Grover Clifford Algebra
Grover Clifford Algebra
Grover Clifford Algebra
20 (2010), 477–488
c 2010 Springer Basel AG, Switzerland
0188-7009/030477-12, published online March 9, 2010 Advances in
DOI 10.1007/s00006-010-0206-z Applied Clifford Algebras
1. Introduction
Using classical computers, if we have an unstructured database with N elements
and we are looking for a specific one, we test each database element at a time,
until we hit the one searched for. This takes, in the worst case, O(N ) attempts.
Due to the
√ properties of quantum mechanics, Grover’s algorithm ([3, 4]) requires
only O( N ) trials.
In this paper, we propose to use Clifford algebra in order to present a new
way to describe the operators of Grover’s algorithm and to simplify the calculation
of its computational complexity.
In [2], the authors use Clifford algebra for representing quantum algorithms
in a new way and apply this technique to generalize the Grover’s algorithm. The
main points that are considered here and not mentioned in the reference [2] are
the following: 1-) we present geometric interpretations of the operators of the
Grover’s algorithm, motivated by the geometric concepts of Clifford algebra; 2-)
we represent the operators of the Grover’s algorithm in the language of Clifford
algebra using just basic concepts of this language; 3-) we provide an easy way to
calculate the computational complexity of the Grover’s algorithm (it is important
to stress that the calculation of the computational complexity of an algorithm is
in general a nontrivial task).
In Section 2, we briefly describe the basic concepts of quantum computing
necessary to understand the algorithm. Section 3 presents a review of Grover’s
478 R. Alves and C. Lavor AACA
If one does not measure a qubit, its evolution is described as the effect of a
linear transformation U , the constraint (2.3) being fulfilled throughout the process
(that is, U is a unitary transformation).
In order to consider states with more than one qubit, the concept of tensor
product must be employed. For our purposes, we use the following definition. Given
states |vi ∈ Cm and |wi ∈ Cn , the tensor product |vi ⊗ |wi is given by
v1 |wi
|vi ⊗ |wi = ..
, (2.4)
vm |wi
where v1 , . . . , vm are the vector |vi coordinates. Either notations |vi|wi or |vwi,
besides |vi ⊗ |wi, are used for the tensor product.
Vol. 20 (2010) Clifford Algebra Applied to Grover’s Algorithm 479
As before, a measurement of a generic state |ψi yields the result |i0 i with proba-
bility |αi0 |2 , for 0 ≤ i0 < 2n (note that the orthonormal basis {|0i , . . . , |2n − 1i}
is the computational basis in decimal notation). Usually, the measurement is per-
formed qubit by qubit yielding zeroes or ones that are read together to form i0 .
To end this section, we give more two definitions that will be used later. Given
two vectors |ϕi and |ψi in a vector space V , besides the usual inner product, written
in the form hϕ|ψi, we will also use the outer product |ψihϕ|, defined as a linear
operator on V satisfying
(|ψihϕ|)|vi = hϕ|vi|ψi, ∀|vi ∈ V. (2.7)
More information about quantum computing can be found in Benenti et al.
[1], Hirvensalo [5], Kitaev et al. [6], Nielsen and Chuang [9], Pittenger [10], and
Preskill [11].
3. Grover’s Algorithm
Grover’s algorithm uses n qubits in the first register and 1 qubit in the second one
(Fig. 1). The first step is to create a superposition of all 2n computational basis
states {|0i , ..., |2n − 1i} of the first register which is achieved in the following way.
Initialize the first register in the state |0i · · · |0i and apply the Hadamard operator
1 1 1
H=√ , (3.1)
2 1 −1
on each qubit |0i. For the n-qubit state |0i · · · |0i, the Hadamard operators yield
(Fig. 1)
2 −1
1 X
|ψi = √ |ii . (3.2)
2n i=0
The second register initiates with |1i and, after applying the Hadamard op-
erator, it changes to the state |−i (Fig. 1).
The considered problem deals with the location of a particular element in an
unstructured database with N elements, labeled with the integers from 0 to N − 1.
480 R. Alves and C. Lavor AACA
register |1 H ... |−
(1 qubit) |− |− |−
We assume that N = 2n for some integer n ≥ 2 (Grover’s algorithm does not work
for n = 1).
