponds to the collapse of the wavefunction;
the wavefunction has collapsed after the first measurement, and so the second measurement
returns the same result without further altering the wavefunction.
2. Next, we considered feeding the beam through a z-axis filter, and then taking the S z = + ~2
output and feeding it through an x-axis filter. The result is that 50% of the atoms come out
with each of S x = ± ~2 . We can see this from the calculation in Eq. (4.8), with c+ = 1, c− = 0.
3. Finally, we considered feeding the beam through a z-axis filter, feeding the S z = + ~2 output
through an x-axis filter, and then feeding the S x = + ~2 output through another z-axis filter.
The result is again that 50% of the atoms come out with each of S z = ± ~2 . In this context,
we reached the conclusion that we cannot simultaneously measure S z and S x . These are
incompatible observables.
[S z , S x ] = i~S y 6= 0 . (4.9)
Given a Hilbert space, we can ask what is the maximum number of mutually compatible observ-
ables we can find. A complete set of commuting observables is a set of observables {A, B, C, . . . }
such that all pairwise commutators vanish,
and such that for any a, b, c, . . . , there is at most one solution to the eigenvalue equation
A|αi = a|αi ,
B|αi = b|αi ,
C|αi = c|αi , (4.11)
ψ A2 ψ = a2 ,
hψ|A|ψi = a ,
Proof. We will make use of the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality: for all |ai, |bi ∈ H,
δA = A − hAi ,
δB = B − |Bi ,
Note that δA and δB are Hermitian, but there is no guarantee that their product is Hermitian.
However, we know that we can write
δAδB + δBδA δAδB − δBδA
δAδB = + . (4.19)
2 2
Lecture 4 8.321 Quantum Theory I, Fall 2017 24
The first term on the right-hand side is Hermitian, while the second is anti-Hermitian. We can
write this more concisely as
1 1
δAδB = {A, B} + [A, B] . (4.20)
2 2
1 1
hδAδBi = h{δA, δB}i + h[δA, δB]i . (4.21)
2 2
The first term on the right-hand side must be real, as the eigenvalues of any Hermitian operator are
real, and the second term on the right-hand side must be imaginary, because any anti-Hermitian
operator can be written as i times a Hermitian operator. Thus, the squared modulus of this quantity
will simply be the sum of the squared moduli of each of these terms. We then have
|hδAδBi|2 = |h{δA, δB}i|2 + |h[δ A, δB]i|2 .
This statement leads to the strongest form of the inequality, but also implies the weaker statement
|hδAδBi|2 ≥ |h[δA, δB]i|2 . (4.23)
Now, note that
[δA, δB] = [A − hAi, B − hBi] = [A, B] , (4.24)
so we have
|hδAδBi|2 ≥ |h[A, B]i|2 . (4.25)
Returning to Eq. (4.18), we then see that
∆A2 ∆B 2 ≥ |hδAδBi|2 ≥ |h[A, B]i|2 , (4.26)
which completes the proof.
ξ 0 ξ 00 = δ ξ 0 − ξ 00 ,
where the Dirac delta “function” δ(x) is defined to be the object satisfying
ˆ ∞
dx δ(x) = 1 (4.30)
Lecture 4 8.321 Quantum Theory I, Fall 2017 25
We can think of this as the limit of a sequence of increasingly peaked functions centered at x = 0,
each with total area 1.
We will also generalize the complete relation
1 = |aiha|
that is familiar from the discrete spectrum case. For continuous spectra, the equivalent statement
is ˆ ∞
1= dξ 0 ξ 0 ξ 0 . (4.33)
This is called resolution of the identity. For an arbitrary state |ψi, we then have
ˆ ∞
|ψi = dξ 0 ξ 0 ξ 0 ψ . (4.34)
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