HW 3

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PHYS-4601 Homework 3 Due 27 Sept 2018

This homework is due in the dropbox outside 2L26 by 10:59PM on the due date. You may alter-
nately email a PDF (typed or black-and-white scanned) or give a hardcopy to Dr. Frey.

1. Dyad to Matrix
Let {|1i, |2i, |3i} be an orthonormal basis and the operator

Q = |1ih1| − i|2ih1| + i|1ih2| + 2i|3ih2| − 2i|2ih3| + 4|3ih3| . (1)

(a) Find the matrix element h3|Q3 |1i.

(b) Write Q as a matrix in the {|1i, |2i, |3i} basis. This is the basis where
     
1 0 0
|1i '  0  , |2i '  1  , |3i '  0  . (2)
     
0 0 1

(c) Finally, define a new basis {|e1 i, |e2 i, |e3 i} with

|1i + 2|3i 2|1i − |3i

|e1 i = √ , |e2 i = |2i , |e3 i = √ (3)
5 5
(I have checked for you that this basis is orthonormal). First write Q as a dyad operator
in terms of this new basis and then write Q as a matrix in this basis.

2. Expectation and Uncertainty

Consider an observable L with three eigenvalues +1, 0, and -1 and corresponding eigenstates
| + 1i, |0i, | − 1i. We have a system in state
|ψi = | + 1i + 2eiβ |0i + 2| − 1i . (4)
(a) What is the probability of measuring each of the three eigenvalues of L?
(b) Find the expectation value and uncertainty of a measurement of L.
(c) Another observable A acts on the L eigenbasis as
1 1 1
A| + 1i = √ |0i , A|0i = √ (| + 1i + | − 1i) , A| − 1i = √ |0i . (5)
2 2 2
Find the expectation value and uncertainty of A in state |ψi.

3. Gaussian Wavepacket Part I

Here we take a first look at the Gaussian wavepacket in 1D, which is an important state in
more than one physical system. In this problem, we will consider the state at a single instant
t = 0, ignoring its time evolution. The state is
Z ∞
|ψi = dx Ae−ax |xi . (6)

Note that these results will be useful in future assignments.

(a) Find the normalization constant A. Hint: To integrate a Gaussian, consider its square.
When you square it, change the dummy integration variable to y, then change the integral
over dxdy to plane polar coordinates. The textbook cover also has a formula for Gaussian
(b) Since the wavefunction is even, hxi = 0. Find hx2 i. Hint: You can get a factor of x2 next
to the Gaussian by differentiating it with respect to the parameter a.
(c) Write |ψi in the momentum basis. Hint: If you have a quantity ax2 + bx somewhere, you
may find it useful to write it as a(x + b/2a)2 − b2 /4a by completing the square. Then shift
integration variables so it looks like you have a Gaussian again.
(d) Find hpi and hp2 i and show that this state saturates the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

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