First, Grover’s algorithm uses a unitary operator Uf , defined by
Uf (|ii |ji) = |ii |j ⊕ f (i)i , (3.3)
where |ii stands for a state of the first register (i ∈ {0, ..., N −1}), |ji is a state of the
second register (i ∈ {0, 1}), ⊕ is the sum modulo 2, and f : {0, ..., N − 1} → {0, 1}
is a function used to recognize the searched element, given by
1, if i is the label i0 of the searched element
f (i) = (3.4)
0, otherwise.
Using the fact that
0 for i = i0
1 ⊕ f (i) = (3.5)
1 for i 6= i0 ,
one may check that
Uf (|ii |−i) = (−1)f (i) |ii |−i , (3.6)
|0i − |1i
|−i = H|1i = √ . (3.7)
Now, applying Uf to the superposition state |ψi, generated at the first step
of the algorithm (Fig. 2), we obtain the following result:
|ψ1 i |−i = Uf (|ψi |−i)
N −1
1 X f (i)
= √ (−1) |ii |−i, (3.8)
N i=0
where |ψ1 i is then the resulting state of the first register.
At the quantum level it is possible to identify the searched element, because
it is the only one with negative amplitude. However, this quantum information
is not fully available at the classical level. A classical information of a quantum
state is obtained by practical measurements, and, at this point, it is of no help to
Vol. 20 (2010) Clifford Algebra Applied to Grover’s Algorithm 481
.. .. .. Uf .. 2|ψψ| − I ..
. . . . .
|0 H
|1 H
|− |−
measure the state of the first register, because it is much more likely that we fail to
obtain the searched element. Before we can perform a measurement, the next step
should be to increase the amplitude of the searched element while decreasing the
amplitude of the others. This is obtained using another unitary operator defined
by (2 |ψi hψ| − I) (Fig. 2). We can think that |ψi is the initial state of the first
register and the computing steps are the applications of the unitary operators Uf
and 2 |ψi hψ|−I (Fig. 2). The composition of these two operators is called Grover’s
operator G (Fig. 1) and is defined by
G = ((2 |ψi hψ| − I) ⊗ I) Uf . (3.9)
In [7], it was proved that the resulting action of Gk (k ∈ N) rotates |ψi
towards |i0 i by kθ degrees, in the subspace spanned by |ψi and |i0 i, where θ is the
angle between |ψi and G|ψi (Fig. 3). With this result, it was also proved that the
number k of times that the operator G must be applied so that the angle between
|i0 i and Gk |ψi becomes zero is given by
arccos √1N
k= . (3.10)
arccos NN−2
Comparing k to N , when N is large, it was deduced that
k π
lim √ = , (3.11)
N →∞ N 4
implying that
k = O( N ). (3.12)
More information about other demonstrations of complexity of Grover’s algorithm
can be found in Benenti et al. [1], Hirvensalo [5], Kitaev et al. [6], Nielsen and
Chuang [9], Pittenger [10], and Preskill [11].
482 R. Alves and C. Lavor AACA
G3 |ψ
G2 |ψ
θ G|ψ
θ |ψ
Since the second register does not change, the application of Uf on the
vector |vi can be viewed as a reflection of |vi across the orthogonal subspace to
|i0 i, spanned by all the other elements of the list. To obtain a visualization of this
fact, consider first the unit projection of |vi on such orthogonal subspace to |i0 i,
denoted by the vector |ui, given by
N −1
1 X
|ui = √ |ii, (4.3)
N − 1 i=0,i6=i
|i0 i
|ψ1 i = Uf |ψi
we can deduce that the vectors |ψi and |i0 i form an angle smaller than π/2
we can deduce that the vectors |ψi and |i0 i form
rad (if N is large, then the angle is nearly
an angle smaller than π/2 rad
π/2 rad) and the vectors |ui and
(if N is |ilarge, then the angle is nearly π/2 rad) and the vectors |ui and |i i form
0 i form an angle π/2 rad. Finally, from (23), (24), and (25), we can obtain a 0
an anglegeometric
π/2 rad.interpretation
Finally, fromfor (4.4), (4.5),
the action of Uand (4.6),
f , given we 4.
in Fig. can obtain a geometric
interpretation Now,for
let the
us consider
action the
of Ugeometric
f , giveninterpretation
in Fig. 4. of the operator 2 |ψi hψ| −
I. First, calculating the projection of the first register of the state
Now, let us consider the geometric interpretation of the operator 2 |ψi hψ|−I.
First, calculating the projection|ψof1 i the first
|−i = register
Uf (|ψi |−i) of the state (26)
hψ|ψ1 i |ψi
|ψ1 i
That is, the action of the operator 2 |ψi hψ| − I can be viewed as a reflection
of |ψ1 i across |ψi, given in Fig. 6. |i0 i
(2 |ψi hψ| − I) |ψ1 i
|ψ1 i
1 X
ψ=√ ej (30)
N j=1
1 XN
u= √ ej , (31)
N − 1 j=1,j6=j
where {e1 , ..., eN } represents the list in which we have to find the searched
element ej0 . From now on, the states of the algorithm will be considered as
elements of ClN [7].
Based on the geometric interpretation of the operator Uf , given in Section
Vol. 20 (2010) Clifford Algebra Applied to Grover’s Algorithm 485
1 X
u= √ ej , (5.2)
N − 1 j=1,j6=j
where {e1 , ..., eN } represents the list in which we have to find the searched element
ej0 . From now on, the states of the algorithm will be considered as elements of
ClN [8].
Based on the geometric interpretation of the operator Uf , given in Section 4,
the resulting state of the application of the operator Uf to the ψ, denoted by ψ1 ,
is then given by (Fig. 4)
ψ1 = uψu−1 . (5.3)
Since u is a unit vector,
ψ1 = uψu. (5.4)
Again, by the results of the Section 4, the resulting state of the application
of the operator 2|ψihψ| − I to the state ψ1 , denoted by ψG , is given by (Fig. 6)
ψG = ψψ1 ψ −1 . (5.5)
Since ψ is a unit vector and from (5.4), we obtain that
ψG = ψψ1 ψ = ψuψuψ. (5.6)
g = ψu, (5.7)
we can write
ψG = g 2 ψ, (5.8)
which implies that the operator G is represented in ClN by g .
In the following theorem, we obtain a representation in ClN for the Grover’s
operator G, depending on N and the elements of the list.
Theorem 5.1. The Grover’s operator G is represented in ClN by the bivector
N −2 2 X
+ ej0 ej ,
where {e1 , ..., eN } is the list in which we have to find the searched element ej0 .
486 R. Alves and C. Lavor AACA
=√ √ (e1 + . . . + ej0 + . . . + eN ) (e1 + . . . + ej0 −1 + ej0 +1 + . . . + eN )
N N −1
1 X X X
=√ √ e1 ej + . . . + ej0 ej + . . . + eN ej
N N − 1 j6=j0 j6=j0 j6=j0
1 X
=√ √ N − 1 + ej0 ej
N N −1 j=1,j6=j0
1 X
=√ √ N − 1 + ej0 ej .
N N −1 j=1,j6=j0
N −1 2 X 1
= + ej0 ej −
N −2 2 X
= + ej0 ej .
v 7→ gvg −1
6. Final Remarks
Grover’s algorithm is a quantum algorithm for searching in unstructured databases,
defined by successive applications of the operator G, given by
where Uf is the operator that identifies the searched element and 2 |ψi hψ| − I
is the operator that increases its amplitude, where |ψi is the superposition of all
database elements with equal amplitudes.
In [7], before determining the necessary amount of applications of G to obtain
the searched element |i0 i, it was necessary to prove that the resulting action of Gk
is to rotate |ψi towards |i0 i by kθ degrees, in the subspace spanned by |ψi and
|i0 i, where θ is the angle between |ψi and G|ψi.
Using the geometric interpretations of the operators Uf and 2 |ψi hψ| − I, we
used Clifford algebra to represent the operator G (6.1) as being the bivector given
N −2 2 X
+ ej0 ej , (6.2)
where {e1 , ..., eN } is the list in which we have to find the searched element ej0 .
Based on this new representation, it was easy to calculate the computational com-
plexity of the algorithm.
In addition to the calculation of the computational cost of quantum algo-
rithms, another important point is how to design quantum circuits to implement
the operators of a quantum algorithm. Thus, an open question is to investigate
how the Clifford algebra could be used in the design of quantum circuits.
488 R. Alves and C. Lavor AACA
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[8] P. Lounesto, Clifford Algebras and Spinnors. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
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We would like to thank Prof. Ricardo Mosna for interesting discussions on Clifford
algebra. We also thank FAPESP and CNPq for their financial support. Finally, we
thank the referees for their valuable comments.